• IDL FITS I/O Link to information about FITS I/O with IDL
  • ISDIR Find all elements of a list that are a directory (Mallozzi Library)
  • ATV SAOImage-like widget image display routine (ATV Library)
  • IUE Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE)
  • HealPix Homepage Link to the Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelisation (HEALPIX) software
  • UIT Data Analysis Page Link to the Multi-Option UIT Software System Environment (MOUSSE) software
  • FUSE Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the Far Ultraviolet Explorer (FUSE)
  • GHRS Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS)
  • STIS Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)
  • ISO Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)
  • WMAP Data Analysis Page Link to IDL software for the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
  • COBE Data Analysis Software Link to IDL software for the COsmic Background Explorer (COBE)
  • STARFINDER Software Link to STARFINDER software for PSF photometry of AO images
  • HIIPhot Software Link to HIIPhot software for extended source (HII region) photometry
  • BVLS Perform bound constrained linear least-squares minimization
  • VORONOI_2D_BINNING Link to Michele Cappellari's adaptive 2D binning program
  • MGE_FIT_SECTORS Link to Michele Cappellari's Multi-Gaussian Expansion (MGE) fits to galaxy images
  • pPXF Link to Michele Cappellari's Penalized Pixel Fitting method
  • Mark Buie's ITOOL/CCDPHOT Software Link to Mark Buie's IDL planetary astronomy software
  • Eric Korpela's VARRAY software Link to Eric Korpela's VARRAY Unix memory-mapping IDL files
  • IDLWAVE GNU Emacs Link to IDLWAVE - The GNU Emacs mode for IDL
  • TeXtoIDL Link to Mathew Craig's TeXtoIDL (LaTeX symbol conversion) software
  • MPI_PLOT Package giving object-oriented wrapper to the PLOT command (Fanning Library)
  • HISTOPLOT Draw a histogram in an IDL direct graphics window (Fanning Library)
  • RSTherm IDL/C Interface to the Raymond-Smith Thermal Code
  • LA_COSMIC Cosmic-ray removal on a single image based on Laplacian edge detection
  • QUARTERNION IDL Library of functions to manipulate quarternions(Markwardt Library)
  • IMDISP Advanced replacement for TV and TVSCL (Gumley Library)
  • K-correction software Linke to IDL code to calculate galaxy spectral energy distributions and K-corrections
  • BAMabs Return photoelectric cross-section in the energy range 30 ev - 10 Kev
  • ISMTAU Compute Xray/EUV optical depth for a given column density
  • A_b() Compute B band interstellar extinction as a function of Galactic coords.(obsolete)
  • ADSTRING() Format RA and DEC as a character string
  • AIRTOVAC Convert air wavelengths to vacuum wavelengths
  • AITOFF Convert longitude,latitude to X,Y using Aitoff equal-area projection
  • AITOFF_GRID Create an overlay grid using the AITOFF projection
  • ALTAZ2HADEC Convert Horizon (Alt-Az) coordinates to Hour Angle and Declination
  • ARCBAR Draw an arcbar over an image showing the astronomical plate scale
  • ARROWS Given a FITS header, display a "weathervane" showing N-E orientation
  • ASTDISP Display formatter for pixel + astronomical coordinates
  • ASTRO Interactive driver to compute astronomical precession, or coordinate conversions (calls EULER and PRECESS).
  • BARYVEL Compute components of barycentric Earth velocity, given Julian date
  • BPRECESS Precess coordinates, proper motion from J2000 to B1950
  • CALZ_UNRED Deredden a spectrum using the Calzetti et al. (2000) parameterization.
  • CCM_UNRED Deredden a spectrum using the Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989) parameterization.
  • CO_ABERRATION Calculate change in RA and Dec due to aberration of light
  • CO_NUTATE Calculate changes in RA and Dec due to nutation of the Earth's rotation
  • CO_REFRACT() Calculate correction to altitude due to atmospheric refraction
  • CT2LST Convert from civil time to local sidereal time
  • COSMO_PARAM Derive a full set of cosmological parameters given a subset
  • DATE() Convert day of year to a DD-MMMM-YYYY string
  • DATE_CONV() Function to perform various date format conversions
  • DAYCNV Convert from Julian Date to calendar date.
  • DEREDD Deredden Stromgren indices (called by UVBYBETA)
  • ECI2GEO() Convert Earth-centered inertial coordinates to geographic coordinates
  • EQ2HOR Convert from equatorial (RA-Dec) to horizon (alt-azimuth) coordinates
  • EQPOLE Convert longitude,latitude to X,Y using polar equal-area projection
  • EQPOLE_GRID Create overlay grid using polar equal-area projection
  • EULER Transform between ecliptic, Galactic, and celestial coordinates
  • FLUX2MAG() Convert from flux units to magnitudes
  • FM_UNRED Deredden a spectrum using the Fitzpatrick & Massa (1999) parameterization.
  • GAL_FLAT() Correct a galaxy image for inclination effects.
  • GAL_UVW Calculate the Galactic space velocity (U,V,W) of a star
  • GALAGE() Derive a galaxy age as a function of redshift for a cosmological model
  • GCIRC Compute rigorous great circle distance
  • GEO2ECI() Convert geographic coordinates to Earth-centered inertial coordinates
  • GEO2GEODETIC() Convert from geographic to geodetic coordinates
  • GEO2MAG() Convert from geographic to geomagnetic coordinates
  • GEODETIC2GEO() Convert from geodetic to geographic coordinates
  • GET_COORDS Read in angular input in decimal or sexigesimal format
  • GET_DATE Get the current date in CCYY-MM-DD format (FITS standard)
  • GET_JULDATE Get the current Julian date as a double precision scalar
  • GLACTC Convert between Galactic (or Supergalactic) and equatorial coordinates at any equinox
  • HADEC2ALTAZ Convert Hour Angle and Declination to Horizon (alt-az) coordinates
  • HELIO Compute (low-precision) heliocentric coordinates of the planets
  • HELIO_JD() Convert geocentric (reduced) Julian date to heliocentric Julian date
  • HELIO_RV() Compute radial velocity given binary star orbit parameters
  • HOR2EQ Convert from horizon (altitude-azimuth) coordinates to equatorial (RA-Dec)
  • IMCONTOUR Contour plots with astronomical labeling (either RA,Dec or arc distance from image center)
  • IMF() Return values for a multi-component power law initial mass function
  • ISMEUV() Compute EUV optical depth due to photoionization of HI, HeI and HeII
  • JDCNV Convert from calendar date to Julian date.
  • JPLEPHINTERP Interpolate position and motion of planetary bodies using the JPL Ephemeris
  • JPLEPHREAD Open and read JPL DE200 or DE405 Ephemeride FITS File
  • JPLEPHTEST Test the accuracy of the JPLEPHINTERP ephemeris procedure
  • JPRECESS Precess positions & proper motions from B1950 to J2000
  • JULDATE Convert from calendar date to reduced Julian date.
  • LSF_ROTATE Create a 1-d convolution kernel to broaden a spectrum from a rotating star
  • LUMDIST Return luminosity distance for a given redshift & cosmological model
  • MAG2FLUX() Convert from magnitudes to flux units
  • MAG2GEO() Convert from geomagnetic to geographic coordinates
  • MONTH_CNV() Convert a month name to the equivalent number or vice-versa
  • MOONPOS Compute the RA and Dec (and distance) of the Moon at a given date
  • MPHASE Compute illuminated fraction of the Moon's disk for given Julian dates
  • NUTATE Compute the nutation in longitude and latitude for given Julian date(s)
  • OBSERVATORY Return longitude, latitude, altitude & time zone of an observatory
  • PLANCK() Returns a blackbody flux for a given effective temperature
  • PLANET_COORDS Return low precision RA and Dec of the planets
  • POSANG Compute the position angle between sources of specified RA and Dec
  • PRECESS Precess RA and Dec to a new equinox
  • PRECESS_XYZ Precess equatorial geocentric rectangular coordinates
  • PREMAT() Returns precession matrix from equinox 1 to equinox 2
  • QDCB_GRID Create overlay grid using COBE quad cube database coordinates
  • RADEC Format RA, Dec as Hours,Min,Sec,Deg,Min,Sec
  • REDSHIFT Interactively convert between redshift, distance, and velocity (in /jhuapl)
  • SIXTY Convert decimal number to sexigesimal
  • SPHDIST() Find angular distance on a sphere (in /jhuapl)
  • SUNPOS Compute the position (RA and Dec) of the Sun at a given date
  • TDB2TDT Relativistic clock corrections due to Earth motion in solar system
  • TEN() Convert sexigesimal number to decimal
  • TENV() Like TEN but will work on a vector of sexigesimal numbers.
  • TICPOS Specify distance between tic marks for astronomical coordinates
  • TICLABELS Create labels for astronomical coordinate tick marks
  • TICS Compute the optimum distance between tic marks for astronomical labeling
  • TIC_ONE Determine optimum position of the first tic in astronomical labeling
  • UVBYBETA Use Stromgren indices to derive dereddened colors, metallicity, and effective Temperature.
  • VACTOAIR Convert vacuum wavelengths to air wavelengths.
  • WCSSPH2XY Convert between longitude,latitude to X,Y angular coordinates for 25 different map projection types
  • WCSXY2SPH Inverse of WCSSPH2XY
  • WCS_DEMO Demo program for WCSSPH2XY and WCSXY2SPH
  • WCS_GETPOLE Compute the coordinates of native pole for a non-polar projection
  • WCS_ROTATE Rotate between standard (e.g. celestial) and native coordinates
  • XYZ Compute heliocentric rectangular coordinates at given Julian date.
  • YMD2DN() Convert year,month,day to day number of the year (in /jhuapl)
  • YDN2MD Convert day number of the year to year, month,day
  • ZANG() Compute angular size as a function of redshift in a Friedman cosmology
  • ZENPOS Compute the RA and Dec of the local zenith at a given date
  • APER Circular APERture photometry
  • CNTRD Obtain the centroid of a star by finding where derivatives go to zero
  • DAOERF Calculate the intensity, (and optionally, the derivatives) of a bivariate Gaussian, integrated over pixels. Called by DAO_VALUE
  • DAO_VALUE Obtain the value of a daophot PSF function at a given set of points
  • FIND FIND point sources within an image using DAOPHOT algorithm
  • GCNTRD Obtain the centroid by Gaussian fits to the marginal X, Y distributions
  • GETPSF Obtain a PSF (Gaussian + residuals) from isolated stars.
  • GROUP Place stars with non-overlapping PSF's in distinct groups
  • MMM (Mean, Median, Mode) sophisticated sky background computation
  • NSTAR Simultaneous PSF fitting of a group of stars
  • PKFIT Fit a Gaussian + residuals to a isolated star (called by GETPSF)
  • PIXWT Compute the area of a circle-rectangle intersection (called by APER)
  • RDPSF Read a PSF file that was created by GETPSF into an IDL array.
  • RINTER Cubic Interpolation at a set of reference points, optionally obtain derivatives. (in /image)
  • SKY Compute image sky level using MMM
  • SRCOR Correlate the source positions in two different lists
  • SUBSTAR Subtract a scaled PSF at specified star positions
  • T_APER Driver procedure for APER with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • T_FIND Driver procedure for FIND with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • T_GROUP Driver procedure for GROUP with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • T_GETPSF Driver procedure for GETPSF with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • T_NSTAR Driver procedure for NSTAR with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • T_SUBSTAR Driver procedure for SUBSTAR with I/O to a disk FITS ASCII table
  • DBBUILD Load or append a database with new entry values.
  • DBCIRCLE() Find entries within a specified circular area.
  • DBCLOSE Close a database
  • DBCOMPARE Display the values of two database entries side by side
  • DBCOMPRESS Compress a .dbf database file, following a call to DBDELETE (obsolete)
  • DBCREATE Create a new database data, index and/or format file.
  • DBDELETE Delete an entry from a database
  • DBEDIT Interactively edit the entries in a database
  • DBEXT Extract items from a database into IDL variables
  • DBFIND() Find entries meeting specified criteria in an IDL database
  • DBGET() Use instead of DBFIND when search values are in an IDL vector
  • DBHELP List names of databases, or entries within a database
  • DB_INFO() Lower level routine to obtain information on an opened database
  • DBINDEX Update the IDL database index file.
  • DB_ITEM_INFO() Lower level routine to obtain information on specified item(s)
  • DB_ITEM Lower level routine to return item number and other information
  • DBMATCH() Match database entries one-to-one to specified item values
  • DBOPEN Open a IDL database
  • DBPRINT Print specified fields about specified entries in an IDL database
  • DBPUT Lower level routine to place new value for specified item into an entry
  • DBRD Lower level routine to read an entry from a database
  • DBSORT() Find database entries within specified radius of supplied astronomical target name
  • DBTARGET() Sort entries in an IDL database
  • DBUPDATE Update an IDL database with new item values.
  • DB_OR() Combine two catalog entry lists, removing duplicate values
  • DBVAL Lower level routine to extract value of specified item from an entry
  • DBXVAL Lower level routine to extract values of specified item from an entry
  • DBWRT Lower level routine to update or add a new entry to a database
  • IMDBASE Find all catalog sources within the field of an astronomical image
  • IRAFDIR Describe IRAF images on specified directory
  • IRAFRD Read a disk IRAF image file into IDL variables.
  • IRAFWRT Write IDL image and header to an IRAF (.pix & .imh) file
  • MID_RD_IMAGE Read a MIDAS image (.BDF) file into IDL variables (obsolete)
  • MID_UP_IMAGE Update the contents of a MIDAS image file (obsolete)
  • MID_RD_TABLE Read a MIDAS table (.TBL) file into IDL variables (obsolete)
  • MID_UP_TABLE Update the contents of a MIDAS table file. (obsolete)
  • MID_RD_DIRDSC Lower level procedure to read MIDAS directory descriptor (obsolete)
  • ABSCAL() Apply the BSCALE and BZERO FITS keywords values to a data array
  • ADD_DISTORT Add a SIP distortion astrometry structure into a FITS header
  • AD2XY Use astrometry structure to convert celestial to pixel coordinates
  • ADXY Use FITS header to convert celestial (RA,Dec) to pixel coordinates
  • CONS_RA() Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant right ascension
  • CONS_DEC() Obtain the X and Y coordinates of a line of constant declination
  • EXTAST EXTract ASTrometry parameters from a FITS header into an IDL structure
  • FITS_CD_FIX Update obsolete representations of the CD matrix in a FITS header
  • GET_EQUINOX() Return a numeric equinox value from a FITS header
  • GETROT GET ROTation and plate scale from a FITS header
  • GSSSEXTAST Extract astrometry parameters from an STScI Survey Image
  • GSSSADXY Convert RA, Dec to pixel coordinates for an STScI survey image
  • GSSSXYAD Convert pixel coordinates to RA, Dec for an STScI survey image
  • GSSS_STDAST Insert the closest tangent projection astrometry into an STScI Guidestar Survey Image
  • HASTROM Rotate, Congrid, and/or shift an image until astrometry matches that in a reference FITS header. Used to align images.
  • HBOXAVE Boxaverage an image and update astrometry in a FITS header
  • HCONGRID CONGRID an image and update astrometry in a FITS header
  • HEULER Convert FITS WCS astrometry between celestial, Galactic and ecliptic coordinates
  • HEXTRACT Extract a subimage and update astrometry in a FITS header
  • HPRECESS Precess the astrometry in a FITS header to a new equinox.
  • HREBIN REBIN an image and update the astrometry in a FITS header
  • HREVERSE Reverse an image about either dimension and update astrometry in a FITS header
  • HROT Rotate an image and update astrometry in a FITS header.
