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Polish Medical Science and History Bulletin 14(2) : 73-76, Spril 1971. 29 CHAPTER 2 Nonneoplastic Bronchopulmonaw Diseases Page 35 Introduction____________________________---------------- Epidemiological Studies COPD Mortality and n4orbidity--- -- ________ __-_- ______ Filter Cigarettes--------------------------------- Pulmonary FuncGon----------------------------_ Occupational Hazards Byssinosis----------- _____-__--__--__-__________ Exposure to Asbestos-_-------------------------- Exposure to Coal Dust'--------------------------- Miscellaneous Exposures-------_-----~----------- Air Pollution..-_- _______ -------______--___-___ _______ .iutopsyStudies ____ ~_----------~-_-_-- __-___-_______-__- Experimental and Histopathological Studies Histopathological Studies-------------------------~---- Pulmonary Function ___________ --------------_- ____ -- Pulmonary Clearance__--_---------------------------- Phagocytosis _________ -----_---_-_-_----- ~~~~-~~-~~~~ Bacterial and Mycological Stu.dies---------------------- The Surjactant System_-___-_-_-----------__--___- __-_ *;llmmary of Recent Nonneoplast'ic Bronchopulmonary Find- ings-_---_________--------------~~-----~------------- Kf e erences _______________ -__----------------- __________ 36 37 38 39 41 41 43 44 45 48 50 51 53 54 55 55 56 List of Figures FiWre 1 .-Age-st.andardized percentage of chronic sputum I)rcduction in males by amount smoked and type of +!arette- _ _ __ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ - --- I&re 2.-Age-standardized percentage distribution of whole Iung sections of males with moderate to far-advanced emphy- 19 smokers cigarettes/day cigarettes/day cigarettes/day 1 Includes ex.smokers and non-cigarette smokers. SOURCE: Rimington, J. (71). with test cigarettes "A"' " B," or "C." *411 t,he test cigarettes contained 1.65 mg. of nicotine. "A" delivered 22 mg. of tar, and "B" and "C" 17 mg. of tar. In addition. "C" had approximately a 50 percent reduc- tion in the vapor phase constituents. Those provided with cigarette "C" increased the average number of cigarettes smoked by about 10 per- cent, There consumption eventually leveled off. 14fter 4 months, men smoking cigarette "(1" began to have lower average cough frequency scores than t,he others. Significant changes did not, OCCUI' in sputum production or pulmonary function. The authors observed that, "* * * modification of the composition of cigarettes and their filters can re- duce smokers' cough, an important and early symptom of bronchitis." PULMONARY FKTNCTION Results of studies of pulmonary function and smoking from several countries, including India (65) ' Turkey (2)) Germany (7,34,38), and Great Britian (4.1) indicate that cigarette smokers have diminished average pulmonary function compared to nonsmokers. The various measures of pulmonary function used included vital capacity, expira- tory reserve volume. residual volume. residual functional capacity, maximum voluntary ventilation, forced expiratory volume in I second! and peak cxpiratorg flow rate. Other studies in which both pulmonary function and respiratory symptoms are c0nsidere.d (27, .N. 36: -/. .a `3 -9. 69) have again confirmed that smoking is associated with an increase in pulmonary symptoms and a decrease in pulmonary function. Rx-smokers experience a decrease in t.he prevalence of respiratory symptoms and an improvement in pulmonary function compared to continuing smokers. These effects have been noted in several recent studies (36, flw? 43). Ulmer (87) conducted a survey of respiratory symptoms in a ran- dom sample of 2>-1-13 individuals between the ages of 10 and 70 years in I>uisburg, Germany. The prevalence of c.hronic bronchitis as measured Iq cough and/or sputum produc,tion in the morning or throughout the day increased with advancing age and with increasing cigarette con- sumption ( P < 0.001). Latime,r, et al. (JR) st,udied the ventilatory patterns and pulmonary complications of 46 patients following elective upper abdominal sur- gery. Factors that favored the development of postoperative macro- iit&ctasis included smoking, obesity. and prolonged anest.hesia. Teculescu and Stanescu (84) examined several measures of pulmo- nary func.tion in 44 asymptomatic young men bet,ween the ages of 18 and 29 in Romania. So significant differences were found between the smokers and nonsmokers. This may have been due to t.he selection of :Isymptomatic subjects for examination and relatively insensitive meas- ures of early airway