Strategic Plan

2008-2013 Strategic Plan

The Broadcasting Board of Governors' 2008-2013 Strategic Plan is available as a PDF document (1.23 MB).

The plan reaffirms objective journalism as the BBG’s core activity and emphasizes the ongoing – indeed, increased – relevance of our work in a world where extremism and authoritarianism militate daily against freedom and democracy. It also highlights the significance of improving distribution and use of technology to deliver BBG content to target audiences in the ways they prefer to consume it, and of offering audiences the interaction and dialogue with the BBG broadcasters and with one another that they seek in an increasingly networked global information environment.

This is a plan for the BBG as a whole and therefore is a framework, not a blueprint. It lays out the structure within which the BBG entities will develop and link their individual strategic plans. This process of strategic development will progressively yield a set of interconnected plans that will relate specifically how the BBG is accomplishing its mission.

A successful strategic plan is a dynamic document. Annual updates are necessary to keep pace with changes in our operating environments. The Board encourages ongoing employee input. Please direct comments and questions to Bruce Sherman, BBG’s Director of Strategic Planning, at