Table of contents for Five ways Patricia can kill her husband : a theory of intentionality and blame / Leo Zaibert.

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Acknowledgments									00
Introduction										00
1. On Culpability: The Logic of Blame							00
	General Defenses and Modes of Culpability					00
	The Basic Structure of a Theory of Culpability	00					
	Culpability and Moral Theory	00
2. Intentionality and the Apportioning of Blame: A Historical Analysis			00
	Biblical Culpability and Lex Talionis						00
	Formality of Lex Talionis							00
	On the Transition from Biblical to Greco-Roman Culpability			00
	Plato on Culpability: Hekousion and Akousion					00
	Aristotle on Culpability: The Birth of Action Theory				00
	Culpability in Roman Law							00
3. On the Proliferation of Modes of Culpability						00
	Intention, Foresight, and Aquinas?s Abandonment of Gradational Approaches 	00
	Justifications and the Epistemology of Intentional States				00
	Intention, Foresight, and Culpability						00
	Jeremy Bentham?s Analysis of Intentionality					00
	Advisedness, Heedlessness, and Rashness					00
	Bentham, Normativity, and Dolus and Culpa					00
	John Austin?s Theory of Culpability						00
	Austin, Normativity, and Dolus and Culpa					00
	Theories of Culpability Today							00
4. Intentions, Volitions, and Actions							00
	Objections to Traditional Volitional Theories					00
	Alternative Accounts of Voluntariness and the Problem of Normativity		00
	Michael Moore?s Defense of the Volitional Theory of Action			00
	Intentionality and the Logic of Action						00
5. The Distinction between Intentional and Unintentional Action				00
	The Simple View								00
	Analysis?s ?Problem 16? and the Tension between Normativity and Description	00
	Another Look at the Distinction between Responsibility and Culpability		00
	Intentionality, Epistemology, and Normativity					00
6. The Normative Force of Intentions							00
	Intentions and the Belief/Desire Analysis of Intentional States			00
	Intentions, Causality, and Presentations						00
	Intentions, Rationality, and Commitments					00
	Intentions and Personal Identity							00
7. Intentions and Blame									00
	Blame, Communication, and Punishment					00
	The Cognitive Dimension of Blame						00
	The Emotional Dimension of Blame						00
	Epilogue: Blame and Retribution						00
Bibliography										00
Index											00

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Intention -- Moral and ethical aspects.