Release Notes caCORE Version 3.0.1 July 22, 2005 National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics ================================================================ Contents ================================================================ 1.0 caCORE Introduction and History 2.0 caBIO 2.1 Release History 2.2 New Features and Updates 2.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release 2.4 Known Issues 3.0 caDSR 3.1 Release History 3.2 New Features and Updates 3.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release 3.4 Known Issues 4.0 CSM 4.1 Release History 4.2 Features 4.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release 4.4 Known Issues 5.0 EVS 5.1 Release History 5.2 New Features and Updates 5.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release 5.4 Known Issues 6.0 Bug Reports and Support 7.0 Documentation 8.0 NCICB Web Pages ================================================================ 1.0 caCORE Introduction and History ================================================================ caCORE 3.0.1 -- 22 July 2005 caCORE 3.0 -- 31 March 2005 caCORE 2.1 -- 28 May 2004 caCORE 2.0.1 -- 19 December 2003 caCORE 2.0 -- 31 October 2003 caCORE 1.2 -- 13 June 2003 caCORE 1.1 -- 7 February 2003 caCORE 1.0 -- 29 August 2002 caCORE consists of four main components: Cancer Bioinformatics Infrastructure Objects (caBIO), Cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR), Common Security Module (CSM), and Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). Each component has both standalone functionality as well as integration points with the rest of caCORE. caCORE is a product of the NCI Center for Bioinformatics and its partners. Visit the caCORE web site for more information: -- ================================================================ 2.0 caBIO ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Release History ---------------------------------------------------------------- caBIO 3.0.1 -- 22 July 2005 caBIO 3.0 -- 31 March 2005 caBIO 2.1 -- 28 May 2004 caBIO 2.0.2 -- 18 March 2004 caBIO 2.0.1 -- 15 December 2004 caBIO 2.0: -- 31 October 2003 caBIO 1.2.1 -- 27 June 2003 caBIO 1.2 -- 13 June 2003 caBIO 1.1.1 -- 11 April 2003 caBIO 1.1 -- 7 February 2003 caBIO 1.0 -- 29 August 2002 caBIO .91 -- April 2002 caBIO .90 -- October 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 New Features and Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- We have eliminated the use of an altered Hibernate2 jar file. We are now only using the Hibernate3 jar. -- The following enhancements and modifications to the EVS package are included in this release: -- evsQuery.hasParents(conceptName) -- evsQuery.hasChildrens(conceptName) -- evsQuery.getParentConcepts(conceptName) -- evsQuery.getChildConcepts(concepName) -- getConceptCodeByName -- Improved EVS API JavaDocs -- Design Document for the EVS process up to RPC client. -- searchByLoincId - this method has been deprecated and replaced by searchSourceByCode -- getDescLogicConcept(vocabularyName, conceptCode, isConceptCode) - fixed -- convertRoles - fixed -- Implemented Hibernate's Second level Cache Mechanism Hibernate features an extremely granular (class or collection role) second-level cache and offers various pluggable implementations for it. We are using the EHCache ( ) implementation (Hibernate -default) . A second level caching strategy helps us improve performance for frequently run queries. EHCache also provides a memory to disk persistence caching strategy, which is highly scalable. Only objects that are being accessed from a periodic data upload process such as caBIO objects have been configured to cache, other regularly updated objects such as caDSR objects are not being cached. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- The 1,000 record limitation bug has been fixed. It is now possible to retrieve all results from a query. The system configuration limits the result set to 1,000 at a time, but caCORE employs a ListProxy to retrieve all the results in groups of 1,000 or less. This 1,000 record grouping restriction can be adjusted in the file. The maximum limit is 5000. An error will be displayed if you attempt to set this limit to more than 5000. The ListProxy class extends ArrayList. All of the ListProxy methods behave the same as in ArrayList except in the following situations where the listed methods behave differently. -- The following methods return an incorrect value for the index of an object that goes beyond the current window of objects returned during a query. -- public int indexOf(Object o) -- public int lastIndexOf(Object o) -- The following methods are not implemented in situations where the total records (size of the List) is more than the limit set for each query. However, if the total number of records returned is less than 1000 records, these methods behave normally as in ArrayList. -- public Object[] toArray(Object a[]) -- public boolean add(Object o) -- public boolean remove (Object o) -- public boolean addAll(Collection c) -- public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) -- public boolean removeAll(Collection c) -- public boolean retainAll(Collection c) -- public Object set(int index, Object element) -- public void add(int index, Object element) -- public Object remove(int index) -- The time required for Nucleic Acid Sequence, Protein, or Location objects searches has been reduced to an acceptable level similar to all other objects by modifying the hibernate mapping file properties for these types of relationships and also by implementing a second-level caching mechanism. -- Lazy initialization errors are no longer thrown when navigating uni-directional, many-to-one, or one-to-one relationships. -- Searches are no longer case sensitive. -- Object attributes that map to CLOB data types within the database are searchable, but only using wildcards. Exact matches are not searchable as CLOB data type does not support it -- Searching for Library protocols based on ‘type’ (TISSUE or LIBRARY) now works properly. -- When conducting a multi level search, the different objects used as criteria for the search still have to be specified by a fully qualified domain name, but white space restrictions no longer matter. For example: --"gov.nih.nci.cabio.domain.Protein, gov.nih.nci.cabio.domain.Gene", chr); is a correct search, while"Protein,Gene", chr) is an incorrect search. -- The caCORE 3.0.1 WSDL file is now fully WS-I compliant. caCORE WSDL files are generate by Axis 1.2, and passed the WS-I compliance testing through a WS-I recommended testing tool "Interoperability Testing Tools 1.1 (SSBP)". -- SocketTimeout Exceptions will no longer occur when running a query using web services. -- The caBIO database is now reloaded with fresh data every two weeks. -- Searching for Genes based on Pathways now returns proper results. -- The following EVS API methods are now working: -- searchDescLogicConcept -- getBroaderConcepts -- getNarrowerConcepts -- getRelatedConcepts -- getAllAssociationTypes -- getAllPropertyTypes -- getAllSubConceptNames -- searchMetaThesaurus ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Searching for ranges. Using Hibernate Criteria, you can search for values in ranges such as Physical Location For example: ApplicationService appService = ApplicationService.getRemoteInstance( ""); Criteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(PhysicalLocation.class); //PhysicalLocation ph = new PhysicalLocationImpl(); criteria.add("chromosomalStartPosition", new Long("0"))); criteria.add("chromosomalStartPosition", new Long("10000"))); criteria.createAlias("chromosome", "chr"); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(("chr.number"), new String("9"))); try { resultList = appService.query(criteria, PhysicalLocationImpl.class.getName()); System.out.println("\n Total # of records = " + resultList.size()); for (Iterator resultsIterator = resultList.iterator(); resultsIterator.hasNext();) { PhysicalLocation returnedPhysicalLocation = (PhysicalLocation); System.out.println( "Chromosome No.: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getChromosome().getNumber()); System.out.println( "Chromosome Start Position: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getChromosomalStartPosition()); System.out.println( "Chromosome End Position: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getChromosomalEndPosition()); if(returnedPhysicalLocation.getGene()!= null){ System.out.println( "Associated Gene: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getGene().getSymbol()); } if(returnedPhysicalLocation.getSNP()!= null){ System.out.println( "Associated SNP: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getSNP().getDBSNPID()); } if(returnedPhysicalLocation.getNucleicAcidSequence()!= null){ System.out.println( "Associated NucleicAcidSequence: "+ returnedPhysicalLocation.getNucleicAcidSequence(). getAccessionNumber()); } System.out.println("---------------------------------- -------------"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } -- Searching based on the Protein object's keyword and secondaryAccession attributes will throw a gov.nih.nci.system.delegator.DelegateException. - Bug #800 -- currently there is no data in our database to support provenance package objects. - Bug #760 -- Searching for DatabaseCrossReferences - Bug #753 In order to retrieve DatabaseCrossReferences you have to employ a workaround technique as shown below. This workaround needs to be employed for retrieving DatabaseCrossReference objects associated with the SNP, Gene, NucleicAcidSequence, and EngineeredGene objects. In this example we want to retrieve the DatabaseCrossReferences associated with a given SNP. SNP snp = new SNPImpl(); snp.setId(new Long(34053)); //Instead of searching for DatabaseCrossReferences based on a //SNP you need to first search for a SNP based on its criteria //(in this case it's id) and then call its //getDatabaseCrossReferenceCollection() method. List rs3 ="gov.nih.nci.cabio.domain.SNP",snp); for (Iterator i = rs3.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { List rs4 = rs3[i].getDatabaseCrossReferenceCollection(); for (Interator j, rs4.iterator(); j.hasNext(); { gov.nih.nci.common.domain.DatabaseCrossReference dbref = (gov.nih.nci.common.domain.DatabaseCrossReference); System.out.println("Cross ref Id - " + dbref.getCrossReferenceId()); System.out.println("Source type - " + dbref.getSourceType()); System.out.println("Data source - " + dbref.getDataSourceName()); } } -- The Distributed Annotation System (DAS) package is not available in this release. We plan to put it back in durning the next release. -- The HTTP interface is not available in this release. We plan to put it back in in the next release. -- Searches for GeneOntology, OrganOntology, and DiseaseOntology now return correct results. However, do to the nature of ontologies searching for related ontologies and relationships after initially retrieving an ontology using the ApplicationService search method is limited. You should use the specific ontology or ontology relationship’s "get" methods as demonstrated below to retrieve related objects: OrganOntology g2 = new OrganOntologyImpl(); g2.setId(new Long(7)); List resultList ="gov.nih.nci.cabio.domain.OrganOntology", g2); if (resultList != null) { if(resultList.size()<1){ System.out.println("0 records found."); }else{ for (Iterator i = resultList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { OrganOntology g = (OrganOntology); System.out.println("Organ Ontology ID is " + g.getId() + " | name is " + g.getName()); System.out.println("To get Child Ontologies first get ChildOrganOntologyRelationship, then get it’s Child Ontology "); List childRelations = (List)g.getChildOrganOntologyRelationshipCollection(); for(Iterator j = childRelations.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { OrganOntologyRelationship or = (OrganOntologyRelationship); System.out.println(" Child Organ Ontology ID of organ Ontology 7 is " + or.getChildOrganOntology().getId() + " | name is " + or.getChildOrganOntology().getName()); } System.out.println("To get Parent Ontologies, first get ParentOrganOntologyRelationship, then get Parent Ontology "); List parentRelations = (List)g.getParentOrganOntologyRelationshipCollection(); for(Iterator j = parentRelations.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { OrganOntologyRelationship or = (OrganOntologyRelationship); System.out.println(" Parent Organ Ontology ID of above is " + or.getParentOrganOntology().getId() + " | name is " + or.getParentOrganOntology().getName()); } } System.out.println("Number of records is " + resultList.size()); } }else{ System.out.println("None records found."); } -- Querying for objects based on relationships to collections of other objects only works if the objects contained within the related collection are all expected to be associated to the target search. By this we mean for example: If I want to search for a Gene based on Target 'x' and Target 'y' the result set will only contain Genes associated with both X and Y and not X or Y. The work around for "OR" functionality would be to run individual queries based on each associated object. An example of how to do this is shown below: System.out.println("Retrieve a list of Gene objects associated to a list of Target objects." ); Target target1 = new TargetImpl(); target1.setId(new Long(61)); Target target2 = new TargetImpl(); target2.setId(new Long(42)); List targetList = new ArrayList(); targetList.add(_target1); targetList.add(_target2); Gene gene5 = new GeneImpl(); gene5.setTargetCollection(targetList); List resultList ="gov.nih.nci.cabio.domain.Gene", gene5); if(resultList.size()<1) { System.out.println("\n(Example: Gene(target list)->Geme) No records found"); } else { System.out.println("\n(Example: Gene(target list)->Gene) Total # of records = "+ resultList.size()); Iterator iterator = resultList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Gene go = (Gene); System.out.println(" result id = " + go.getId() + " | result symbol = " + go.getSymbol()); } } ================================================================ 3.0 caDSR ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Release History ---------------------------------------------------------------- caDSR 3.0.1 -- 22 July 2005 caDSR 3.0 -- 31 March 2005 caDSR 2.1 -- 28 May 2004 caDSR 2.0.1 -- 19 December 2003 caDSR 2.0 -- 31 October 2003 caDSR 1.2 -- 13 June 2003 caDSR 1.1 -- 7 February 2003 caDSR 1.0 -- 29 August 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 New Features and Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------+ | Admin Tool and caDSR Repository | +------------------------------------+ -- The following three features were added to the Admin Tool to support users who want to view data added to caDSR using the UML Loader: -- New Search Criteria: Classification Scheme and Classification Scheme Item have been added as new search criteria for Data Element, Data Element Concept, and Property. -- New Object Class Relationships Screen. The Admin Tool now displays information about object class relationships for Administered Components created in caDSR using the UML Loader. -- Classification Scheme Assignments for Alternate Names and Alternate Definitions. Administered Components created in caDSR using the UML loader are automatically assigned Alternate Names and Definitions and these are automatically assigned to a set of classification schemes. These assignments can be viewed now from the Admin Tool. -- The APIs used to access the EVS system have changed. Instead of accessing EVS using the Oracle and Apelon APIs, the Admin Tool now accesses EVS using the caCORE EVS API (version 3.0.1). -- The default setting for the Language field for Alternate Names and Alternate Definitions has been set to English. In prior releases, no default was set. -- The business rules applied during DEC creation have been updated. It is no longer possible in the Admin Tool to create a DEC using retired Object Class, Property, or Representation components. +------------------------------------+ | CDE Browser | +------------------------------------+ -- We have added two screens to the CDE Browser to display additional details on the objects and domain model upon which a DE is based. Note: In this release, detailed information about objects and associations will be available for viewing only for those DEs that were created in caDSR using the UML Loader. -- For each CDE, we now provide a concise list of all the forms the CDE appears on and the question text used on each form. -- The Excel and XML downloads, which are accessed from the Search Results page and from the CDE Cart, have been expanded to include all the new data fields that were added in Release 3.0. Twenty-eight new fields have been added, bringing the total number of fields in the download files to 85. In addition, the CDE Browser now uses the Apache Jakarta Open Source POI API to generate the Excel file. As a result, the downloaded Excel file will be formatted as an Excel file instead of a CSV file. (Prior to this release, the file was formatted as a CSV file.) The new default name for the Excel Download file is "CDEBrowser_SearchResults(1).xls". -- In the previous release, the Search Preferences settings applied to all searches. This has been changed. Now, when you search by selecting a form or template from the caDSR Tree, the Search Preferences filters will be ignored. That is, all CDEs associated with the form or template will be displayed in the search result table. -- On the Data Element Details page, we now display the Long Name rather than Preferred Name for Value Domains and Data Element Concepts. +------------------------------------+ | Form Builder | +------------------------------------+ -- We have added a new feature that provides greater flexibility When organizing forms in the caDSR Tree. Curators can now create subfolders within the Protocol Forms and Protocol Form Templates folders in the caDSR Tree and assign forms and templates to these new subfolders. See the CDE Browser and Form Builder online help for details. +------------------------------------+ | CDE Curation Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- Version 3.0.1 is using the caCORE 3.0.1 EVS API to access the Enterprise Vocabulary Service. -- Definition field size has been expanded to display more of the Definition. -- The "DECs Using" column on Object Class and Property search results from the caDSR display a hyperlinked number indicating the number of Data Element Concepts using the Object Class or Property. Clicking the hyperlinked number causes a pop-up window to display information about the DECs. -- Value Domain screens now display the Datatype Description and Comment of the selected Datatype. -- Get Associated search results headings display the Long Name of the source Administered Component instead of its Preferred Name. -- The label for Preferred Name type "Existing Name (Editable)" on Create New screens has been changed to "User Entered" -- Success messages contain instructions on how to copy the text of the message. -- Designations function now provides users with the ability to set the Language for Designations, Alternate Names, and Reference Documents. -- The text displayed on secondary windows opened after a session timeout now reads "This session is no longer active. User session has expired. Close session and log in again." -- Respective Definitions are replaced on Data Element screens if the user changes the Date Element Concept or Value Domain. -- Definition on Data Element Concept and Value Domains are updated in the following ways: -- On Create New screens, the respective Definition is replaced as naming components are changed. -- On Edit, Version, and Create New Using Existing screens, the existing Definition is appended as naming components are added. The Definition is not changed when a naming component is removed. +------------------------------------+ | caDSR Sentinel Tool | +------------------------------------+ Sentinel User Interface and Alert Definitions --------------------------------------------- -- The Criteria may be limited to specific Administered Component types: -- Classification Scheme -- Classification Scheme Item -- Conceptual Domain -- Context -- Data Element -- Data Element Concept -- Form/ Template -- Module -- Object Class -- Property -- Permissible Value -- Question -- Valid Value -- Value Domain -- Use of Reporting Dates to pull changes from the caDSR is controlled via the Edit Criteria screen and may be specified as "Date Modified Only:, :Date Created Only", or "Date Created and Date Modified" (default). -- The Version and build number has been moved to the left corner. Sentinel Report Content ----------------------- -- Alert emails contain instructions on how to save a local copy of a Report. -- Instructions on how to read the Report content appear in italics between the Report Heading and the Change Details. -- Sections detailing a change in the caDSR begin with "Changes to the" Sections noting records associated to a change begin with "Associated To". -- Columns are aligned for improved readability. -- When Public ID or Version do not apply to a record, the label is grey and the text "N/A" appears beneath it. These are present to maintain the column alignment. -- Modified By and Modified Date are blank for records that have not been changed since their creation. -- Abbreviations are fully expanded for the Attribute Names appearing in the change sections. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------+ | Admin Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- Under certain circumstances, in the prior release, reference documents were being incorrectly assigned by the system to the "Test" Context rather than to the owning context. This bug has been fixed and the existing data updated so that all reference documents are assigned to the proper context. -- A bug in the 3.0 release was preventing end users from successfully versioning a Conceptual Domain. This bug has been fixed. -- Under certain circumstances, users were getting the following error message when selecting the Alternate Name link on the tree: LINK NAME IS NULL. This bug has been fixed. -- The Version Radio Button on the Data Element Concept Search page has been fixed to clearly indicate to users that "Latest Version" is the default. -- For some concepts in caDSR, the Concept Class Database attribute was being set to null. This bug has been fixed and the correct data for this field has been added to any affected concepts. -- A problem with the way disable user accounts were being handled has been fixed. -- Referential integrity constraints were missing from DEC and VD. This has been fixed. -- In some cases, EVS Source was not being assigned to concepts_Ext. This has been fixed. +------------------------------------+ | CDE Browser | +------------------------------------+ -- When using the CDE Browser with Firefox, users were getting unexpected search results if they entered a term and then hit the Enter key (rather than clicking the Search button). This bug has been fixed. The Enter key should work as expected when the CDE Browser is accessed using Firefox. -- The Excel download file was not properly formatting any rows that contained text with double quotes (" "). This problem has been fixed. -- The Browser was displaying only the first 30 characters for each Alternate Name in the Alternate Names field on the Data Element Details page. This has been fixed. The Browser now displays up to 255 characters for each Alternate Name, which is the maximum length permitted in the database for each Alternate Name. -- When the C3D Domain classification (as well as several other classifications) was selected from the caDSR Tree, each DE was appearing multiple times. This problem has been fixed. -- The caDSR Tree was typically taking 15-20 seconds to display when users started a CDE Browser session or refreshed the Tree. The Tree's performance has been improved by up to 50%. -- Some CDEs were not being shown in the results table when forms or templates were being viewed in the CDE Browser. This was caused by the default filters in the Search Preferences, which excluded CDEs belonging to Test or Training or having certain "non-released" workflow statuses. This problem has been corrected. The Search Preferences filters have been changed so that they do not apply to the display of the CDEs belonging to a form or template. -- The Help button was not working from the Form Builder Login Page and the CDE Compare Page. This bug has been fixed. -- Under certain circumstances, paginating through large search results (typically if the result set included more 1000 matches) was causing a system error. This bug has been fixed. -- Adding certain data elements to the CDE Cart or CDE Compare tool was causing a JSP Error. The following CDEs were known to cause an error when added to Cart or Compare Tool: New Cancer Diagnosis ICD-O Code (Public ID 2005839) and Primary Cancer Diagnosis ICD-O Code (Public ID 2006871). This bug has been fixed. +------------------------------------+ | Form Builder | +------------------------------------+ -- Users were not able to add CDE's that contain more than 999 valid values to a Form using Form Builder. This problem has been fixed. -- The Enter key was not working on the Form Builder Login page. This has been fixed. The Enter key can now be used instead of the Login button. -- Form Builder was generating a system error whenever the 255 character limit was exceeded for the Form Header, Form Footer, Question Text, Question Instruction, and Valid Value Instruction fields. The system error occurred when the user tried to save the form. This bug has been fixed. If a user exceeds the 255 character limit, a message appears informing the user of the limit. -- Under certain circumstances, newly created forms in the Test context were displaying in the caDSR Tree with a number rather than name. This bug has been fixed. -- On the Module Edit screen, while adding questions from the drop down list of previously deleted questions, the first question in the drop down list was always added to the module instead of the actual question the user selected. This bug has been fixed. +------------------------------------+ | CDE Curation Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- Administered Component edits made during a block-edit function are correctly displayed when the Administered Component is examined immediately after the block-edit is submitted. -- The Edit Selection button never becomes enabled on Object Class or Property search results screen. -- Search results against EVS Vocabularies are not affected by other user’s EVS searches being conducted simultaneously. -- When submitting a new or edited Data Element where a Component Data Element (a Derived DE attribute) has been removed, users do not receive errant messages stating that the Component Data Element was not removed. -- Permissible values are retained on the Edit Value Domain screen as the Type is toggled from Enumerated to Non-Enumerated and back. -- Preferred Name is always truncated to 30 characters. -- Search results from the caDSR are no longer returned when an EVS search window has its "Search In" focused on "None" for caDSR and "Code (Metathesaurus)" for EVS -- EVS Concepts are displayed in bold font in the EVS structure when the hyperlinked Concept name is clicked in the search area. -- The EVS tree structure is correctly displayed when a hyperlinked Concept name is clicked in the search results area