  • HROTATE Apply IDL ROTATE function and update astrometry in a FITS header
  • PRECESS_CD Precess coordinate description (CD) matrix in a FITS header to a new equinox. Called by HPRECESS
  • PUTAST Put astrometry parameters (e.g. rotation, plate scale) into a FITS header.
  • STARAST Obtain an exact astrometry solution given the coordinates and plate position of 2 or 3 stars.
  • WFPC2_METRIC Compute the distortion in a WFPC2 image and return coordinates
  • XYAD Use FITS header to convert pixel (X,Y) to celestial(RA, Dec) coordinates
  • XY2AD Use astrometry structure to convert pixel to celestial coordinates
  • XYXY Convert X,Y values on one image to X,Y values in another image using astrometry in the FITS headers
  • AFHREAD Read a GEIS header from an HST STSDAS image (obsolete).
  • ASTRMFIX Update an HST WF/PC or FOC header with rough astrometry
  • CONV_STSDAS Convert internal format of .hhd file to that of the host machine.
  • EXTGRP Extract group parameter values and place them in a header
  • IMGREAD Like STRD but supports group format and tailored to WF/PC, FOC files
  • ST_DISKREAD Read an HST FITS file and reconstruct a GEIS (STSDAS) file
  • STRD Combine SXOPEN and SXREAD to read STSDAS disk files into IDL variables
  • STSUBIM Like STRD but allows reading a subimage
  • STWRT Combine SXOPEN and SXWRITE to write IDL variables to a STSDAS disk file
  • SXGINFO Return info on all group parameters in a FITS header
  • SXGPAR() Obtain group parameter values from a FITS header and parameter block
  • SXGREAD() Read group parameters from an STSDAS file
  • SXHCOPY Copy a selected portion of one header into another
  • SXHEDIT Interactively edit a STSDAS header using the OS editor
  • SXHMAKE Create a basic STSDAS header file from an IDL data array
  • SXHREAD Read a STSDAS header from disk
  • SXHWRITE Write a STSDAS header to disk
  • SXMAKE Make a basic STSDAS header from an IDL array
  • SXOPEN Open an STSDAS disk file for subsequent I/O
  • SXREAD() Read an STSDAS image from disk
  • SXWRITE Write an image to STSDAS format
  • WFPCREAD Read an HST WFPC or FOC STSDAS group image
  • WFPC2_READ Read a Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) image
  • FTAB_DELROW Delete specified rows in a FITS table extension
  • FTAB_EXT Extract specified columns of a FITS table extension into IDL vectors
  • FTAB_HELP Print info about the fields in a FITS table extension
  • FTAB_PRINT Print specified columns and rows of a FITS table extension
  • FTADDCOL Add a new column to a FITS ASCII table
  • FTCREATE Create an empty FITS ASCII table header and data array
  • FTDELCOL Delete specified column from a FITS ASCII table data array
  • FTDELROW Delete specified row(s) from a FITS ASCII table data array
  • FTGET() Extract a specified field from a column in a FITS ASCII table array
  • FTHELP Display the fields in a FITS ASCII table header
  • FTHMOD Modify the attributes of a field in a FITS ASCII table
  • FTINFO Return an informational structure from a FITS ASCII table header
  • FTKEEPROW Subscript (and reorder) a FITS ASCII table array
  • FTPRINT Print specified columns and rows in a FITS ASCII table array
  • FTPUT Update or add data to a field in a FITS ASCII table array
  • FTSIZE Return the size and number of fields in a FITS ASCII table array
  • FTSORT Sort a FITS ASCII table according to the values in a specified field.
  • TBDELCOL Delete specified column from a FITS Binary table array
  • TBDELROW Delete specified row(s) from a FITS Binary table array
  • TBGET() Extract a specified field from a column in a FITS Binary table
  • TBHELP Display the fields in a FITS Binary table header
  • TBINFO Return an informational structure from a FITS Binary table header
  • TBPRINT Print specified columns and rows in a FITS Binary table array
  • TBSIZE Return the size and number of fields in a FITS Binary table array
  • FXADDPAR Add or modify a keyword parameter in a FITS header array.
  • FXBADDCOL Adds a column to a binary table extension.
  • FXBCLOSE Close a FITS binary table extension opened for read.
  • FXBCOLNUM() Returns a binary table column number.
  • FXBCREATE Open a new binary table at the end of a FITS file.
  • FXBDIMEN() Returns the dimensions for a column in a FITS binary table.
  • FXBFIND Find column keywords in a FITS binary table header.
  • FXBFINDLUN() Find logical unit number UNIT in FXBINTABLE common block.
  • FXBFINISH Close a FITS binary table extension file opened for write.
  • FXBGROW Increase the number of rows in a binary table.
  • FXBHEADER() Returns the header of an open FITS binary table.
  • FXBHELP Prints short description of columns in a FITS binary table.
  • FXBHMAKE Create basic FITS binary table extension (BINTABLE) header.
  • FXBINTABLE Common block FXBINTABLE used by "FXB" routines.
  • FXBISOPEN() Returns true if UNIT points to an open FITS binary table.
  • FXBOPEN Open binary table extension in a disk FITS file for reading
  • FXBPARSE Parse the binary table extension header.
  • FXBREAD Read a data array from a disk FITS binary table file.
  • FXBREADM Read multiple columns/rows from a FITS binary table file.
  • FXBSTATE() Returns the state of a FITS binary table.
  • FXBTDIM() Parse TDIM-like keywords.
  • FXBTFORM Returns information about FITS binary table columns.
  • FXBWRITE Write a binary data array to a disk FITS binary table file.
  • FXBWRITM Write multiple columns/rows to a FITS binary table file.
  • FXFINDEND Find the end of a FITS file.
  • FXHCLEAN Removes required keywords from FITS header.
  • FXHMAKE Create a basic FITS header array.
  • FXHMODIFY Modify a FITS header in a file on disk.
  • FXHREAD Reads a FITS header from an opened disk file.
  • FXPAR() Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header.
  • FXPARPOS() Finds position to insert record into FITS header.
  • FXREAD Read basic FITS files.
  • FXWRITE Write a disk FITS file.
  • CHECK_FITS Check that array agrees with NAXISi, BITPIX keywords of FITS header
  • FITSDIR Display info about primary FITS header(s) on disk
  • FITSRGB_to_TIFF Combine separate red, green, blue FITS files into TIFF format
  • FITS_ADD_CHECKSUM Add or update the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords in a FITS header
  • FITS_ASCII_ENCODE() Encode an unsigned longword as an ASCII string to insert in a FITS header
  • FITS_CLOSE Close a FITS file defined by a FITS Control Block (see FITS_OPEN)
  • FITS_HELP Summarize the primary data units and extensions in a FITS file
  • FITS_OPEN Open a FITS file and define a FITS Control Block (FCB)
  • FITS_READ Read a FITS file specified by name or FITS Control Block (FCB)
  • FITS_TEST_CHECKSUM Verify the values of the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords in a FITS header
  • FITS_WRITE Write a FITS primary data unit or extension
  • FITS_INFO Display info about disk FITS file(s) at a terminal or in Common
  • FXMOVE() Skip a specified number of extensions in a FITS file
  • FXPOSIT() Open a FITS file positioned to beginning of a specified extension
  • HEADFITS() Read a FITS header from a disk FITS file.
  • MKHDR Make a minimal FITS header for an image array.
  • MODFITS Modify the header or data in a FITS array (without changing the size)
  • MRDFITS() Read FITS file mapping table columns into IDL structure tags
  • MRD_HREAD Like FXHREAD but can also read a FITS header from a Unix pipe
  • MWRFITS Write a FITS file from a IDL array or structure
  • RDFITS_STRUCT Read an entire disk FITS file into an IDL structure
  • READFITS() Read a disk FITS file into an IDL data and header array.
  • SXADDHIST Add a history record to a FITS header
  • SXADDPAR Add or modify a keyword parameter in a FITS header
  • SXDELPAR Delete a keyword from a FITS header
  • SXPAR() Obtain the value of a keyword in a FITS header
  • WRITEFITS Write IDL data and header array to a disk FITS file.
  • BOXAVE() Boxave an image, always using at least REAL*4 arithmetic
  • CONVOLVE() Convolve an image with a PSF using the product of Fourier Transforms
  • CORREL_IMAGES() Correlation of two images. Called by CORREL_OPTIMIZE
  • CORREL_OPTIMIZE Compute the optimal pixel offset of one image relative to another by maximizing the correlation function.
  • CORRMAT_ANALYZE Analyze the correlation function made by CORREL_IMAGE
  • CR_REJECT General iterative cosmic ray rejection for 2 or more images
  • DIST_CIRCLE Create a mask array useful for circular aperture photometry.
  • DIST_ELLIPSE Create a mask array useful for elliptical aperture photometry.
  • FILTER_IMAGE() Like MEDIAN or SMOOTH but handles edges & allows iteration
  • FREBIN Expand or contract an image while conserving flux
  • IMLIST Display image pixel values around a specified center
  • MAX_ENTROPY Deconvolution by Maximum Entropy, given a PSF
  • MAX_LIKELIHOOD Deconvolution by maximum likelihood, given a PSF
  • MEDARR Median filter across a set of images (e.g. for cosmic ray removal)
  • POSITIVITY() Map an image uniquely and smoothly into all positive values
  • PSF_GAUSSIAN() Create a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d Gaussian with specified FWHM, center
  • SIGMA_FILTER() Replaces pixels deviant by more than a specified sigma from its neighbors. Useful for cosmic ray removal.
  • SKYADJ_CUBE Remove the sky level from individual images of a data cube
  • XMEDSKY Compute the median sky as a 1-d function of X (for slitless spectra)
  • AVG() Return the average value of an array or 1 dimension of an array.
  • ASINH() Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of its argument
  • CIC Cloud in Cell interpolation of irregularly gridded data onto a regular grid
  • CSPLINE() Interpolate using the Numerical Recipes natural cubic spline
  • FACTOR Find the prime factors of a given number (in /jhuapl)
  • FITEXY Best straight-line fit to data with errors in both coordinates
  • FLEGENDRE() Compute the first M terms in a Legendre polynomial expansion
  • GAUSSIAN() Evaluate a 1-d Gaussian and optionally its derivative
  • HERMITE() Interpolate a tabulated function using a Hermite spline
  • KSONE Compute the one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
  • KSTWO Compute the two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
  • KUIPERONE Compute the one-sided Kuiper statistic
  • KUIPERTWO Compute the two-sided Kuiper statistic
  • LINTERP Linearly interpolate X,Y vectors onto a new X grid
  • LINMIX Bayesian approach to linear regression with errors in both X and Y
  • MEANCLIP Compute an iteratively sigma-clipped mean on a data set
  • MINF_BRACKET Find 3 points which bracket the minimum of a function
  • MINF_PARABOLIC Minimize a function using Brent's method with parabolic interpolation
  • MINF_PARABOL_D Minimize a function using a modified Brent's method with derivatives
  • MINF_CONJ_GRAD Find local minimum of a scalar valued function of several variables using conjugate gradient method
  • MLINMIX Bayesian approach to linear regression with errors in both X and Y and multiple independent variables.
  • NGP Nearest Grid Point interpolation of irregularly gridded data onto a regular grid
  • MRANDOMN Generate random vectors from a multivariate normal density.
  • MULTINOM Simulate multinomial random variables
  • PCA Perform a principal component analysis (Karhunen-Loeve expansion)
  • PENT() Return the information entropy S of time-series data for a set of trial periods
  • POIDEV() Generate a Poisson random deviate
  • POLINT Polynomial interpolation of an (X,Y) pair
  • POLYLEG() Evaluate a Legendre polynomial with specified coefficients
  • POLY_SMOOTH() Apply a least-squares (Savitzky-Golay) polynomial smoothing filter
  • PROB_KS Return the significance of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
  • PROB_KUIPER Return the significance of a Kuiper statistic
  • QSIMP Integrate using Simpson's rule to specified accuracy
  • QTRAP Integrate using trapezoidal rule to specified accuracy.
  • QUADTERP Quadratic interpolation of X,Y vectors onto a new X grid
  • RANDOMCHI Generate chi-square distributed random variables
  • RANDOMDIR Generate Dirichlet-distributed random variables
  • RANDOMGAM Generate random numbers from a gamma distribution.
  • RANDOMP Create a vector of random numbers distributed as a power-law
  • RANDOMWISH Draw random matrices from a Wishart distribution
  • SIXLIN Compute linear regression by 6 different methods.
  • SPLINE_SMOOTH Compute cubic smoothing spline to (weighted) data
  • TABINV Find the effective index of a function value.
  • TRANSFORM_COEFF Compute new polynomial coefficients under a linear transformation.
  • TRAPZD Compute Nth iteration of trapezoidal rule. Called by QSIMP, QTRAP
  • TSC Triangular Shaped Cloud interpolation of irregularly gridded data onto a regular grid
  • TSUM() Trapezoidal integration of the area under a curve
  • ZBRENT() Find the root of a function known to lie between specified limits
  • CLEANPLOT Reset all plotting system variables to their default (X) values
  • RDPLOT Like intrinsic CURSOR procedure but with a full-screen cursor
  • LEGEND Create an annotation legend for a plot
  • LEGENDTEST Demo program demonstrating the capabilities of LEGEND
  • LINEID_PLOT Annotate the identified lines in a spectrum
  • MULTIPLOT Create multiple plots with shared axes
  • OPLOTERROR Overplot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars
  • PLOTERROR Plot Y vs. X with optional X and Y error bars
  • PLOTHIST Plot the histogram of an array
  • PLOTSYM Define useful plotting symbols not in the standard PSYM definition
  • PARTVELVEC Plot the velocity vectors of a set of particles
  • SUNSYMBOL() Return the character string to plot a subscripted Sun symbol
  • VSYM Create "Mongo" like plotting symbols of rotationally symmetric polygons
  • AUTOHIST Draw a histogram using automatic bin-sizing.
  • BIWEIGHT_MEAN - Iterative biweighted determination of mean and std. dev.
  • MEDSMOOTH() Median smoothing of a vector, including points near its ends.
  • HISTOGAUSS - Outlier-resistant autoscaled histogram drawing
  • RESISTANT_MEAN - Outlier-resistant determination of mean and std. deviation.
  • ROB_CHECKFIT - Utility to determine quality of a fit and return biweights
  • ROBUST_LINEFIT - Robust fit of Y vs X (or bisector of Y vs X and X vs Y)
  • ROBUST_POLY_FIT - Robust polynomial fit
  • ROBUST_SIGMA - Robust analog of the standard deviation
  • COPY_STRUCT Copy Fields with matching Tag names from one structure to another
  • COMPARE_STRUCT() Compare all matching Tag names and return differences
  • CREATE_STRUCT Create an IDL structure from a list of tag types and dimensions
  • MRD_STRUCT() Like CREATE_STRUCT but tag values can be specified in a string
  • N_STRUCT() Return number of elements in a structure array and number of tags
  • PRINT_STRUCT Print specified tags from structure (to LUN if given)
  • TAG_EXIST() Determine if a tag exists in a given structure
  • WHERE_TAG() Like WHERE but works on a structure tag names
  • QUERYDSS Query the digital sky survey (DSS) on-line at the European Space Observatory (ESO) or STSCI servers
  • QUERYGSC() Query the Guide Star Catalog (GSC V2.2) at the Space Telescope Science Institute by position
  • QUERYVIZIER() Query any catalog in the VIZIER database by position
  • QUERYSIMBAD Query the SIMBAD name resolver at ESO to obtain J2000coordinates
  • WEBGET() Use the IDL SOCKET procedure to get data from http servers
  • TABLE_APPEND Append a list of STSDAS tables to create a single table.
