SURVEY OF INCOME AND PROGRAM PARTICIPATION, 1996 PANEL WAVE 1 TOPICAL MODULE DATA DICTIONARY DATA SIZE BEGIN D SSUSEQ 5 1 T SU: Sequence Number of Sample Unit - Primary Sort Key U All persons V 1:50000 .Sequence Number D SSUID 12 6 T SU: Sample Unit Identifier Sample Unit identifier This identifier is created by scrambling together the PSU, Segment, Serial, Serial Suffix of the original sample address. It may be used in matching sample units from different waves. U All persons V 000000000000:999999999999 .Scrambled Id D SPANEL 4 18 T SU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Year U All persons V 1996 .Panel Year D SWAVE 2 22 T SU: Wave of data collection Wave of data collection. The range of this variable is 1 through 12 to represent each wave in the 1996 Panel. For a specific cross-sectional product, the wave remains constant. U All persons V 1:12 .Wave of data collection D SROTATON 1 24 T SU: Rotation of data collection Rotation within wave. Each wave of data is collected over a four calendar month period. The rotation field indicates which month within the wave a particular interview was conducted. U All persons V 1:4 .Rotation of data collection D TFIPSST 2 25 T SU: FIPS State Code for fifth month household FIPS State Code Federal Information Processing Standards state (and state equivalent) code for the 50 states, and DC. For the Sample Unit U All persons V 01 .Alabama V 02 .Alaska V 04 .Arizona V 05 .Arkansas V 06 .California V 08 .Colorado V 09 .Connecticut V 10 .Delaware V 11 .DC V 12 .Florida V 13 .Georgia V 15 .Hawaii V 16 .Idaho V 17 .Illinois V 18 .Indiana V 19 .Iowa V 20 .Kansas V 21 .Kentucky V 22 .Louisiana V 24 .Maryland V 25 .Massachusetts V 26 .Michigan V 27 .Minnesota V 28 .Mississippi V 29 .Missouri V 30 .Montana V 31 .Nebraska V 32 .Nevada V 33 .New Hampshire V 34 .New Jersey V 35 .New Mexico V 36 .New York V 37 .North Carolina V 39 .Ohio V 40 .Oklahoma V 41 .Oregon V 42 .Pennsylvania V 44 .Rhode Island V 45 .South Carolina V 47 .Tennessee V 48 .Texas V 49 .Utah V 51 .Virginia V 53 .Washington V 54 .West Virginia V 55 .Wisconsin V 61 .Maine, Vermont V 62 .North Dakota, South Dakota, V .Wyoming D EOUTCOME 3 27 T HH: Interview Status code for fifth month household Household interview status. In Wave 1, the only valid codes are 201, 203 and 207. V 201 .Completed interview V 203 .Compl. partial- missing data; no V .TYPE-Z V 207 .Complete partial - TYPE-Z; no V .further follow-up V 213 .TYPE-A, language problem V 215 .TYPE-A, insufficient partial V 216 .TYPE-A, no one home (noh) V 217 .TYPE-A, temporarily absent (ta) V 218 .TYPE-A, hh refused V 219 .TYPE-A, other occupied (specify) V 234 .TYPE-B, entire hh institut. or V .temp. ineligible V 248 .TYPE-C, other (specify) V 249 .TYPE-C, sample adjustment V 250 .TYPE-C, hh deceased V 251 .TYPE-C, moved out of country V 252 .TYPE-C, living in armed forces V .barracks V 253 .TYPE-C, on active duty in Armed V .Forces V 254 .TYPE-C, no one over age 15 years V .in hhld V 255 .TYPE-C, no Wave 1 persons V .remaining in hhld V 260 .TYPE-D, moved address unknown V 261 .TYPE-D, moved w/in U.S. but V .outside SIPP V 262 .Merged with another SIPP V .household V 270 .Mover, no longer located in same V .fr's area V 271 .Mover, new address located in V .same fr's area V 280 .Newly spawned case outside fr's V .area D SHHADID 3 30 T SU: Hhld Address ID in fourth reference month Household Address ID. This field differentiates households within the sample PSU, segment, serial, serial suffix; that is, households spawned from an original sample household. The Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 +9). U All persons V 11:129 .Household Address ID D SINTHHID 3 33 T SU: Hhld Address ID of person in interview month Address ID of this person at time of interview (fifth month). Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 + 9). U All persons V 11:129 .Household Address ID D RFID 3 36 T FA: Family ID Number in month four Family ID number may be used to identify all persons in the same family in the fourth reference month of a given wave. This ID is used for primary families, unrelated subfamilies, primary and secondary individuals. Persons related subfamilies have the primary family ID in this field. U All persons V 1:120 .Family ID number D RFID2 3 39 T FA: Family ID excluding related subfamily members Family ID number excluding members of related subfamilies. Defined as of the fourth reference month of a given wave. This ID is used for all persons except related subfamily members. U All persons except those in related subfamilies (excludes persons with ESFTYPE = 2) V 0 .Member of related subfamily V 1:120 .Family ID number D EPPIDX 3 42 T PE: Person index Person index. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person index is unique within the sample unit and wave. U All persons V 1:999 .Person index D EENTAID 3 45 T PE: Address ID of hhld where person entered sample Address ID of the household that this person belonged to at the time this person first became part of the sample. Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 + 9). U All persons V 11:129 .Entry address ID D EPPPNUM 4 48 T PE: Person number Person number. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person number is unique within the sample unit across all waves of a panel. Person number for a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number D EPOPSTAT 1 52 T PE: Population status based on age in fourth ref. month Population status. This field identifies whether or not a person was eligible to be asked a full set of questions, based on his/her age in the fourth month of the reference period. U All persons V 1 .Adult (15 years of age or older) V 2 .Child (Under 15 years of age) D EPPINTVW 2 53 T PE: Person's interview status at time of interview U All persons V 1 .Interview (self) V 2 .Interview (proxy) V 3 .Noninterview - Type Z V 4 .Nonintrvw - pseudo Type Z. Left V .sample during the reference V 5 .Children under 15 during V .reference period D EPPMIS4 1 55 T PE: Person's 4th month interview status Person's interview status for month 4 U All persons V 1 .Interview V 2 .Non-interview D ESEX 1 56 T PE: Sex of this person U All persons V 1 .Male V 2 .Female D ERACE 1 57 T PE: Race of this person U All persons V 1 .White V 2 .Black V 3 .American Indian, Aleut, or V .Eskimo V 4 .Asian or Pacific Islander D EORIGIN 2 58 T PE: Origin of this person U All persons V 1 .Canadian V 2 .Dutch V 3 .English V 4 .French V 5 .French-Canadian V 6 .German V 7 .Hungarian V 8 .Irish V 9 .Italian V 10 .Polish V 11 .Russian V 12 .Scandinavian V 13 .Scotch-Irish V 14 .Scottish V 15 .Slovak V 16 .Welsh V 17 .Other European V 20 .Mexican V 21 .Mexican-American V 22 .Chicano V 23 .Puerto Rican V 24 .Cuban V 25 .Central American V 26 .South American V 27 .Dominican Republic V 28 .Other Hispanic V 30 .African-American or V .Afro-American V 31 .American Indian, Eskimo, or V .Aleut V 32 .Arab V 33 .Asian V 34 .Pacific Islander V 35 .West Indian V 39 .Another group not listed V 40 .American D WPFINWGT 10 60 T WW: Person weight Final person weight in fourth month of reference period. Four implied decimal positions U All persons V 00000:9999999999 .Final person weight D ERRP 2 70 T PE: Household relationship Household relationship in fourth month of reference period. U All persons V 1 .Reference person w/ rel. persons V .in hhld V 2 .Reference Person w/out rel. V .persons in hhld V 3 .Spouse of reference person V 4 .Child of reference person V 5 .Grandchild of reference person V 6 .Parent of reference person V 7 .Brother/sister of reference V .person V 8 .Other relative of reference V .person V 9 .Foster child of reference person V 10 .Unmarried partner of reference V .person V 11 .Housemate/roommate V 12 .Roomer/boarder V 13 .Other non-relative of reference V .person D EMS 1 72 T PE: Marital status Marital status in the fourth month of the reference period. U All persons V 1 .Married, spouse present V 2 .Married, Spouse absent V 3 .Widowed V 4 .Divorced V 5 .Separated V 6 .Never Married D EPNMOM 4 73 T PE: Person number of mother Person number of mother in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .No mother in household D EPNDAD 4 77 T PE: Person number of father Person number of father in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .No father in household D EPNGUARD 4 81 T PE: Person number of guardian Person number of guardian in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons, under age 20 who are never married TAGE < 20 and EMS=6 in the fourth reference month V -1 .Not in universe V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Guardian not in household D EPNSPOUS 4 85 T PE: Person number of spouse Person number of spouse in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Spouse not in hhld or person not V .married D RDESGPNT 2 89 T PE: Designated parent or guardian flag Is .. the designated parent or guardian of children under age 18 who live in this household? U All persons 15+ at the end of the reference period. EPOPSTAT= 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TAGE 2 91 T PE: Age as of last birthday Age as of last birthday. This is the person's age as of the end of the fourth reference month. Age is derived from reported or imputed month and year of birth. Bottom coding year of birth results in the top coding of age into the