of a Select Parent window (Referenced Value Domain). -- The EVS tree structure correctly displays a Concept as many times in the tree structure as it appears in the source Vocabulary’s hierarchy when its hyperlinked Concept name is clicked in the search results area. -- Block Edit Data Element validation enforces all of the business rules enforced during a single Edit Data Element function. -- Registration Statuses Standard and Candidate are always present in the Registration Status pick-list on Create, Edit, or Version Data Element. -- Block Edit Data Element Concept Validation function enforces all of the business rules enforced during a single Edit Data Element Concept -- Evoking the Get Superconcepts function no longer displays the EVS Tree structure last viewed. -- Concepts from different EVS vocabulary sources sharing the same Concept ID retain their unique identity in the Curation Tool. -- EVS Concepts names containing an apostrophe are returned when the exact name (including the apostrophe) is entered as the search term. -- Referenced Values constrained to a parent from the VA_NDFRT vocabulary are displayed with the correct "Level" indicator. -- The Get All Subconcepts function on a Referenced Enumerated Value Domain’s Select Values window works for the VA_NDFRT vocabulary. -- The EVS_Source column is always populated in the Concept Class table when an Object Class, Property, or Representation Term is created. -- Selecting All Attributes for Permissible Values search results no longer displays an error followed by misaligned data. -- Quotation marks may be part of a Permissible Value’s name without producing adverse effects. -- The screen captures for the Help document’s CRT Integration section correspond to the text. -- The user-defined sort order is retained when the Get Associated Back button is clicked. -- Data Element Search In Names & Definitions, or Names, Definitions, and Doc Text no longer searches in the Designations Table for Used By Preferred Name. -- When the user has selected it for use, an Object Class, Property, or Representation Term in the caDSR with a Workflow Status other than RELEASED is automatically versioned and given the Workflow Status of RELEASED. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------+ | Admin Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- The Admin Tool is not officially supported when used with Firefox. Certain features in the Admin Tool are known not to work as designed when used with Firefox. We recommend using the Admin Tool with IE v.6.0 or higher. -- Concepts that have been marked as Retired in EVS are included in the EVS Search results in the Admin Tool if they meet the specified search criteria. If needed, users can verify the status of an EVS term by checking EVS directly. In a future release, we will add a filter to the Admin Tool that allows users to exclude Retired EVS concepts. In addition, in a future release we will flag Retired EVS concepts in the search results. (TestTrack: #872, #1704) -- If a result in the EVS Search results table contains a single quote in any of its text in any of the columns, users will get a JavaScript error when they try to use the term to create an Object Class, Property, or Representation. (TestTrack: #1703) -- In general, it should not be necessary to use wildcards in the EVS Search. The Admin Tool is designed to return any concept in EVS that contains the term you entered anywhere in its name. For example, if you enter "gene", you will get results such as "Gene", "Genes, vif" or "HTR3 Gene". If needed, however, "*" can be used as the wildcard character. For example, if you enter "gen*", you will get concepts that contain gene, genetic, and the like in their name. Do not include "." in the search terms when using the EVS search feature. The "." will truncate the search term and the results that are returned will not necessarily match what you are looking for. -- Currently, the Admin Tool does not prevent users from including a carriage return in the Long Name for a Classification Scheme. The use of carriage returns in the Long Name for a Classification Scheme is known under certain circumstances to create a JavaScript error in the Curation Tool. We will fix the Admin Tool in a future release to check for and prevent the use of carriage returns in Long Names. Workaround: Edit the relevant Long Name and remove the carriage return. (TestTrack: #1676) -- If a change is made to existing data, the Admin Info tab should update to reflect that a modification was made. However, this does not happen for all changes. For example, it is known that changes to the value meaning associated with an existing value will not cause the date modified field in the Admin Info section to update. (TestTrack: #1665) +------------------------------------+ | CDE Browser | +------------------------------------+ -- Test and Training Context Forms and Templates shows up under the caBIG Catalogue of Published Forms node even when the user has selected to exclude Test and Training context using search preferences. -- Sorting the search results by Public ID in the Browser does not produce the results one may expect. This is because the Browser does not treat Public IDs as whole numbers Instead, it sorts based on an examination of each number in the Public ID. No workaround. This will be fixed in a future release. (TestTrack: #1612) -- Users may encounter an error when downloading very large sets of DEs to Excel in the CDE Browser. This error occurs if the Excel 65000 row limit is exceeded. Typically, this will only happen if you are downloading at one time more than 1000+ CDEs. Workaround: Add a subset of the CDEs you want to download to the CDE cart and then download these to Excel from within the Cart. Empty the cart and repeat this process until you have successfully downloaded all the CDEs you want. Combine the Excel files into one file using multiple sheets. (TestTrack: #245) -- On the DEC, VD, and OC Details pages, concepts which have MeDRA as their source are not hyperlinked. Concepts from the following sources are hyperlinked in the Browser: NCI Metathesaurus, NCI Thesaurus, LOINC, GO, UMLS, MGED Ontology, UWD Visual Anatomist, and VA NDF. (TestTrack: #1697) -- URLs that are displayed in the CDE Browser may not work if they are not preceded by "http://". For example, "" will not work. If clicked, an error message will appear. The web address must be displayed in the CDE Browser as "". We will fix this issue in a future release. (TestTrack: #1687) +------------------------------------+ | caDSR UML Model | +------------------------------------+ -- The caDSR 3.0 UML Model exposes most caDSR classes and attributes. Some classes and attributes are not exposed. For example "instruction" class is not included. +------------------------------------+ | CDE Curation Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- Using only a wildcard