TELEGRAPHIC BIDS (52.214-13) (APR 1984)

(a) Bidders may submit telegraphic bids as responses to this solicitation. These responses must arrive at the place, and by the time, specified in the solicitation.

(b) Telegraphic bids shall refer to this solicitation and include the items or subitems, quantities, unit prices, time and required by this solicitation, and a statement of agreement with all the terms, conditions, and provisions of the invitation for bids.

(c) Telegraphic bids that fail to furnish required representations or information, or that reject any of the terms, conditions, and provisions of the solicitation, may be excluded from consideration.

(d) Bidders must promptly sign and submit complete copies of the bids in confirmation of their telegraphic bids.

(e) The term "telegraphic bids," as used in this provision, includes mailgrams.

(End of provision)