Recent Comments on EXFOR/CSISRS

This page contains comments received via the email link in the EXFOR web page or request by phone. Please feel free to submit your own comments or questions regarding EXFOR using the email link.

We have a scientist accessing the page, but he does not get the pop up windows when he clicks on the triangle buttons to the right of the fields. He can use the page without any problems.

He gets the pop ups when he clicks on the triangle buttons. I know this is a problem with his configuration because I am able to use both pages with no problems. Have you ever seen a problem like this?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


-- Submitted by: Kurt, from SAIC, 03/02/2009

Response Curt,

This is a first report of this nature. I just checked IE7, Mozilla 3 and Netscape Windows plus Mozilla Linux and pop-up windows work. However, internal operating system/Web browser configuration can be very tricky. My own Windows desktop behaves strange this morning. Anyway, thank you for reporting this issue.
Thank you,


Dear Dr. Herman,

I am a new user of the EXFOR/CSISRS library, which I found very helpful in my area of research (radionuclide production for medical applications). I pretty much look for CS data and I think that I understant most of the retrieve quantities such as SIG, EXP, SIG/RAT, G, M+, etc. But I am having troubles to understand what is the meaning of an independent cross section. Could you please give me a hint about it?
Thank you,


P.S. A brief deffinition of the different CS quantities would be very helpful for new users of the EXFOR/CSISRS library.

-- Submitted by: Miguel A. Avila-Rodriguez, from University of Turku, 07/28/2008

Response Dear Dr. Avila-Rodriguez,

A detailed description of the EXFOR format is available at under the 'EXFOR manual' link.
I hope it will be of a help.
Best redgards

MIke Herman


Before he left, I was working with Dimitri trying to assemble a proton scattering data base for scattering from elemental Ca and Ca-40. I am now back to the problem.  I think some of the data should be in EXFOR but I can not seem to get it. Can anyone in your shop send me a simple list of EXFOR acquisition numbers that I can try, or give me some simple instructions?

Alan B. Smith
-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith, from Argonne Natl. Lab., 01/26/2008

Response Dear Alan,

To retrieve accession numbers for proton data in EXFOR you have to access the EXFOR/CSISRS database and select the following parameters:
Target: Ca*
Reaction: p,*
Quantity: cs
and click on the "Submit" button to access proton data for calcium. Accession numbers for each data set are listed on the right. Please see screen shots.
Thank you,




What a wonderfull DATABASE: really great!!
Thanks a Lot .
I'll use your data for a paper I'm preparing concerning the risks for personnel of the maintenace staff of medical cyclotron (inhalation of activated powders originated by beam lines elements.).
Best Regards

dr. Riccardo Calandrino

-- Submitted by: David on 11/20/2007 (calandrino.riccardo at )

Dear Reader
The journal publication NP/A,443,249,1985 is partially coded in Exfor entry 12903.
The elastic scattering data on Pb-208 and Bi-209 of that publication appear to be included.
However, for the first two excited stated in these nuclei measured level inelastic cross sections are reported, as well.
The numerical values for these do not appear in the database.
I believe these data are valuable and merit inclusion in the Exfor entry.
A. Plompen

-- Submitted by: A. Plompen, from EC-JRC-IRMM, Belgium , on 06/26/2007

Response Dear Arjan,
Sorry for my late answer. I am going to finish the compilation of this publication as soon as possible. Thank you for your help.
Best Regards


I think I am in deep trouble. I want to compare models with neutron and proton scattering data. The NNDC has the international supply of experimental neutron data but I do not think there is any reasonable resource of equivalent proton scattering data. One must struggle through the Nuclear Data Sheet references and hope some journal papers or reports have numerical values. That may mean that essentially all proton scattering data has already been lost. Am I essentially correct on this estimate? Over nany years I have argued that proton and similar data should be stored at centers. We seem to only have neutrons--- Correct?
Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith, from Argonne Natl. Lab., USA , on 05/09/2007

Response Dear Alan,
We are currently compiling proton induced reactions. As you said, the number of compilations in EXFOR might not be up-to-date, because this effort started relatively late. Nevertheless, if you tell me what you're looking for, I can try to help you. If you know some references which are not in EXFOR, I can compile them for you...
Best Regards


Hello Dimitri,
I received one reamrk on C0124.003 from Dr.Kunieda (JAEA):
Partial differential cross section for the 1.511 MeV level compiled in this subentry is 10 times smaller than data shown in Fig.5(a) of the main reference. Data compiled in the subentry was received from authors. So I cannot judge soon which one is correct...
Best regards

-- Submitted by: Naohiko Otsuka, from JAEA, Japan , on 04/13/2007

Response Dear Naohiko,

Thank you for the remark.
I think I will mention in C0124.003 that there is a factor 10 difference between the publication and the received data. The data were received 10 years ago, it is difficult to check nowadays. In the mean time, I will try to contact the author about this problem.
Best Regards