highest two single year age groups based on month of birth. Users should combine the last two age groups for microdata analysis. U All persons V 0 .Less than 1 full year old V 1:88 .Number of years old D EEDUCATE 2 93 T ED: Highest Degree received or grade completed What is the highest level of school ... has completed or the highest degree ... has received? U All persons 15+ at end of reference period. EPOPSTAT = 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 31 .Less than 1st grade V 32 .1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade V 33 .5th or 6th grade V 34 .7th or 8th grade V 35 .9th grade V 36 .10th grade V 37 .11th grade V 38 .12th grade V 39 .High school graduate - high V .school diploma or equivalent V 40 .Some college but no degree V 41 .Diploma or certificate from a V .voc, tech, trade or bus school beyond$ V 42 .Associate degree in college - V .Occupational/vocational program V 43 .Associate Degree in college - V .Academic program V 44 .Bachelors degree (For example: V .BA, AB, BS) V 45 .Master's degree (For example: V .MA, MS, MEng, MSW, MBA) V 46 .Professional School Degree (For V .example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD) V 47 .Doctorate degree (For example: V .PhD, EdD) D TLSTWRKY 4 95 T EM: Year last worked In what year did you last work at a paid job or business? U All adults(18 to 75) without a job(EPDJBTHN=2) during the reference period V -1 .Not in universe V 0 .Never worked V 1926:1996 .Year last work at paid job V .business D ELSTWRKM 2 99 T EM: Month last worked In what month did you last work at a paid job or business? U All adults without a job during the reference period and the year last worked was within 2 years prior to 1996. (2 years before year of interview) [EPDJBTHN=2 & ELSTWRKY>=INTYR-2] V -1 .Not in Universe V 1:12 .Month last work at paid job V .business D TPRVJBYR 4 101 T EM: Year last worked, prior to reference period job Before 1st reference month, in what year did you last work at a paid job or business? U All adults(18-75) with a job in at least one week of the reference period, but not in the first week[EPDJBTHN=1 & EWKSWK01=0] V -1 .Not in universe V 0 .Never worked V 1926:1996 .Last year worked at job/business D EPRVJBMN 2 105 T EM: Month last worked, prior to reference period job Before 1st reference month, in what month did you last work at a paid job or business? U All adults(18-75) with EPRVJBYR>=INTYR-2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1:12 .Last month worked at job V .business D TFRMRYR 4 107 T EM: Year last or previous job started In what year did ... start the job or business? U All adults(18-75) who did not hold a job in the first week of the reference period but held one between 1986 and the beginning of the reference period. V -1 .Not in Universe V 1926:1996 .Year started work D EFRMRMN 2 111 T EM: Month last or previous job started In what month did ... start the job or business? U All adults with EFRMRYR>=INTYR-2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1:12 .Month started work D TMAKMNYR 4 113 T EM: Year first worked 6 straight months How old was ... when ... first worked 6 straight months at some job or business? U All adults(18-75) who ever worked((ELSTWRKY>0 OR ELSTWRKY=-1) AND (EPRVJBYR>0 OR EPRVJBYR=-1)) V -1 .Not in Universe V 0 .Never worked 6 straight months V 1926:1996 .Year worked 6 straight months D EMNRESON 2 117 T EM: Main reason never worked 6 straight mth at a paid job What is the main reason ... never worked 6 straight months at a paid job or business? U All adults(18-75) who never worked at all or never worked 6 consecutive months(ELSTWRKY=0 OR EPRVJBYR=0 OR EMAKMNYR=0 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Taking care of minor child V 2 .Taking care of an elderly family V .member V 3 .Taking care of disabled but V .nonelderly family member V 4 .Other family or home V .responsibilities V 5 .Own illness or disability V 6 .Could not find work V 7 .Did not want to work V 8 .Going to school V 9 .Other D EYRSINCE 2 119 T EM: Worked annually at least 6 month/year Between the year ... first held a job 6 straight months and the Interview Year(1995/1996), did ... work at least 6 straight months during each year? U All adults(18-75) with EMAKMNYR>0 AND EMAKMNYR<>INTYR
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EYRSINC2 2 121 T EM: How many years has ... not worked 6 straight months In how many of those (difference between INTYR and EMAKMNYR) years has ... not worked 6 straight months? U All adults (18-75)with EYRSINCE=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1:60 .Number of years not worked D EWRK35HR 2 123 T EM: Worked 35 or more hours per week During the time since the year when ... first worked 6 straight months,has ... generally worked 35 or more hours per week? U All adults with EMAKMNYR>0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EOFF6MTN 2 125 T EM: Break in labor force because of caregiving(spells) Since the year when... first worked 6 straight months have there been any periods lasting 6 months or longer when ... did not work at a paid job or business because ... was taking care of a child, an elderly person or a disabled person? U All adults 21 to 62 who have EMAKMNYR>0 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TNOWRKFR 4 127 T EM: Most recent time of break in labor force (From) When was the most recent time period that this happened? (Please report the beginning year of the period) U All adults 21-62 and EOFF6MTN=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1926:1996 .Year break started D TNOWRKTO 4 131 T EM: Most recent time of break in labor force (To) When was the most recent time period that this happened (Please report the ending year of the period) U All adults 21-62 and EOFF6MTN=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1926:1996 .Year break ended D EOTHTIME 2 135 T EM: Were there othr times when, didnt wrk bcaus caregvng Since the first year ... worked 6 straight months, were there any other periods of 6 months or longer when ... did not work at a paid job or business because... was taking taking care of a child, elderly person or disabled person? U All adults 21-62 who have EOFF6MTN=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ECNTOTHR 2 137 T EM: Number of additional breaks in the labor force How many other time(s) was there a break in labor force for at least 6 months because of care giving. U All adults 21-62 with EOTHTIME=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 0:60 .Number of breaks in labor D TFSTYRFR 4 139 T EM: First time period of break in labor force(From) When was the first time that this happened (Please report the beginning year of the period) U All adults and EOTHTIME=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1926:1996 .Year this first happened(FROM) D TFSTYRTO 4 143 T EM: First time period of break in labor force(To) When was the first time that this happened? (Please report the ending year of the period) U All adults and EOTHTIME1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1926:1996 .Year this first happened(TO) D ENWRESN 2 147 T EM: Care receiver of most recent caregivng spell For the most recent time, which one of the following was ... taking care of? U All adults 21-62 with EOFF6MTN=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .A minor child V 2 .An elderly family member V 3 .A disabled but non-elderly V .family member D EFRSTRSN 2 149 T EM: Care receiver of 1st caregivng spell For the first spell, of being outside the labor force because of care giving, which one of the following was ... taking care of? U All adults 21-62 with EOTHTIME=1 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .A minor child V 2 .An elderly family member V 3 .A disabled but non-elderly V .family member D ALSTWRKY 1 151 T EM: Year last worked allocation flag Imputation flag for ELSTWRKY V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ALSTWRKM 1 152 T EM: Month last worked allocation flag Imputation flag for ELSTWRKM V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D APRVJBYR 1 153 T EM: Yr last wrked,prior to ref period job allocation flg Imputation flag for EPRVJBYR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D APRVJBMN 1 154 T EM: Month last worked, prior to ref prd allocation flg Imputation flag for EPRVJBMN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AFRMRYR 1 155 T EM: Year last or previous job started allocation flag Imputation flag for EFRMRYR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AFRMRMN 1 156 T EM: Month last or previous job started allocation flag Imputation flag for EFRMRMN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AMAKMNYR 1 157 T EM: Year first worked 6 straight months allocation flag Imputation flag for EMAKMNYR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AMNRESON 1 158 T EM: Main rsn nevr wrked 6 strght mth at pd job alloc flg Imputation flag for EMNRESON V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AYRSINCE 1 159 T EM: Worked annually at least 6 mths/yr allocation flag Imputation flag for EYRSINCE V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AYRSINC2 1 160 T EM: Number of yrs not wrked 6 straight mth allocat flg Imputation flag for EYRSINC2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AWRK35HR 1 161 T EM: Worked 35 or more hours per week Imputation flag for EWRK35HR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AOFF6MTN 1 162 T EM: Break in labor force because of caregiving alloc flg Imputation flag for EOFF6MTN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ANOWRKFR 1 163 T EM: Most recent time of brk labor force(From) allocat flg Imputation flag for ENOWRKFR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation V .