  • TABLE_CALC Add a new table column from an expression using existing columns.
  • TABLE_CONV Convert an STSDAS table into the host machine architecture
  • TABLE_DELETE Delete specified rows from an STSDAS table
  • TABLE_EXT Extract column(s) of data from an STSDAS table to IDL variable(s)
  • TABLE_HELP Describe an STSDAS table.
  • TABLE_LIST List the contents of an STSDAS table
  • TABLE_PRINT Print a disk STSDAS table in tabular form
  • TABLE_SORT Order the contents of an STSDAS table by the specified column
  • TAB_ADDCOL Add a new column to a STSDAS table
  • TAB_COL Extract column info from a table control block. Called by TAB_READ
  • TAB_CREATE Create an empty STSDAS table on disk
  • TAB_DEL Delete specified row(s) from an STSDAS table
  • TAB_EXPAND Expand the size of an STSDAS table. Called by TABLE_APPEND
  • TAB_FORTOSPP Convert a FORTRAN print format to SPP. Called by TAB_MODCOL
  • TAB_MODCOL Modify a column name, format or units in an STSDAS table.
  • TAB_NULL() Locate null values in a STSDAS table. Called by TAB_PUT
  • TAB_NULLROW Place null values into a STSDAS table. Called by TAB_PUT
  • TAB_PRINT Print the contents of an STSDAS table in tabular form
  • TAB_PUT Put new values into a column of an STSDAS table
  • TAB_READ Read table control block and data array from a disk STSDAS table.
  • TAB_SIZE Return the size of a STSDAS table. Called by TABLE_LIST
  • TAB_SORT Sort a STSDAS table according to the specified column
  • TAB_SPPTOFOR Convert SPP print format to FORTRAN. Called by TAB_PRINT
  • TAB_VAL() Extract values from a single column of an STSDAS table
  • TAB_WRITE Write a STSDAS table to a disk file
  • BLINK Blink two or more windows in an image display
  • CURS Change the shape of the (X windows only) cursor
  • CURVAL Interactive display of image intensities and astronomical coordinates
  • PIXCOLOR Set specified pixel values to a specified color
  • SIGRANGE() Find range of pixel values which contain 90% of the image values
  • TVBOX Draw a box of specified size on the image display
  • TVCIRCLE Draw a circle of specified radius on the image display
  • TVELLIPSE Draw an ellipse of specified axes on the image display
  • TVLASER Write an image to postscript file with annotation from a FITS header
  • TVLIST Display intensity values surrounding the cursor position
  • UNZOOM_XY Convert from window coordinates to image coordinates
  • ZOOM_XY Convert from image coordinates to window coordinates
  • ASTROLIB Add the non-standard system variables used in the IDL Astronomy User's Library
  • BLKSHIFT Shift a block of data to a new (possibly overlapping) position in a file
  • BOOST_ARRAY Append one array onto another, adjusting dimensions if necessary
  • BREAK_PATH() break up a !PATH-like string into individual directories
  • BSORT() Like the IDL SORT function but subscript order is maintained when values are equal -- like a bubble sort.
  • CHECKSUM32 Compute the 32bit checksum of an array (ones-complement arithmetic)
  • CIRRANGE Force an angle to be in the range 0 to 360 (or 0 to 2*!PI).
  • CONCAT_DIR concatenate directory and file name for current OS
  • CONV_UNIX_VAX Convert IEEE datatype to VMS datatypes (obsolete)
  • CONV_VAX_UNIX() Convert VMS datatypes to Unix using proper byteswapping (obsolete)
  • DATATYPE() Return the datatype of an IDL variable as a string (obsolete)
  • DEF_DIRLIST Define a directory list using SETENV or SETLOG (obsolete)
  • DELVARX Delete an IDL variable; like DELVAR but works at any calling level
  • DETABIFY() Replace tabs in a character string by equivalent number of spaces
  • EXPAND_TILDE() Expand tilde in Unix directory names
  • F_FORMAT() Find the "best" F format to display an array of REAL*4 numbers.
  • FDECOMP Decompose a file name (Disk + Directory + Name + Extension + Version)
  • FINDPRO Find all occurrences of a procedure in one's !PATH
  • FIND_ALL_DIR Find all directories under a specified directory
  • FIND_WITH_DEF Search for files with default path and extension
  • FORPRINT Print a set of vectors by looping over each index value
  • FSTRING Wrapper to STRING function to get around pre-V5.4 1024 element formatted limit (obsolete)
  • GETFILES Interactively specify a list of file numbers. (obsolete)
  • GETLOG() Format the input name as a logical directory in the host OS (obsolete)
  • GETOPT() Parse a user supplied string into numeric value(s).
  • GETPRO Search !PATH directory for a procedure and copy into user's directory
  • GETTOK() Extract a string up to a specified character.
  • GETWRD() Get specified item (word) from a string (in /jhuapl)
  • HGREP Find a substring in a FITS header or other string array
  • HOST_TO_IEEE Convert IDL variable from host machine bit order to IEEE
  • HPRINT Pretty terminal display of a FITS header (or other string array)
  • IEEE_TO_HOST Convert IDL variable from IEEE bit order to host machine
  • IDL_VALIDNAME() Emulate intrinsic IDL_VALIDAME() function for V5.6 & earlier
  • ISARRAY() Determine if an IDL variable is an array (in /jhuapl)
  • IS_IEEE_BIG() Determine if the host machine is IEEE big endian
  • LIST_WITH_PATH() Search for files within specified directory path
  • MAKE_2D Change from 1-D indexing to 2-D indexing
  • MATCH Find the subscripts where the values of two vectors match.
  • MRD_SKIP Skip a number of bytes from current location in a file or a Unix pipe
  • MINMAX() Return the min and max of an array in a 2 element vector
  • NINT() Like intrinsic ROUND() function but returns integer instead of long
  • N_BYTES() Return the number of bytes in an IDL variable
  • NULLTRIM() Delete all characters after, and including, the first null byte(0). Called by TAB_PUT.
  • ONE_ARROW Draw an arrow labeled with a single character
  • ONE_RAY Draw a ray by specifying starting point, angle, and length
  • ORDINAL() Return the English equivalent of ordinal numbers, i.e. '1st','2nd'
  • OSFCNVRT() Format the input as a logical name in the host operating system
  • POLREC Convert from polar to rectangular coordinates (in /jhuapl)
  • QGET_STRING() Read a string (eg. password) from the keyboard without echoing it
  • RDFLOAT Quickly read an ASCII file with columns of data into IDL vectors
  • READCOL Read a file of free-format ASCII data into IDL vectors
  • READFMT Quickly read a file of fixed-format ASCII data into IDL vectors
  • READ_KEY() Like GET_KBRD but returns a code for escape sequences.
  • RECPOL Convert from rectangular to polar coordinates (in /jhuapl)
  • REMCHAR Remove all appearances of a character from a string.
  • REM_DUP() Remove duplicate values from a vector.
  • REMOVE Contract a vector or up to 8 vectors by removing specified elements
  • REPCHR() Replace all occurrences of one character by another (in /jhuapl)
  • REPSTR() Replace all occurrences of one substring in a string by another.
  • SCREEN_SELECT Allow user to interactively select from a list of strings
  • SELECT_O VT100 terminal branch of SCREEN_SELECT
  • SELECT_W IDL widget branch of SCREEN_SELECT.
  • SPEC_DIR() Complete specification of a file name using default disk & directory
  • STORE_ARRAY Insert one array into another, adjusting dimensions if necessary
  • STREBCASC() Convert an EBCDIC string scalar or vector to its ASCII equivalent (obsolete)
  • STRN() Convert a number to a string and remove padded blanks.
  • STRCOMPRESS2() Remove blanks around specified characters in a string
  • STRNUMBER() Determine whether a string is a valid numeric value.
  • TEXTOPEN Open a file for text output as specified by TEXTOUT keyword
  • TEXTCLOSE Close a file that had been opened by TEXTOPEN.
  • TRIM() Convert numbers to strings, without trailing zeros
  • TO_HEX() Translate a decimal integer to a hex string. Called by AIPSNAME.
  • VALID_NUM() Determine if a string is a valid number (cf. STRNUMBER)
  • VECT() Display a set of numbers to a string with delimiters
  • WHERENAN() Find points equal to big-endian IEEE NaN (not a number) values
  • XDISPSTR() Widget display of a string array with a simple search facility
  • ZPARCHECK Check the type and dimensions of a parameter
  • BBOOTSTRAP() 1-parameter bootstrap calculation of function FUNCT
  • BOOT_BINDATA Groups data into NBINS bins of equal size, and finds the robust mean of each bin.
  • BOOT_MEAN Calculate the Bootstrap Mean. (Also see BBOOTSTRAP.)
  • BOOT_POLYFIT() Bootstrap polynomial fit to data.
  • BOOT_XYFIT() Bootstrap linear fit to data in which there are errors in both Y and X
  • CHAINSAW() Remove isolated HIGH elements from a 2D array, replacing them with a local surface fit
  • CUBEROOT() Return the real roots of a cubic equation
  • FITAGAUSS A version of CURVEFIT that fits a Gaussian to the data, using the mean absolute deviation rather than the chi^2.
  • HALFAGAUSS() Histogramming a distribution that can be characterized by a Gaussian
  • LOESS() Map-smoothing using the loess method (a local, weighted, polynomial fit in two dimensions).
  • LOWESS() Robust smoothing of 1D data. A non-parametric way of drawing a smooth curve to represent data.
  • MAPFITW() Fit a 2D surface to a map through call to REGRESS.
  • MED() Pre V5.0 version of MEDIAN(/EVEN)
  • PERMUTE() Randomly permute the elements of a vector
  • PERMUTEST() Apply Fisher's Permutation Test for the equality of the means of two samples
  • PLANEFIT() Least-squares fit of a plane to a set of (X,Y,Z) points
  • POINT_REMOVER() Remove isolated HIGH SIGNAL/NOISE elements from a 2D array, replacing them with a local median.
  • QUARTICFIT() Fit a general quadratic surface: Z=a+bX+cX^2+dXY+eY+fY^2
  • R_DILATE() Replace pixel values with the neighborhood maximum. Like DILATE, but takes floating-point maps
  • R_ERODE() Replace pixel values with the neighborhood minimum. Like ERODE, but takes floating-point maps
  • ROB_MAPFIT() Robustly fit a polynomial surface to a 2D floating-point array
  • ROB_QUARTICFIT() An outlier-resistant fit to Z = a + bX + cX^2 + dY +eY^2 + fX*Y.
  • ROBUST_BIN2D Bins data in a 2-dimensional array suitable for surface or contour
  • ROBUST_BINDATA Groups data into NBINS bins of equal size, and finds the robust mean of each bin
  • ROBUST_BOXCAR Calculate robust boxcar averages of fixed number of points.
  • ROBUST_CORR() Derive an outlier-resistant measure of the correlation coefficient of variables X and Y.
  • ROBUST_PLANEFIT() An outlier-resistant fit to Z = a + bX + cY
  • ROBUST_REGRESS() An outlier-resistant linear regression. Calls REGRESS.
  • RPLOT Autoscaled plot of glitchy data. Short horizontal bars on the left of the plot denote the allowed Y range.
  • XYFIT() Returns the bisecting line of the regressions: Y on X and X on Y.
  • LOOK Produces a widget to view an image or series of images.
