1 April 1997 Daily Meeting Minutes FOT Briefing ------------ After a humorous slide for April Fool's day... the FOT presented the "real" FOT report: S/C Status is Nominal. Anomaly Summary: 090/18:02 CDS Processor hangs - OBDH reject 090/21:01 CDS Watchdog Triggers Accomplished Activities: RSL, Virgo, Celias, Submode 6 Transition Planned Activities: RSL, VIRGO 4/2 Memory Dumps and TR Maintenance 4/11 Mom MGT / Station Keeping No Ground System Anomalies. Status of the SUN: ------------------ Loop system coming around east limb sunspot group developing in region which is in the southeast Instrument Reports: ------------------- CDS -- had problems yesterday and lost a lot of the south polar off-limb study. Howver, nice series in north polar off-limb though. Today: does another run on the dipole region in the west (fading) later today: south polar plumes UVCS -- attempted Saturn observations, PA 183 from 8.7 to 9.2 solar radii. Could not observe it -- probably too dim. LASCO -- running a repeat of Dec 1996 high rate CME program, although at a slightly slower cadence in submode 6. Note, no special polarization or color sequences will be taken while LASCO is running this program for the next 2 weeks. EIT -- nominal - will be doing full-field full-res 195 angstrom images interspersed with the LASCO images MDI -- nominal running M1V2 program. Thursday MDI will reach ten millionth image taken in space planning: --------- plumes (CDS) - shifted time to work with MDI AOB ----- Vicente Domingo announced that there were no talks planned for science club tomorrow ... volunteers?