(Derivation) D ANOWRKTO 1 164 T EM: Most recnt time of brk labor force (To) allocat flg Imputation flag for ENOWRKTO V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation V .(Derivation) D AOTHTIME 1 165 T EM: Were there othr times when, didnt wrk allocation flg Imputation flag for EOTHTIME V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation V .(Derivation) D ACNTOTHR 1 166 T EM: Number of added breaks in labor force allocat flg Imputation flag for ECNTOTHR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation V .(Derivation) D AFSTYRFR 1 167 T EM: 1st time period of brk in labor force(Frm) alloc flg Imputation flag for EFSTYRFR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AFSTYRTO 1 168 T EM: 1st time period of brk in labor force(To) alloc flg Imputation flag for EFSTYRTO V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ANWRESN 1 169 T EM: Care receiver of recent caregivng spell alloc flg Imputation flag for ENWRESN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AFRSTRSN 1 170 T EM: Care receiver of 1st caregivng spell alloc flg Imputation flag for EFRSTRSN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYSTP21 2 171 T RC1: Stopped AFDC in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving AFDC in month 4 ? U All adults with GI code of 20 and received in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AYSTP21 1 173 T RC1: Stopped AFDC in month 4 allocation flag Imputation flag for EYSTP21 U All adults with GI code of 20 and received in month 3 but not in month 4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYBG2101 2 174 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2102 2 176 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2103 2 178 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2104 2 180 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2105 2 182 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2106 2 184 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (6=Loss other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 but not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2107 2 186 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (7=Just learned of program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults who received AFDC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2108 2 188 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (8=Just got around to it) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults who received AFDC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2109 2 190 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (9=Became Disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (9=Became disabled) U All adults who received AFDC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2110 2 192 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults who received AFDC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AYBG21 1 194 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYBG2101 thru EYBG2110 U All adults who received AFDC in month 4 and not in month 3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYSTP22 2 195 T EM: General Income Code What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving AFDC in month 3? U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AYSTP22 1 197 T RC1: Stopped AFDC in month 3 allocation flag Imputation flag for EYSTP22 U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYBG2201 2 198 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2202 2 200 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2203 2 202 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2204 2 204 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2205 2 206 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2206 2 208 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (6=Loss of other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2207 2 210 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (7=Just learned of program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2208 2 212 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (8=Just got around to it) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2209 2 214 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (9=Became disabled) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2210 2 216 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 3? (10=Other, specify) U All adults who received AFDC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AYBG22 1 218 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYBG2201 thru EYBG2210 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYSTP23 2 219 T RC1: Stopped AFDC in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving AFDC in month 2? U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AYSTP23 1 221 T RC1: Stopped AFDC in month 2 Imputation flag for EYSTP23 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYBG2301 2 222 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2302 2 224 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2303 2 226 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2304 2 228 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2305 2 230 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2306 2 232 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (6=Loss of support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2307 2 234 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (7=Just learned about program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2308 2 236 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (8=Just got around to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2309 2 238 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? (9=Became disabled) U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYBG2310 2 240 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 2? MARK ALL THAT APPLY: 10=Other, specify U All adults who received AFDC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AYBG23 1 242 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYBG2301 thru EYBG2310 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D TYBG120Y 4 243 T RC1: When did ... applied for AFDC that year? When did ... apply for AFDC that time? U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied for AFDC D EYBG120M 2 247 T RC1: When did ... applied for AFDC that month? When did ... apply for AFDC that time? U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Jan. thru Dec D AYBG120M 1 249 T RC1: Month applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYBG120M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AYBG120Y 1 250 T RC1: Year applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYBG120Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EYB22001 2 251 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22002 2 253 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22003 2 255 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22004 2 257 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22005 2 259 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22006 2 261 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (6=Loss of other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22007 2 263 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (7=Just learned about the program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with GI code and received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22008 2 265 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22009 2 267 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (9=Became disabled) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EYB22010 2 269 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for AFDC in month 1? (10=Other, specify) U All adults who received AFDC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AYBG220 1 271 T RC1: Rsn applied for AFDC allocation flag Imputation flag for EYB22001 thru EYB22010 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWSTP21 2 272 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving WIC in month 4 ? U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AWSTP21 1 274 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWSTP21 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWBG2101 2 275 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2102 2 277 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2103 2 279 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (3 Received another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2104 2 281 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2105 2 283 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (5=Loss of job/income)) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2106 2 285 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (6=Loss of other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2107 2 287 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (7=Just learned about program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2108 