  • MAN Emulate the IDL V3.x online help in V4.0 or later
  • IDLV4_TO_V5 Convert subscripts of V4.0 procedures to square brackets for IDL V5.0
  • IDL5TO4 Convert IDL/v5 array[] syntax to IDL/v4 array() syntax
  • ISFUNCTION Determine whether IDL programs in a file are procedures or functions
  • PUBPLOT Widget plotting procedure
  • RSTAT Compute Tukey's robust statistics (box & whisker plot) on an array
  • XCTV Object-oriented widget image display
  • XCTV2 Object-oriented widget display procedure for two images
  • XCTVN Object-oriented widget display procedure for multiple images
  • CHEBYSHFIT Interpolate a bad pixel mask with a 2-d Chebyshev function(Maskinterp Library)
  • SPLINTERP Interpolate a bad pixel mask with a 2-d natural spline function (Maskinterp Library)
  • CSPLINTERP Interpolate across a 2-d bad pixel mask using the SPLINE function (Maskinterp Library)
  • MASKINTERP Interpolate 2-d Chebyshef function given a bad pixel mask (Maskinterp Library)
  • GAUSFIT Interpolate a bad pixel mask with a 2-d Gaussian function (Maskinterp Library)
  • TCTOOL Widget tool for creating true-color images
  • NNET Neural network classifier
  • TRAIN_NNET Neural network training program
  • PVOIGT Compute the Voigt function with partial derivatives (Solar Library)
  • C_STATISTIC Compute the expectation value of the Cash (1982) C-statistic (Solar Library)
  • WR_MOVIE Convert an aray of frames to a JavaScript or Mpeg movie (Solar Library)
  • READ_FTP Copy or read a file on a remote FTP server(Solar Library)
  • ANYTIM2CAL() Convert (almost) any time format to calendar format.(Solar Library)
  • ANYTIM2UTC() Convert (almost) any time format to CDS UTC format. (Solar Library)
  • CHECK_EXT_TIME Check CDS external time values for logical consistency. (Solar Library)
  • CHECK_INT_TIME Check CDS internal time values for logical consistency. (Solar Library)
  • DATE2MJD() Convert calendar dates to Modified Julian Days. (Solar Library)
  • DOY2UTC() Convert day of year to internal CDS time format. (Solar Library)
  • GET_LEAP_SEC Return the dates of all known leap seconds. (Solar Library)
  • GET_UTC Gets the current date/time in UTC. (Solar Library)
  • INT2UTC() Convert CDS internal time to calendar format. (Solar Library)
  • LOCAL_DIFF() Get the current difference between local and UTC time. (Solar Library)
  • MJD2DATE Convert MJD to year, month, and day. (Solar Library)
  • SEC2UTC() Convert seconds since MJD=0 to CDS UTC time format. (Solar Library)
  • STR2UTC() Parses UTC time strings. (Solar Library)
  • TAI2UTC() Converts TAI time in seconds to UTC calendar time. (Solar Library)
  • UTC2DOW() Calculate the day of the week from CDS UTC date/time. (Solar Library)
  • UTC2DOY() Calculate the day of the year from CDS UTC date/time. (Solar Library)
  • UTC2INT() Convert CCSDS calendar time to internal format.(Solar Library)
  • UTC2SEC() Convert CDS UTC time format to seconds since MJD=0. (Solar Library)
  • UTC2STR() Convert CDS external time in UTC to string format. (Solar Library)
  • UTC2TAI() Convert UTC calendar time to TAI. (Solar Library)
  • FITS2GIF Convert a FITS file to a GIF image file (Solar Library)
  • IMAGE_DECONVOLVE() Deconvolve an image using a PSF with maximum entropy (Solar Library)
  • WDEL Close one, several, or all windows (Solar Library)
  • A_CORRELATE Compute the autocorrelation Px(L) or autocovariance Rx(L) of a sample population X as a function of the lag (L). (ITTVIS Library)
  • ADAPT_HIST_EQUAL Perform Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) for contrast enhancement. (ITTVIS Library)
  • AMOEBA Multidimensional minimization of a function FUNC(X) using the downhill simplex method (ITTVIS Library)
  • ANNOTATE General purpose drawing program/widget to annotate displays. (ITTVIS Library)
  • ARRAY_INDICES Covert a 1-d subscript to corresponding multidimensional subscript (ITTVIS Library)
  • ARROW Draw one more vectors with arrow heads (ITTVIS Library)
  • ASCII_TEMPLATE Generate a template that defines an ASCII file format. (ITTVIS Library)
  • BAR_PLOT Create a bar graph, or overplot on an existing one. (ITTVIS Library)
  • BETA Return the Beta function of (possibly complex) Z(ITTVIS Library)
  • BILINEAR Bilinear interpolation in a 2-dimensional array (ITTVIS Library)
  • BINARY_TEMPLATE Generate a "template" structure that describes a binary file (ITTVIS Library)
  • BIN_DATE Converts a standard form ascii date/time string to a binary string. (ITTVIS Library)
  • BINOMIAL Computes the probability (bp) such that: Probability(X => v) = bp for the binomial distribution (ITTVIS Library)
  • BLK_CON Compute a "fast convolution" of a digital signal and an impulse-response sequence. (ITTVIS Library)
  • BOX_CURSOR Emulate the operation of a variable-sized box cursor (also known as a "marquee" selector). (ITTVIS Library)
  • C_CORRELATE Computes the cross correlation Pxy(L) of two sample populations X and Y as a function of the lag (L). (ITTVIS Library)
  • CALDAT Return the calendar date and time given Julian date. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CALENDAR Display a calendar for a month or an entire year using IDL's plotting subsystem. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CDF_EXISTS Test for the existence of the CDF library (ITTVIS Library)
  • CHEBYSHEV Implements forward and reverse Chebyshev polynomial expansion of a set of data. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CHISQR_CVF Computes the cutoff value (v) such that: Probability(X > v) = p where X is a Chi-square random variable (ITTVIS Library)
  • CHISQR_PDF Computes the probabilty (p) such that: Probability(X <= v) = p where X is a Chi-square random variable (ITTVIS Library)
  • CIR_3PNT Returns the radius and center of a circle, given 3 points on the circle. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CLUST_WTS Compute the cluster weights of a multivariate data set m items in an n-dimensional space.(Intrinsic)
  • CLUSTER Compute the classification based on cluster analysis of a multivariate data set (Intrinsic)
  • CLUSTER_TREE omputes the hierarchical clustering for a set of (Intrinsic)
  • COLORMAP_APPLICABLE Determine whether the current visual class supports the use of a colormap (ITTVIS Library)
  • COMFIT Fits the paired data {X(i), Y(i)} to one of six common types of approximating models (ITTVIS Library)
  • COMPLEXROUND Rounds a complex scalar or array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • COND Compute the condition number of an N by N array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CONGRID Shrink or expand the size of an array by an arbitrary amount. (ITTVIS Library)
  • COORD2TO3 Return 3D data coordinates given the normalized X and Y screen coordinates and one of the three data coordinates. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CORRELATE Computes the linear Pearson correlation coefficient of two vectors or the Correlation Matrix of an M x N array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CRAMER Solve an n by n linear system of equations using Cramer's rule. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CREATE_VIEW Sets the various system variables required to define a coordinate system and a 3-D view. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CROSSP Evaluate the vector or cross-product of vectors v1 and v2. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CRVLENGTH Compute the length of a curve with a tabular representation, y(i) = F(x(i)). (ITTVIS Library)
  • CT_LUMINANCE Calculate the luminance of colors. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CTI_TEST Constructs a "contingency table" from an array of observed frequencies (ITTVIS Library)
  • CURVEFIT Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CV_COORD Converts 2-D and 3-D coordinates between the rectangular, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems(ITTVIS Library)
  • CVTTOBM Converts a byte array in which each byte represents one pixel into a bitmap byte array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_ANIMATE Widget display of an animated sequence of images using X-windows Pixmaps. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_ARCBALL Compound widget to intuitively specify 3-dimensional orientations (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_BGROUP Compound widget to simplify the creation of a base of buttons (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_CLR_INDEX Compound widget for the selection of a color index (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_COLORSEL Compound widget that displays all the colors in the current colormap (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_DEFROI Widget to define a region of interest within a widget drawable. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_DICE Compound widget that implements a single die. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_FIELD Widget cluster function to manages a data entry field widget. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_FILESEL Compound widget for file selection (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_FORM Compound widget that creates small forms which contain text, numeric fields, buttons, lists and droplists (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_FSLIDER A compound widget to provide a floating point slider. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_LIGHT_EDITOR A compound widget that provides widgets to adjust light properties (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_ORIENT A compound widget to provide a means to interactively adjust the three dimensional drawing transformation (!P.T). (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_PALETTE_EDITOR Compound widget for the modification of color palette editors (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_PDMENU Compound widget that simplifies creating pulldown menus (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_RGBSLIDER Compound widget that provides three sliders for adjusting color values (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_TREESTRUCTURE compound widget for the treeview of an IDL structure with nested substructures. (ITTVIS Library)
  • CW_ZOOM A compound widget to display two images: an original image in one window and a portion of the original image in another. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DEFROI Define an irregular region of interest of an image using the image display system and the cursor/mouse. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DENDRO_PLOT Given a hierarchical tree cluster, draw a two-dimensional dendrite plot (ITTVIS Library)
  • DENDROGRAM Given a hierarchical tree cluster, constructs a dendrogram and return a set of vertices and connectivity (ITTVIS Library)
  • DERIV Perform numerical differentiation using 3-point, Lagrangian interpolation. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DERIVSIG Compute the standard deviation of a derivative as found by the DERIV function (ITTVIS Library)
  • DETERM Compute the determinant of an N by N array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DIGITAL_FILTER Compute the coefficients of a non-recursive, digital filter. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DISSOLVEA digital "dissolve" effect for images. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DIST Create a rectangular array in which each element is proportional to its frequency. (ITTVIS Library)
  • DISTANCE_MEASURE Compute the pairwise distances between a set of items (ITTVIS Library)
  • DOC_LIBRARY Extract the documentation template of one or more IDL modules (procedures or functions). (ITTVIS Library)
  • EFONT Widget provides a vector font editor and display. (ITTVIS Library)
  • EIGENVEC Compute the eigenvectors of an N by N real, non- symmetric array using inverse subspace iteration. (ITTVIS Library)
  • EMBOSS Apply a convolution operator to a 2D image array to generate an array containing difference values that represent edges in the original image (ITTVIS Library)
  • ERRPLOT Plot error bars over a previously drawn plot (ITTVIS Library)
  • EXPAND Array magnification (CONGRIDI like except that this really works!) (ITTVIS Library)
  • EXTRAC Return a specified rectangular sub-matrix or portion of the parameter array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • EXTRACT_SLICE Return a 2-D planar slice extracted from 3-D volumetric data (ITTVIS Library)
  • F_CVF Compute the cutoff value (v) such that: Probability(X > v) = p where X is a random variable from the F distribution (ITTVIS Library)
  • F_PDF Compute the probabilty (p) such that: Probability(X <= v) = p where X is a random variable from the F distribution (ITTVIS Library)
  • FACTORIAL Compute the factorial N! as the double-precision product, (N) * (N-1) * (N-2) * ...... * 3 * 2 * 1. (ITTVIS Library)
  • FILE_WHICH Look in the directories given by a file search path for a specific file (ITTVIS Library)
  • FILEPATH Return the fully qualified path for a file in the IDL distribution, (ITTVIS Library)
  • FLICK Flicker between two output images at a given rate. (ITTVIS Library)
  • FLOW3 Draw lines representing a 3D flow/velocity field. (ITTVIS Library)
  • FUNCT Evaluate the sum of a Gaussian and a 2nd-order polynomial and optionally return the value of its partial derivatives. (ITTVIS Library)
  • FV_TEST Compute the F-statistic and the probability that two vectors of sampled data have significantly different variances. (ITTVIS Library)
  • FX_ROOT Compute real and complex roots (zeros) of a univariate nonlinear function. (ITTVIS Library)
  • GAMMA_CT Apply gamma correction to the color table. (ITTVIS Library)
  • GAUSS2DFIT Evaluate function for gauss2fit. (ITTVIS Library)
  • GAUSS_CVF Compute the cutoff value (v) such that: Probability(X > v) = p where X is a Gaussian random variable (ITTVIS Library)
  • GAUSS_PDF Compute the probabilty (p) such that: Probability(X <= v) = p where X is a Gaussian random variable (ITTVIS Library)
  • GAUSSFITFit the equation y=f(x) where: F(x) = A0*EXP(-z^2/2) + A3 + A4*x + A5*x^2 (ITTVIS Library)
  • GET_SCREEN_SIZE Retrieve the screen size for the current (or specified) display. (ITTVIS Library)
  • GS_ITER Solve an n by n linear system of equations using Gauss-Seidel iteration. (ITTVIS Library)
  • H_EQ_CT Histogram-equalize the color tables for an image or a region of the display. (ITTVIS Library)
  • H_EQ_INT Interactively histogram-equalize the color tables of an image or a region of the display. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HANNING Window function for Fourier Transform filtering. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HDF_EXISTS Test for the existence of the HDF library (ITTVIS Library)
  • HILBERT Return a series that has all periodic terms shifted by 90 degrees. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HIST_2D Return the density function (histogram) of two variables. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HIST_EQUAL Return a histogram-equalized image or vector. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HLS Make a color table based on the HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation) color system. (ITTVIS Library)
  • HSV Make a color table based on the HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) color system. (ITTVIS Library)
  • IBETA Compute the incomplete beta function, Ix(a, b). (ITTVIS Library)
  • IDENTITY Return an N by N identity array, an array with ones along the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. (ITTVIS Library)
  • IGAMMA Compute the incomplete gamma function (ITTVIS Library)
  • IMAGE_CONT Overlay an image and a contour plot. (ITTVIS Library)
  • INT_2D Compute the double integral of a bivariate function F(x,y) using either a dy-dx or dx-dy order of integration. (ITTVIS Library)
  • INT_3D Compute the triple integral of a trivariate function F(x,y,z) (ITTVIS Library)
  • INT_TABULATED Integrate a tabulated set of data (x[i], f(i)), on the closed interval [min(X) , max(X)]. (ITTVIS Library)
  • INT_TABULATED_2d Integrate the volume defined by tabulated data (x[i], y[i], f(i)), over the convex hull. (ITTVIS Library)
  • INTERPOL Linearly interpolate vectors with a regular or irregular grid. (ITTVIS Library)
  • JULDAY Calculate the Julian Day Number for a given month, day, and year. (ITTVIS Library)
  • KRIG2D Interpolate a regularly or irregularly gridded set of points Z = F(X,Y) using kriging. (ITTVIS Library)
  • KW_TEST Test the hypothesis that three or more sample populations have the same mean of distribution (Kruskal-Wallis Test) (ITTVIS Library)
  • LA_DETERM() LAPACK computation of the determinant of a N x N array (ITTVIS Library)
  • LA_LINEAR_EQUATION() LAPACK solve a systim of linear equations using LU decomposition (ITTVIS Library)
  • LABEL_DATE Label axes with dates and times. (ITTVIS Library)
  • LADFIT Fit paired data to a linear model using the "robust" absolute deviation method (ITTVIS Library)
  • LAGUERRE Return the value of the associated Laguerre polynomial (ITTVIS Library)
  • LAPLACIAN Apply a Laplacian operator to a 2D image array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • LEEFILT Perform the Lee filter algorithm on an image array using a box of size 2N+1. (ITTVIS Library)
  • LINFIT Fit the paired data {X(i), Y(i)} to the linear model, y = A + Bx (ITTVIS Library)
  • LL_ARC_DISTANCE Return the longitude and latitude of a point at a given arc distance and azimuth, from a specified location (ITTVIS Library)
  • LMFIT Non-linear least squares fit to a function of an arbitrary number of parameters (from Numerical Recipes) (ITTVIS Library)
  • LOADCT Load predefined color tables. (ITTVIS Library)
  • LU_COMPLEX Solve an N by N complex linear system using LU decomposition. (ITTVIS Library)
  • M_CORRELATE Compute the multiple correlation coefficient of a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_2POINTS Return distance, azimuth, and path relating to the great circle connecting two points on a sphere (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_CONTINENTS Draw continental boundaries, filled continents, political boundaries, over an existing map projection (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_GRID Draw the graticule of parallels and meridians, according to the specifications established by MAP_SET. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_IMAGE Return the Image_Orig image warped to fit the current map. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_PATCH Linearly interpolate data sampled in latitude/longitude into device space. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MAP_PROJ_INIT Initialize a mapping projection (ITTVIS Library)
  • MATRIX_POWER Compute the product of a matrix with itself (ITTVIS Library)
  • MD_TEST Test the hypothesis that a sample population is random using the Median Delta Test (ITTVIS Library)
