USGS Visual Identifier


Summary of Citation: Embar

McKelvey, V.E., Cheney, T.M., Cressman, E.R., Sheldon, R.P.,
   Swanson, R.W. and Williams, J.S., 1959, The Phosphoria, Park
   City, and Shedhorn formations in the western phosphate field,
   IN Shorter contributions to general geology, 1936: U.S.
   Geological Survey Professional Paper, 313-A, p. A1-A47, Also,
   1956, Summary description of Phosphoria, Park City, and
   Shedhorn Formations in western phosphate field, American
   Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 40, no. 12, p.
   2826-2863 (advance summary).
Usage in Publication:
Embar formation

Modifications: Geologic Province: Dominant Lithology:

Abandoned earlier by Thomas (1934) but was used by Pierce and Andrews (1941). Name Embar has been applied to rocks now called Phosphoria, Park City, and Dinwoody Formations in Bighorn and Wind River basins, WY. The latter three terms are used in preference to Embar, a name abandoned (p. 5-11).