Ag Report Released: January 14, 2000 Volume 00-01 Featured Statistics: Annual Crop Summary, 1999, Rice and Grain Stocks Storage Capacity, Hogs and Pigs, Cotton Ginnings, U.S. Sawtimber Prices, Ag. Output, Expenses, and Income, U.S. Crop Area, Planted Acres, U.S. Farm Production Expenses Price Highlights Message from the State Statistician This issue is the first issue of the year 2000 and, like everyone else, we are trying to enhance our product. You will notice this issue contains twice as many pages. We plan to continue with 8 pages for the foreseeable future and will present a wider array of statistical information. Some additional statistics will come from other government agencies that we believe you will find useful. We also intend to include more graphs. Several have asked for a better index to our Ag Reports on the Internet. We have met that need with a new icon on our web site that links to the latest official estimates for Mississippi. We are committed to updating those tables within 4 hours of official release time in Washington, D.C. In most cases we will update those tables far sooner. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the tables, but instructions for installing that reader are available on our web site. In addition to the official estimates, you'll find the date we expect to post revised estimates. Another new feature on the web site is a procedure that allows you to download estimates to load into a spreadsheet or data base on your personal computer. You can select a commodity, identify the years for which you want statistics and download a comma separated data file. The web site is the best way for users to obtain statistics. The address is Suggestions for improvement are welcome. Mississippi Annual Crop Summary-1999 Mississippi Soybean production in 1999 amounted to 44.7 million bushels, down 7 percent from 1998. Yield per acre, at 23.5 bushels, is down 0.5 bushels per acre from 1998. Producers harvested 1.90 million acres for beans, a decrease of 5 percent from 1998. Corn production for grain is estimated at 36.3 million bushels, down 16 percent from a year earlier. Corn yield is estimated at a record high 117.0 bushels per acre compared to last year's yield of 86.0 bushels per acre. There were 310,000 acres harvested for grain, down 38 percent from 1998. Corn for silage production amounted to 325,000 tons. The estimated corn silage yield was 13 tons per acre, compared to 8 tons per acre in 1998. Rice production amounted to 18.3 million hundredweight, up 17 percent from 1998. Yield per acre, at 5,650 pounds, is down 150 pounds per acre from last year. Producers harvested 323,000 acres, an increase of 21 percent from 1998. Cotton production, as of January 1, 2000, is forecast at 1.74 million bales, up 20 percent from 1998 and unchanged from the December 1, forecast. The average yield per acre is forecast at 708 pounds per acre, down 29 pounds from the previous year. Acreage harvested, at 1.18 million acres, is up 26 percent from 1998. Winter Wheat seeded for 2000 is estimated at 210,000 acres, up 17 percent from last year, and up 31 percent from 1998. Mississippi Crop Acreage, Yield, and Production, 1998 and 1999 Area Area Planted Harvested Yield Production Crop Unit 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1998 1999 1,000 Acres 1,000 Units Soybeans bu 2,050 1,950 2,000 1,900 24.0 23.5 48,000 44,650 All Cotton 1/ 3/ bale 950 1,200 940 1,180 737 708/4 1,444 1,740/4 Cottonseed 2/ ton 561 676 Rice, All 3/ cwt 270 325 268 323 5,800 5,650 15,544 18,250 Sorghum, All 40 40 Grain bu 36 56 65.0 87.0* 2,340 4,872 Silage ton 3 3 8.0 9.0 24 27 Corn, All 550 340 Grain bu 500 310 86.0 117.0* 43,000 36,270 Silage ton 30 25 8.0 13.0 240 325 Hay, All ton 790 850 2.2 1.9 1,738 1,615 Wheat, All bu 160 180 150 165 45.0 50.0* 6,750 8,250 Sweetpotatoes cwt 9.8 10.5 9.7 10.3 140.0 140.0 1,358 1,442 * Record high. 1/ Production ginned and to be ginned. 