  • MESH_OBJ Generate a polygon mesh (vertex list and polygon list) that represent the desired primitive object. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MIN_CURVE_SURF Interpolate a set of points with either a minimum curvature surface or a thin-plate-spline surface. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MK_HTML_HELP Generate an HTML file containing the documentation for User procedures (ITTVIS Library)
  • MODIFYCT Update the distribution color table file "colors1.tbl" or the user-supplied file with a new table. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MOMENT() Compute the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of an N-element vector. (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_CLOSE Apply the closing operator to a binary or grayscale image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_GRADIENT Apply the morphological gradient operator to a grayscale image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_HITORMISS Apply the hit-or-miss operator to a grayscale image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_OPEN Apply the opening operator to a grayscale or binary image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_THIN Apply the thinning operator to a binary image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MORPH_TOPHAT Apply the top hat operator to a grayscale image (ITTVIS Library)
  • MPEG_CLOSE Free all information associated with a given MPEG sequence (ITTVIS Library)
  • MPEG_PUT Store a given image at the given MPEG frame index (ITTVIS Library)
  • MPEG_SAVE Encodes and save the MPEG sequence (ITTVIS Library)
  • MULTI Expand the current color table to wrap around N times. (ITTVIS Library)
  • NCDF_EXISTS() Test for the existence of the NetCDF library (ITTVIS Library)
  • NOISE_HURL Introduce noise into an image by changing randomly selected pixels to random colors (ITTVIS Library)
  • NOISE_PICK Introduce noise into an image by picking randomly selected pixels to be replaced by a neighboring pixel from a random direction. (ITTVIS Library)
  • NOISE_SCATTER Introduce noise into an image by selecting random pixels to be replaced by applying normally distributed noise to the entire image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • NOISE_SLUR Introduce noise into an image by selecting random pixels to be replaced by a neighboring pixel from a random location in the row above (ITTVIS Library)
  • NORM() Compute the Euclidean norm of a Vector (ITTVIS Library)
  • OPLOTERR Overplot Y vs. X with accompanying Y error bars (ITTVIS Library)
  • P_CORRELATE Compute the partial correlation coefficient of a dependent variable and one particular independent variable (ITTVIS Library)
  • PARSE_URL break a URL into its individual components.(ITTVIS Library)
  • PATH_SEP() Returns the character used to separate entries in a search path for a given OS (ITTVIS Library)
  • PCOMP Compute the principal components of an array (ITTVIS Library)
  • PLOT_3DBOX Plot data in a 3-dimensional box, with options to have the data displayed on the walls surrounding the plot area. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PLOTERR Plot Y vs. X with accompanying Y error bars (ITTVIS Library)
  • PLOT_FIELD Plot a 2-dimensional field. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PNT_LINE Return the perpendicular distance between the point P0 and the line between points L0 and L1. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLAR_CONTOUR Produce a contour plot from data in polar coordinates. Data may be in a regular or scattered grid. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLAR_SURFACE Interpolate a surface from polar coordinates (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLY Evaluate a polynomial function of a variable. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLY_AREA Return the area of a polygon given the coordinates of its vertices. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLY_FIT Perform a least-square polynomial fit with optional error estimates. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POLYWARP Perform polynomial spatial warping. (ITTVIS Library)
  • POPD Change the current working directory to that saved on the top of the directory stack (ITTVIS Library)
  • PRIMES Compute the first K prime numbers. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PRINTD Display the contents of the directory stack maintained by the PUSHD and POPD procedures (ITTVIS Library)
  • PROFILE Extract a profile from an image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PROFILES Interactively draw row or column profiles of an image in a separate window. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PROJECT_VOL Return a two dimensional image that is the projection of a 3-D volume of data onto a plane (similar to an X-ray). (ITTVIS Library)
  • PS_SHOW_FONTS Display all the PostScript fonts that IDL knows about, with both the StandardAdobe and ISOLatin1 encodings. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PSAFM Given an Adobe Font metric file, generate an AFM file in the format that IDL likes. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PSEUDO Generate a pseudo-color table based on the LHB, (lightness, hue, and brightness) system and load it. (ITTVIS Library)
  • PUSHD Push a directory onto the top of the directory stack maintained by the PUSHD and POPD procedures. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_BMP Return a structure contain information about a BMP format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_DICOM Determine if a file can be read as a DICOM format file. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_GIF Return a structure containing information about a GIF format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_JPEG2000 Return a structure containing information about a JPEG 2000 format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_PICT Return a structure containing information about a PICT format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_PPM Return a structure containing information about a PPM format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_SRF Return a structure containing information about a SRF format image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • QUERY_WAV Return a structure containing information about a Microsoft .WAV (RIFF) file (ITTVIS Library)
  • R_CORRELATE Compute Spearman's (rho) or Kendalls' (tau) rank correlation of two n-element vectors. . (ITTVIS Library)
  • R_TEST Test the hypothesis that a binary sequence represents a "random sampling" ("Runs" test) (ITTVIS Library)
  • RANKS Compute the magnitude-based ranks of a sample population X. (ITTVIS Library)
  • RDPIX Interactively display the X position, Y position, and pixel value of the cursor. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_ASCII Read data from an ASCII file into IDL. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_BINARY Load contents of a binary file into IDL. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_BMP Read a Microsoft Windows Version 3 device independent bitmap file (.BMP). (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_GIF Read the contents of a GIF format image file and return the image and color table vectors (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_IMAGE Read the image contents of a file and return an image variable and palette (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_INTERFILE Simplistic Interfile (v3.3) reader. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_JPEG2000 Read a JPEG2000 image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_PICT Read limited types of image files written in the PICT Version 2 (Macintosh) Format. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_PPM Read the contents of a PGM (gray scale) or PPM (portable pixmap for color) format image file (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_SPR Read a row-indexed sparse matrix from a specified file and returns it as the result. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_SRF Read the contents of a Sun rasterfile and return the image and color table vectors (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_SYLK Read the contents of a sylk (Symbolic Link) format spreadsheet data file and returns a cell data range (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_X11_BITMAP Read bitmaps stored in the X11 format. (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_XWD Read the contents of files created by the XWD (X Windows Dump) command (ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_WAV Read a Microsoft Windows .WAV (RIFF) file(ITTVIS Library)
  • READ_WAVE Read a .wave or .bwave file created by the Wavefront Advanced Data Visualizer (ITTVIS Library)
  • REAL_PART() Return the real part of a complex number (ITTVIS Library)
  • RECON3 Reconstruct a 3-dimensional data array from two or more images (or projections) of an object. (ITTVIS Library)
  • REDUCE_COLORS Reduce the number of colors used in an image by eliminating pixel values without members. (ITTVIS Library)
  • REGION_GROW Find connected neighbors to specified region pixels (ITTVIS Library)
  • REGRESS Perform a multiple linear regression fit. (ITTVIS Library)
  • RESOLVE_ALL Resolve (by compiling) all procedures and functions. (ITTVIS Library)
  • REVERSE Reverse the order of rows or columns in an array or vector. (ITTVIS Library)
  • ROT Rotate, magnify or demagnify, and/or translate an image. (ITTVIS Library)
  • RS_TEST Test the hypothesis that two sample populations, have the same mean using the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum or Mann- Whitney U-Test. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SAVGOL Return the coefficients of a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter (ITTVIS Library)
  • S_TEST Test the hypothesis that two sample popultions, have the same mean of distribution using the Sign Test. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SCALE3 Set up transformation and scaling for basic 3D viewing. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SCALE3D Scale the 3D unit cube (a cube with the length of each side equal to 1) into the viewing area. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SEARCH2D Find "objects" or regions of similar data values within a 2-D array of data. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SEARCH3D Find "objects" or regions of similar data values within a 3-D array of data. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SETUP_KEYS Set up function keys for use with IDL. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SFIT Determine a polynomial fit to a surface. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SHADE_SURF_IRR Make a shaded surface representation of an irregularly gridded elevation dataset. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SHIFT_DIFF Apply a shift-difference filter to a 2D image array.(ITTVIS Library)
  • SHOW3 Show a 2D array three ways in a display that combines SURFACE, (ITTVIS Library)
  • SHOWFONT Display a vector-drawn font on the current graphics device. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SKEWNESS Compute the statistical skewness of an N element vector. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SLICER3 Widget based application to show 3D volume slices and isosurfaces. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SLIDE_IMAGE Create a scrolling graphics window for examining large images. By default, 2 draw widgets are used. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SPH_4PNT Return the center and radius necessary to define the unique sphere passing through 4 points. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SPH_SCAT Interpolate to a regular grid given scattered samples on the surface of a sphere. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SPHER_HARM Returns the value of the spherical harmonic Y(L,M) (ITTVIS Library)
  • SPLINE Perform cubi c spline interpolation. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SPLINE_P Perform parametric cubic spline interpolation. (ITTVIS Library)
  • STANDARDIZE Compute standardized variables from an array of M variables (columns) and N observations (rows). (ITTVIS Library)
  • STDDEV Compute the standard deviation of an N-element vector . (ITTVIS Library)
  • STREAMLINE Generate visualization graphics (polygonal ribbon) from a path (ITTVIS Library)
  • STRETCH Stretch the image display color tables so the full range runs from one color index to another. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SURFR Set up 3D transformations. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SVDFIT Perform a general least squares fit with optional error estimates. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SWAP_ENDIAN Reverse the byte ordering of arbitrary scalars, arrays or structures. (ITTVIS Library)
  • SWAP_ENDIAN_INPLACE Reverse the byte ordering of arbitrary scalars, arrays or structures without making a copy (ITTVIS Library)
  • T3D Implement three-dimensional transforms. (ITTVIS Library)
  • T_CVF Compute the cutoff value (v) such that: Probability(X > v) = p where X is a random variable from the Student's t distribution with (df) degrees of freedom. (ITTVIS Library)
  • T_PDF Compute the probabilty (p) such that: Probability(X <= v) = p where X is a random variable from the Student's t distribution with (df) degrees of freedom. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TEK_COLOR Load a color table similar to the default Tektronix 4115 color table. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TEST_LJ Exercise and demonstrate various aspects of the IDL driver for the Digital Equipment Corporation LJ-250 color printer. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TEST_PCL Exercise and demonstrate various aspects of the HP PCL (Printer Command Language) IDL driver. (ITTVIS Library)
  • THREED Plot a 2D array as a pseudo 3D plot. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TIMEGEN Return an index array of Julian dates(ITTVIS Library)
  • TIME_TEST General purpose IDL benchmark program that performs approximately 20 common operations and prints the time required. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TM_TEST Compute the Student's T-statistic and the probability that two vectors of sampled data have significantly different means (T-means test) (ITTVIS Library)
  • TRACE Compute the trace of an N by N array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TRACKBALL Object to translate widget events into transformations that emulate a virtual trackball (ITTVIS Library)
  • TRI_SURF Interpolate a regularly or irregularly gridded set of points with a smooth quintic surface. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TS_COEF Compute the coefficients used in a Pth order autoregressive time-series forecasting/backcasting model. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TS_DIFF Recursively compute the forward differences, of an N-element time-series, K times. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TS_FCAST Compute future or past values of a stationary time- series (X) using a Pth order autoregressive model. (ITTVIS Library)
  • TS_SMOOTH Compute central, backward or forward moving-averages of an n-element time-series (X). (ITTVIS Library)
  • UNIQ Return the subscripts of the unique elements in an array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • UNSHARP_MASK Implement the unsharp mask sharpening filter (ITTVIS Library)
  • VECTOR_FIELD Place colored, orientated vectors of specified length at each vertex in an input vertex array. (ITTVIS Library)
  • VEL Draw a velocity (flow) field with arrows following the field proportional in length to the field strength. (ITTVIS Library)
  • VELOVECT Produce a two-dimensional velocity field plot. (ITTVIS Library)
  • VERT_T3D Transform 3-D points by a 4x4 transformation matrix. (ITTVIS Library)
  • VORONOI Computes the Voronoi polygon of a point within an irregular grid of points, given the Delaunay triangulation. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WARP_TRI Warp images using control (tie) points. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WF_DRAW Draws weather fonts of various types with spline smoothing. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_BMP Write a Microsoft Windows Version 3 device independent bitmap file (.BMP). (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_GIF Write an IDL image and color table vectors to a GIF file. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_IMAGE Write an image and its color table vectors to a file of specified type (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_JPEG2000 Write an image and its color table vectors to a JPEG2000 file (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_NRIF Write an IDL image and color table vectors to an NRIF file (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_PICT Write image files with the current color palette in the PICT Version 2 (Macintosh) Format. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_PPM Write an image to a PPM (true-color) or PGM (gray scale) file. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_SPR Write a row-indexed sparse matrix stucture to a specified file. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_SRF Write an IDL image and color table vectors to a Sun rasterfile. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_SYLK Write the contents of an IDL variable to a sylk (Symbolic Link) format spreadsheet data file. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_WAV Write a Microsoft Windows .WAV (RIFF) file (ITTVIS Library)
  • WRITE_WAVE Write a three dimensional IDL array to a .wave or .bwave file for use with the Wavefront Visualizer. (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_CWT Return the 1-dimensional continuous wavelet transform of the input array (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_DENOISE Use the wavelet transform to filter (or denoise) a multidimensional array (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_COIFLET Return the Coiflet wavelet coefficients (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_DAUBECHIES Return the Daubechies wavelet coefficients (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_GAUSSIAN Construct wavelet coefficients for the Gaussian wavelet function (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_HAAR Return the Haar wavelet coefficients (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_MORLET Construct wavelet coefficients for the Morlet wavelet function (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_PAUL Return the Paul wavelet (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_FN_SYMLET Return the Symlet wavelet coefficients (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_PLOT_MULTIRES Run the IDL Wavelet Toolkit multiresolution analysis widget (ITTVIS Library)