by itself during an EVS search will prevent EVS results from being returned. -- Avoid using a "*" in the search term field. -- The "Set Meta Returns Limit" filter resets to "100" after a search is conducted. -- Select the desired MetaThesaurus returns limit before conducting another search. -- If a user initiates a second search while previous search results are still displayed, the user can click "More >>" link in the previous search results. However, this action terminates the second search while leaving the "Searching, please wait" message and hourglass-cursor displayed. -- Avoid clicking a "More >>" link after initiating any search. If the link is inadvertently clicked, click the main menu Search button to begin another search. -- An "Error on page" message displays if a search is initiated before the screen fully refreshes. For example, if "CRF Questions" is selected as the Search For and the screen is still refreshing, and the user clicks the Enter button, the error will be displayed. -- Avoid initiating a search before the screen has refreshed completely. If the error is displayed (will either be a pop-up message or just text in the lower left corner of the IE window), click the main menu Search button and start again. -- Date picker calendars can display too large inside the default display window size if the IE Browser Text Size is set higher than Medium. -- Expand the Date Picker window to make it large enough to see all the dates or change the Text Size through the IE View/ Text Size menu. Select Medium to Smallest to ensure the entire calendar displays inside the default display window size. -- The "." acts as a wildcard during the NCI Metathesaurus portion of an EVS search. Since the standard wildcard for searches in the Curation Tool is "*", this can inadvertently cause the search string to be truncated. (E.g., "123.4*" would be searched as "123." for the Metathesaurus portion of a search.) -- Do not include "." in search terms. -- Alternate Name, Reference Document, and CSI assignments made on the Designation Screen in the Data Element's same Context are retained. The Designation in the same context is not. -- Remove the Alternate Name, Reference Document, or CSI assignments using the Designations screen. -- Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2® has a pop-up window blocker engaged by default. This can interfere with some success messages produced by the CDE Curation Tool; preventing them from being displayed. -- Follow these steps to allow the CDE Curation Tool to display the success messages blocked by SPII’s Pop-up Blocker: 1. Select "Internet Options" from the browser’s "Tools" menu. 2. Select the "Privacy" tab. 3. Click the "Settings" button in the "Pop-up Blocker" area. 4. Copy and paste this URL into the "Address of Web site to allow" 5. Click the "Add" button on the "Pop-up Blocker Settings" window. 6. Click the "Close" button on the "Pop-up Blocker Settings" window. 7. Click the "OK" button on the "Internet Options" window. -- Validation screens do not include a row indicating the selected Preferred Name Type. -- No workaround. Implementation planned for 3.1 release. -- The Select Values search screen for Referenced Value Domains briefly refreshes three times as it compiles the display of the Parent Concept in the search results area and as the sole superconcept in the EVS tree structure. -- No workaround. Please wait until the screen has fully refreshed before attempting to search for and select Values. -- Varying number of search results are returned if a search term is used that is likely to return several thousand records. For example, *c*. -- Avoid using text in the search term field likely to return several thousand records -- A message stating that search results must be present to update Display Attributes is incorrectly displayed if a change in the Display Attributes is attempted after clicking the Get Associated Back button. -- Sorting the results will ‘refresh’ the screen to allow changes to the Displayed Attributes. -- In order to maximize tool performance, the Curation Tool builds pick-lists when the session is initiated. One of these is the Conceptual Domain list for searching Value Meanings. If a Conceptual Domain is created in the caDSR Admin Tool while the Curation tool is open, this Conceptual Domain will not be present in the Conceptual Domain pick list on the search Value meaning screen. -- Logout, close the window, open a new session and restart the CDE Curation Tool. -- Results columns for EVS Identifier, Definition Source, and Vocabulary are not sorted correctly on search Value Meaning search results. -- No Workaround. -- The Curation Tool will display JavaScript errors when navigating to Create screens if a Classification Scheme with an Item is created with a carriage return in its Long Name. -- No Workaround. Report the behavior to NCICB Application Support. -- Curation Tool Help document is labeled 3.0 instead of 3.0.1. -- Please refer to the 3.0.1 Release Notes for information about enhancements and bug fixes. -- Simultaneous expanding (or refreshing) of the EVS tree structure causes expected results for each user. This is due to the basic design which stores the information about which nodes have been expanded at the server level instead of the session level. -- Evoke the refresh tree function by clicking the hyperlinked vocabulary name. -- There is a potential of creating a Data Element Concept with an Object Class and/or Property where either the Object Class and/ or Property would have a Workflow Status other than Released when the Validation screen displays a warning that another Data Element Concept in a different Context shares the Object Class/ Property combination. -- There is no way to tell the Workflow Status of an Object Class or Property in the Curation Tool. Search for both the Object Class and Property in the Admin Tool ensure their Workflow Status are Released before submitting the Data Element Concept in the Curation Tool. -- An Object Class. Property, or Representation Term may be displayed twice as search results from the caDSR. The reason is that there are more than one version of the Object Class/ Property/ Representation Term with Workflow Statuses of Released. The Curation Tool does display the Version of these Administered Components. -- No Workaround. It does not matter which one is selected because the tool will use the latest version of the Object Class, Property, or Representation Term. +------------------------------------+ | Sentinel Tool | +------------------------------------+ -- Since all Object Class, Property and Representation Terms are created in the caBIG Context, all users have limited Curator privileges and will receive an Alert if the Alert Details option includes "caBIG Curators" as a Recepient. -- This is working as currently designed, consider "Broadcast Exemption" for 