Diagram of courtroom

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Module 1: Screen 50

Case Study

This diagram illustrates a new 2,400 s.f. county courtroom in the design process. The courtroom has four counsel tables and at least 65 bench seats for spectators. The county has decided to provide access via lifts rather than ramps. The judges' bench and witness stand are on a raised platform. The jury box is raised as well. The court reporter shares a raised platform with the courtroom deputy clerk and the law clerk.

Open the Acrobat PDF version using the link below the image and print out the floor plan. Study the diagram carefully. Insert lifts where you think they would be the least obtrusive and most functional. Identify where accessible seating for spectators should be located, and indicate how many seats must be accessible.

When you have finished, click Submit to review comments on the plan. You may also type your answer in the box below.

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