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In-Service Safety Series
In-Service Safety Series
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III. What To Do

  1. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says that 92% of all crashes are caused by driver POOR performance
    1. Poor performance for school bus drivers is poor vehicle operation
    2. And poor vehicle operation is usually a result of a driver’s bad attitude
  2. So what can you do to avoid stress on the job and to improve your attitude?
  3. Tips for Maintaining A Good Driver Attitude
    1. Get a good night’s sleep; keep alert physically and mentally
    2. Try to leave personal problems at home; seek help if you need it

      a. When you lock your car in the parking lot, lock your problems in too

    3. Arrive at work early

      a. This way you can do a thorough pre-trip inspection and catch up on important news

    4. Greet everyone with a smile and by name
    5. Be patient, even-tempered, and understanding

      a. Show respect if you wish to receive it

    6. Bring a sense of humor to the job; be able to laugh at yourself
    7. Learn to relax

      a. Close your eyes; breathe evenly; think about the tension draining from your body

      b. Repeat “I’m calm” and “I’m good at what I do”

    8. Be free from the effects of alcohol, illegal drugs, and medications — both prescription and over-the-counter
    9. Extend a hand to new drivers
    10. Watch for stressful symptoms in others and alert a supervisor
    11. Be a part of the team

      a. Get involved with bus lot activities

      b. Join with other drivers to solve problems

      c. Participate at safety meetings

    12. Ask questions if you are unsure about something
    13. Believe in your ability to do a good job
    14. You know how you do a pre-trip inspection of your vehicle?
    15. Do a “personal” pre-trip inspection as well
      1. Have you left your personal problems at home?
      2. Are you mentally and physically alert?
      3. Are you ready to greet the job and the students with a smile and an even temperament?
      4. If you are running late, have you taken a few minutes to relax?
    16. Before we finish, let me ask some of the veteran drivers if they have any tips they want to share
      1. What helps you keep a good attitude?

        (Conduct discussion.)

    17. Remember Tom and Harry
    18. Are you ready to be a safe driver?

III.C - Review first page of Handout #1

III.E - Review second page of Handout #1


III.A. Two percent of crashes is caused by knowledge deficit and six percent by equipment deficit.

III.C. Distribute Handout #1, Tips for Maintaining a Good Driver Attitude, and use it to review III.C. through III.E.

III.F.1. Keep the discussion focused and brief. Take this opportunity to discuss any “driver attitude” problems you and/or the participants see occurring in your work environment.

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