163 [ 237 ] Scispus lacustris, (Linn.) Swamps and ponds in prairies ; common;. July 6. Scispus triqueter, (Linn.) Swamps, Devil's lake ; July 30. Scispus maritimus, (Linn.) With the preceding ; August 1. (j3 Torr., Mon. N. Amer. Cyp.) Borders of rivers and ponds in the prairies about Jacques and Shayen-ojn rivers ; July 9. Elockaris tenuis, (Schulze.) Var., with the nut not verrucose ; bristles, none. Muddy banks of Devil's lake ; August 6. Elockaris pymœa, (Torr. Mon. N. Amer. Cyp., 1. c.) Var., nut without bristles. Borders of ponds in prairies of Jacques river ; July 9. Elockaris palustris, (R. Br.) Var. (?) small, cespitose, (2—6 inches ;) glumes'ovate-lanceolate, rather obtuse ; bristles, 0 (?) ; style, 3 cleft; nut obovate, compressed, dull ; tubercle conical, broad at the base, rather obtuse, one-quarter the length of the nut. Devil's lake; August 6. Carex straminea, (Willd.) Swamps, Council Bluffs ; May 14. Carex arida, (Torr. and Schw.) Shady, fertile woods, Upper Missouri ; October 20—/r. Carex Sartwellii, (Dew., in Sill. Jour. 43, p. 90, t. ca, f. 95.) Swamps ia prairies, Council Bluffs, May 22. Near C. intermedia. This species is common in the western part of the State of New York ; it is also found in Indiana. Carex cespitosa, (Linn.) With the preceding ; May 7. Carex lanuginosa, (Michx.) C. pellita, (Muhl.) Sandy banks of the Missouri ; May 26. Tar. minor. Heads short; few flowered; with the preceding. Carex granulans, (Schlz.) Valley of Shayen-oju river; July 17. Carex Pennsylvania, (Lam.) Prairies, Council Bluffs; May 16. Carex longirostris, (Torr.) Shady woods, Upper Missouri ; June 10. Carex lacustris, (Willd,) Prairies, Council Bluffs; May 20—July 6. Carex Hougktonii, (Torr.) With the preceding ; May 7. GRAMINEaE. Alopecurus geniculatus, £ arislulalus, (Torr.) Borders of swamps ia prairies ; July 6. Panicum virgatum, (Linn.) Abundant on all the high prairies, but no- where so luxuriant as near the Upper Des Moines river and Spirit lake ; July 13. Panicum capillare, (Linn.) Sandy plains, Shayen oju river ; July 26. Slipa membranacea, (Pursh.) Eriocoma cuspidata, (Nutt.) Sandy banks of the Shayen river, Missouri ; June 19. Stipa sparti, (Trin.) S. parviflora, (Nutt., not of Desf.) No ticket with the specimens. Stiparjuncea, (Pursh, Nutt.) & capillata, (Linn.—Hook. ?) High and dry prairies between the Missouri and Mississippi rivers ; July 14. Urachne parviflora, (Trin.) Agrostis miliacea, (Linn.?) Differs in its more hyatine, and less distinctly 3-nerved glumes ; but in .other re- spects does not differ from the European plant. It is here noticed, for the first time, as a native of North America. Dry hills at the upper end of the Grand Detour, or the "Great Bend" of the Missouri.