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Illuminating the nature of f-element bonding with ‘soft’ ligands
Preparation of sulfur and selenium donor complexes advances actinide science and separations continued

This work opens up a new area of study in actinide chemistry in the preparation of a series of discrete actinide-chalcogen complexes with particular emphasis on comparison of isostructural An(III) and Ln(III) complexes of similar ionic radii to examine for subtle differences in the nature of the bonding. Initial results support the hypothesis that An(III) ions have a stronger interaction than Ln(III) ions for ligands bearing softer donor atoms.

Future directions

We are preparing a series of uranium compounds with nitrogen, sulfur, and selenium donor atoms. The characterization of these complexes, which contain only uranium-chalcogen bonds and solvent molecules in the inner coordination sphere, will greatly enhance our understanding of structural preferences and bonding types in these systems. In addition to the characterization techniques described in this article, future studies will include X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to probe the energies of the molecular orbitals involved in bonding and ligand-metal orbital interactions.

We are also measuring the magnetic properties of the compounds to better quantify the delocalization of the electrons away from the actinide ion. As the number of complexes synthesized increases and more comparisons to lanthanides are drawn, we may see a trend emerge from which subtle differences between actinide and lanthanide bonding with soft-donor ligands can be elucidated.

The preparation of An(III) and (IV) complexes with “soft” donor atom ligands requires inert atmosphere techniques such as the use of this helium-filled glovebox at the Actinide Research Facility at TA-48. The glovebox is maintained at a pressure slightly negative relative to atmospheric pressure, the inlets/outlets are HEPA filtered, and the antechamber opens directly into a HEPA-filtered fume hood. This configuration allows transuranic isotopes such as plutonium-239 to be safely handled and manipulated. Seaborg postdoctoral researcher Andrew Gaunt cogitates over a reaction (inset).

A principal component of future research will focus on extending this chemistry to plutonium(III). Because of the actinide contraction, trivalent plutonium is more stable, with respect to oxidation, than trivalent uranium and therefore is attractive to use for the study and comparison of An(III) and Ln(III) complexes with soft-donor atom ligands. In addition, very few coordination chemistry studies and structural characterizations have been conducted for the transuranic elements because the high specific activity renders their manipulation challenging and requires specialist radiological facilities. For this reason, the isolation of Pu(III) complexes with soft donors will not only contribute to a general picture of 5f element bonding but will also offer a unique insight into the chemistry of this fascinating, yet inadequately understood, element.

next article... "Tuning plutonium superconductors"

The UV–vis spectrum (above) of U[N(SePPh2)2]3 (2), in benzene solution displays the 5f-5f and 5f-6d transitions of U(III), which is isolated as a gray/brown powder in the solid state (below).


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