---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Aune, K.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Impacts of winter recreationists on wildlife in portions of Yellowstone National Park, WY. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Montana State Univ., Bozeman. 110 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Barmore, W.J. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Population characteristics, distribution and habitat relationships of six ungulate species in Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: 3 vol. 677pp. Yellowstone Nat. Park Libr. Mammoth, WY. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Beidelman, R.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1955 TITLE: An altitudinal record for bison in northern Colorado. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 36:470-471. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Belovsky, G.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Optimal foraging and community structure: implications for a guild of generalist grassland herbivores. SOURCE: Oecologia 70:35-52. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Belovsky, G.E. and J.B. Slade. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Time budgets of grassland herbivores: body size similarities. SOURCE: Oecologia 70:53-62. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Bennet, J.P. and R.B. Dahlgren. PUBL. YEAR: 1982 TITLE: Seasonal food habits of bison on mixed grass prairie. SOURCE: pp. 143-146. IN: Proc., A Natl. Conf. Grazing Mgt. Tech. (D.D. Briske and M.M. Kothman, eds.). Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Berger, J. and C. Cunningham. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Size-related effects on search times in North American grassland female ungulates. SOURCE: Ecology 69:177-183. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Borowski, S. and S. Kossak. PUBL. YEAR: 1972 TITLE: The natural food preferences of the European bison in seasons free of snow cover. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 17:151-169. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Bowser, G. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Winter foraging behavior in bison (Bison bison) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. SOURCE: Am. Zool. 28:156. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Cairns, A. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Distribution and food habits of moose, wapiti, deer, bison, and snowshoe hare in Elk Island National Park, Alberta. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of Calgary, Calgary. 171 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Cairns, A. and E.S. Telfer. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Habitat use by four sympatric ungulates in boreal mixedwood forest. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 44:849-857. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Calef, G.W. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Population growth in an introduced herd of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae). SOURCE: pp. 183-200. IN: Northern Ecology and Resource Management. (R. Olsen, et al., eds.). Univ. Alberta Press. Edmonton, Alberta. 438 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Calef, G.W. and J. Van Camp. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Seasonal distribution, group size and structure, and movements of bison herds. SOURCE: pp. 15-20. IN: Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River Lowlands, N.W.T. (H. Reynolds and A. Hawley, eds.). Occasional Paper, No. 63. Can. Wildl. Ser. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Capp, J.C. PUBL. YEAR: 1964 TITLE: Ecology of the bison of Colorado National Monument. SOURCE: U.S.D.I., N.P.S., Gov. Printing Office. Wash., D.C., 30 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Campbell, B.H. and M. Hinkes. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Winter diets and habitat use of Alaskan bison after wildfire. SOURCE: Wildl. Soc. Bull. 11:16-21 CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Cid, M.S. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Prairie dog and bison grazing effects on maintenance of attributes of a prairie dog colony. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 97 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Cid, M.S., J.K. Detling, A.D. Whicker, and M.A. Brizuela. PUBL. YEAR: 1991 TITLE: Vegetational responses of a mixed-grass prairie site following exclusion of prairie dogs and bison. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 44:100-105. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Cole, R.S. PUBL. YEAR: 1974 TITLE: Elk and bison management on the Oglala Sioux game range. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 27:484-485. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Collins, S.L. and G.E. Uno. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: The effects of early spring burning on vegetation in buffalo wallows. SOURCE: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 110:474-481. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Collins, S.L. and S.C. Barber. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Effects of disturbance on diversity in mixed-grass prairie. SOURCE: Vegetatio 64:87-94. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Collingwood, L. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Seasonal bison distributions correlated to habitat types in Wood Buffalo National Park, 1976-1977. SOURCE: IN: Wood Buffalo National Park bison research, 1977 annual report. (J.G. Stelfox, compiler). Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Coppock, D.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Bison-prairie dog-plant interactions in a northern mixed-grass prairie. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 61:113. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Coppock, D.L., J.K. Detling, J.L Dodd, and M.I. Dyer. