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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
Title: Neosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis, Segregates of Praphaeosphaeria

item Camara, M P S - PENN STATE UNIV
item Ramaley, A - DURANGO, CO
item Castlebury, Lisa
item Palm, Mary - USDA, APHIS, BELTSVL, MD

Submitted to: Mycological Research
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: February 28, 2003
Publication Date: May 1, 2003
Citation: Camara, M., Ramaley, A.W., Castlebury, L.A., Palm, M.E. Neosphaeria and phaeosphaeriopsis, segregates of praphaeosphaeria. Mycological Research. Vol.107(5)pp. 516-522,2003.

Interpretive Summary: Fungi on plants in the Agavaceae (agave family) are frequently encountered as plant quarantine pathogens and thus they need to be accurately identified. Based on morphological and molecular data several species of such ascomycetes were determined to be placed in the wrong genus. In this paper five fungal species on plants in the Agavaceae are moved to two newly described genera that accurately reflect the relationships of these fungi. In addition a new species is described and illustrated. As a result of this research fungi that cause diseases on plants in the Agavaceae have accurate scientific names. This research will be used to identify fungi on plants in the Agavaceae.

Technical Abstract: Two new genera, Neosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis, are described to accommodate species of Paraphaeosphaeria that are not congeneric with that genus based on morphological characters, results of ITS and 18S rDNA sequence analyses, and base pair comparisons. Paraphaeosphaeria sensu stricto is restricted to species with two-septate ascospores and anamorphs that produce non-septate, smooth, pale brown conidia enteroblastically. Species in Neosphaeria have 3- or 4-septate ascospores and anamorphs that produce ovoid to ellipsoid, nonseptate, brown, verrucose or punctate conidia from percurrently proliferating conidiogenous cells. Paraphaeosphaeria barrii, P. conglomerata, P. filamentosa and P. quadriseptata are transferred to Neosphaeria. At present all species in the genus occur on Yucca (Agavaceae). Phaeosphaeriopsis is described for species that produce 4- or 5-septate ascospores. Known anamorphs produce cylindrical, 0- to 3- septate, brown, punctate conidia from percurrently proliferating conidiogenous cells or bacillar conidia from phialides. Paraphaeosphaeria agavensis, P. glauco-punctata, P. nolinae, and P. obtusispora are transferred to Phaeosphaeriopsis. Phaeosphaeriopsis amblyspora is described as a new species.

Last Modified: 02/08/2009