Douglas Isbell Headquarters, Washington, DC October 19, 1994 (Phone: 202/358-1547) Mary Beth Murrill Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (Phone: 818/354-5011) RELEASE: 94-174 CASSINI DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT RELEASED The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Cassini mission to Saturn has been released by NASA and will be available for public review and comment for a 45-day period beginning Oct. 21. Cassini is a cooperative scientific mission of the U.S. and European space agencies scheduled for launch in 1997. An Oct. 20 notice in the Federal Register will formally announce the issuance of the DEIS by NASA and give further details on where the public may locate a review copy. The DEIS addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with the planned Cassini mission and reasonable mission alternatives. "We have prepared a comprehensive draft environmental impact statement that describes all of the alternatives that are under consideration as we shape the Cassini mission," said Dr. Earle K. Huckins, Cassini Program Director in the Office of Space Science at NASA Headquarters. "We look forward to the public comments on our draft statement during this review period." The Cassini mission would send a robotic spacecraft on a seven-year journey to the ringed planet after launch aboard a Titan IV/Centaur from Cape Canaveral, FL, in October 1997. The spacecraft would use a series of gravity-assist swingbys of planets including Venus, Earth and Jupiter, to gain enough extra energy to reach Saturn, which orbits nearly one billion miles from the Sun. -more- -2- Upon arrival at Saturn in 2004, the Cassini spacecraft would enter orbit around Saturn to conduct four years of intensive studies of the planet, its rings, magnetic environment and icy moons. About three weeks before Cassini's first flyby of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, the spacecraft would release the European Space Agency's Huygens probe to parachute to Titan's surface. The probe's scientific instruments would study Titan's atmosphere and surface, which are thought to share key characteristics with Earth's early environment before life began. The international mission would result in the most complete characterization ever undertaken of a planetary system beyond Earth and the Moon. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, manages the Cassini project for NASA. Electrical power to operate the Cassini spacecraft systems would be provided by three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). Such generators have been used on 23 previous U.S. space missions, including the Apollo lunar landings, the Voyager flybys of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the Pioneer missions to Jupiter and Saturn, the Galileo mission to Jupiter and the Ulysses solar mission. The Cassini RTGs, provided to NASA by the U.S. Department of Energy, produce electricity from the heat emitted by a non- weapons grade isotope of plutonium. Spacecraft power source options have been extensively evaluated for the Cassini mission and are discussed in the DEIS. Detailed analysis showed that RTGs are the only reliable technology, presently available and tested for use in space, that can meet the spacecraft's power needs for traveling to Saturn and accomplishing the mission's scientific objectives. Analysis provided in the DEIS found that the likely environmental impacts of the mission are limited to those associated with the normal launch of the Titan IV/Centaur launch vehicle. Furthermore, it indicated that the overall risks associated with the mission are low. Representative launch accident scenarios were evaluated for the planned mission and mission alternatives. Extensive Department of Energy testing and evaluation programs have demonstrated the effectiveness of RTGs in containing their plutonium under a wide range of accident conditions. In the unlikely case of a launch accident that resulted in the release of plutonium, the risk to public health is assessed to be negligible. In the even less likely event of an inadvertent atmospheric reentry of Cassini during its Earth swingby, there is a small potential for public health effects, according to studies reported in the DEIS. However, NASA is designing the spacecraft and mission to ensure that the probability of an Earth reentry, after the spacecraft has left Earth orbit, is less than one in one million. -more- -3- The Cassini DEIS is available for public review at each NASA Center. For more information on the DEIS or the Cassini mission, contact Dr. Peter B. Ulrich, Chief of Flight Programs in the Office of Space Science at NASA Headquarters, Code SL, Washington, DC, 20546. - end- NASA press releases and other information are available automatically by sending an Internet electronic mail message to In the body of the message (not the subject line) users should type the words "subscribe press-release" (no quotes). The system will reply with a confirmation via E-mail of each subscription. A second automatic message will include additional information on the service. Questions should be directed to (202) 358-4043.