A fading king's bequest (on eve of metamorphosis to Guest Worker) To Peter's care I entrust the bearers of royal mutations, My treasures from Tangier and other pirate quests, with blood rich for thinness in the A's or B or C's, holders of the transport secrets with which they endless tease, 0 gentle and reluctant physician, ma.ster Apo-trician, save well all these who lack, For who knows, I ma.y someday want them ba.ck. To Gerd, much an heir of the global view, messy lab and busy stew of searchings, I bequea.th a share of precious plasmas for his tea, Tangier, normal, or type III, hybrid m&se, particles refined, All you wish in complicated gear, But please Gerd, no more than four Proceedings in every year! To Howard, sa.fa.ri-mate on la.te night dates to dissectionhorns, early mornings in 0. R. `s, clinic dates on countless noons, I will our freezers full of tissues, the bulging files stuffed tight with issues, diseases unexposed, pa.pers uncomposed, pickled cells and frozen genes, a.long with chain to hold him to the throne, Where is Howa.rd, 0 stifled moan, Page please, try again fro Dr. Sloan. To Bryan, I leave the machine I never understood, The mysterious gurglings in the hood, miles of obscure ape's, fodder for the spinning cup, The little closet, privb cold room, J. B. C. page charges spelling doom, The Finnegan, so up and down, multiple sequences in a. crown. Brya.n, speak louder in the din, Have you finished Apo-Glq? To Bob, risen from us to director, a. special gift from his protector, five roman numbers and a beta.-quant, Millions of the diet books, and John Brensike, some badly sca.rred first-drafts and the pen tha.t wounded them, many memories too numerous to count of years of rounding, Achilles knobs and baths of plasma; some-day it will demand a book, Mea.nwhile, Bob, promise: not a.nother interview with Look. To Richey, I leave a desk if he will stay, provided he's there on clinic day, The line of patients to appease, To hand out resins, feel the palms, Work to ease the lipidemic qua.lms, A special gift will soothe you for these deeds, A twenty meter column full of beads. To all of you, Joy/ Jan at the central desks central desks, Na.ncy keeping track, Betty, Barba.ra, Margaret, Leslie, and Luther ma.king believe that chemistry is routine, Roger and those hot ma.chines, Bob and his affair with Spinco, Lloyd a-bleeding rats, Eve and Linda clipping on the C's, Alice in the soap-suds, Briston and his fla.sks, Rose, Fa.irwell, and Edma n, Ba.rbara and her assa.ys, Anne and Ma.rgo and their gels, . . Elanne keep Conra.d away from the acid, a.nd Mel at his short sabbatica.1 ta.sks. . . . Steve and John, both nearly sonica ted, Harold indispensable.. D Except for Virginia, at my right hand. . . have I left anyone unmentioned? Yes, a. host come and gone gone, reaching way back in the past- - What can I say but tha.nk you, it's been fun, my dears. . D not very original, but all I can dare do, for the very next sounds will be tears.