Table of contents for Medieval church law and the origins of the Western legal tradition : a tribute to Kenneth Pennington / edited by Wolfgang P. Mueller & Mary E. Sommar.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgements xv
Abbreviations 	 ix
Wolfgang P. M¿ller, ?Medieval Church Law as a Field of Historical Inquiry? 3
Part One 
Western Church Law in an Age Without Jurists, ca. 500-1140	
Ludger K¿rntgen, ?Kanonisches Recht und Bu praxis. Zu Kontext und Funktion 
	des Poenitentiale Excarpsus Cummeani? 27
Wilfried Hartmann, ?Zu Effektivit¿t und Aktualit¿t von Reginos Sendhandbuch	
Rudolf Schieffer, ?Zur Entstehung des Sendgerichts im 9. Jahrhundert? 79
Gerhard Schmitz, ?Ein Kanonist bei der Arbeit. Kleine Rechtstexte aus Codex
	Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón 77? 90
Greta Austin, ?Vengeance and Law in Eleventh Century Worms. Burchard and 
	the Canon Law of Feuds? 104
J¿rg M¿ller, ?Gedanken zum Institut der Chorbisch¿fe? 122
Part Two 
The Formation of Canonistic Theory: Authors and Texts, ca. 1140-1350 	
Anders Winroth, ?Neither Slave Nor Free. Theology and Law in Gratian?s 
	Thoughts on the Definition of Marriage? 153
Titus Lenherr, ?Reos sanguinis [non] defendat ecclesia. Gratian mit einem kurzen 
	Blick erhascht?? 172
Mary E. Sommar, ?Twelfth-Century Scholarly Exchanges? 193
Carlos Larrainzar, ?Notas sobre las introducciones In prima parte agitur y Hoc
	 opus inscribitur? 210
Robert Somerville,?A Fragment of Compilatio prima at Columbia University? 241 
Peter Landau, ?Die Phi-Glossen der Collectio Cassellana? 248
Keith Kendall, ??Mute Dogs, Unable to Bark?. Innocent III?s Call to Combat 
	Heresy? 263
Charles Donahue Jr., ?Johannes Faventinus On Marriage? 276
Part Three
Canonistic Doctrine in Practice: Courts and Procedures, ca. 1140-1500		 
James Brundage, ?The Advocats?s Dilemma: ?What Can You Tell the Client??. 
A Problem in Legal Ethics? 307
Orazio Condorelli, ?L?usuraio, il testamento, e l?Aldil¿. Tre quaestiones di
	Marsilio Mantighelli in tema di usura? 322
Lotte K¿ry, ?Ein neues Kapitel in der Geschichte des kirchlichen Strafrechts. Die
	Systematisierungsbem¿hungen des Bernhard von Pavia (?1213)? 350
Susanne Lepsius, ?Summarischer Syndikatsproze . Einfl¿sse des kanonischen Rechts 
	auf die st¿dtische und kirchliche Gerichtspraxis des Sp¿tmittelalters? 385
Mario Ascheri, ?Fonti per la storia della giustizia ecclesiastica medievale a Siena? 420 
Ludwig Schmugge, ?Barbara Zimmermann?s Two Husbands? 439
Part Four
Canonists in Conversation with the Wider World					 
Franck Roumy, ?L?origine et la diffusion de l?adage canonique Necessitas non 
	habet legem (VIIIe ? XIIIe s.)? 457
Charles de Miramon, ?Innocent III, Huguccio de Ferrare et Hubert de Pirovano. 
Droit canonique, th¿ologie et philosophie ¿ Bologne dans 	les ann¿es 
1180? 487
Manlio Bellomo, ?Considerazioni sulla pervasivit¿ della religione nella societ¿ e
	negli ambienti di studio universitari in et¿ tardo-medievale? 529
P¿ter Erd¿, ?Il diritto canonico, fonte della giurisprudenza occidentale 
nell?Ungheria e nella Polonia del medioevo? 545
Brian Tierney, ?Hohfeld on Ockham. A Canonistic Text in the Opus Nonaginta 
Dierum? 556
Richard Helmholz, ?Thomas More and the Canon Law? 570
Bibliography of Kenneth Pennington?s Published Works			 593
List of Contributors 607
General Index									 609 

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Canon law -- History.
Law -- Europe -- History -- Sources.