PREFACE!!! Tauzin's Speech at the NAB Convention in New Orleans La.was Tauzin speaking with "Artificial Eloquent" Tauzins Rhetoric "Free Speech and Free Enterprise,and Civil Rights,and Bill of Rights For All Americans,not just the NAB or the Radio Conglomerates. Legalize all Liquor,Tobacco,and Gambling Advertising,to the Radio Broadcast Industry,let Ed Fritz and The NAB Police themselves on there Ethics and There Impeccable Code of Conduct Dear Senators and Congressman: Dear FCC Chairman Kennard and Commissioners: To: US The Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division JOEL I. KLEIN 950 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington,DC 20530-0001 US The Department Of Justice Civil Rights Division: BILL LANN LEE 950 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW Washington,DC 20530-0001 NAB Lobbying Material This Lie Perpetrated by Ed Fritz and Jeff Baumann of The NAB is Criminal,and aganist Free Enterprise of the American Public,As Proposed By The FCC in Docket MM-99-25 LPFM Community Broadcast Service: INDUSTRY VIEWS The NAB does not support microradio for the following reasons: The FCC has already stated that a micro- or low power service, of one to 100 watts, is an inefficient use of the spectrum; The development of digital radio technology depends on the existing channel allocations. Adding thousands of new low power stations could jeopardize broadcasters from ever implementing digital radio technology; The FCC does not have the resources to establish a new service that could potentially add hundreds, if not thousands of new low power stations. The Commission would face extraordinary burdens in licensing new low power stations, solving interference problems, and policing power cheaters if a low power service were established; The FCC should not establish an entirely new service to legitimize the pirate broadcasters who are flagrantly violating the law as it exists today. Subject: LPFM Radio FCC Docket MM 99-25 1. What Do The Antitrust Laws Do For The Community Antitrust laws protect competition. Free and open competition benefits communitys by products and ensures free enterprise. In a freely competitive market, each competing LPFM Broadcast Service, generally will try to attract consumers by cutting its prices and increasing the quality of its product or services to the community it serves. Competition and the profit opportunities it brings also stimulate businesses to find new, innovative and more efficient methods of production of Radio Service to its community members. Communitys benefit from competition through lower prices, better products and services. Inefficient firms or companies that fail to understand or react to consumer needs may soon find themselves losing out in the competitive battle,The NAB With Ed Fritz and Jeff Baumann. Honorable Elected Officals:Senators and Congressman: Keep Free Enterprise,as it is a Civil Right! The American People Have A Right To Free Enterprise,Contrary To the Big Money Changers Billy Tauzin,And Ed Fritz Of The NAB and the Radio Conglomerates Personal liberty includes the right to enter the free market of economic activity LPFM Broadcast Service, As Proposed By The FCC Docket MM 99-25-and the free market of ideas. You have the right to participate in the free market and speak your mind freely. You have no guarantee of success in free enterprise, but you have the right to defend yourself against anyone who tries to limit or extinguish your right to free enterprise, Such as Congressman Billy Tauzin Of Louisianna and Ed Fritz of the NAB . Free enterprise built this country. Let's keep building. Citizens Alert We the American People Elected You to Supervise our the Americans Peoples Government Not Yours we pay you for services rendered. Give us the Opportunity to own an Operate a LPFM Broadcast Community Business and Service,as Proposed by The FCC Docket MM 99-25 Our nation is, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. that our nation, under God, shall have freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,and that Woman,Blacks,Hispanics,and the Less Fortunate,have the right to Achieve Free Enterprise,and earn a Liveing in the United States Of America: As Proposed by the FCC in there Adoption of LPFM Broadcast Service,for those Citizens who want to Achieve a Community Broadcast Service and Business. Rep. Billy Tauzin of Louisiana said the Federal Communications Commission plan for so-called microradio would reduce the audience and advertising revenue of current stations and possibly create severe interference. Look at the above Statement and Tauzin is our Represenative,he flat out tells us and the FCC sorry but you dont have any Civil Rights and you can not Operate a Business in the United States,because It will take MONEY OUT OF MY POCKETS AND MY GOOD OLD BUDDIES THE RADIO CONGLOMERATES AND MOST OF ALL MY GOOD OLD BOY ED THE MONEY CHANGER FRITZ OF THE NAB!! This statement by Tauzin is a Obtrusive and Contrary to laws and customs of our Nation,Tauzin and the NAB are Stealing my right to Own an operate a Free Enterprise Business in the United States,they are Stealing my Freedom Of Expression,an my Civil Rights and my Free Speech We exercise and or put in to action our Legal,and Civil Rights,and abide by the Law Of a free Democracy,Governed by and for the people,with fair, responsible,and,accountable representation by our Elected Officals. Folks, THIS IS EPIC. Listed below are the members of the spectrum Integrity Task Force of the National Association of Broadcasters. Out of 18 Top Executives only TWO look like they have anything to do with engineering in ther organizations. This shows how badly the NAB gang is looking to trash LPRS. Fortunately, this will not go unnoticed at the FCC etc... either, I would imagine. Bruce Reese Chairman President CEO, Bonneville International Corporation Raymond Benedict Director, Spectrum Engineering & Regulatory Compliance, CBS Michael Carter President General Manager, Carter Broadcast Group, Inc. Ed Christian President CEO, Saga Communications Diana Coon - Vice President General Manager, WMAN WYHT WSWR Richard Ferguson Vice President, COO, Cox Radio, Inc. Joe Field Chairman CEO, Entercom Broadcast Group Bert Goldman - VP-Engineering, Radio Division, ABC, Inc. William L. McElven Executive Vice President, Bloomington Broadcast Group Randy Michaels - Chief Executive Officer, Jacor Communications, Inc. Randy Odeneal - General Partner, Sconnix Broadcasting Company J. William Poole - General Manager, WFLS-FM WYSK AM FM McHenry Tichenor - President CEO, Heftel Broadcasting Group Bayard Walters President, The Cromwell Group Richard Weening Executive Chairman, Cumulus Media, Inc. Lawrence Wilson Presdident CEO, Citadel Communications Corporation This list comes from the below Mining Co source, courtesy of John Anderson Whom I hope will not sue me for quoting it here. It is accompianied by a great article at the URL Below 1. From the Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." 2. Article 19: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Citizens Alert: Mr.D'Alessandro 94 Angola Estates Lewes,Delaware 19958 302-945-1554