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USGS 1995 California Hydrologic Data Report

                          11413515  NEW BULLARDS BAR RESERVOIR NEAR NORTH SAN JUAN, CA

LOCATION.--Lat 39`23'34", long 121`08'25", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.25, T.18 N., R.7 E., Yuba County, Hydrologic Unit
   18020125, Plumas National Forest, in center of dam on North Yuba River, 2.2 mi upstream from Middle Yuba
   River, and 2.4 mi northwest of North San Juan.
DRAINAGE AREA.--489 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1969 to current year.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder.  Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Yuba County Water Agency).
REMARKS.--Reservoir is formed by concrete-arch dam with a concrete-sidehill spillway.  Spill controlled by three
   30-ft by 53-ft radial gates.  Storage began in January 1969.  Usable capacity, 727,380 acre-ft between
   elevations 1,732.0 ft, minimum power poo1, and l,955.0 ft, normal gross pool.  Dead storage, 233,920 acre-ft.
   Total capacity at normal gross pool, 961,300 acre-ft, e1evation, 1,955.0 ft.  Water is released to Colgate
   Powerplant through a tunnel at the dam.  Water is diverted into the reservoir from Middle Yuba River via
   Lohman Ridge Tunnel to Oregon Creek then via Camptonville Tunnel.  Records, including extremes, represent
   total contents at 2400 hours.  See schematic diagram of Yuba River basin.
COOPERATION.--Records provided by Yuba County Water Agency, under general supervision of the U.S. Geological
   Survey, in connection with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission project.  Contents not rounded to U.S.
   Geological Survey standards.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum contents, 972,224 acre-ft, June 27, 1995, elevation, 1,957.27 ft; minimum
   since reservoir first filled, 178,230 acre-ft, Dec. 29, 1980, elevation, 1,700.00 ft.
EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 972,224 acre-ft, June 27, elevation, 1,957.27 ft; minimum,
   476,519 acre-ft, Dec. 1, elevation, 1,830.10 ft.

                         Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
                              (Based on survey by Yuba County Water Agency in 1969)

                                     1,600   64,900           1,750   270,110
                                     1,630   90,570           1,800   389,977
                                     1,660  122,993           1,850   539,748
                                     1,690  162,983           1,900   721,130
                                     1,720  211,768           1,960   985,471

                                         DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS

DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP

  1    505870   483333   476519   530453   785165   725539   784704   901198   948468   969956   912661   825169
  2    505521   482593   476917   530421   784997   726574   785835   897628   951700   969860   910906   822404
  3    504667   481731   483240   530029   782028   735332   787009   893567   952987   969763   908968   819387
  4    505046   480932   494820   529605   778607   739273   788520   894250   953606   969619   905928   815819
  5    504192   480963   500531   531303   775278   741652   790285   894842   953463   969860   903309   812604

  6    502834   482531   503876   533891   773535   743228   792516   892792   953511   970101   901015   809526
  7    500941   483487   506029   541434   773411   743592   802967   889880   953797   970052   897994   807051
  8    501067   483671   507584   561552   772996   744077   813289   886430   954416   969570   895710   803264
  9    501382   483671   508886   578914   771877   778232   819258   884980   954035   968655   893065   800802
 10    500499   484565   510033   621284   770428   804413   823095   884164   954750   967739   890516   800420

 11    499618   484535   511116   641831   768649   817022   825861   886293   956613   966776   887246   799911
 12    498644   483733   512521   652445   766627   814875   829154   889698   958811   965045   884391   799360
 13    497701   483024   513672   687734   765225   810081   836989   893339   961062   962836   881858   798556
 14    496604   482501   514761   739354   763332   806583   842547   895892   962309   960247   878879   798048
 15    496228   481885   515980   758037   760784   803009   846676   898496   963844   957472   875682   797498

 16    495978   481331   517072   766297   757956   796398   849715   901794   963172   954846   873120   796906
 17    494414   481454   518262   770138   754971   791674   851568   905100   962692   952415   870608   796356
 18    493351   480502   519679   772084   751789   790159   852806   909890   963316   949703   867386   795807
 19    492416   480348   521002   772498   748658   786925   853292   915764   963892   946664   864127   795132
 20    491045   480317   522166   769063   745575   789402   854088   922455   963988   943632   861410   794245

 21    489739   479305   523298   767782   742662   790496   854133   929461   963892   940607   858343   793950
 22    490050   478416   524141   767040   739918   789486   853823   935328   965045   937400   855018   793781
 23    490423   478079   524271   768319   737341   784746   853336   938955   966728   933730   852850   794118
 24    488776   477987   525958   769931   735171   780775   853203   940134   968992   930887   849406   794498
 25    487597   478661   527552   771628   733406   779773   853646   940370   970969   928385   847071   794625

 26    486235   478753   527975   774033   731644   778857   854486   940843   972079   925953   843951   793444
 27    485277   478324   528822   776484   729765   779398   855948   942071   972224   922874   840750   792643
 28    484475   478386   530127   778815   727650   780817   859409   942780   971114   922315   837994   791547
 29    484628   478079   530192   780441      ---   781902   877752   943679   970535   920082   834198   791084
 30    484906   477314   530225   782070      ---   782612   881316   945005   970342   918037   830935   790664
 31    484042      ---   530682   783533      ---   783491      ---   946712      ---   915949   827724      ---

MAX    505870   484565   530682   783533   785165   817022   881316   946712   972224   970101   912661   825169
MIN    484042   477314   476519   529605   727650   725539   784704   884164   948468   915949   827724   790664
 a    1832.55  1830.36  1847.24  1915.32  1912.64  1915.31  1937.81  1951.94  1956.88  1945.38  1925.70  1917.02
 b     -22557    -6728   +53368  +252851   -55883   +55841   +97825   +65396   +23630   -54393   -88225   -37060

CAL YR 1994  b   -24628
WTR YR 1995  b  +284065

  a Elevation, in feet, at end of month.
  b Change in contents, in acre-feet.

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If you have any questions or comments about this document contact:
Dale Alan Cox <dacox@usgs.gov>