3.1. ================================================================ 4.0 CSM ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Release History ---------------------------------------------------------------- CSM 3.0.1 -- 22 July 2005 CSM 3.0 -- 31 March 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Features ---------------------------------------------------------------- CSM provides a flexible, comprehensive solution to common security objectives. Development teams can use CSM services rather than creating their own independent security methodology. +------------------------------------+ | CSM APIs | +------------------------------------+ This CSM release provides the following services: -- Standard Privileges - In order to become compliant with JAAS and Authorization Policy CSM has adapted a standard set of privileges. These privileges can be used across systems. They will automatically populate into an authorization schema with the SQL priming scripts provided in this release. If a schema has already been created, we have provided a migration script that will add the privileges. Privileges include: CREATE - This privilege grants permission to a user to create an entity. This entity can be an object, a database entry, or a resource such as a network connection. ACCESS - This privilege allows a user to access a particular resource. Examples of resources include a network connection, database connection, socket, module of the application, or even the application itself. READ - This privilege permits the user to read data from a file, URL, socket, database, or an object. This can be used at an entity level signifying that the user is allowed to read data about a particular entry (which can be object or database row, etc.) WRITE - This privilege allows a user to write data to a file, URL, socket, database, or object. This can also be used at an entity level signifying that the user is allowed to write data about a particular entity (which may include an object, database row, etc.) UPDATE - This privilege grants permission at an entity level and signifies that the user is allowed to update and modify data for a particular entity. Entities may include an object, an attribute of the object, a database row, etc. DELETE - This privilege permits a user to delete a logical entity. This entity can be an object, a database entry, a resource such as a network connection, etc. EXECUTE - This privilege allows a user to execute a particular resource. The resource can be a method, function, behavior of the application, URL, button etc. -- Primitive Types - The secureObjects method of the API needs was modified to throw an error for data objects that contain attributes of primitive data types. This method supports only objects coded to the Java Bean specifications. -- Reporting Functionality - The API was updated to provide new methods to support the reporting. This method will return the object privilege map for the given user id. The object privilege map contains the protection elements with the corresponding privileges for a given user. -- Cross-database Compatibility - CSM was modified to work with both MySQL and Oracle. The Authorization Schema database is now independent to support various databases. A migration procedure is available on the download site to port data from old schema to the new. -- Cross-browser Compatibility - CSM was modified to work with both Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 and above and Mozilla Firefox 1.0 +------------------------------------+ | User Provisioning Tool (UPT) | +------------------------------------+ -- Standard Privileges - The UPT was modified to accommodate the Standard Privileges mentioned above. We removed the create, update and delete operations from the Privilege section of the Admin Mode. These operations were incorporated into a new Privilege section in the Super Admin Mode. Therefore only a Super Admin can modify CSM Standard Privileges. Admin administrators will still have the ability to view the privileges and assign them to roles, and subsequently to users. -- Association Screens - We increased the width of the combo boxes on the associations screens to allow for names with a large length to display properly. All associated screens received this update. -- Reporting Functionality - The UPT offers a new report in the User section. This report will display the list of all protection elements and the associated privileges for the selected user. This report is provided in a manner that will be useful to the developers which are integrating the security in their applications. It provides the parameters needed for the checkPermission method of the API, namely the user name, the protection element object id, attribute and privilege. +---------------------------------------+ | CSM Enabled, Writeable APIs (for SDK) | +---------------------------------------+ This release offers additional functionality that makes the SDK more comprehensive. It provides the ability to enable: -- Security -- Session management -- Writeable APIs The CSM team provided this solution as a special addition to the SDK Toolkit. It is provided in a separate file that can be found on the CSM download site: This solution is described in brief below: -- CSM Integration - The CSM integration with SDK does not require additional coding on the part of the developers. All that is required is configuring CSM for the application. For instructions refer to the standard procedure in the CSM Guide for Application Developers. After installing CSM, the application administrator(s) will need to use the UPT to create an authorization policy for the application. An authorization policy is the knowledge of what to protect. Within the UPT, users can be given different roles (and permissions) for different domain objects. Any change in the authorization policy will be reflected in the application at run time. This means that the CSM service will continuously provide the latest authorization policy to the Application Service. The SDK generates two components - the client and the server. Only the server component is integrated with CSM for the purpose of authentication and authorization. CSM will authenticate using the configured credential provider for that particular application. The CSM service integration is not obtrusive. There is a flag to turn the CSM service on and off. -- Session Management - The Session management service has been provided as a part of this solution. Whenever a user authenticates by successfully logging in, the Session Manager (on the server side) generates a unique key for the user session. When the user sends another request the service does not ask the user to authenticate again as long as the session has not expired. Application administrators can use a configuration setting to declare a session time out period for their application. -- Writeable APIs - The first step toward writable APIs and transaction management is creating a simple writable API, which performs simple CRUD operations. These CRUD operations will be exposed as a Persistence Manager service layer or any other business service. The key benefit is to enable distributed computing. The interface takes generic arguments for CRUD operations thereby making it non-specific to any domain objects. As long as the passed object can be cast to any domain object within that domain, the operation is expected to execute. If execution fails, the method throws an exception. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------+ | User Provisioning Tool (UPT) | +------------------------------------+ -- Mozilla Compatibility - The latest NCICB UI standards require web applications to support both IE and Mozilla browsers. The UPT tool has been enhanced to function properly with Mozilla's Firefox browser. -- UI Fixes - The following errors were addressed: In the prior release, when clicking on the project logo in the header of the Super Admin mode, it redirected the user to the Admin home page. Now the link correctly directs the user to the Super Admin mode. In the Admin functionality, the main menu was displayed in two rows. The menu now displays in one row only. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------+ | CSM APIs | +---------------------------------------+ -- The getSubject method of Authentication Manager has not been implemented. -- Certain thrown exceptions may display hibernate-specific error messages. -- The connection pool provided by hibernate (c3po connection pool) shows inconsistent behavior in different environments. +---------------------------------------+ | UPT Tool | +---------------------------------------+ -- In the Protection Element and User section, when adding object details, if you press enter you'll be taken back to the object's home page. +---------------------------------------+ | CSM Enabled, Writeable APIs (for SDK) | +---------------------------------------+ -- The OR Mapping files generated for the application which is generated using the caCORE Toolkit are for read-only objects. In order for writable APIs to work these OR mapping files (*.hbm.xml files) needs to be modified. These files are in the classes folder of the war file generated by the CSM Enabling process. The "mutable" tag for each of the object should be changed to "true" from "false". Also the "cache usage" should be changed to "read-write" from "read-only". The war file should re- created with these updated hbm files and used for deployment. ================================================================ 5.0 EVS ================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Release History ---------------------------------------------------------------- NCI Thesaurus v 05.04d (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 3.01) -- 22 July 2005 NCI Metathesaurus v P050516 (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 3.01) -- 22 July 2005 NCI Thesaurus V 05.01d (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 3.0) -- 31 March 2005 NCI Metathesaurus V P050224 (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 3.0) -- 31 March 2005 NCI Thesaurus V 04.03n (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 2.1) -- 28 May 2004 NCI Metathesaurus V P040517 (monthly, concurrent with caCORE 2.1) -- 28 May 2004 NCI Thesaurus V 2.0 (released in caCORE 2.0) -- 31 October 2003 NCI Thesaurus V 1.1 (released in caCORE 1.1) -- 7 February 2003 NCI Thesaurus V 1.0 (released in caCORE 1.0) -- 29 August 2002 CTRM V 6.5 (released in caCORE 1.0) -- 29 August 2002 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 New Features and Updates ---------------------------------------------------------------- DTSRPC V 2.01 ------------- Only minor software enhancements and bug fixes are in scope for the caCORE 3.0.1 release by EVS. All of these fixes and enhancements are in the DTSRPC API supporting queries to vocabularies served by the Apelon DTS (e.g. the NCI Thesaurus). Minor software enhancements. The DTSRPC on the client side will be modified to better support the caCORE EVS API, particularly in regards to the caDSR use cases. These include: Addition of new methods -- getDescLogicConcept(String identifier, boolean isCode) -- getDescLogicSubconcepts(String identifier, boolean isCode) -- getDescLogicSuperconcepts(String identifier, boolean isCode) -- getDescLogicConcepts(Vector identifiers, boolean isCode) Modification of existing code to support three new methods in the gov.nih.nci.evs.domain.DescLogicConcept class -- hasChildren() -- hasParent() -- isRetired() ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Bugs Fixed Since Last Release ---------------------------------------------------------------- The DTSRPC on the server and client side will be modified to better handle exceptions thrown by the XML/RPC layer under certain conditions, namely when entities such as associations and qualifiers have not been defined for a vocabulary. These include: Elimination of the org.xml.sax.SAXParseException thrown by the following methods: -- fetchTermAssociations -- fetchDTSProperties -- getAllConceptAssociationQualifierTypes -- getAllConceptPropertyQualifierTypes -- getAllQualifierTypes -- getAllSynonymTypes -- getAllTermAssociationQualifierTypes -- getAllTermAssociationTypes -- getAllTermPropertyQualifierTypes -- getAllTermPropertyTypes ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------------- There is an issue related to Firefox rendering the NCI Terminology Browser pages. Under some circumstances Firefox will render a web page entirely with the NCI banner image normally seen only at the top of the page. This is related to session cookies; currently the only workaround is to exit Firefox and start a new session. Please see ================================================================ 6.0 Bug Reports and Support ================================================================ Send email to to request support or report a bug. In addition, mailing lists are used by the caCORE developer and user community to exchange ideas and make announcements. You can subscribe at these addresses: caBIO users -- caBIO developers -- caDSR users -- EVS users -- ================================================================ 7.0 Documentation ================================================================ The caCORE 3.0.1 Technical Supplement, Programmers guide, and Installation guide can be downloaded via FTP: -- cacore/caCORE3.0.1_Tech_Supp.pdf -- cacore/caCORE_SDK1.0.3_Programmers_Guide.pdf -- caCORE_SDK1.0.3_Installation_and_Basic_Test_Guide.pdf ================================================================ 8.0 NCICB Web Pages ================================================================ The NCI Center for Bioinformatics -- NCICB Application Support -- NCICB Download Center -- caCORE -- caBIO -- caDSR -- -- CSM -- EVS -- //end