  • WV_PLOT3D_WPS Run the IDL Wavelet Toolkit wavelet power spectrum widget (ITTVIS Library)
  • XBM_EDIT Let users create and edit bitmaps for use with IDL widgets as icons. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XDISPLAYFILE Display an ASCII text file using widgets and the widget manager. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XFONT Modal widget for selecting and viewing an X windows font (ITTVIS Library)
  • XINTERANIMATE Display an animated sequence of images using X-windows Pixmaps. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XLOADCT A graphical interface to the LOADCT user library procedure. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XMANAGER Provide management for widgets client applications created using IDL. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XMNG_TMPL Provide a template for widgets that use the XManager. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XMTOOL Provide a tool for viewing Widgets currently being managed by the (ITTVIS Library)
  • XPALETTE Interactively create color tables using the RGB, CMY, HSV, and HLS color systems (ITTVIS Library)
  • XREGISTERED Return non-zero if a widget named is currently registered with the XMANAGER as an exclusive widget (ITTVIS Library)
  • XSQ_TEST Computes the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test between observed and expected frequencies of a theoretical distribution. (ITTVIS Library)
  • XSURFACE Provide a graphical interface to the SURFACE and SHADE_SURFACE commands (ITTVIS Library)
  • XVAREDIT Provides an editor for any IDL variable. (ITTVIS Library)
  • ZOOM Display part of an image (or graphics) from the current window enlarged in another window. (ITTVIS Library)
  • ZOOM_24 Display part of a 24-bit color image from the current window expanded in another window. (ITTVIS Library)
  • ABS Returns the absolute value of its argument (Intrinsic)
  • ACOS Returns the angle expressed in RADIANS whose cosine is X (Intrinsic)
  • ALOG Returns the natural logarithm of X (Intrinsic)
  • ALOG10 Returns the logarithm to the base 10 of X (Intrinsic)
  • APP_USER_DIR Provide access to the IDL "application user directory" (Intrinsic)
  • APP_USER_DIR_QUERY Locate existing aplication user directories created by APP_USER_DIR (Intrinsic)
  • ARG_PRESENT Determine if a named variable will be passed back to the caller (Intrinsic)
  • ARRAY_EQUAL Fast method to compare equality of vectors or arrays (Intrinsic)
  • ASIN Returns the angle, expressed in RADIANS, whose sin is X (Intrinsic)
  • ASSOC Associates an array structure with a file. Provides a basic method of random access input/output in IDL (Intrinsic)
  • ATAN Returns the angle, expressed in RADIANS, whose tangent is X (Intrinsic)
  • AXIS Draw an axis of the specified type and scale at a given position (Intrinsic)
  • BESELI Returns the I Bessel function of order N for the argument X (Intrinsic)
  • BESELJ Returns the J Bessel function of order N for the argument X (Intrinsic)
  • BESELK Return the K Bessel function of order N for the argument X (Intrinsic)
  • BESELY Returns the Y Bessel function of order N for the argument X (Intrinsic)
  • BINDGEN Returns a byte array with specified dimensions and values set equal to their subscripts (Intrinsic)
  • BLAS_AXPY Fastest way to update an existing array by adding a multiple of another array (Intrinsic)
  • BREAKPOINT Allows you to insert and remove breakpoints in programs for debugging (Intrinsic)
  • BROYDEN Solves a system of n nonlinear equations using a globally convergent Broyden's method (Intrinsic)
  • BUTTERWORTH Return the absolute value of the low-pass Butterworth kernel. (Intrinsic)
  • BYTARR Returns a byte array or vector (Intrinsic)
  • BYTE Returns a result equal to *Expression* converted to byte type (Intrinsic)
  • BYTEORDER Swap bytes within numbers or convert between host and XDR(IEEE) format (Intrinsic)
  • BYTSCL Scale all values of *Array* that lie in the range (Min < x < Max) into the range 0 < x < Top (Intrinsic)
  • CALL_EXTERNAL Call a function in an external sharable object and return a scalar value (Intrinsic)
  • CALL_FUNCTION Call the IDL function specified by the string *Name*, passing any additional parameters as its arguments (Intrinsic)
  • CALL_METHOD Call the IDL object method specified by the string *Name*, passing any additional parameters as its arguments (Intrinsic)
  • CALL_PROCEDURE Call the IDL procedure specified by the string *Name*, passing any additional parameters as its arguments (Intrinsic)
  • CANNY Implement the Canny edge-detection algorithm (Intrinsic)
  • CATCH Establish an handler for the current procedure to intercept errors (Intrinsic)
  • CD Set or change the current working directory (Intrinsic)
  • CEIL Return the closest integer greater than or equal to its argument (Intrinsic)
  • CHECK_MATH Return and clear the accumulated math error status (Intrinsic)
  • CHOLDC Construct the Cholesky decomposition of a positive-definite symmetric array (Intrinsic)
  • CHOLSOL Solve a set of linear equations using Cholesky decomposition (Intrinsic)
  • CINDGEN Return a complex array with specified dimensions and values set equal to their subscripts (Intrinsic)
  • CLOSE Close the specified file unit(s) (Intrinsic)
  • COLOR_CONVERT Convert colors between the RGB, HLS, and HSV color systems (Intrinsic)
  • COLOR_QUAN Quantize a true-color image and return a pseudo-color image and palette for a pseudo-color display (Intrinsic)
  • COMPILE_OPT Change the default rules for compiling a function or procedure (Intrinsic)
  • COMPLEX Return complex scalars of arrays given one or two scalars or arrays (Intrinsic)
  • COMPLEXARR Return a complex, single-precision vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • COMPUTE_MESH_NORMALS Compute normal vectors for a set of polygons (Intrinsic)
  • CONJ Return the complex conjugate of X (Intrinsic)
  • CONSTRAINED_MIN Solve a nonlinear optimization using the generalized reduced gradient method (Intrinsic)
  • CONTOUR Draw a contour plot from data stored in an array or in a set of unstructured points (Intrinsic)
  • CONVERT_COORD Convert between the different graphics coordinate systems supported by IDL (Intrinsic)
  • CONVOL Convolve an array with a kernel (Intrinsic)
  • COPY_LUN Copy data between two open files(Intrinsic)
  • COS Return the trigonometric cosine of X (Intrinsic)
  • COSH Return the hyperbolic cosine of X (Intrinsic)
  • CPU Modify !CPU to control the way IDL uses the system processors (Intrinsic)
  • CREATE_CURSOR Create an image array from a string array that represents a 16 by 16 cursor(Intrinsic)
  • CREATE_STRUCT Create a structure given pairs of tag names and values (Intrinsic)
  • CURSOR Read the position of the interactive graphics cursor (Intrinsic)
  • DBLARR Return a double-precision vector or array with specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • DCINDGEN Return a complex, double-precision array with specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • DCOMPLEX Return double-precision complex scalars or arrays given one or two scalars or arrays (Intrinsic)
  • DCOMPLEXARR Return a complex, double-precision vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • DEFINE_KEY Program a keyboard function key with the command line interface (Intrinsic)
  • DEFINE_MSGBLK Define and load a new message block into the currently running IDL session (Intrinsic)
  • DEFSYSV Create a new system variable with specified Name and Value (Intrinsic)
  • DELVAR Delete specified variables from the main IDL Program (Intrinsic)
  • DEVICE Provide device-dependent control over the current graphics device (Intrinsic)
  • DFPMIN Minimize a user-written function using the Davidson-Fletcher-Powell method (Intrinsic)
  • DIAG_MATRIX Convert between an input vector and a diagonal matrix (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_MESSAGE Create a model (blocking) dialog box to display information (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_PICKFILE Interactively pick a file using the native graphical file-selection dialog (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_PRINTJOB Open a native dialog that allows one to set parameters for a print job (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_PRINTERSETUP Open a native dialog for setting the applicable properties for a particular printer. (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_READ_IMAGE Graphical Interface for reading image files (Intrinsic)
  • DIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE Graphical Interface for writing image files (Intrinsic)
  • DILATE Morphological dilation operator on binary and grayscale images (Intrinsic)
  • DINDGEN Return a double precision floating-point array with specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • DLM_LOAD Explicitly cause a dynamically loaded module to be loaded (Intrinsic)
  • DLM_REGISTER Register a dynamically loaded module that was not originally loaded with IDL (Intrinsic)
  • DOUBLE Convert an expression of double-precision floating point (Intrinsic)
  • DRAW_ROI Draw a region of interest to the current direct graphics device (Intrinsic)
  • EIGENQL Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a n by n real, symmetric matrix using Householder reductions (Intrinsic)
  • ELMHES Reduce a real, nonsymmetric n by n array to upper Hessenberg form (Intrinsic)
  • EMPTY Causes all buffered output for the current graphics device to be written (Intrinsic)
  • ENABLE_SYSRTN Enable/disable IDL system routines (Intrinsic)
  • EOF Test the specified file unit for end of file condition (Intrinsic)
  • ERASE Erase the screen of the currently selected graphics device (Intrinsic)
  • ERF Return the value of the error function (Intrinsic)
  • ERFC Return the value of the complementary error function (Intrinsic)
  • ERFCX Return the value of the scaled complementary error function (Intrinsic)
  • ERODE the erosion operator on binary and grayscale images (Intrinsic)
  • EXECUTE Compile one or more IDL statements contained in a string at run time (Intrinsic)
  • EXIT Quit IDL and exit back to the operating system (Intrinsic)
  • EXP Natural exponential function (Intrinsic)
  • EXPAND_PATH Expand a simple path-definition string into a full path name (Intrinsic)
  • EXPINT Return the value of the exponential integral (Intrinsic)
  • FFT Return the complex, discrete Fourier transform of an array (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_BASENAME Return the basename of a file path (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_CHMOD Change the current access permissions associated with a file or directory (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_COPY Copy files or directories to a new location (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_DELETE Delete a file or empty directory (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_EXPAND_PATH Expand a file or partial directory name to its fully qualified name (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_INFO Return status information about a specified file (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_LINES Report the number of lines found within the specified file(s) (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_LINK Create Unix (regular or symbolic) file links (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_MOVE Rename files and directories, moving them to a new location (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_READLINK Return the path pointed to by Unix symbolic links (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_SAME Determine if two different names refer to the same file (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_SEARCH Return the names of all files matching the input path specification (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_MKDIR Create a new directory with the default access permissions (Intrinsic)
  • FILE_TEST Check for the existence and other attributes of a file (Intrinsic)
  • FINDGEN Return a single-precision, floating-point array with specified dimensions ()
  • FINITE Return 1 (True) if argument is finite (Intrinsic)
  • FIX Convert an expression to integer (2-byte) type (Intrinsic)
  • FLOAT Convert an expression to single-precision floating-point (Intrinsic)
  • FLOOR Return the closest integer less than or equal to its argument (Intrinsic)
  • FLTARR Return a single-precision, floating-point vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • FLUSH Cause all buffered output on the specified file units to be written (Intrinsic)
  • FORMAT_AXIS_VALUES() Convert a vector of numeric values into a vector of string values (Intrinsic)
  • FORWARD_FUNCTION Cause arguments to be interpreted as functions rather than variables (Intrinsic)
  • FREE_LUN Deallocate previously-allocated file units (Intrinsic)
  • FSTAT Return a structure giving the status of about a specified file unit (Intrinsic)
  • FULSTR Restore a row-indexed sparse array to full storage mode (Intrinsic)
  • FZ_ROOTS Find the roots of an m-degree complex polynomial using Laguerre's method (Intrinsic)
  • GAMMA Return the gamma function (Intrinsic)
  • GAUSSINT Return the integral of the Gaussian probability function (Intrinsic)
  • GET_DRIVE_LIST Return valid drive or volume names for the file system (Intrinsic)
  • GETENV Return the equivalence string of a specified name from the environment of the IDL process (Intrinsic)
  • GET_KBRD Return the next character available from the standard input (Intrinsic)
  • GET_LUN Allocate a file unit from a pool of free units (Intrinsic)
  • GOTO Transfer program control to a point specified by a label (Intrinsic)
  • GRID_INPUT Preprocesses and sort two-dimensional scattered data and remove duplicates (Intrinsic)
  • GRID_TPS Use thin plate splines to interpolate values over a 2-d grid (Intrinsic)
  • GRID3 Fit a smooth function to a set of 3d scattered nodes with associated data values (Intrinsic)
  • GRIDDATA Interpolate scattered data values sampled on a plane or sphere to a regular grid (Intrinsic)
  • HDF_BROWSWER GUI to view contents of an Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file (Intrinsic)
  • HDF_READ Extract Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file into an output structure (Intrinsic)
  • IDLffXMLSax IDL Object to use a XML Sax Level 2 parser (Intrinsic)
  • HEAP_FREE Recursively free all heap variables (Intrinsic)
  • HEAP_GC Perform garbage collection on heap variables (Intrinsic)
  • HELP Give the user information on various aspects of the IDL session (Intrinsic)
  • HISTOGRAM Return a longword function equal to density function of the input array (Intrinsic)
  • HOUGH Implement the Hough transform, used to detect straight lines in a 2-d image(Intrinsic)
  • HQR Return all eigenvalues of an upper Hessenberg array (Intrinsic)
  • IDL_VALIDNAME Determine if a string may be used as a valid IDL variable name (Intrinsic)
  • IIMAGE Creates an iTool and associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate image data (Intrinsic)
  • IMAGE_STATISTICS Compute sample statistics for a given array of values (Intrinsic)
  • IMAGINARY Return the imaginary part of a complex-values argument (Intrinsic)
  • IMAP creates an iTool and associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate image and contour data that is georeferenced (Intrinsic)
  • INDGEN Return an indexed integer array with the specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • INTARR Return an integer vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • INTERPOLATE Return an array of linear, bilinear, or trilinear interpolates (Intrinsic)
  • INTERVAL_VOLUME Generate a tetrahedral mesh from volumetric data (Intrinsic)
  • INVERT Use Gaussian elimination to compute the inverse of an array (Intrinsic)
  • IOCTL Access the Unix ioctl(2) system call (Intrinsic)
  • IPLOT Create an iTool and the associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate plot data (Intrinsic)
  • ISHFT Perform a bit shift operation on bytes, integers, and longwords (Intrinsic)
  • ISOCONTOUR Interpret the IDLgrContour object on an arbitary mesh (Intrinsic)
  • ISOSURFACE Return topologically consistent triangles using oriented tetrahedral decomposition (Intrinsic)
  • ISURFACE Create an iTool and the associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate surface data(Intrinsic)
  • IVOLUME Create an iTool and the associated user interface (UI) configured to display and manipulate volume data(Intrinsic)
  • JOURNAL Save in a journal all text entered at the IDL prompt (Intrinsic)
  • KEYWORD_SET Returns non-zero if supplied expression is defined and non-zero (Intrinsic)
  • L64indgen Create a 64-bit integer array with the specified dimensions and each element set to the value of its one-dimensional subscript. (Intrinsic)
  • LA_CHOLDC LAPACK Compute the Cholesky factorization of a n by n symmetrix matrix (Intrinsic)
  • LA_CHOLMPROVE() LAPACK Use Cholesky factorization to improve the solution to a system of equations (Intrinsic)
  • LA_CHOLSOL() LAPACK Solve a set of n linear equations in n unknowns (Intrinsic)
  • LA_EIGENPROBLEM() LAPACK Use the QR algorithm to compute all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix (Intrinsic)
  • LA_EIGENQL() LAPACK Compute selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_EIGENVEC() LAPACK Use the QR algorithm to compute eigenvectorsof a real nonsymmetric array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_ELMHES() LAPACK Reduce a real nonsymmetric array to upper Hessenberg form (Intrinsic)
  • LA_GM_LINEAR_MODEL() LAPACK Solve a general Gauss-Markov linear model problem (Intrinsic)
  • LA_HQR() LAPACK Use the multishift QR algorithm to compute all eigenvalues of a upper Hessenberg array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_INVERT() LAPACK Use LU decomposition to compute the inverse of a square array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_LEAST_SQUARE_EQUALITY() LAPACK Solve the linear least-squares problem with constraints (Intrinsic)
  • LA_LEAST_SQUARES() LAPACK Solve the linear least-squares problem (Intrinsic)
  • LA_LUDC LAPACK Compute the LU decomposition of an array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_LUMPROVE() LAPACK Use LU decomposition to improve the solution of a system of linear equations (Intrinsic)
  • LA_LUSOL() LAPACK Solve a set of n linear equations in n unknowns (Intrinsic)
  • LA_SVD LAPACK Compute the singular value decomposition of an array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_TRIDC LAPACK Compute the LU decomposition of a tridiagonal array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_TRIMPROVE() LAPACK Improve the solutions to a system of linear equations with a tridiagonal array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_TRIQL LAPACK Use the QL and QR variants of the implicitly-shifted QR algorithm to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tridiagonal array (Intrinsic)