480-lb. net weight bales. 2/ Estimates based on 3-year average lint-seed ratio. 3/ Yield in pounds per acre. 4/ Production and yield forecast. Rice Stocks Mississippi: Rough rice stocks in all positions on December 1, 1999, totaled 11.4 million hundredweight, up 30 percent from December 1, 1998. United States: Rough rice stocks in all positions on December 1, 1999, totaled 140 million hundredweight, up 16 percent from the total on December 1, 1998. Stocks held on farms totaled 50.8 million hundredweight and off-farm stocks totaled 89.2 million hundredweight. Long grain varieties accounted for 70 percent of the total rough rice; medium grain, 28 percent; and short grain varieties, 2 percent. Milled rice stocks on December 1, 1999, totaled 4.59 million hundredweight, down 15 percent from a year ago. Milled rice stocks were comprised of 3.57 million hundredweight of whole kernel rice and 1.02 million hundredweight of second heads, screenings, and brewers rice. December 1, 1998-1999 Stocks of Grain in All Positions, Mississippi and U.S. 1998 1999 Crop On Off Total All On Off Total All Farms Farms1 Positions Farms Farms1 Positions Mississippi 1,000 Bushels Wheat, All * * * * * * Corn * 11,757 * * 10,875 * Oats * * * * Sorghum * 460 * * * * Soybeans * 17,046 * * 18,184 * United Wheat, All 680,200 1,215,481 1,895,681 648,800 1,230,184 1,878,984 Corn 5,320,000 2,731,846 8,051,846 5,180,000 2,839,860 8,019,860 Oats 81,500 61,835 143,335 82,100 53,973 136,073 Sorghum 95,900 239,416 335,316 89,300 259,264 348,564 Soybeans 1,187,000 999,440 2,186,440 1,150,000 1,032,192 2,182,192 * "Off farms unallocated" includes state data not published to avoid disclosure of individual operations; "On farms unallocated" includes minor producing states' data not published separately. 1/ Includes stocks at mills, elevators, warehouses, terminals, and processors. Grain Storage Capacity Mississippi had 87 off-farm storage facilities on December 1, 1999, with a capacity of 60.5 million bushels, down 1 percent from December 1, 1998. On-farm storage capacity was estimated at 60.0 million bushels, unchanged from December 1, 1998. At the U.S. level, there were 9,995 off-farm facilities on December 1, 1999, with a capacity of 8.09 billion bushels, down 3 percent from December 1, 1998. On-farm storage capacity in the U.S. was estimated at 11.2 billion bushels, up slightly from December 1, 1998. Hogs and Pigs Mississippi's inventory of hogs and pigs was estimated at 280,000 head on December 1, 1999, up 2 percent from a year earlier and 27 percent above December 1, 1997. The number kept for breeding hogs, at 26,000, was 13 percent below a year ago and 7 percent below two years ago. Market hogs, at 254,000 head, were 4 percent above a year ago and 32 percent above 1997. Mississippi's pig crop for 1999 totaled 522,000 head, the same as a year earlier. Sows farrowing during 1999 totaled 57,500 head, 3 percent below 1998. Pigs per litter averaged 9.08 during the year compared with 8.86 during 1998. All Hogs and