Dr. Fraga. 1. The yellow fever infection has been confirmed in several States and it is thought to be present in a not easily recognizable form in many communi- ties, and I therefore think it correct to say that an emergency exists, and that the entire area of Brazil susceptible to yellow fever infection should be regarded as a unit. 2. The reasons for vietcing the present situation with grave concern should be freely and frankly stated to the Governors and Presidents of the States in the yellow fever area, and their cooperation requested in meeting the threatened danger. The newspapers throughout these States should be encouraged to join in the campaign to control the spread of the disease. 3. The infected and infectible area in Brazil is vast, and the present effort to control yellow fever is the largest of its kind ever undertaken. This fact is mentioned solely to emphasize the colossal problem which confronts the Departamento National de Saude Publica and is+he reason for enlist- ing all agencies in combating the disease. Hy experience has been that publicity is the greatest single aid that can be employed to seuure imme- diate results. 4. The normal flow of commerce may be temporarily2dislocatedr but the confi- dence and cooperation of the public will have been secured and this will ensure more rapid progress in controlling the disease. 5. The following measures are now practised by the CommissGo Febre Amarella: a. The elimination of all unnecessary receptacles for stowing water. The families should keep on the premises only sufficient water for their daily needs0 b. The use of larvae consuming fish for all containers large enough to support fish life. co The large cities are being encouraged.to install modern water supply systems with connections for every home, thus elimtiating the necessity for stowing water on the premises. (_I d. The chefes of the Prophylaxia Rural are requested to deny oocupancy of all buildings until all receptacles for stowing water have been made mosquito-proof. 6. The present intensive control measures should be continued in the capitals and should be reinforced by the maintenance of one or more guardas (mata- mosquitoo) in each village (especially sedes dos municipios) of 1,500 or more inhabitants along the railway and caravan routes. These latter should be maintained at the expense of the municipalities, but should be supervised by the CommissGo Febre Ararella, which will supply a limited amount of material, such as electric lamps, batteries, etc. 7. As an aid in locating areas in which yellow fever may be present but clinically unrecognizable, the campaign requires the services oE a laboratory for diagnostic purposes , which, as the campaign advances, may extend its program to include research. The efforts of this special laboratory can be anticipated by directing that in each locality autopsies be performed on a large number of cases where death results -30 from acute illness in from three ,to seven days, and more especially on cases diagnosed as typho, intericia, dysentery, gastro-enteritis, pernicious malaria, bilious remittent fever, and fevers of undeter- mined origin. From the above cases a liberal section of the liver should be forwarded to the laboratory for further examination. 8. Yellow fever control measures should be recorded on forms as used by the Commissgo Febre Amarella. Only in this way can uniform records be maintained by the different yellow fever services. The uniformity of records will permit of a later analysis, which is not practicable when different recording systems are used. 9. The following rules and regulations now effective in S&o Salvador have been quite successful in securing active cooperation of the public for the advancement of the campaign of the CommissGo de Febre Amarella. -4- TJma Nota da Saude Publica & Imprensa. S. Salvador, 6 - A Secretaria de Saude Publica forneceu honta a imprensa, a seguinte nota; "A Secretaria de Saude e Assistencia Publica, eivamente empenhada em fazer baixar ao minimo possivel o nosso indice stegomyco pede a populagao desta Capital, que secunde OS esfor- 90s em tal sentido, da CommissQo Rockefeller, a quem desde Ou- tubro de 1923Acabe a responsabilidade do oombate referido, cum- prindo de accord0 corn o art. 550 do Codigo Sanitario do atado, as determinag2ies seguintes: 1'1 - SerPo OS moradores responsaveis pela existemcia de f&os de mosquitos dentro de habita$es, nos terrenos a ellas pertencentesi 2: - OS reservatorios abertos devszn ser povoados de pei- xes larvophagos ou petrol&ados periodicamente; 3? - OS depositos dagua serao cobertos e cintados corn pa- pel ou panno gommado; 4: - OS pequenos depositos dagua para beber, (potes, talhas etc) que devan ser providos de torneira, serao protegidos de tam- pas fixas.metallicas, cintadas, de modo a impedir a procriaqao de mosquitosi 5: - &3 aguas existentes em jarras para flares, que ago possam ser providas de protecqao, fixa, ser&i.o systaBticamentg despejadas todos OS dias , pelos prepostos da reparti#o sani- taria. OS moradores que r&c quizerem se sujeitar d disposiqao aoima, dever&o conservar enxutos e imborcados OS vases recipien- tes, por occasifio da visita dos ref'eridos funccionarios; 69 - Todo o deposit0 dagua, que r&o f& fechado a prova de mosquitos, antes de receber nova carga, devera ser lavado e depois de hem limpo deverd ser emborcado at& f'icar enxuto; -s- 7: - k b 'g t o r1 a oria 8 limpeza de vallas, sargetas, caixas collectires, telhados e oalhas, afim de evit&r es- tagna@o das aguas pluviaesb 8' . - Serao prohibidas cercas de hambus inteiros, nativos e outras quaesquer plantas que collecionem agua. Pelo n&o comprimento desta determinaqires, OS responsaveis inoorreriib nas multas de 50$000 a 200$x)00. - From the above it will be noted that the aim of the CommissEo de Febre Amarella is to instruct the publio how to apply anti-mosquito measures in the home, thus placing on the moradores da case a personal responsibility to prevent mosquito breeding on their premises. Under this plan it becomes evident that the guardas must be speoially trained as eduoators rather than as zmta-mosquitos. I regard this procedure as holding unlimited promise for permanency and as economically important. &ly experienoe indicates that mny individuals,when they realize how simple and easy is the destruction of mosquitoes, practice the neoessary measures in their households without further urging from the health authorities. 10. The Commiss& de Febre Amarella has applied the praotical measures of selling at cost such material as torneiras and sealing aaixas da ague at actual cost of material used. These measures aid the publio as well as the campaign and permit of economical control measures. Rio de Janeiro, June 7, 1928.