ATAG 2.0 Developer Template (Form) A01-2 - for Success Criterion A.0.1-2

This form is divided into four parts: Part 1 - General Information, Part 2 - General Questions, Part 3 - Specific Questions, and Part 4 - Supplemental Questions. If you need any additional help (for example, how to fill out this form) in order to answer any of the questions following, please access (site to be developed).

Part 1 - General Information

This part (1) contains background information to help you in completing the form.

DISCLAIMER: The submitter bears all responsibility for the accuracy of the data on this form. The data entered on this form may be reviewed by the W3C AUWG, and will be made public. You should be familiar with all documents referenced from this form (if possible) before completing this form.

To complete this form, answers to all questions are required (except for those questions marked OPTIONAL)(however, you may refer to answers on other forms you have completed if you wish, for efficiency's sake). If you feel a question is not applicable to your authoring tool, just write "N/A" and specify why the question is not applicable. If you need additional ATAG2.0 information (including access to the ATAG2.0 specification and ATAG2.0 Techniques(reference to be provided)) to complete this form, you may go to the ATAG site. If you need additional WAI testing resources, go to the WAI site. For additional information on quality assurance in relation to filling out this form, please consult the W3C Quality Assurance Site. Please submit this form to (site to be developed-see Test Report Collection Site example) or email to Tim Boland NIST as a short-term interim).

After submitting this form, you may proceed directly to the Developer Form for Success Criterion A.2.5-2, or back to the main ATAG test page. You should note on this form whether any testing results could be machine-reportable, and if so, provide (links to)(brief descriptions of) appropriate references (please choose formats of references from well-known reporting formats, if possible) . There are no other dependencies on other developer forms for filling out this form. Thank you.


To evaluate your authoring tool according to SCA.0.1-2


Success Criterion A.0.1-2 -

Any component of an authoring tool that is accessed by the author within a Web browser must conform to WCAG Level AA.

Part 2 - General Questions (ref: ATAG2.0 Conformance Profile?)

This part (2) asks for information about you and the authoring tool you developed.

Name of Developer:

Date and Version of Specifications Developed Against (include ATAG and WCAG as appropriate):

Address of Developer:

Email of Developer:

Phone Number(s) of Developer(s):

Fax# of Developer(s):

Authoring Tool Developed (please be specific) - category of authoring tool, format(s) output from authoring tool, and platform that authoring tool uses) (please indicate if authoring tool has Web-based or non-Web-based user interface components, and if authoring tool has preview features):

Part 3 - Specific Developer Questions for Success Criterion A.0.1-2

This part (3) contains the actual developer questions. First come DESCRIPTION questions to describe your authoring tool. Then come questions after the DESCRIPTION, to be answered from information determined during the DESCRIPTION.


  1. What components accessed by an author via a browser are available for your particular authoring tool? How would these components be accessed?

  2. What browsers can access these components for your particular authoring tool?


If no components accessed via a Web browser are possible for your authoring tool, please proceed to the point after questions following.

(NOTE: The WCAG 2.0 WD (per "WCAG20 Succ.." text following) is under development. Please consult the WCAG WG resource for more information.) Please answer the following questions for each component x in your authoring tool, from DESCRIPTION previous: (NOTE: "x" following loops from 1 to n (where n greater than equal to 1, so in your answers you would need to link x to specific information pertaining to x)

  1. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 1.1 for the authoring tool you developed?

  2. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 1.2 for the authoring tool you developed?

  3. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 1.3 for the authoring tool you developed??

  4. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 1.4 for the authoring tool you developed??

  5. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 2.1 for the authoring tool you developed?

  6. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 2.2 for the authoring tool you developed?

  7. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 2.3 for the authoring tool you developed?

  8. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 2.4 for the authoring tool you developed?

  9. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 2.5 for the authoring tool you developed?

  10. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 3.1 for the authoring tool you developed?

  11. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 3.2 for the authoring tool you developed?

  12. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 4.1 for the authoring tool you developed?

  13. How could all WCAG20 level 1 and 2 conformance requirements be met for x for WCAG20 Success Criterion 4.2 for the authoring tool you developed?


  1. If there are no components that can be Web browser-accessed for your authoring tool, explain why there are none in the authoring tool you developed?

  2. SUMMARY QUESTION: Objectively, from your perspective as authoring tool developer, can this authoring tool "pass" ("it could" or "N/A" answers to all non-OPTIONAL Part 3 questions AFTER THE DESCRIPTIONS) ATAG2.0 Success Criterion A.0.1-2? If yes, why? If not, why not? (please be specific)

Part 4 - Supplemental Questions

This part (4) asks for supplemental information of interest to the ATAG2.0 Test Suite maintainers.

Please give any other information you feel may be helpful (please be specific):

Please comment on the quality of the questions asked and/or the specification/techniques (please be specific):

What other questions do you feel might be helpful? Do you have any bugs/issues with this form? (please be specific)

Date of completion of this form (template):

Thank you very much! Your evaluation will be saved and made publicly available.