National Weather Service Birmingham, Alabama USA

Radar loop.
Step back Step foreward
Stop loop
Loop images foreward
Decrease speed of loop Increase speed of loop
Image #
Image Name:

April 8th, 1998

This is a recreation of a fade feature on the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System. The fade feature allows forecasters to fade from one image to another. In the case of radar data, the user can better depict where a storm's circulation center is, as depicted on the Storm Relative Velocity image, in reference to the storm's Base Reflectivity. The radar site is near the lower right hand corner of the images. This is a four panel display of Base Reflectivity and Storm Relative Velocity. The 0.5 degrees elevation on the upper left quadrant, 1.5 in the upper right, 2.4 in the lower right, and 3.5 in the lower left quadrant. The time of the image is April 8, 1998, at 0058 UTC or 758 PM CDT. The javascript animation contains 5 images, each about 45k to 85k in size. Please be patient with the download.

Remember: green or cool colors on the Storm Relative Velocity image show movement towards the radar, and red or hot colors away from the radar site. The reflectivity data shows a "hook echo" just to the northeast of North Johns. The storm relative velocity data shows a strong circulation in the same area as the "hook echo."