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Bison prairie dog-plant interactions in Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. SOURCE: Proc. Conf. Sci. Natl. Parks. 12:184. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Coppock, D.L., J.K. Detling, and M.I. Dyer. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Interactions among bison, prairie dogs and vegetation in Wind Cave National Park. SOURCE: Unpubl. Final Report to National Park Service, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. 195 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Coppock, D.L., J.E. Ellis, J.K. Detling, and M.I. Dyer. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Plant-herbivore interactions in a North American mixed-grass prairie. II. Responses of bison to modification of vegetation by prairie dogs. SOURCE: Oecologia 56:10-15. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Coppock, D.L. and J.K. Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Alteration of bison and black-tailed prairie dog grazing interaction by prescribed burning. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 50:452-455. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Day, T.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Modification of individual plant and community water and nitrogen relations by grassland herbivores. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 134 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Day, T.A. and J.K. Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Grassland patch dynamics and herbivore grazing preference following urine deposition. SOURCE: Ecology 71:180-188. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Day, T.A. and J.K. Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Changes in grass leaf water relations following bison urine deposition. SOURCE: Am. Midl. Nat. 123:171-178. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Dearden, B.L., R.E. Pegau, and R.M. Hansen. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Precision of microhistological estimates of ruminant food habits. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 39:402-407. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Despain, D., D. Houston, M.M. Meagher, and P. Schullery. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Wildlife in transition. SOURCE: Roberts Rinehart, Inc. Boulder, CO. 142 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Detling, J.K. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Trophic interactions among above ground and belowground herbivores and plants in Wind Cave National Park. SOURCE: Conf. Sci. Natl. Parks. 4:86. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Detling, J.K. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Grasslands and savannas: regulation of energy flow and nutrient cycling by herbivores. SOURCE: Ecol. Stud. Anal. Synth. 67:131-148. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Detling, J.K., M.I. Dyer, C. Procter-Gregg, and D.T. Winn. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Plant-herbivore interactions: examination of potential effects of bison saliva on regrowth of Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) SOURCE: Oecologia 45:26-31. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Detling, J.K., C.W. Ross, M.H. Walmsley, D.W. Hilbert, C.A. Bonilla, and M.I. Dyer. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Examination of North American bison saliva for potential plant growth regulators. SOURCE: J. Chemical Ecol. 7:239-246. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Dziuk, H.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1965 TITLE: Eructation, regurgitation, and reticuloruminal contraction in the American bison. SOURCE: Am. J. Physiol. 208:343-346. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Edwards, T. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Buffalo and prairie ecology. SOURCE: pp. 110-112. IN: Proceedings of 5th Midwest Prairie Conf. (D.C. Glenn-Lewin and R.Q. Landers, eds.). Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: England, R.E. and A. DeVos. PUBL. YEAR: 1969 TITLE: Influence of animals on pristine conditions on the Canadian grasslands. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 22:87-94. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Fowler, C.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Density dependence as related to life history strategy. SOURCE: Ecology 62:602-610. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Fuller, W.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1961 TITLE: The ecology and management of the American bison. SOURCE: Terre et Vie 108:286-304. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Fuller, W.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1966 TITLE: The biology and management of the bison of Wood Buffalo National Park. SOURCE: Can. Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Manage. Bull. Ser. 1, No. 16.52 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gainer, R. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Free-roaming bison in northern Canada. SOURCE: Alta Nat. 15:86-87. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gainer, R. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Further notes on bison in northern Alberta. SOURCE: Alberta Nat. 16:96-97. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gates, C.C. and N.C. Larter. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Habitat and diet selection of Wood bison in the Mackenzie Sanctuary, Northwest Territories, Canada. SOURCE: Trans. Congr. Int. Union Game Biol. 18:65-66. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gates, C.C. and N.C. Larter. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Growth and dispersal of an erupting large herbivore population in northern Canada: the MacKenzie wood bison (Bison bison athabascae). SOURCE: Arctic 43:231-238. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gebczynska, Z. and M. Krasinska. PUBL. YEAR: 1972 TITLE: Food preference and requirements of the European bison. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 17:105-117. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gebczynska, Z., J. Kowalczk, M. Krasinska, and A. Ziolecka. PUBL. YEAR: 1974 TITLE: A comparison of the digestibility of nutrients by European bison and cattle. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 9:283-289. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gibson, D.J. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Effects of animal disturbance on tallgrass prairie vegetation. SOURCE: Am. Midl. Nat. 121:144-154. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gipson, P.S. and J.D. McKendrick. PUBL. YEAR: 1982 TITLE: Bison depradation on grain fields in interior Alaska. SOURCE: Proc. Great Plains Wildl. Damage Control Workshop. 5:116-121. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Grimm, R.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1939 TITLE: Northern Yellowstone winter range studies. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 3:295-306. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Halloran, A.F. and B.P. Glass. PUBL. YEAR: 1959 TITLE: The carnivores and ungulates of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 40:360-370. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Comparison of forage utilization and blood composition of bison and Hereford cattle. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. 246 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: The effect of bag location along a suspension line on nylon bag digestibility estimates in bison and cattle. SOURCE: J. Range Mange. 34:265-266. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L., D.G. Peden, H.W. Reynolds, and E.O. Keith. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Nylon bag digestibilities of five native plants in bison and cattle. SOURCE: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 57:825. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L., D.G. Peden, and W.R. Stricklin. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Bison and Hereford steer digestion of sedge hay. SOURCE: Can. J. Anim. Sci. 61:165-174. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L., D.G. Peden, H.W. Reynolds, and W.R. Stricklin. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Bison and cattle digestion of forages from the Slave River lowlands, Northwest Territories, Canada. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 34:126-130. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hawley, A.W.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Bison and cattle use of forages. SOURCE: pp. 49-52. IN: Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River Lowlands, N.W.T. (H. Reynolds and A. Hawley, eds.). Occasional Paper, No. 63. Can. Wildl. Ser. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Holsworth, W.N. PUBL. YEAR: 1960 TITLE: Interactions between moose, elk, and buffalo in Elk Island National Park, Alberta. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Holsworth, W.N. PUBL. YEAR: 1960 TITLE: Buffalo range and food habits of buffalo in Wood Buffalo Park. SOURCE: Unpubl. report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Houston, D.B. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Ecosystems of national parks. SOURCE: Science 172:245 262. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hudson, R.J. and C.B. Blyth. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Mixed grazing systems of the aspen boreal forest. SOURCE: pp. 381-383. IN: Rangelands, a resource under siege. Proceedings of the 2nd Rangeland Congress. Canberra, Australia. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hudson, R.J. and S. Frank. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Foraging ecology of bison in aspen boreal habitats. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 40:71-75. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kautz, J.E. and G.M. Van Dyne. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Comparitive analyses of diets of bison, cattle, sheep, and pronghorn antelope on shortgrass prairie in northeastern Colorado, USA. SOURCE: pp. 438-442. IN: Proc. 1st Intl. Rangel. Congr. (D.N. Hyder, ed.). Soc. for Range Manage., Denver, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kelsall, J.P. and E.S. Telfer. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Studies of the physiological adaptation of big game for snow. SOURCE: pp. 134. IN: Proc. Snow and Ice in Relation to Wildl. and Recr. Symp. (A.0. Haugan, ed.). Iowa State Univ., Ames. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kelsall, J.P., E.S. Telfer, and T.S. Wright. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: The effects of fire on the ecology of the boreal forest, with particular reference to the Canadian north: a review and selected bibliography. SOURCE: Can. Wildl. Ser. Occasional Report, No. 32. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kerley, L.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Microhabitat choice and biting flies in American bison (Bison bison): a test of multiple hypotheses. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Nev. Reno. 41 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kerley, L. and J. Berger. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: What influences microhabitat choice in large ungulates?: A test of multiple hypotheses using American bison. SOURCE: Am. Zool. 28:156. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krasinski, Z.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Dynamics and structure of the European bison population in the Bialoweiza primeval forest. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 23:3-48. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krasinska, M., K. Cabon-Raczynska, and Z.A. Krasinski. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Strategy of habitat utilization by European bison in the Bialoweiza forest. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 32:147-202. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kreuger, K. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: An experimental analysis of interspecific feeding relationships among bison, pronghorn, and prairie dogs. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 65:267. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krueger, K. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Interactions and activity patterns of bison and prairie dogs at Wind Cave National Park: Implications for managers. SOURCE: pp. 203-208. IN: Proc. National Wilderness Res. Conf., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krueger, K. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Bison, pronghorn, and prairie dogs in Wind Cave: recent results and their uses. SOURCE: Conf. Sci. Natl. Parks. 4:86. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krueger, K. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Feeding relationships among bison, pronghorn, and prairie dogs: an experimental analysis. SOURCE: Ecology 67:760-770. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krueger, K. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Interactions and activity patterns of bison and prairie dogs at Wind Cave National Park: implications for managers. SOURCE: U.S.F.S. Gen. Tech. Rep., INT-212. pp. 203-238. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Larter, N.C. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Diet and habitat selection of an erupting wood bison population. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver. 109 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Larter, N.C. and C.C. Gates. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Home ranges of wood bison in an expanding population. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 71:604-607. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Lott, D.F. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Home ranges of American bison cows on Santa Catalina Island, California. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 64:161-162. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: McCullough, Y.B. PUBL. YEAR: 1980 TITLE: Niche separation of seven North American ungulates on the National Bison Range, Montana. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor. 226 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Mahan, B.R. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Harrasment of an elk calf by bison. SOURCE: Can. Field Nat. 91:418-419. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Martinka, C.J. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Ungulate populations in relation to wilderness in Glacier National Park, Montana. SOURCE: Trans. North Am. Wildl. and Nat. Res. Conf. 43:351-357. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1970 TITLE: The bison of Yellowstone National Park: past and present. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis., Univ. California, Berkley. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Snow as a factor influencing bison distribution and numbers in Pelican Valley, Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: pp. 63-67. IN: Proc. Snow and Ice in Relation to Wildl. and Recr. Symp. (A.0. Haugan, ed.). Iowa State Univ., Ames. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1973 TITLE: The bison of Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: N.P.S. Sci. Mono. Ser. #1. 161 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Winter weather as a population-regulating influence on free-ranging bison in Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: pp. 29-38. IN: Research in the parks, Transactions of the National Park Centennial Symposium., Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Dec. 28-29,1971. Ser. No. 1. U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash. D.C. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Bison. SOURCE: p. 123-133. IN: Big game of North America: ecology and management. (J.L. Scmidt and D.L. Gilbert, eds.). Stackpole Books, Harrisburg PA. 494 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1989a TITLE: Evaluation of boundary control for bison of Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: Wildl. Soc. Bull. 17:15-19. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1989b TITLE: Range expansion by bison of Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 70:670-675. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Meagher, M.M. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Changes in bison ecological carrying capacity because of human activities. SOURCE: Paper presented at meeting of the George Wright Soc., El Paso, Texas. Nov. 14, 1990. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Nelson, K.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1965 TITLE: Status and habits of the American buffalo (Bison bison)in the Henry Mountain area of Utah. SOURCE: Utah Dept. Fish and Game Pub. No. 65-2. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Norland, J. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Habitat use and distribution of bison in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Montana State Univ., Bozeman, MT. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Norland, J. and C.B. Marlow. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Bison use of harwood draws in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. IN: Symposium on wooded draws: Characteristics and values for the northern Great Plains. SOURCE: U.S.D.A. For. Serv. Rocky Mtn. For. and Range Exp. Sta., Fort Collins, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Norland, J., L.R. Irby, and C.B. Marlow. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Determination of optimum bison stocking rate in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. SOURCE: J. Environ. Manage. 21:225-239. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Norland, J. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Forage allocation model for competing species of ungulates. SOURCE: pp. 34. IN: Proc. of North America Bison Workshop. (J. Malcom, ed.) U.S. Fish and Wildl. Ser. and Glacier Nat. Hist. Assoc., Glacier National Park, MT. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Pearson, H.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1967 TITLE: Rumen microorganisms in buffalo from southern Utah. SOURCE: Appl. Microbiol. 15:1450-1451. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peden, D.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Preliminary activities and results in bison research on the Pawnee Site, U.S. SOURCE: IBP Grassland Biome Study Technical Report 87. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 63 p. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peden, D.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1972 TITLE: The trophic relations of Bison bison to the shortgrass plains. SOURCE: Ph.D. Diss., Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peden, D.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Botanical composition of bison diets on shortgrass plains. SOURCE: Am. Midl. Nat. 96:225-229. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peden, D.G., G.M. Van Dyne, R.W. Rice, and R.M. Hansen. PUBL. YEAR: 1974 TITLE: The trophic ecology of Bison bison L. on shortgrass plains. SOURCE: J. Appl. Ecology. 11:489-498 CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peek, J.M., D.G. Miquelle, and R.G. Wright. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Are bison exotic in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve? SOURCE: Environ. Manage. 11:149-153. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peters, H.F. PUBL. YEAR: 1958 TITLE: A feedlot study of bison and cattle and Hereford calves. SOURCE: Can. J. Ani. Sci. 38:87-90. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Peters, H.F. PUBL. YEAR: 1966 TITLE: Range calf production of cattle, bison, cattalo, and Hereford cows. SOURCE: Can. J. Ani. Sci. 46:157-164. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Plumb, G.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1991 TITLE: Foraging ecology of bison and cattle on a northern mixed prairie. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Plumb, G.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1992 TITLE: Analysis of linear programming models of ungulate foraging. SOURCE: pp. 183-184. IN: Ongules/Ungulates 91Proceedings. (F. Spitz, G. Janeau, G. Gonzalez, and S. Auangnier, eds.) S.F.E.P.M.- I.R.G.M. Paris Toulouse, France. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Polley, H.W. and S.L. Collins. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Relationships of vegetation and environment in buffalo wallows. SOURCE: Amer. Midl. Nat. 112:178 186. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Popp, J.K. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Range ecology of bison on mixed grass prairie at Wind Cave National Park. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State Univ. Ames, Iowa. 59 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Ravendal, D.V. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Interspecific nutritional facilitation: Do bison benefit from feeding on prairie dog towns? SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. 44 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Reynolds, H.W. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Bison diets of Slave River Lowlands, Canada. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 66pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Reynolds, H.W., R.M. Hansen, and D.G. Peden. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Diets of the Slave River Lowland bison herd, Northwest Territories, Canada. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 42:581-590. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Reynolds, H.W. and D.G. Peden. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Vegetation, bison diets, and snow cover. SOURCE: pp. 39-44. IN: Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River Lowlands, N.W.T. (H. Reynolds and A. Hawley, eds.). Occasional Paper, No. 63. Can. Wildl. Ser. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Reynolds, H.W., R.D. Glaholt, and A.W.L. Hawley. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River Lowlands. SOURCE: Can. Wildl. Ser. Occasional Paper. No. 63. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Rice, R.W., R.E. Dean and J.E. Ellis. PUBL. YEAR: 1974a TITLE: Bison, cattle, and sheep dietary quality and food intake. SOURCE: Proc., West. Sect., Am. Soc. of Ani. Sci. 25:194-197. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Rice, R.W., R.E. Dean and J.E. Ellis. PUBL. YEAR: 1974b TITLE: Bison, cattle, and sheep dietary quality and food intake. SOURCE: J. Ani. Sci. 38:1332. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Rice, R.W., J.G. Nagy, and D.G. Peden. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Functional interaction of large herbivores on grasslands. SOURCE: pp. 241-265. IN: Analysis of Structure and Function of Grasslands: A Preliminary Report. (N.R. Frency, ed.). Range Sci. Dept. Sci. Ser. No. 10. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Richmond, R.J., R.J. Hudson, and R.J. Christopherson. PUBL. YEAR: 1977a TITLE: Comparison of forage intake and digestibility by American bison, yak, and cattle. SOURCE: 55th Annual Feeder's Day Rep. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton. 55: 49-50. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Richmond, R.J., R.J. Hudson, and R.J. Christopherson. PUBL. YEAR: 1977b TITLE: Comparison of forage intake and digestibility by American bison, yak, and cattle. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 22:225-230. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Roe, F.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1970 TITLE: The North American buffalo: A critical study of the species in its wild state. SOURCE: 2nd ed. Univ. Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario. 957 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Rupp, G.P. and E.O. Keith. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Rumen fistulae in bison. SOURCE: IN: "Today's Research-Tommorow's Colorado." Proc. 89th Ann. Res. Conf. Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Rutberg, A.T. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: The impact of aggression on feeding efficiency during grazing. SOURCE: Am. Zool. 23:935. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Schaefer, A.L., B.A. Young, and A.M. Chimwano. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Ration digestion and retention times of digesta in domestic cattle (Bos taurus), American bison (Bison bison), and Tibetian yak (Bos grunniens). SOURCE: Can. J. Zool. 56:2355-2358. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Schwartz, C.C., J.G. Nagy, and R.W. Rice. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Pronghorn dietary quality relative to forage availability and other ruminants in Colorado. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 41:161-168. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Schwartz, C.C. and J.E. Ellis. PUBL. YEAR: 1981 TITLE: Feeding ecology and niche separation in some native and domestic ungulates on shortgrass prairie. SOURCE: J. Appl. Ecol. 18:343-353. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Shaw, G.G. and H.W. Reynolds. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Selenium concentrations in forages of a northern herbivore. SOURCE: Arctic 38:61-64. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Shaw, J.H. and T.S. Carter. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Bison movements in relation to fire and seasonality. SOURCE: Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:426-430. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Shull, A.M. and A.R. Tipton. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Effective population size of bison on the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. SOURCE: Cons. Biol. 1:35-41 CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Solowski, A.W. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Restoring the bison's habitat in Bialoweiza. SOURCE: Ambio 12:197-202. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Soper, J.D. PUBL. YEAR: 1941 TITLE: History, range, and home life of the northern bison. SOURCE: Ecol. Mon. 11:347-412. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Sparks, K.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1972 TITLE: Grazing behavior of bison and cattle on a shortgrass prairie. SOURCE: U.S. Inter. Biol. Pro., Grassland Biome, Tech. Rep. #149., Nat. Res. Ecol. Lab., Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Steuter, A.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Restoring a mixed prairie process: the fire-bison grazing interaction. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 69:308. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stueter, A.A., C.E. Grygeil, and M.E. Biondini. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: A synthesis approach to research and management planning: The conceptual development and implementation. SOURCE: Nat. Areas J. 10:61-68. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Telfer, E.S. and G.W. Scotter. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Potential for game ranching in boreal aspen forests of western Canada. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 27:427-432. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Telfer, E.S. and A. Cairns. PUBL. YEAR: 1979 TITLE: Bison-wapiti interrelationships in Elk Island National Park, Alberta. SOURCE: pp. 114-121. IN: North American Elk: Ecology, Behavior, and Management. (M.S. Boyce and L.D. Hayden-Wing, eds.) Univ. Wyo. Laramie, WY. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Telfer, E.S. and J.P. Kelsall. PUBL. YEAR: 1979 TITLE: Studies of morphological parameters affecting ungulate location in snow. SOURCE: Can. J. Zool. 57:2153-2159. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Telfer, E.S. and J.P. Kelsall. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Adaptation of some large North American mammals for survival in snow. SOURCE: Ecology 65:1828-1834. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Telfer, E.S. and A. Cairns. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Resource use by moose versus sympatric deer, wapiti, and bison. SOURCE: Alces 22:114-137. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Ruminal fermentation characteristics and microbial comparison between bison and cattle. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Kansas State Univ. 136 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G., T.G. Nagaraja, R.C. Cochran, D.L. Harmon, C.E. Owensby, and D.W. Kaufman. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Comparison of ruminal fermentation characteristics and microbial population in bison and cattle. SOURCE: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:2510-2514. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G., T.G. Nagaraja, and K.K. Kemp. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Ruminal ciliated protozoa in bison. SOURCE: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:2733-2736. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G., Nagaraja, T.G., and R.C. Cochran. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Ruminal microbial populations and fermentation characteristics in bison and cattle fed high- and low-quality forage. SOURCE: Microb. Ecol. 17:311-316. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G. and T.G. Nagaraja. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Occurrence and diurnal population fluctuations of the ruminal protozoan Microcetus lappus. SOURCE: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:91-94. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Towne, G. and T.G. Nagaraja. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Omasal ciliated protozoa in cattle, bison, and sheep. SOURCE: Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:409-412. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Turner, M.G., W.R. Romme, and L.L. Wallace. PUBL. YEAR: ---- TITLE: Simulation of winter foraging by large ungulates in a heterogeneous landscape. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 71:349-350. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Urness, P.J. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Why did bison fail west of the Rockies? SOURCE: Utah Sci. 50:174-179. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Camp, J. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Snow conditions and the winter feeding behavior of Bison bison in Elk Island National Park. SOURCE: Can. Wildl. Serv. Unpubl. Rep. No. CWS(WR)-55-75. 91 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Camp, J. and G.W. Calef. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Population dynamics of bison. SOURCE: pp. 21-24. IN: Bison ecology in relation to agricultural development in the Slave River Lowlands, N.W.T. (H. Reynolds and A. Hawley, eds.). Occasional Paper, No. 63. Can. Wildl. Ser. 74 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. PUBL. YEAR: 1979 TITLE: Ecology and behavior of bison in the Henry Mountains, Utah. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. PUBL. YEAR: 1982 TITLE: Comparitive ecology of bison and cattle in the Henry Mountains, Utah. SOURCE: pp. 449-457. IN: Proceedings of the wildlife-livestock relationships symposium. April 20-22,1981. (L. Nelson and J.M. Peek, eds.) For., Wildl. & Range Exp. Sta., Univ. Idaho. Coeur d'Alene, ID. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Group dynamics and summer home range of bison in southern Utah. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 64:329-339. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Summer diets of bison and cattle in southern Utah. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 37:260-261 CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. and M.P. Bray. PUBL. YEAR: 1983 TITLE: Diets of bison and cattle on a seeded range in southern Utah. SOURCE: J. Range Manage. 36:499-500. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Van Vuren, D. and M.P. Bray. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Population dynamics of bison in the Henry Mountains, Utah. SOURCE: J. Mammal. 67:503-511. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Vanderhye, A.V.R. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Interspecific nutritional facilitation: do bison benefit from feeding on prarie dogtowns? SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 44 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Vanderhye, A.V.R., D.M. Swift, and J.K Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Interspecific nutritional facilitation at Wind Cave National Park: do bison benefit from feeding on prairie dog colonies? SOURCE: Conf. Sci. Natl. Parks. 4:88. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Varel, V.H. and B.A. Dehority. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Ruminal cellulytic bacteria and protozoa from bison, cattle- bison hybrids, and cattle fed three alfalfa-corn diets. SOURCE: Appl. Env. Microbiol. 55:148-153. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Vinton, M.A. and D.C. Hartnett. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Grazed patch and wallow formation by bison and initial plant responses on tallgrass prairie. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 70:287. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Waggoner, V. and M. Hinkes. PUBL. YEAR: 1986 TITLE: Summer and fall browse utilization by an Alaskan bison herd. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 50:322-324. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wallace, L.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Grazing and nutrient movement by bison in a mixed grass prairie ecosystem. SOURCE: Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am. 66:289. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wallace, L.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Mycorrhizas in grasslands: interactions of ungulates, fungi, and drought. SOURCE: New Phytologist. 105:619-632. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Whicker, A.D. and J.K. Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Modification of vegetation structure and ecosystem processes by North American grassland mammals. SOURCE: pp. 301-316. IN: Plant form and vegetation structure. (M.J.A. Werger, P.J.M. van der Aart, H.J. During, and J.T.A. Verhoeven, eds.). SPB Academic Publ. The Hague, Netherlands. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Whicker, A.D. and J.K. Detling. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Ecological consequences of prairie dog disturbances. SOURCE: Bioscience 38:778-785. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Williams, G.L. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Simulation modeling of big game at Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. SOURCE: Unpubl. Ph.D. Thesis. Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. 242 pp. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wydeven, A.P. PUBL. YEAR: 1979 TITLE: Food habits and ecological relationships of elk to other herbivores in Wind Cave National Park. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis., Iowa State Univ. Ames. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wydeven, A.P. and R.B. Dahlgren. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: Ungulate habitat relationships in Wind Cave National Park. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 49:805-813. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Young, B.A., A. Schaefer, and A. Chimwano. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Digestive capacities of cattle, bison, and yak. SOURCE: pp. 31-34. IN: 56th Ann. Feeders' Day Rep., Univ. Alberta, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Foraging and Habitat Ecology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------