Pigs: Number on Farms and Operations with Hogs, Selected States and U.S. On Hand December 1, 1999 Market Hogs by Weight Groups Number of Operations State with Hogs Total Breeding Market Under 60 60-119 120-179 180 during Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 1999 & Over 1,000 Head Number Alabama 175 15 160 51 38 35 36 500 Arkansas 710 110 600 210 140 140 110 1100 Louisiana 29 4 25 9 7 4 5 600 Mississipp 280 26 254 45 71 70 68 1,800 Tennessee 250 30 220 70 60 40 50 1,700 Texas 870 80 790 280 190 160 160 4,600 United States 59,407 6,244 53,164 19,298 13,106 11,073 9,687 98,460 Cotton Ginnings: Running Bales Ginned (Excluding Linters) Prior to December 15, Selected States, and United States, Crop Years 1996-1999 Running Bales Ginned State 1996 1997 1998 1999 All Cotton Alabama 712,100 468,900 524,600 595,550 Arizona 666,350 615,350 410,550 509,350 Arkansas 1,570,100 1,611,550 1,172,250 1,388,400 California 2,302,800 2,398,350 1,281,900 1,793,100 Florida 114,050 102,400 64,450 104,450 Georgia 1,873,250 1,546,900 1,350,850 1,392,400 Louisiana 1,291,750 1,000,950 652,350 918,600 Mississippi 1,813,600 1,757,100 1,393,000 1,678,800 Missouri 551,900 545,500 337,500 450,500 New Mexico 80,350 67,600 55,200 54,350 North Carolina 886,000 825,700 1,001,000 718,600 Oklahoma 85,350 162,650 122,900 116,600 South Carolina 416,900 356,350 326,600 249,400 Tennessee 658,200 641,450 529,500 573,850 Texas 3,373,750 4,434,000 3,202,200 4,257,950 Virginia 131,300 127,650 133,550 125,900 United States 16,527,750 16,662,400 12,558,400 14,927,800 U.S. Average Stumpage Price for Sawtimber Sold from National Forests, by Selected Species, 1988-97 Western All Eastern Oak, White, Dougulas- Southern Ponderosa Hem- Hard- Red and Maple Year Fir/1 Pine/2 Pine/3 lock/4 woods/5 Black/5 Sugar/6 Dollars per 1,000 bd. ft. 1988 256.00 141.90 182.10 162.90 151.30 146.30 108.40 1989 389.80 131.40 292.00 223.30 135.80 178.90 128.60 1990 466.40 126.70 252.20 203.00 146.10 188.30 135.30 1991 395.00 166.10 237.60 164.10 160.10 163.60 120.70 1992 477.20 198.40 292.30 164.60 166.60 211.20 144.60 1993 317.75 217.21 535.17 363.66 264.06 194.57 219.52 1994 652.36 265.85 291.35 334.80 352.07 317.40 313.37 1995 453.54 248.49 149.94 297.09 313.92 296.59 285.57 1996 453.04 251.05 269.97 289.30 312.57 264.44 213.20 1997 331.40 307.30 270.20 211.30 286.88 264.50 357.12 1/ Western Washington and western Oregon. 2/ Southern region. 3/ Pacific Southwest region. Includes Jeffrey pine. 4/ Pacific Northwest region. 5/ Eastern and Southern regions. 6/ Eastern region. Crop Area, United States, 1989 - 99 Principal Crops Commercial Fruits and Area Harvested Area Vegetables, Planted Year Feed Food Planted Harvested Nuts, Grains/1 Grains/2 Total/3 Total/3 Area/4 Bearing Area 1,000 acres 1990 89,517 72,301 307,768/5 326,337/5 2,671.5 3,504.7 1991 91,921 60,979 303,499 325,517 2,643.8 3,486.4 1992 95,908 66,284 306,750 326,579 3,323.2 3,586.6 1993 82,405 65,926 295,690 319,717 3,260.2 3,677.0 1994 92,071 65,493 308,245 324,053 3,531.9 3,748.4 1995 82,694 64,433 301,778 318,735 3,432.3 3,825.6 1996 93,817 65,968 313,549 334,049 3,371.8 3,919.2 1997 90,840 66,259 318,293 332,743 3,272.7 4,003.7 1998 88,931 62,737 311,545 330,043 3,299.8 3,954.1 1999 86,292 57,854 313,645 328,784 --- --- --- Data not available 1/ Corn for grain, oats, barley and sorghum. 