  • LA_TRIRED LAPACK Reduce a real symmetric array to tridiagonal form (Intrinsic)
  • LA_TRISOL() LAPACK Solve a set of n linear equations in n unknowns with a tridiagonal array (Intrinsic)
  • LABEL_REGION Consecutively label all regions of a bi-level image with a unique index (Intrinsic)
  • LEGENDRE Return the value of the associated Legendre polynomial (Intrinsic)
  • LINBCG Solve a set of n linear equations using the iterative biconjugate gradient method (Intrinsic)
  • LINDGEN Return an indexed longword array with the specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • LINKIMAGE Merge routines written in other languages with IDL at run-time (Intrinsic)
  • LMGR Determine the IDL licensing mode in effect (Intrinsic)
  • LNGAMMA Return the logarithm of the gamma function of X (Intrinsic)
  • LNP_TEST Compute the Lomb Normalized Periodogram of two sample populations (Intrinsic)
  • LON64ARR Return a 64 bit integer vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • LONARR Return a longword vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • LONG Convert an expression to longword integer type (Intrinsic)
  • LONG64 Convert an expression to a 64 bit integer type (Intrinsic)
  • LSODE Use adaptive numerical methods to advance a solution of ordinary differential equations (Intrinsic)
  • LUDC Replace an n by n array with the LU decomposition of a row-wise permutation of itself (Intrinsic)
  • LUMPROVE Use LU decomposition to iteratively improve an approximate solution of n linear equations (Intrinsic)
  • LUSOL Use in conjunction with LUDC to solve n linear equations in n unknowns (Intrinsic)
  • MACHAR Return machine specific parameters affecting floating-point arithmetic (Intrinsic)
  • MAKE_ARRAY Make an array with specified type, dimensions and initialization (Intrinsic)
  • MAP_PROJ_FORWARD Transform coordinates for a given projection from latitude & longitude to Cartesian (Intrinsic)
  • MAP_PROJ_INFO Return information about the current map and/or the available projections (Intrinsic)
  • MAP_PROJ_INVERSE Transform coordinates for a given projection from Cartesion to latitude & longitude (Intrinsic)
  • MAP_SET Establish the axis type and coordinate conversion mechanism for map projections (Intrinsic)
  • MATRIX_MULTIPLY Matrix multiplication of two (possibly transposed) arrays (Intrinsic)
  • MAX Return the largest element of an array (Intrinsic)
  • MEDIAN Return the median value of an array (Intrinsic)
  • MEMORY Return information on the amount of dynamic memory currently in use (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_CLIP Clip a polygonal mesh to an arbitary plane in space (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_DECIMATE Thin out a polygonal mess to use fewer polyons while preserving the mesh form(Intrinsic)
  • MESH_ISSOLID Determine if a mesh encloses space (is a solid) (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_MERGE Merge two polygonal meshes (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_NUMTRIANGLES Compute the number of triangles in a polygonal meshes (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_SMOOTH Perform spatial smoothing on a polygonal mesh (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_SURFACEAREA Determine the surface area of a polygonal mesh (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_VALIDATE Check for NaN values, remove unused vertices and combine close vertices (Intrinsic)
  • MESH_VOLUME Compute the volume enclosed by a polygonal mesh (Intrinsic)
  • MESSAGE Issue error and informational messages in same way as built-in IDL routines (Intrinsic)
  • MIN Return the smallest element of an array (Intrinsic)
  • MPEG_OPEN Initialize MPEG encoding (Intrinsic)
  • N_ELEMENTS Return the number of elements in an expression or variable (Intrinsic)
  • N_PARAMS Return the number of non-keyword parameters used in an IDL procedure (Intrinsic)
  • N_TAGS Return the number of structure tags contained in a structure expression (Intrinsic)
  • NEWTON Solve a system of n nonlinear equations using globally convergent Newton's method (Intrinsic)
  • OBJ_CLASS Return the name of the class or superclasses of its argument (Intrinsic)
  • OBJ_DESTROY Destroy an object (Intrinsic)
  • OBJ_ISA Determine if an object instance is subclassed from the specified class (Intrinsic)
  • OBJ_NEW Return an object reference to a new instance of the specified object type (Intrinsic)
  • OBJ_VALID Verify the validity of its argument of object references (Intrinsic)
  • OBJARR Return an object reference vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • ON_ERROR Determine the action taken when an error is detected inside an IDL user procedure (Intrinsic)
  • ON_IOERROR.html">ON_IOERROR">ON_IOERROR Specify a statement to jump to if an I/O error occurs (Intrinsic)
  • ONLINE_HELP Invoke the hypertext help viewer (Intrinsic)
  • OPENR Open an existing file for input only (Intrinsic)
  • OPENU Open an existing file for input and output (Intrinsic)
  • OPENW Open a new file for input and output (Intrinsic)
  • OPLOT Plot vector data over a previously-drawn plot (Intrinsic)
  • PARTICLE_TRACE Trace the path of a massless particle through a vector field (Intrinsic)
  • PLOT Draw a graph of vector arguments (Intrinsic)
  • PLOTS Plot vectors or points on the current graphics devices in 2 or 3 dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • POINT_LUN Set or obtain the current position of the file pointer (Intrinsic)
  • POLYFILL Fill the interior of a region of the display enclosed by a 2 or 3 dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • POLYFILLV Return the 1-dimensional subscripts of the array elements inside a polygon (Intrinsic)
  • POLYSHADE Return a shaded-surface representation of one or more solids described by polygons (Intrinsic)
  • POLY_2D Perform polynomial warping (geometrical transformation) of images (Intrinsic)
  • POWELL Minimize a user-written function of 2 or more variables using the Powell method (Intrinsic)
  • PRINT Perform formatted output (Intrinsic)
  • PRINTF Perform formatted output to a file unit (Intrinsic)
  • PROFILER Analyze code performance by the calling frequency and execution time (Intrinsic)
  • PTR_FREE Destroy the heap variables pointed at by its pointer arguments (Intrinsic)
  • PTR_NEW Return a pointer to the created variable (Intrinsic)
  • PTR_VALID Verify the validity of its pointer arguments (Intrinsic)
  • PTRARR Return a pointer vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • QGRID3 Linearly interpolate to points in a regularly sampled volume (Intrinsic)
  • QHULL Construct convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi diagrams of a set of points (Intrinsic)
  • QROMB Evaluate the integral of a function over a closed interval (Intrinsic)
  • QROMO Perform numerical integration over an open interval using a modified Romberg's method (Intrinsic)
  • QSIMP Perform numerical integration using Simpson's rule (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_BMP Obtain information about a BMP image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_GIF Obtain information about a GIF image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_JPEG Obtain information about a JPEG image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_JPEG2000 Obtain information about a JPEG2000 image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_MRSID Obtain information about a MrSID image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_PNG Obtain information about a PNG image file (Intrinsic)
  • QUERY_TIFF Obtain information about a TIFF image file (Intrinsic)
  • RADON Implement the Radon transform used to detect features in a 2-d image (Intrinsic)
  • RANDOMN Return random numbers with a normal, uniform, Poisson, gamma or binomial distribution (Intrinsic)
  • RANDOMU Return random numbers with a normal, uniform, Poisson, gamma or binomial distribution (Intrinsic)
  • READ Perform formatted input into variables (Intrinsic)
  • READF Perform formatted input from a file unit into variables (Intrinsic)
  • READS Perform formatted input from a string variable into output variables (Intrinsic)
  • READU Read unformatted binary data from a file into IDL variables (Intrinsic)
  • READ_JPEG Read JPEG compressed images from files or memory (Intrinsic)
  • READ_JPEG2000 Read images from a JPEG2000 file (Intrinsic)
  • READ_PNG Read a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image (Intrinsic)
  • READ_TIFF Read TIFF format images (Intrinsic)
  • REBIN Resize a vector or array to new integral multiple dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • RECALL_COMMANDS Return a string array containing entries in IDL's command buffer (Intrinsic)
  • REFORM Change the dimensions of an array without changing number of elements (Intrinsic)
  • REGISTER_CURSOR Associate the given name with the given cursor information (Intrinsic)
  • REPLICATE Return an array with the given dimensions, filled with a scalar value (Intrinsic)
  • REPLICATE_INPLACE Update an existing array with new values (Intrinsic)
  • RESOLVE_ROUTINE Compile procedures or functions given their names (Intrinsic)
  • RESTORE Restore the IDL variables and routines from a file made by the SAVE procedure (Intrinsic)
  • RETALL Return control to the main program level (Intrinsic)
  • RK4 Use the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to advance a solution of an ODE (Intrinsic)
  • ROBERTS Return an approximation to the Roberts edge enhancement operator (Intrinsic)
  • ROTATE Return a rotated and/or transposed copy of an array (Intrinsic)
  • ROUND Return the integer closest to its argument (Intrinsic)
  • ROUTINE_INFO Provide info about currently-compiled procedures and functions (Intrinsic)
  • SAVE Save variables, system variables, and IDL routines in a file (Intrinsic)
  • SCOPE_LEVEL Return the scope level of the currently running procedure or function (Intrinsic)
  • SCOPE_VARFETCH Return variables outside he local scope of the currently running procedure (Intrinsic)
  • SCOPE_VARNAME Return the names of variables outside the local scope of the currently running procedure or function(Intrinsic)
  • SET_PLOT Set the output device used by the IDL graphics procedure (Intrinsic)
  • SET_SHADING Modify the light source shading parameters that affect SHADE_SURF and POLYSHADE (Intrinsic)
  • SETENV Add or change an environment string in the process environment (Intrinsic)
  • SHADE_SURF Create a shaded-surface representation of a regular gridded surface with shading (Intrinsic)
  • SHADE_VOLUME Given a 3D volume and a contour value, produce a list of vertices and polygons describing the contour surface (Intrinsic)
  • SHIFT Shift elements of vectors or arrays along any dimension by any number of elements (Intrinsic)
  • SHMDEBUG Enable debugging mode to track when a variable loses its reference (Intrinsic)
  • SHMMAP Map anonymous shared memory or disk files into the memory address of current IDL process (Intrinsic)
  • SHMUNMAP Remove a memory segment previously created by SHMMAP (Intrinsic)
  • SHMVAR Create an IDL variable that uses mapped memory form the SHMMAP procedure (Intrinsic)
  • SIMPLEX Use the Simplex method to solve linear programming problems (Intrinsic)
  • SIN Return the trigonometric sine of the input argument (Intrinsic)
  • SINDGEN Return a string array with the specified dimensions (Intrinsic)
  • SINH Return the hyperbolic sine of the input argument (Intrinsic)
  • SIZE Return a vector that contains size and dimension information for its argument (Intrinsic)
  • SKIP_LUN Read data from an open file and move the file pointer (Intrinsic)
  • SMOOTH Return a copy of an array smoothed with a boxcar of the specified width (Intrinsic)
  • SOBEL Return an approximation of the 3 by 3 nonlinear edge-enhancement operator (Intrinsic)
  • SOCKET Open a client-side TCP/IP Internet socket as an IDL file unit (Intrinsic)
  • SORT Return a vector of subscripts that allow access to the elements of an array in ascending order (Intrinsic)
  • SPAWN Spawn a child process to execute a command (Intrinsic)
  • SPL_INIT Establish the type of interpolating spline for a tabulated set of functional values (Intrinsic)
  • SPL_INTERP Return cubic spline interpolated values given tabulated data and output of SPL_INIT (Intrinsic)
  • SPRSAB Perform matrix multiplication on two row-indexed sparse arrays created by SPRSIN (Intrinsic)
  • SPRSAX Multiply a row-indexed sparse array created by SPRSIN by an n-element vector to its right (Intrinsic)
  • SPRSIN Convert an array into a row-index sparse storage mode (Intrinsic)
  • SPRSTP Construct the transpose of a sparse matrix (Intrinsic)
  • SQRT Return the square root of its argument (Intrinsic)
  • STOP Stop the execution of a running program (Intrinsic)
  • STRARR Return a string array containing zero-length strings (Intrinsic)
  • STRCMP Perform a string comparison between two string arguments (Intrinsic)
  • STRCOMPRESS Return a copy of a string with all whitespace compressed or removed (Intrinsic)
  • STREGEX Perform regular expression matching on strings (Intrinsic)
  • STRING Return its argument converted to string type (Intrinsic)
  • STRJOIN Collapse a string scalar or array into merged strings (Intrinsic)
  • STRLEN Return the length of its string-type argument (Intrinsic)
  • STRLOWCASE Return the string argument converted to lower case (Intrinsic)
  • STRMATCH Match a string array against a search string including wildcards (Intrinsic)
  • STRMESSAGE Return the text of the specified error message number (Intrinsic)
  • STRMID Extract a substring from a string expression (Intrinsic)
  • STRSPLIT Split an input string into separate substrings given delimiter (Intrinsic)
  • STRPOS Find the first occurrence of a substring within an object string (Intrinsic)
  • STRPUT Insert the contents of one string into another (Intrinsic)
  • STRTRIM Remove leading and/or trailing blanks from a string (Intrinsic)
  • STRUCT_ASSIGN Perform a "relaxed" IDL structure assignment (Intrinsic)
  • STRUCT_HIDE Hide a structure from being displayed with HELP,/STR (Intrinsic)
  • STRUPCASE Return the string argument converted to upper case (Intrinsic)
  • SURFACE Draw a wire-mesh representation of a two-dimensional array (Intrinsic)
  • SVDC Compute the singular value decomposition of a square array (Intrinsic)
  • SVSOL Use back-substitution to solve a set of simultaneous linear equations (Intrinsic)
  • SWITCH Select one statement for execution from multiple choices (Intrinsic)
  • SYSTIME Return the current system time as a string or numerically (Intrinsic)
  • TAG_NAMES Return a string array containing the names of the tags in an IDL structure (Intrinsic)
  • TAN Return the tangent of its argument (Intrinsic)
  • TANH Return the hyperbolic tangent of its argument (Intrinsic)
  • TEMPORARY Create a temporary copy of a variable to conserve memory (Intrinsic)
  • TETRA_CLIP Clip a tetrahedral mesh to an arbitrary plane in space (Intrinsic)
  • TETRA_SURFACE Extract a polygonal mesh as the exterior surface of a tetrahedral mesh (Intrinsic)
  • TETRA_VOLUME Compute properties of a tetrahedral mesh array (Intrinsic)
  • THIN Return the "skeleton" of a bi-level image (Intrinsic)
  • TOTAL Return the sum of the elements in an array, or one dimension of an array (Intrinsic)
  • TRANSPOSE Return the transpose of an array (Intrinsic)
  • TRIANGULATE Constructs a Delaunay triangulation of a planar set of points. (Intrinsic)
  • TRIGRID Returns a regular grid of interpolated Z values for a given triangulation (Intrinsic)
  • TRIQL Use the QL algorithm with implicit shifts to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real, symmetric, tridiagonal array. (Intrinsic)
  • TRIRED Use Householder's method to reduce a real, symmetric array to tridiagonal form. (Intrinsic)
  • TRISOL Solve a tridiagonal systems of linear equations (Intrinsic)
  • TRUNCATE_LUN Truncate the contents of a file at the current position of the file pointer (Intrinsic)
  • TV Display images on the image display without scaling the intensity (Intrinsic)
  • TVCRS Manipulates the display device cursor. (Intrinsic)
  • TVLCT Load the display color translation tables from the specified variables. (Intrinsic)
  • TVRD Return the contents of the specified rectangular portion of the current graphics window or device. (Intrinsic)
  • TVSCL Display images on the image display after scaling the intensity (Intrinsic)
  • UINDGEN Create an unsigned integer array equal to its subscript (Intrinsic)
  • UINT Convert an expression to an unsigned integer (Intrinsic)
  • UINTARR Create an unsigned integer array (Intrinsic)
  • UL64INDGEN Create an unsigned 64bit integer array equal to its subscript(Intrinsic)
  • ULINDGEN Create an unsigned long integer array equal to its subscript (Intrinsic)
  • ULON64ARR Return an unsigned 64bit integer vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • ULONARR Return an unsigned long integer vector or array (Intrinsic)
  • ULONG Convert the expression to unsigned 64 bit integer type (Intrinsic)
  • ULONG64 Convert the expression to unsigned integer long (Intrinsic)
  • USERSYM Make user-defined plotting symbols to be used with PSYM = 8 (Intrinsic)
  • VALUE_LOCATE Find intervals in a monotonic vector that bracket search values (Intrinsic)
  • VOIGT Return a Voigt (atomic absorption line) profile (Intrinsic)
  • VOXEL_PROJ Generate visualizations of volumetric data by computing 2D projections of a colored, semi-transparent volume (Intrinsic)
  • WAIT Suspend execution of an IDL program for a specified period (Intrinsic)
  • WATERSHED Apply the morphological watershed operator to a grayscale image (Intrinsic)
  • WDELETE Delete an IDL window (Intrinsic)
  • WHERE Return a longword vector giving 1-d subscript of non-zero elements of an array (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_ACTIVEX Incorporate an ActiveX control into an IDL widget hierarchy (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_BASE Create a base widget (a container for other widgets) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_BUTTON Create a button widget (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_COMBOBOX Create combobox widgets (similar to droplist widgets) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_CONTROL Realize, manage, and destroy widget hierarchies. (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_DISPLAYCONTEXTMENU Display a context sensitive (pop-up) menu (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_DRAW Create draw widgets (rectangular areas that IDL treats as standard graphics window (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_DROPLIST Create a "droplist" widget (a button that reveals a list of options) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_EVENT Returns events for the widget hierarchy rooted at the specified Widget_ID (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_INFO Obtain information about the widget subsystem and individual widgets. (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_LABEL Create a label widget (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_LIST Create a list widgets (which offers a list of text elements from which to choose) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_SLIDER Create a slider widget (indicates an integer value from a range) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_TABLE Create a table widget (2-d data display with editing) (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_TAB() Create a tab widget(Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_TEXT Create a text widget (Intrinsic)