2 289 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (8=Just got around to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2109 2 291 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2110 2 293 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AWBG21 1 295 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWBG2101 thru EWBG2110 U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWSTP22 2 296 T RC1 Stopped receiving WIC in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving WIC in month 3? U All adults receiving WIC in month 4 and not in month 3 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AWSTP22 1 298 T RC1 Stopped receiving WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWSTP22 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWBG2201 2 299 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2202 2 301 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2203 2 303 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2204 2 305 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2205 2 307 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2206 2 309 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (6=Loss of other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2207 2 311 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (7=Just learned about the prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2208 2 313 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (8=Just got around to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2209 2 315 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2210 2 317 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 3? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving WIC V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AWBG22 1 319 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWBG2201 thru EWBG2210 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWSTP23 2 320 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving WIC in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving WIC in month 2? U All adults receiving WIC in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AWSTP23 1 322 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving WIC in month 2 allocation flag Imputation flag for EWSTP23 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWBG2301 2 323 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2302 2 325 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2303 2 327 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2304 2 329 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2305 2 331 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2306 2 333 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (6=Loss of other support income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2307 2 335 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (7=Just learned about program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2308 2 337 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (8=Just got around to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2309 2 339 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWBG2310 2 341 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 2? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AWBG23 1 343 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWBG2301 thru EWBG2310 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWBG120M 2 344 T RC1: Month applied for WIC that time When did ... apply for WIC that time? U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month applied for WIC D TWBG120Y 4 346 T RC1: Year applied for WIC that time When did ... apply for WIC that time? U All adults receiving WIC in month 2 and not in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied for WIC D AWBG120M 1 350 T RC1: Month applied for WIC that time allocation flag Imputation flag for EWBG120M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AWBG120Y 1 351 T RC1: Year applied for WIC that time allocation flag Imputation flag for EWBG120Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EWB22001 2 352 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22002 2 354 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22003 2 356 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22004 2 358 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22005 2 360 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22006 2 362 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (6=Loss of other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22007 2 364 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (7=Just learned about program) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22008 2 366 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (8=Just got around to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22009 2 368 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving WIC in month V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EWB22010 2 370 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC (10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for WIC in month 1? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving WIC in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AWBG220 1 372 T RC1: Rsn applied for WIC allocation flag Imputation flag for EWB22001 thru EWB22010 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSTP21 2 373 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving Food Stamps in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving FOOD STAMP in month 4? U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AFSTP21 1 375 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving FStamps-mth 4 allocation flg Imputation flag for EFSTP21 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFBG2101 2 376 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2102 2 378 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2103 2 380 T RC1: Rsn applied for FStamps (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2104 2 382 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2105 2 384 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2106 2 386 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2107 2 388 T RC1: Rsn applied for FStamps (7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD in month 4? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2108 2 390 T RC1: Rsn applied for FStamps (8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2109 2 392 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2110 2 394 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AFBG21 1 396 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFBG2101 thru EFBG2110 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSTP22 2 397 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving Food Stamps in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving FOOD STAMP in month 3? U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 4 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AFSTP22 1 399 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving FS - month 3 allocation flg Imputation flag for EFSTP22 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFBG2201 2 400 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2202 2 402 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2203 2 404 T RC1: Rsn applied for FStamps(3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2204 2 406 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2205 2 408 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (5=Loss Job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2206 2 410 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2207 2 412 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (8=Just learned prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2208 2 414 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2209 2 416 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2210 2 418 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 3? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AFBG22 1 420 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFBG2201 thru EFBG2210 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSTP23 2 421 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving Food Stamps in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving FOOD STAMP in month 2? U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 3 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D AFSTP23 1 423 T RC1: Rsn stopped receiving FStamps-mth 2 allocation flg) Imputation flag for EFSTP23 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFBG2301 2 424 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2302 2 426 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD in month 2? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2303 2 428 T RC1: Rsn applied for FStamps (3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2304 2 430 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2305 2 432 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2306 2 434 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2307 2 436 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (7=Just learned prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2308 2 438 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2309 2 440 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFBG2310 2 442 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 2? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS in month 1 and not in month 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AFBG23 1 444 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFBG2301 thru EFBG2310 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFBG120M 2 445 T RC1: Month applied for Food Stamps that time When did ... apply for FOOD STAMPS that time? U All adults who received Food Stamp in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month applied for Food Stamp D TFBG120Y 4 447 T RC1: Year applied for Food Stamps that time When did ... apply for FOOD STAMPS that time? U All adults who received Food Stamp in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied for Food Stamp D AFBG120M 1 451 T RC1: Month applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFBG120M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D AFBG120Y 1 452 T RC1: Year applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFBG120Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFB22001 2 453 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMP in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22002 2 455 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22003 2 457 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps(3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22004 2 459 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22005 2 461 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22006 2 463 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22007 2 465 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (7=Just learned prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22008 2 467 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22009 2 469 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 1? (9=Became disabled) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EFB22010 2 471 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps (10=Other) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for FOOD STAMP in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS received in month 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AFB220 1 473 T RC1: Rsn applied for Food Stamps allocation flag Imputation flag for EFB22001 thru EFB22010 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP03M4 2 474 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [...inctype] in month 4? U All adults with SSI and emthyn3 = 1 and emthyn4 = 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP03M4 1 476 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 allocation flag Imputation flag for ESTP03M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP04M4 2 477 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [...inctype] in month 4? U All adults with State SSI and emthyn3 = 1 and emthyn4 = 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP04M4 1 479 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 allocation flag Imputation flag for EMSTP21 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP21M4 2 480 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [...inctype] in month 4? U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3 = 1 and emthyn4 = 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP21M4 1 482 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 allocation flag Imputation flag for ESTP21M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP24M4 2 483 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [...inctype] in month 4? U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3 = 1 and emthyn4 = 2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP24M4 1 485 T RC2: Rsn stopped receiving in month 4 allocation flag Imputation flag for ESTP24M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2101M4 2 486 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2102M4 2 488 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen relf(2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (2 = Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4 = 1 and emthyn3 = 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2103M4 2 490 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/GRelf(3=Another dependent) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4?(3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2104M4 2 492 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR(4=Separate/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4?(4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2105M4 2 494 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR(5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2106M4 2 496 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen relf(6=Loss other inc) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2107M4 2 498 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen relf(7=Just learn prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2108M4 2 500 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen relf(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2109M4 2 502 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen Relf(9=disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2110M4 2 504 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen Relf(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB21M4 1 506 T RC2: Rsn applied for Gen Ast/Gen Relf allocation flag Imputation flag for EMBG2101 thru EMBG2110 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2401M4 2 507 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4 = 1 and emthyn3 = 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2402M4 2 509 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (2 = Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4 = 1 and emthyn3 = 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2403M4 2 511 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(3=Another dependent) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4?(3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2404M4 2 513 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(4=Separate/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4?(4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2405M4 2 515 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare (5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2406M4 2 517 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2407M4 2 519 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(7=Just learned prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2408M4 2 521 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2409M4 2 523 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(9=disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2410M4 2 525 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [...inctype] in month 4? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB24M4 1 527 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare allocation flag Imputation flag for EB2101M4 thru EB2110M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB03S1M4 2 528 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in mth 4(1=Need the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S2M4 2 530 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in mth 4(2=disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S3M4 2 532 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 4(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (3=Over 65) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S4M4 2 534 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 4(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB03SM4 1 536 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in mth 4 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB03S1M4 thru EB03S4M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB04S1M4 2 537 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 4(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S2M4 2 539 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 4(2=disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S3M4 2 541 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 4(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (3=Over 65) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S4M4 2 543 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 4(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 4? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn4=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB04SM4 1 545 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 4 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB04S1M4 thru EB04S1M4 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP03M3 2 546 T RC2: Stopped receiving Fed SSI in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 3? U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family chges(family V .members left,over age limit,etc) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP03M3 1 548 T RC2: Stopped receiving Fed SSI in month 3 Imputation flag for ESTP03M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP04M3 2 549 T RC2: Stopped receiving State SSI in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 3? U All adults with State SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family chges(family V .members left,over age limit,etc) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP04M3 1 551 T RC2: Stopped receiving State SSI in mth 3 Imputation flag for ESTP04M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP21M3 2 552 T RC2: Stopped receiving Gen Ast/Gen relf in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 3? U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family chges(family V .members left,over age limit,etc) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP21M3 1 554 T RC2: Stopped receiving Gen Ast/Gen relf in mth 3 Imputation flag for ESTP21M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP24M3 2 555 T RC2: Stopped receiving other Welfare in month 3 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 3? U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn3=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family chges(family V .members left,over age limit,etc) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP24M3 1 557 T RC2: Stopped receiving other Welfare in month 3 Imputation flag for ESTP24M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2101M3 2 558 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in mth 3(1=Needed money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2102M3 2 560 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR - mth 3(2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2103M3 2 562 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR-mth 3(3=Receive for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2104M3 2 564 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR-mth 3(4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2105M3 2 566 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR - mth 3(5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2106M3 2 568 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR - month 3(6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2107M3 2 570 T RC2: Rsn for GA/GR - month 3(7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2108M3 2 572 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in month 3(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2109M3 2 574 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in month 3(9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2110M3 2 576 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in month 3(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB21M3 1 578 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in month 3 allocation flag Imputation flag for EMBG2201 thru EMBG2210 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2401M3 2 579 T RC2: Rsn applied for othr Welfare-mth 3(1=Needed money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2402M3 2 581 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare-mth 3(2=Preg/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2403M3 2 583 T RC2: Rsn applied for oth Welfare-mth 3(3=Recd for anthr) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2404M3 2 585 T RC2: Rsn applied for oth Welfare-mth 3(4=Separate/div) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2405M3 2 587 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 3(5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2406M3 2 589 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 3(6=Loss othr income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2407M3 2 591 T RC2: Rsn for other Welfare-mth 3(7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2408M3 2 593 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare - month 3(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2409M3 2 595 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare - mth 3(9=Became Disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2410M3 2 597 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare in month 3(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 3? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB24M3 1 599 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare-mth 3 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB2101M3 thru EB2110M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB03S1M3 2 600 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI-mth 3(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S2M3 2 602 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI-mth 3(2=Disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S3M3 2 604 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 3(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (3=Over 65) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S4M3 2 606 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 3(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB03SM3 1 608 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI - mth 3 allocation flg Imputation flag for EMBG22S V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB04S1M3 2 609 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 3(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S2M3 2 611 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 3(2=Disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S3M3 2 613 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 3(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (3=Over 65) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S4M3 2 615 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 3(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 3? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with State SSI emthyn3=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB04SM3 1 617 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 3 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB04S1M3 thru EB04S4M3 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP03M2 2 618 T RC2: Stopped receiving Fed SSI in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 2? U All adults with Fed SSI and emthyn1=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family chges(family V .members left,over age limit,etc) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP03M2 1 620 T RC2: Stopped receiving Fed SSI - mth 2 allocation flg Imputation flag for ESTP03M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP04M2 2 621 T RC2: Stopped receiving State SSI in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 2? U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes(family V .members left, over age limit,etc.) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP04M2 1 623 T RC2: Stopped receiving State SSI - mth 2 allocation flg Imputation flag for ESTP04M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP21M2 2 624 T RC2: Stopped receiving GA/GR in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 2? U All adults with General Assistance/General Relief and emthyn1=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes(family V .members left, over age limit,etc.) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP21M2 1 626 T RC2: Stopped receiving GA/GR-mth 2 allocation flg Imputation flag for ESTP21M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESTP24M2 2 627 T RC2:Stopped receiving other Welfare in month 2 What set of circumstances caused ... to stop receiving [fill inctyp] in month 2? U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1 and emthyn2=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Became ineligible because of V .increased income V 2 .Because of family changes(family V .members left, over age limit,etc.) V 3 .Still eligible but could not V .chose not to collect V 4 .Other, specify D ASTP24M2 1 629 T RC2:Stopped receiving other Welfare-mth 2 allocation flg Imputation flag for ESTP24M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2101M2 2 630 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 2(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with General Assistance/relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2102M2 2 632 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR-mth 2(2=Pregnancy/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2103M2 2 634 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 2(3=Receive for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2104M2 2 636 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in month 2(4=Sep/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with EGICODE=21,24 and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2105M2 2 638 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in mth 2(5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with EGICODE=21,24 and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2106M2 2 640 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in mth 2(6=Loss of other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2107M2 2 642 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in mth 2(7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2108M2 2 644 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in mth 2(8=Just got to applying) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2109M2 2 646 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in mth 2(9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2110M2 2 648 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in mth 2(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB21M2 1 650 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR in mth 2 allocation flag Imputation flag for EB2101M2 thru EB2110M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2401M2 2 651 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 2(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2402M2 2 653 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare-mth 2(2=Preg/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2403M2 2 655 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 2(3=Recd for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2404M2 2 657 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 2(4=Sep/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2405M2 2 659 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 2(5=Loss job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2406M2 2 661 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare-mth 2(6=Loss other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2407M2 2 663 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare-mth 2(7=Just learn prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2408M2 2 665 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare-mth 2(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2409M2 2 667 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare-mth 2(9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2410M2 2 669 T RC2: Rsn applied for othr Welfare-mth 2(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 2? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB24M2 1 671 T RC2: Rsn applied othr Welfare-mth 2 allocation flag Imputation flag for EB2101M2 thru EB2110M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB03S1M2 2 672 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI-mth 2(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S2M2 2 674 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI-mth 2(2=Became disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S3M2 2 676 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 2(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (3=Over 65) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S4M2 2 678 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 2(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB03SM2 1 680 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 2 allocation flag Imputation flag for EB03SM2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB04S1M2 2 681 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 2(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S2M2 2 683 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 2(2=Disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S3M2 2 685 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 2(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (3=Over 65) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S4M2 2 687 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 2(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 2? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn2=1 and emthyn1=2 V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB04SM2 1 689 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-month 2 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB03S1M2 thru EB03S4M2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2101M1 2 690 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2102M1 2 692 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(2=Preg/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2103M1 2 694 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(3=Received for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2104M1 2 696 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(4=Separated/divorced) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2105M1 2 698 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2106M1 2 700 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(6=Loss of other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2107M1 2 702 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2108M1 2 704 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(8=Just applied)) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2109M1 2 706 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2110M1 2 708 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR-mth 1(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with General Assistance/Relief and emthyn1=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB21M1 1 710 T RC2: Rsn applied for GA/GR in mth 1 allocation flg Imputation flag for EB2101M1 thru EB2110M1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB2401M1 2 711 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2402M1 2 713 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(2=Preg/birth) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (2=Pregnancy/birth of child ) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2403M1 2 715 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(3=Recd for another) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (3=Began receiving for another dependent) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2404M1 2 717 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(4=Sep/div) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (4=Separated of divorced from spouse/partner) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2405M1 2 719 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(5=Loss of job/income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (5=Loss of job/wages/other income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2406M1 2 721 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(6=Loss of other income) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (6=Loss of other support income) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2407M1 2 723 T RC2: Rsn applied GA/GR-mth 1(7=Just learned of prog) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (7=Just learned about the program) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2408M1 2 725 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(8=Just applied) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (8=Just got around to applying) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2409M1 2 727 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1(9=Became disabled) What set of circumstances led to .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (9=Became disabled) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB2410M1 2 729 T RC2: Rsn applied for other Welfare in month 1(10=Other) What set of circumstances led .... to apply for [fill inctyp] in month 1? (10=Other, specify) U All adults with other Welfare and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB24M1 1 731 T RC2: Rsn applied other Welfare-mth 1 allocation flag Imputation flag for EB2401M1 thru EB2410M1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB03S1M1 2 732 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI-mth 1(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S2M1 2 734 T RC2: Rsn applied Fed SSI-mth 1(2=Became disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S3M1 2 736 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 1(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (3=Over 65) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB03S4M1 2 738 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 1(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB03SM1 1 740 T RC2: Rsn applied for Fed SSI in month 1 Imputation flag for EMB03S1 thru EMB03S1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EB04S1M1 2 741 T RC2: Rsn applied State SSI mth 1(1=Needed the money) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (1=Needed the money) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S2M1 2 743 T RC2: Rsn applied State SSI mth 1(2=Became disabled/blind) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (2=Became disabled/blind) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S3M1 2 745 T RC2: Rsn applied State SSI-mth 1(3=Over 65) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (3=Over 65) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D EB04S4M1 2 747 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI-mth 1(4=Other) What set of circumstances led ... to apply for SSI (federal/state) in month 1? (4=Other, specify) U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1=1