2/ Wheat, rye and rice. 3/ Crops included are corn, sorghum, oats, barley, winter wheat, durum wheat, other spring wheat, rye, rice, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower, cotton, dry edible beans, potatoes, canola, proso millet, and sugarbeets. Harvested acreage for all hay, tobacco, and sugarcane are used in computing total area planted. Includes double cropped acres and unharvested small grains planted as cover crops. 4/ Area Harvested includes area for processing and fresh market, including any partially harvested or not harvested because of low prices or other economic factor. 5/ Excludes canola. Farm Production Expenses, United States, 1990 - 97 1/ Item 1990 1991 1992 1993 Million dollars Total Production Expenses 153,302.1 153,279.3 152,940.4 160,506.0 Feed Purchased 20,387.8 19,332.8 20,133.0 21,431.2 Livestock and Poultry Purchased 14,641.5 14,129.1 13,574.2 14,600.5 Seeds Purchased 4,517.8 5,113.3 4,913.4 5,162.9 Fertilizer and Lime 8,206.3 8,666.1 8,330.7 8,397.5 Pesticides 5,363.2 6,320.5 6,470.6 6,723.3 Fuel and Oil 5,789.7 5,607.5 5,298.4 5,349.8 Other 1/ 32,798.8 34,170.2 33,463.5 37,485.3 Interest 13,437.2 12,119.1 11,137.5 10,821.5 Contract and Hired Labor Expenses 14,118.8 13,902.8 14,008.1 15,004.0 Net Rent to Non-Operator Landlord 2/ 10,047.5 9,913.3 11,177.5 10,999.7 Capital Consumption 18,131.6 18,190.0 18,317.0 18,353.3 Property Taxes 5,861.9 5,814.7 6,117.0 6,177.0 Item 1994 1995 1996 1997 Million dollars Total Production Expenses 167,503.5 174,119.9 182,439.3 188,443.2 Feed Purchased 22,631.2 23,829.3 25,234.2 25,231.6 Livestock and Poultry Purchased 13,273.4 12,335.3 11,228.7 13,753.0 Seed Purchased 5,373.1 5,461.7 6,212.0 6,710.8 Fertilizer and Lime 9,179.7 10,032.8 10,934.0 10,933.4 Pesticides 7,225.0 7,726.5 8,526.3 8,827.3 Fuel and Oil 5,312.0 5,427.4 6,018.7 6,223.2 Other 1/ 40,518.6 42,681.2 42,991.5 44,738.0 Interest 11,735.2 12,726.4 13,220.7 13,677.5 Contract and Hired Labor Expenses 15,311.1 16,289.8 17,535.1 18,606.3 Net rent to Non-Operator 11,774.3 11,799.5 14,300.6 13,243.3 Landlord 2/ Capital Consumption 18,694.9 19,098.8 19,419.1 19,520.2 Property Taxes 6,475.0 6,711.2 6,818.7 6,978.7 1/ Includes electricity, repair and maintenance, machine hire and customwork, marketing, storage and transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. 2/ Includes landlord capital consumption. Source: ERS, Farm Structure and Performance Branch, (202 694-5560. E-mail contact is Mississippi and U.S. Price Highlights December 1998 November 1999 December 1999 Commodity Unit Entire Month Entire Month Mid-Month MS U.S. MS U.S. MS U.S. Corn bu --- 2.00 --- 1.70 --- 1.72 Cotton, Upland lb .611 .606 .436 .447 .442/1 .436/1 Sorghum, Grain cwt --- 2.94 --- 2.58 --- 2.60 Soybeans bu 5.45 5.37 4.65 4.45 4.36 4.29 Winter Wheat bu --- 2.68 --- 2.42 --- 2.18 Rice, Rough cwt --- 9.06 --- 6.11 --- 6.14 All Milk cwt 19.00 18.00 18.20 14.30 14.00 12.40 Fluid cwt --- 18.10 18.20 14.40 --- 12.40 Manufacturing cwt --- 17.40 --- 11.00 --- 10.70 All Beef Cattle cwt --- 56.80 --- 66.20 --- 66.40 Cows cwt --- 30.80 --- 33.60 --- 34.70 Calves cwt --- 80.20 --- 93.00 --- 97.80 Steers & Heifers cwt --- 60.30 --- 70.90 --- 70.80 All Hogs cwt --- 14.70 --- 33.40 --- 35.40 Barrows & Gilts cwt --- 14.80 --- 33.80 --- 35.80 Sows cwt --- 12.10 --- 24.80 --- 25.60 Broilers, Live lb .380 .390 .370 .374 --- .368/2 Market Eggs doz .750/3 .629/3 .560/3 .490/3 .400 .433 --- Estimates not made. 1/ Based on sales during the first half of the month. 2/ Liveweight equivalent price. 3/ Mid-month price. Includes eggs sold retail by the producer.