  • WIDGET_TREE() Create and populate a tree widget(Intrinsic)
  • WINDOW Create a window for the display of graphics or text. (Intrinsic)
  • WRITEU Writes unformatted binary data from an expression into a file. (Intrinsic)
  • WRITE_JPEG Writes compressed images to files (Intrinsic)
  • WRITE_JPEG2000 Write images to a JPEG2000 file (Intrinsic)
  • WRITE_PNG Write a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image (Intrinsic)
  • WRITE_TIFF Write a TIFF file with one or more channels (Intrinsic)
  • WSET Select the current window (Intrinsic)
  • WSHOW Expose or hide the designated window (Intrinsic)
  • WTN Return a multi-dimensional discrete wavelet transform of the input array (Intrinsic)
  • XDXF Display and interactively manipulate DXF objects (Intrinsic)
  • XYOUTS Draw text on the currently selected graphics device (Intrinsic)
  • XROI Utility for interactively defining regions of interest (ROIs) (ITTVIS Library)
  • XPLOT3d Utility for creating and interactively manipulating 3d plots (ITTVIS Library)
  • XVOLUME Utility for viewing and interactively manipulating volumes and isosurfaces(ITTVIS Library)
  • !P.MULTI System variable to allow multiple plots on a page or screen
  • CDF Documentation Documentation for the IDL interface routines for Common Data Format (CDF) files
  • EOS Documentation Documentation for the IDL interface routines for HDF-EOS files
  • HDF Documentation Documentation for the IDL interface routines for Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) files
  • NetCDF Documentation Documentation for the IDL interface routines for Network Common Data Format (NCDF) files
  • CMAPPLY Apply a generic function to an array (Markwardt Library)
  • CMREPLICATE Like intrinsic REPLICATE but the template value can be an array (Markwardt Library)
  • CMSET_OP performs three binary operations -- intersect, union and exclusive or -- on sets.(Markwardt Library)
  • GTI Small library to handle 1d good time interval (GTI) data (Markwardt Library)
  • HASHTABLE This HASHTABLE object is a variable-sized hash table data structure. (Markwardt Library)
  • MULTISORT Sort on multiple keys (Markwardt Library)
  • CMSAVEDIR Print the contents of an existing IDL save file without actually restoring it, (Markwardt Library)
  • CMRESTORE Drop-in, but more featureful replacement to the built-in IDL RESTORE procedure (Markwardt Library)
  • CMSAVE Drop-in, but more featureful replacement to the built-in IDL SAVE procedure (Markwardt Library)
  • MFITPEAK MINPACK minimization of a 1-D Gaussian, Lorentzian or Moffat function (Markwardt Library)
  • MFIT2DPEAK MINPACK minimization of a 2-D Gaussian, Lorentzian or Moffat function(Markwardt Library)
  • MPFIT MINPACK Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization of a nonlinear function (Markwardt Library)
  • MPFITFUN Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fitting to an IDL function (Markwardt Library)
  • MPFITEXPR Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to an arbitrary expression (Markwardt Library)
  • MPFITELLIPSE Fit a closed elliptical curve to a 2-d set of data points (Markwardt Library)
  • MPCURVEFIT Fancy interface to CURVEFIT least-squares minimization routine (Markwardt Library)
  • NORMPATH Construct an absolute file/directory path from a relative path (Markwardt Library)
  • RELPATH Construct an relative path between two absolute paths (Markwardt Library)
  • TNMIN General non-linear function minimizer, truncated-Newton method (Markwardt Library)
  • PLOTIMAGE Display an image via a "PLOT"-like interface (Markwardt Library)
  • PLOTCOLORFILL Plot (optionally colorful) bar charts (Markwardt Library)
  • PLOTCUBE Plot three dimensional data as a cube (Markwardt Library)
  • PLOTBIN Plot fixed or variable width histogram (Markwardt Library)
  • CMCONGRID Improved version of CONGRID that does not introduce shifting (Markwardt Library)
  • CMSYSTIME Convert between various time representations and systems (Markwardt Library)
  • CMUNIQUE_ID Generate a unique 8 character identifiers (Markwardt Library)
  • STATUSLINE Maintain a one-line status line on a VT100-compatible terminal (Markwardt Library)
  • XATT_EL Compute X-ray attenuation coefficient of a material (Markwardt Library)
  • TRANSREAD Read an ASCII file or string into IDL variables (Markwardt Library)
  • HELPFORM Generate a descriptive string in IDL HELP format(Markwardt Library)
  • TAGSIZE Determines the types and sizes of each tag in a structure (Markwardt Library)
  • INPUTFORM Convert a value to an input expression (Markwardt Library)
  • QPINT1D One dimensional numerical adaptive integration of IDL function or expression (Markwardt Library)
  • CHEBFIT Fit Chebyshev polynomial coefficients to a tabulated function (Markwardt Library)
  • CHEBGRID Estimate Chebyshev polynomial coefficients of a function on a grid (Markwardt Library)
  • CHEBEVAL Evaluate a Chebyshev polynomial on an interval, given the coefficients (Markwardt Library)
  • CHEBCOEF Estimate Chebyshev polynomial coefficients of a function on an interval (Markwardt Library)
  • MCHOLDC Modified Cholesky Factorization of a Symmetric Matrix (Markwardt Library)
  • PHUNWRAP Unwrap a sequence of phases to produce a new series of cycle counts (Markwardt Library)
  • CMPS_FORM Widget program to figure a postscript device driver (Markwardt Library)
  • XFWINDOW Intelligent Unix window for IDL that remembers graphics commands (Markwardt Library)
  • CROSSPN A version of CROSSP for efficient vector cross products (Markwardt Library)
  • DDEABM Integrate Ordinary Differential Equation by the Adams-Bashford-Moulton method (Markwardt Library)
  • GEOGRAV Estimate the gravitational potential and acceleration due to a non-point central body such as Earth (Markwardt Library)
  • GEOGREAD Read a gravity model from a disk file (Markwardt Library)
  • HPRNUTANG Compute high precision earth precession, nutation and orientation angles (Markwardt Library)
  • HPRSTATN Compute high precision earth station positions in inertial coordinates (Markwardt Library)
  • EOPDATA Read and interpolate tabulated Earth orientation parameters (Markwardt Library)
  • JBEPOCH Compute Julian Day to/from Julian or Besselian Epoch (Markwardt Library)
  • LEGCHEB Compute Legendre polynomial coefficents from Chebyshev coefficients (Markwardt Library)
  • LITMSOL Solve the light time equation for two moving bodies in the solar system (Markwardt Library)
  • MPCHITEST Compute the probability of a given chi-squared value (Markwardt Library)
  • MPCHILIM Compute confidence limits of the chi-square statistic for a desired probability level. (Markwardt Library)
  • MPNORMTEST Compute the probability of exceeding a value drawn from a normal distribution (Markwardt Library)
  • MPFTEST Compute the probability of exceeding a value drawn from a F-distribution (Markwardt Library)
  • MPNORMLIM Compute confidence limits for normally distributed variable (Markwardt Library)
  • MPFIT2DFUN Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to a 2-D IDL function (Markwardt Library)
  • QRFAC Perform QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix (Markwardt Library)
  • QRSOLV Solve a linear equation after performing QR factorization (Markwardt Library)
  • QTANG Return the rotation angle of a unit quaternion (Markwardt Library)
  • QTAXIS Return the rotation axis of a unit quaternion as a unit vector (Markwardt Library)
  • QTCOMPOSE Return a quaternion given a unit vector, a rotation axis and a rotation angle (Markwardt Library)
  • QTERP Smoothly interpolate from a grid of quaternions (Markwardt Library)
  • QTEXP Compute the "exponentiation" of a quaternion (Markwardt Library)
  • QTEULER Compose a series of euler-type rotations into a single quaternion (Markwardt Library)
  • QTINV Compute the inverse of a quaternion (Markwardt Library)
  • QTFIND Determine one or more unit quaternions from direction cosine matrices (Markwardt Library)
  • QTLOG Compute the logarithm of unit quaternion (Markwardt Library)
  • QTMAT Find direction cosine matrix from quarternion(s) (Markwardt Library)
  • QTMULT Multiplication of quarternions (Markwardt Library)
  • QTPOW Raise a quarternion to a given power (Markwardt Library)
  • QTVROT Apply a quarternion rotation to a 3-vector (Markwardt Library)
  • SRVADD Add velocity 3-vectors according to special relativity (Markwardt Library)
  • SRVDOPP Compute the relativistic doppler shift between two inerital reference frames (Markwardt Library)
  • ACTIVECONTOUR Use the gradient vector flow (GVF) to create active contours or snakes (Fanning Library)
  • ARCSAMPLE -samples a closed curve with a specified number of points at approximately equally-spaced arc intervals (Fanning Library)
  • BITGET() Return the bit value of a specified bit in an integer (Fanning Library)
  • CAPFIRSTLETTER Capitalize the first letter in each word of a string. All other letters are set to lowercase. (Fanning Library)
  • CENTERTLB Centers a widget program on the display (Fanning Library)
  • CINDEX Allows you to see the color index number associated with each color (Fanning Library)
  • CLIPBOARD Copy a graphics window into a clipboard to import into Photoshop or Powerpoint (Fanning Library)
  • COLOR24 Converts RGB color value to 24-bit integer (Fanning Library)
  • COLORBAR Add a color bar to the current (direct graphics) window (Fanning Library)
  • COLORBUTTONBITMAP Create a 24-bit bitmap to create a colored widget button (Fanning Library)
  • CONTRASTZOOM Provide "in place" zoomimg and interactive contrast/brightness adjustment using object graphic (Fanning Library)
  • DRAWCOLORS__DEFINE Object tool for drawing colors (Fanning Library)
  • ERROR_MESSAGE A device-independent error messaging function (Fanning Library)
  • FIND_BOUNDARY Find the pixel boundary about a region of interest (Fanning Library)
  • FIT_ELLIPSE fit an ellipse to a region of interest (or blob), which is defined by a one-dimensional array of pixel indices (Fanning Library)
  • FPUFIX Zero values that could create a floating point underflow (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_COLOR Widget for selecting one of 88 colors by name (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_DROPLIST replacement for WIDGET_DROPLIST with easy Get/Set Value capability (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_FILESELECT Compound widget to select a directory or file name (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_INPUTFIELD A object replacement compound widget for CW_FIELD (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_PLOTWINDOW A good-for-nothing object compound widget program (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_PSCONFIG A full-featured program for configuring the PostScript device. (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_SURFACE An object graphics surface example. (Fanning Library)
  • FSC_WINDOW Create a smart resizable graphics window (Fanning Library)
  • GETIMAGE Widget for reading unformatted 2d and 3d arrays (Fanning Library)
  • HCOLORBAR Create an object graphics horizontal color bar. (Fanning Library)
  • HISTOMATCH Perform Histogram matching (Fanning Library)
  • IMAGE_BLEND Blend a gray-scale and color image so that both can be seen (Fanning Library)
  • LINKEDLIST Implements a doubly linked list. (Fanning Library)
  • NUMBER_FORMATTER() format a number into a string (for a text widget) (Fanning Library)
  • OBJECT_SHADE_SURF Create an object shaded surface using object graphics (Fanning Library)
  • PASSWORD Utility to allow the user to type a password in a text widget (Fanning Library)
  • PICKCOLORNAME A blocking or modal dialog widget for selecting one of 88 color names.(Fanning Library)
  • PRINTWINDOW Send the contents of the specified window to the default printer.(Fanning Library)
  • PROGRAMROOTDIR Find the root directory of the program distribution (Fanning Library)
  • PROGRESSBAR A simple object to implement a "progress bar" (Fanning Library)
  • PSCONFIG A function wrapper for graphically configuring the PostScript device (Fanning Library)
  • PSWINDOW Creates PostScript window with same aspect ratio as display window. (Fanning Library)
  • SELECTIMAGE selection/browser widget for reading known format (e.g. TIFF, JPEG, etc.) images. (Fanning Library)
  • SHARPEN Sharpen an image with a Laplacian filter. (Fanning Library)
  • SHOWPROGRESS Object for creating a show progress bar(Fanning Library)
  • SORT_ND perform an N-dimensional sort along any dimension (Fanning Library)
  • STR_SIZE Compute character size needed to make a string a specified normalized width (Fanning Library)
  • SYMCAT Specify 44 different plotting symbols (Fanning Library)
  • TEXTURE_SURFACE Add an image as a texture map to an object graphics surface,(Fanning Library)
  • TRANSFORM_VOLUME transform (e.g., rotate, scale, and translate) a 3D array or volume. (Fanning Library)
  • TVIMAGE Display and position an image on postscript or graphics window (Fanning Library)
  • TVREAD Device-independent replacement for TVRD (Fanning Library)
  • TVSCALE Device-independent replacement for TVSCL, works with !P.multi (Fanning Library)
  • VCOLORBAR Create a vertical colorbar using object graphics (Fanning Library)
  • WINDOWIMAGE Interactively adjust the contrast and brightness of an image (Fanning Library)
  • XCD Widget Utility to change directories (Fanning Library)
  • XCOLORS Change color tables interactively (Fanning Library)
  • LOGLEVELS Compute default values for logarithmic axis labelling (Fanning Library)
  • MG_N_SMALLEST Find the N smallest elements of a data array (Galloy Library)
  • MG_LOCAL_MOMENT Find the local moments for a given window size for an array (Galloy Library)
  • MG_LOCAL_URL Open an url in the default Web browser (Galloy Library)
  • READPHA Read a spectrum from a OGIP-conformant PHA (FITS) file (Tuebingen Library)
  • WRITEPHA Write a photon spectrum to a OGIP-conformant PHA (FITS) file (Tuebingen Library)
  • GAUSSFOLD Apply Gaussian smoothing to a spectrum (Tuebingen Library)
  • ACF Compute the autocorrelation function of an evenly sampled lightcurve (Tuebingen Library)
  • PFOLD Fold a lightcurve with a given period and return the resulting profile (Tuebingen Library)
  • SCARGLE Compute the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of an unevenly sampled light curve (Tuebingen Library)
  • SF Compute the structure function of a light curve (Tuebingen Library)
  • NICMOS IDL Page Link to IDL software for the Near-Infrared Camera Multi-Object Spectrograph (NICMOS)
  • LUCY interactive tool for image restoration with the Richardson-Lucy algorithm. (NICMOS Library)
  • FITSTOOL Interactive program for viewing and editing FITS image files with extensions. (NICMOS Library)
  • TRUCOLOR interactive program for overlaying three images, one in each primary color. (NICMOS Library)
  • IDP3 Image Display Paradigm #3 widget for manipulating images (NICMOS Library)
  • FRESNEL_INT() Calculates the Fresnel Integrals, C(x) or S(X) (Meron Library)
  • BSCENTRD Calculate "center of mass" centroid of a star (Deutsch Library)
  • WPLOT Plot X,Y data in a resizeable, zoomable graphics window.
  • WOPLOT Overplot X,Y data in a resizeable, zoomable graphics window.
  • MATCH_2D Perform a match between two sets of 2D coordinates (JD Smith Library)
  • HIST_ND Perform an N-dimensional histogram (joint density function of N variables) (JD Smith Library)
  • NINTERPOLATE Perform an N-dimensional linear interpolation on arrays of arbitary dimension (JD Smith Library)
  • RESTORE_OBJECT restoring objects from disk while preserving class structure and available methods (JD Smith Library)
  • SLICE_ND Slice an arbitrarily sized array along an arbitrary dimension. (JD Smith Library)
  • SORT_ND Efficiently perform an N-dimensional sort along any dimension of an array (JD Smith Library)
  • GANG_PLOT_POS Simplify abutting multiple plots (JD Smith Library)
  • POLY_FIT_ORTHO Approximate a vector using orthogonal polynomials (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • VERTICES_VIEW Visualize 3-D (XYZ) vertices without polygonal connectivity (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • IDL_ANAGLYPH Anaglyph visualization by displaying an isosurface from two slightly different points of view(ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • STR_REPLACE() Perform search and replace actions on strings including regular expresions (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • EVENTACTION Signal mechanism for IDL objects (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • IDLCanvas Set of classes to simplify working with 2D drawings (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • CMDHISTORY View and edit your IDL command line history (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • GREP2 Searche the current directory and !PATH for .pro files that contain a supplied search string(ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • GAUSS_MLE1 Estimate the parameters of a Gausssian using the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • GAUSS_MLE2 Estimate the parameters of a 2d Gausssian using the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • DROP_FILE_IDL Basic "drag and drop" event support for an IDL draw widget.(ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • MYSQL connection Allows a connection from IDL to a MySql database using the IDL-JAVA bridge. (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • KNK Return the Kronecker product of two matrices (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • DISCRETE_SLIDER A widget slider that steps in discrete amounts (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • READ_BMP_PLUS Expands BMP read capability to nclude 32bit compressed images (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • STRUCT_EQUAL() Function to compare two structures variables (ITTVIS Contrib Library)
  • DER_SNR() Estimate the derived signal to noise ratio of a spectrum (.ST-ECF Library)
  • OVERLAP Computes the area of the intersection of two convex quadrilaterals (Rome Library)
  • POLYFILLAA Find the fractional area of all pixels at least partially inside a specified polygon(JD Smith Library)
  • POLYCLIP Clip a polygon to a square unit pixel, using the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm (JD Smith Library) <