32D1~9 . 2~18 SARAH DE~E~O EX.~SLLAVE 90 YEARS tir ~ bawn in Craflg6 County way back some time in de fαztiES r I‘iis Folly ~1~ite Cain an. ‚ Lars~ Docter Cain ~ ni~ ~vhite folks . I~Tàrse Cain‘ s plantation ~oiried Mistah.2aul C~iii~I~Ofl1S land. ~:ars~ Cai.~~ owrTL€d so ~ iuig.~~rs dat he didn‘ know his own slaves when he met den~ in de road. Sometimes he would stop dem ant say: ~hose niggera am youV Dey~d say, tWe‘s Marse Caints ni.~c~ers.‘ Den he would say, tItS~ Marse Cain,r and drive on. ~ Marse Cain was good to his niggers. . He didn‘ whip dem like some o~mers did, but if dey done mean he sold dem. Dey knew dis so dey minded him. One day gran~pa~py sáss.ed Mis‘ Polly White an‘ sh(~. told him dat i±~ he didn! ‘have hese‘f dat she would put him in her pocket. ~ Gran‘p~py wuz er big man an‘ I ax him how MjSt,POl]j could do dat. ~ saic. ~ht meant dat she would sell him d~en put de money in her pocket. He never did sass Eis‘ Pony no more. I was kept at de big house to wait on Mis‘ Polly, to tote her basket of keys ~ such as dat. Whenever shi seed a chile down in de. ouarters dat she wanted to raise be hand, she took dein up to d~Q big hous.e an.‘ trained dem.. I wuz to be a house maid. ]~.é day she tookin~. my ~ann~cried kaze she knew. I would never be ‘lowed to.liv~at:4e~abiiiwidher no niore I~tis‘ Polly was big ant fat an~ ~ ‘~4! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b$ tQ. keep c~ea~n. .. : .~ • . . . . ..~ : T ~ ~ ~ . .~‚ . ~ :;.~ ~ ~ : ‚ ~ ~ ~