obstruct,ion. Occupationa Wa.saro?s BYSSINOSIS Ryssinosis is a respiratory disease found in cotton, flax, and hemp \vorkers. The earliest manifestations of t'his disease are shortness of breath, cough, and chest tightness. Initially, symptoms occur only QIWI reexposure to cott,on dust at, the beginning of the work week. In more advanced form, byssinosis is associated with permanent and `lecasionally severe airway obstruction, which mav force the \vorker to change his occupation 731). Abnormalities i11 &monary function tc'stS reflect the severity of tile symptoms; however, chest films Of `Qnkers with bvssinosis reveal 110 characteristic findings. McKerrow Y ~(1 Schilling (54) first suggested t.hat. bvssinosis ma,y occur more il'qurntly among smokerti than noiismokrrs. &\-era1 relatively recent `trldies hare clarified the relationship between smoking and byssinosis. l~C)l~liuys, et al. (8) found 61 cases of byssinosis in 214 male workers `I1 the carding and spinning rooms of a cotton mill. The prevalence of 39 byssinosis symptons was higher among cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers (P2 regularly - <60: oto0.75--- -._-_-_ 53 18 12 3 2 0 1 to1.75_-- -.-____ 2 11 4 9 24 5 2to2.75--- -._.___ 0 1 2 17 130 56 3to3.75-_- -.--__ - 0 1 5 12 50 38 4 to 4.75---__----- 0 0 0 4 8 7 5 to 6.75---------- 0 0 0 0 4 5 7to9.00- __-.----_ 0 0 0 0 3 1 Totals---.._---- 55 31 23 45 221 112 Mean-.----..--_-- . 10 .83 1. 29 2. 37 2. 56 2. 86 SD---w ____ ----__ .04 .13 .26 .16 .07 .lO - 60 to 69: 0 to 0.75---------- 35 17 4 0 0 0 1 to 1.75---mm----- 1 8 1 0 4 1 2 to 2.75--------.. 2 3 4 5 37 23 3 to 3.75--_----_.. 2 2 2 9 42 24 4 to 4.75_--m-_m--- 0 0 1 3 11 9 5 to 6.75--_--_-._. 0 0 0 1 8 1 7 to 9.00--_----.._ 0 0 0 1 5 4 Totalsmm..F.--mm_ 40 30 12 19 107 62 Mean---.__----_-- .39 .95 1. 90 3. 59 3. 39 3. 37 SD---mm...--mm.m_ 13 .16 .34 .35 .l.i .20 70 or older: 0 to 0.7.5mmm--- ~~. 68 21 2 0 0 0 1 to 1.7.5mm_--mm... 4 28 10 8 2 2 2 to 2.75--m--__._. - ; 22 13 23 40 9 3 to 3.75-------_-_ 8 5 10 38 18 4 to 4.75---------- 0 2 1 7 11 7 5 to 6.75-_._--mmm. 0 1 0 2 9 3 7 to 9.00.-----.--. 0 0 0 1 12 5 Totalsm--_...--- 81 82 31 51 112 44 hlean~.---~~~----- 50 SD-----m_.------m :39 1. 66 2. 15 2. 98 3. 68 3. 91 11 17 20 17 .27 1 Subjects who smoked regularly up to time of terminal illness. Source: Auerbach, O., et al. (1). 46 Figure 2. -Age-standardized percentage distribution of whole lung sections of males with moderate to far-advanced emphysema (score 3-9) by smoking category. Number 6 of Never cases smoked regularly SOURCE: Auerbach, 0.. et al. (4). 14 Pipe or cigars 64 323 Cigarette smokers l pack/day Mitchell, et al. (6'0) conducted a study to determine the accuracy of the recorded cause of death on deat.h certificates of adults; 578 autopsies were performed on patients 40 years of age and older at two large hospitals in Colorado. In addition, 409 patienk with COPD were enrolled in an emphysema registry. A autopsies were performed on the 56 patients who died during the st.udy period. Death certificates were obtained from the State Health Department, and t,he recorded cause of death was compared with the autopsy findings. In 211 of the 634 autopsies performed, the cause of death was found to be COP11 ; how- ever, in only 160 of these cases (76 percent) was COPI) listed as the cause of death on the death certificate; 3 ljercent, of death certificates incorrectly listed emphvsema as a cause of death when this was not supported bv autopsy e;,idence. The authors concluded their study by suggesting ;* * * that national statist,& which arc based on non- autopsv confirmed diagnoses. might, understate tlraths f ram chronic bronchitis and `e.mphysema.' " 47 Figure 3 .-Prevalence of emphysema in adult males at autopsy by smokina category. 50 40 30 20 10 0 58.90 48.62 Number autopsies 145 164 236 60 109 Number w/ emphysema 38 66 139 42 53 Non- Number cigarettes smoked during life ii- smokers <200,000 200,000-500,000 >500,000 smoh SOURCE: Fingerland, A., et al. (19). Experimental and Histopathological Studies Nistopatholoyical Studies Studies in Man Xaeye and Dellinger (63) esamined the small pulmonary art,eries of 126 male cigarette smokers and 67 nonsmokers for quantitative changes in collagen, elastic tissue, and circularly and longitudinallp oriented smooth muscle. Thq fount1 a progressive increase in collagen 40 ;,a(1 longitudinally oriented smooth muscle fibers and a progressive ,]rcrease in circularly oriented muscle fibers with age. These changes \rere more advanced at each age in smokers than in nonsmokers IP