V -1 .Not in Universe V 1 .Circumstance for applying V 2 .Not a circumstance for applying D AB04SM1 1 749 T RC2: Rsn applied for State SSI in month 1 Imputation flag for EB04SM1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ECOVB1M 2 750 T RC2: Month applied for Social Security that time When did ... apply for [...Inctyp] that time? U All adults with Social Security and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month applied D TCOVB1Y 4 752 T RC2: Year applied for Social Security that time When did ... apply for [...Inctype] that time? U All adults with Social Security and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied D ACOVB1M 1 756 T RC2: Month applied for Social Security that time Imputation flag for ECOVB1M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ACOVB1Y 1 757 T RC2: Year applied for Social Security that time Imputation flag for ECOVB1Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ECOVB3M 2 758 T RC2: Month applied for Fed SSI that time When did ... apply for [...Inctyp] that time? U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month applied D TCOVB3Y 4 760 T RC2: Year applied for Fed SSI that time When did ... apply for [...Inctype] that time? U All adults with Federal SSI and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied D ACOVB3M 1 764 T RC2: Month applied for Fed SSI that time Imputation flag for ECOVB3M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ACOVB3Y 1 765 T RC2: Year applied for Fed SSI that time Imputation flag for ECOVB3Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ECOVB4M 2 766 T RC2: Month applied for State SSI that time When did ... apply for [...Inctyp] that time? U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month applied D TCOVB4Y 4 768 T RC2: Year applied for EGICODE that time When did ... apply for [...Inctype] that time? U All adults with State SSI and emthyn1 = 1 AND essiself=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year applied D ACOVB4M 1 772 T RC2: Month applied for State SSI that time Imputation flag for ECOVB4M V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ACOVB4Y 1 773 T RC2: Year applied for State SSI that time Imputation flag for ECOVB4Y V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAPLFS 2 774 T TMR: Ever applied for Food Stamp Program Has .... ever applied for the Federal Governments' Food Stamp Program? U All adults receiving FOOD STAMPS and EPOPSTAT=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AAPLFS 1 776 T TMR: Ever applied for Food Stamp Program allocation flg Imputation flag for EAPLFS V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ERECVFS 2 777 T TMR: Authorized to receive Food Stamp Has .... ever been authorized to receive-food stamps? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ARECVFS 1 779 T TMR: Authorized to receive Food Stamp allocation flag Imputation flag for ERECVFS V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSSTRMN 2 780 T TMR: Month first received food stamp When did ... first start receiving food stamp? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 and ERECVFS=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Jan. thru Dec D AFSSTRMN 1 782 T TMR: Month first received food stamp allocation flag Imputation flag for EFSSTRMN V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D TFSSTRYR 4 783 T TMR: Year first received food stamp When did ... first start receiving food stamp? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 and ERECVFS=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year D AFSSTRYR 1 787 T TMR: Year first received food stamp allocation flag Imputation flag for EFSSTRYR V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSLONG1 2 788 T TMR: Length of time received food stamp(months) For how long did ... receive food stamps that time? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 and ERECVFS=1 and EFSSTRYR >0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time in months D AFSLONG1 1 790 T TMR: Length of time received FStamps(mth) allocation flg Imputation flag for EFSLONG1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSLONG2 2 791 T TMR: Length of time received food stamp(years) For how long did ... receive food stamps that time? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 and ERECVFS=1 and EFSSTRYR >0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time in years D AFSLONG2 1 793 T TMR: Length of time received FStamp(yrs) allocation flg Imputation flag for EFSLONG2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EFSTIMES 2 794 T TMR: Number of times received food stamps How many times in all have there been when... received food stamps? U All adults who receive Food stamp and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLFS=1 and ERECVFS=1 and EFSSTRYR >0 and (EFSLONG1 or EFSLONG2 > 0). V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of times received food V .stamps D AFSTIMES 1 796 T TMR: Number of times received FStamps allocation flg Imputation flag for EFSTIMES V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAPLAFDC 2 797 T TMR: Ever applied for AFDC/ADC Program Has .... ever applied for benefits from the program AFDC - Aid With Dependent Children Sometimes called ADC? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AAPLAFDC 1 799 T TMR: Ever applied for AFDC/ADC Program allocation flag Imputation flag for EAPLAFDC V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ERCVAFDC 2 800 T TMR: Authorized to receive AFDC/ADC Has .... ever receive AFDC benefits? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ARCVAFDC 1 802 T TMR: Authorized to receive AFDC/ADC allocation flag Imputation flag for ERCVAFDC V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAFDCSTM 2 803 T TMR: Month first received AFDC/ADC benefits When did ... first start receiving AFDC benefits? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 and ERCVAFDC=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month first start receiving AFDC D AAFDCSTM 1 805 T TMR: Month 1st received AFDC/ADC benefits allocation flg Imputation flag for EAFDCSTM V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D TAFDCSTY 4 806 T TMR: Year first received AFDC/ADC benefits When did ... first start receiving AFDC benefits? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 and ERCVAFDC=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year first received AFDC V .benefits D AAFDCSTY 1 810 T TMR: Year 1st received AFDC/ADC benefits allocation flg Imputation flag for EAFDCSTY V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAFDCLG1 2 811 T TMR: Length of time received AFDC/ADC(months) For how long did ... receive AFDC that time? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 and ERCVAFDC=1 and EAFDCSTY >0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time in V .months,received AFDC/ADC D AAFDCLG1 1 813 T TMR: Length of time recd AFDC/ADC(mth) allocation flg Imputation flag for EAFDCLG1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAFDCLG2 2 814 T TMR: Length of time received AFDC/ADC(years) For how long did ... receive AFDC that time? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 and ERCVAFDC=1 and EAFDCSTY>0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time in years received V .AFDC/ADC D AAFDCLG2 1 816 T TMR: Length of time recd AFDC/ADC(yrs) allocation flg Imputation flag for EAFDCLG2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAFDCTIM 2 817 T TMR: Number of times received AFDC/ADC How many times in all have there been when... received AFDC? U All adults that receive AFDC and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLAFDC=1 and ERCVAFDC=1 and EAFDCSTY>0 and (EAFDCLG1 or EAFDCLG2 > 0). V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of times received AFDC D AAFDCTIM 1 819 T TMR: Number of times recd AFDC/ADC allocation flg Imputation flag for EAFDCTIM V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D EAPLSSI 2 820 T TMR: Ever applied for SSI program Has .... ever applied for benefits from the program called SSI or Supplemental Security Income? U All adults with SSI(fed/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AAPLSSI 1 822 T TMR: Ever applied for SSI allocation flag Imputation flag for EAPLSSI V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ERECVSSI 2 823 T TMR: Authorized to receive SSI Has .... ever been authorized to receive-SSI? Program? U All adults with SSI(fed/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLSSI=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ARECVSSI 1 825 T TMR: Authorized to receive SSI allocation flag Imputation flag for ERECVSSI V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESSISTRM 2 826 T TMR: Month first received SSI benefits When did ... first start receiving SSI? U All adults with SSI(fed/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLSSI=1 and ERECVSSI=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:12 .Month first started receiving V .SSI D ASSISTRM 1 828 T TMR: Month first received SSI benefits allocation flg Imputation flag for ESSISTRM V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D TSSISTRY 4 829 T TMR: Year first received SSI benefits When did ... first start receiving SSI? U All adults with SSI(fed/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLSSI=1 and ERECVSSI=1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1926:1996 .Year started receiving SSI D ASSISTRY 1 833 T TMR: Year first received SSI benefits allocation flg Imputation flag for ESSISTRY V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESSILNG1 2 834 T TMR: Length of time received SSI(months) For how long did ... receive SSI that time? U All adults with SSI(fed/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLSSI=1 and ERECVSSI=1 and ESSISTRY>0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time received V .SSI(months) D ASSILNG1 1 836 T TMR: Length of time received SSI(months) allocation flg Imputation flag for ESSILNG1 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D ESSILNG2 2 837 T TMR: Length of time received SSI(years) For how long did ... receive SSI that time? U All adults with SSI(federal/state) and EPOPSTAT=1 and EAPLSSI=1 and ERECVSSI=1 and ESSISTRY>0 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Length of time received V .SSI(years) D ASSILNG2 1 839 T TMR: Length of time received SSI(years) allocation flg Imputation flag for ESSILNG2 V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Imputed V 2 .Cold Deck Imputation V 3 .Logical Imputation (Derivation) D FILLER 1 840