Pullman's Palace Ga G6ompang Now operates this class of service on the Union Pacific and connecting lines. PULLMAN PALACE CAll IIATES iETWE ENi'I t'.th tDogua. i ---:2(N.' York ailt I t. Louia . ... 5 o o onf . . d O iItO ............ . 5 50 20.00 Bocstor and Cdtei t.o ............ .. .... ............ .........O ) ChliMao and Oiiirt a or KansL City. .................... 2 00 Cllthicao ulld UDeaver.............-. .....................".. i 2 I. '2 0 ennlieln-1...n' .....r .l 2a.01 1 :00 8t.LU I t Is utld Ke lins City ....................... 2 Bgt. ulloiinld Ontrhill ...a................I.. - .--.. 2. 0 9 a00 KaC*ax (ity anad Chboeyelllt..... ............ ... .. l~.... Cuncll Ilusai l tah Kransas Cit nd iever . 0 00 C( unliBll l trOllln dl C.eye n ................. .00 14.011 C. Billts.()ll,0ll ,,. orK. City allid San 0131ci0sC orLO lagret'es' 13.00 Y0.11 COhelellle 111 I[sOlltillnd. 8.00 - -.00 Ciltv-.l r Kitt I.Ğği>BrnlĞed ......................................... i 38. .U 00 DI .n >..r and lst vllu . ........... ........................ ......... I 2.0 Ilsnvar 1ad Sal lraise.o .... . ...........11.00 2.001 I'cnteillo 1Iam {t1u1 . .I .4....... 00 ;00_-------------For a Section. Twice the Double Berth Rates will be charged. The Private lotel, D)ling, nIlntlng.ali Sleepiug Cars of the ul ilman Conmplny will accommodate from 12 to 18 persons, allolwing a iull Ibed o cach, aud are flttetl with Ill sl mInoern convenlences ai privllte, observatlon and smlokilg roolms. foldllgl heds, recllilIg chairs, bu8licis andtkltlehe s. Tliry are "Just ths th/iif" for tourists, theatrical companies, sportsmen, and prialee partlcs, Tte Il tlnglK Car tlave special conveinlencee, beilg provided with dog.kenniels, gunlracks, fshilnllg4ackle, etc. These cars can be chartered at following rates per dlli (the tinme being reckoned from date of departure until roturnof mlIme, unlelsa otlhrwios arranged with the Pullman Compally): Xotea ta.ra. Ton. D&y5. per dl. i per day. lHotel Cars............. .S I illvlte 1 el liling Cars ....$ 35.00 BUlfflet t. .r........ 45 .0) I riae Cars with lullet..., .00 Sleeping Cars .............. 40.00 lini(igars ...3.............. 0.00 Ten Days or over, $5.00 per day less than above. Hotel, Bnflet, or Sleeo ng Cars can allso be chartered for conllnuouls trips without lay-over betweem points where extra cars are furnlashed (cars to be given up it dostlnatlon), as follows: Where bertl rate ............. 5, car rit e will ..............5.00 *- *- *2.X)5, *-1 - - 45 0X) ............. S!). " " " 5.(0. IFor eacil adlitlonal berthl rate of 50 cents, car rate will be Increased $10.00. . Above ratle Incllide service of polite anid killifnl attendants. Tile eommrlaissrlat will also be furnished If desired. Such chartered carrs muist contain ilnt leas than 15 personls holding full firet-class tickets, and another f1ll fare tikelt will be required for each additional passenger over 15. If chartered l lper diet" cars are given up ea route, chartering party mlst arrange for return to orglinal starting point free, or pay amount of freight necessary for return tbherto. llngranim showing Interior of these cars cau be had of uny agent of the Company. PULLMAN DININC CARS ame atttched to the Counell Bluft& and Denver Vestlbuledl xpress, running daily botween Council Bluffi and Denver, and to Thle Limitetd Past Mall," ranuing daily between Council Ilnlff and Poğrtland, Ore. MEALS. All traln, except those apecitled above (under head of Pullman Dining Carn), atop at regular eating statilois, wilere firat-clasa nscais anr furllldtid, nllter the direct aupervlalo of this Company, by the Pacific Hotel Company. Neat and tidy lunch counters are also to be foand at these stations. * BUFFET SERVICE. Particulnr attention is called lo the fine Buffet Service offered by the Unlon lPielfc ysltem to Its patrons. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers now tun on trains Nos. 1. I 201, and 32P.