Dear Mr. Schwerer,
I just found some misprints in dataset C0556 (Chloupek et al., Zr96, Sn112, Sn119 (p,gamma).
The S factor results given in all three datasets should be E+10 instead of E-10.
Additionally there is a misprint in the table 4 of the paper NPA 652, 391 (1999). The values for Zr96(p,gamma) should be in units of 1E7 keV* barns, as in Fig. 9. This must be a copy & paste error from the authors. Best regards
Iris Dillmann

-- Submitted by: Dr. Iris Dillmann, from FZK, Germany , on 03/23/2007

Response Dear Iris,

I corrected the entry, see in attachment. I will include it in my next trans file.
Best Regards


Dear sir/madam,
I am trying to get fission cross section data from
The data I am entering as input is:
Target(s) U-235
Reaction N,F
Quantity CS
All the other fields are blank.
After submitting the data, I get a list of different data sources, as given below
#SUBENT 40728006
#AUTHORS A.L.Kochetkov, E.A.Seregina
#REFERENCE Atomnaya Energiya Vol.60, Issue.4, p.271
#YEAR 1986
#REACTION (3-LI-6(N,T)2-HE-4,,SIG,,SPA)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,SPA)
#QUANTITY Cross section#END
and on right corner, the following table
Is something wrong with the system or am I committing a mistake? Please help.

-- Submitted by: Farhan Muhammad , on 02/03/2007

Response Dear Farhan,

The T4 option only works with cross sections. What you try to see are 'ratios' of cross sections. So T4 will not work. The first quantities displayed are ratios, then real cross sections...
Best Regards

Dear Dimitri,
We are looking for the source of Entry C0201 - Conference proceedings (we are interested in Li-6(d,t) data). This work was compiled in NNDC many years ago. Is it possible anyhow to restore the source? I realize that it is very difficult work, but I would like to ask you to try. We shall be very much obliged to you for your help!
SUBENT C0201001 870119 20050926 0000
BIB 11 26
ON LI-6,LI-7,C-12 AND O-16 NUCLEI.
With best regards, Sophiya.

-- Submitted by: Sophiya Taova, Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia, on 04/02/2007

Response Hello Sophiya,

Sorry for the delayed answer. I looked in our library, and we don't have this proceedings. Also, In Exfor archive, there is nothing more than the compilation (no copy of the publication)... Sorry that I can not help you more.
Best Regards

Hello Dimitri,
If you recall, we discussed adding some cross-section data for 12C(P,PN)11C reaction to the EXFOR database. I have not been contacted by anyone and I do not know if there has been any progress in that regard. Just wanted to touch base with you.
Thank you,

-- Submitted by: Dmitri F. Nichiporov, Indiana University, USA, on 12/11/2006

Response Hello Dimitri,

I will ask again the responsible center. Otherwise, I will do it... Thanks for remembering me !


Hi, Dimitri,
One of our users found mistake in C0192003.
Please, change the levels for the data in the table.
Instead of :
0. 1.59 0.02
1. 0.107 0.002
It have to be:
1.. 1.59 0.02
0. 0.107 0.002
As it is in the article.
Best regards,

-- Submitted by: S. Dunaeva, IAEA, Austria, on 11/22/2006

Response Hello Svetlana,

It is corrected now...
Thanks !


Anticipating my work on the EXFOR database, I can already report a potential bug to you. If a publication is after 2000 the year attached to the author in the C4 format is wrong, e.g.
A.B.Smith (20) 13965 2
Instead of chopping the last 2 digits of the year the 20 should be left out. This goes OK for publications before 2000. Years after 2000 should be given as (00) (01) (02) etc. In this way, the C4 format will remain valid until 2035! Maybe someone (you?) can change this in the X4toC4 code.
Best regards,

-- Submitted by: A. Koning, NRG, Netherlands, on 08/02/2006

Response Hello Arjan,

We are aware of this bug, I will report it again at our next meeting next month in Vienna (they maintain this code). Hopefully it should be a trivial correction. But the files that I mailed you yesterday contain this error...
Best Regards


Dimitri:- I carefully checked all those Pb-208 inelastic accession numbers you sent me. I used the "X4" box in your listing. I have never seen a write up, but it seems to get the EXFOR files in some new system. Generally the results are consistent with the data base I assembled six months or so ago using the old EXFOR system. However:- A) The Ohio 7 MeV data shown in the jorunal figure is not there. I would guess it was never sent to the NNDC. B) Some of the files are referenced but said to be withdrawn. That was not true before according to my earlier file. C) Some way your list of accession numbers seems to include one or more "elastic" files. I do not know how they got in the line. I am doing a study near the doubly closed shell at Pb-208, but that is difficult if the data base changes under you. I think that is what has happened in going to some new system. When I get the write up in reasonable draft form, with references, I will send you a draft. Generally, it seems that you are addressing a revised form of EXFOR. That is quite a problem with all the error that have built up over these many years. For a very long time I have expressed the view that the funding agencies and journals should insist that measured data be sent to the data centers. There is apparently no regulation for doing that. I do not know what the NNDC can do about that problem but bitch.
Thank your for your help---
Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith, Argonne National Lab., on 07/28/2006

Response Dear Alan,

Thank you for your email. This is an interesting idea that we were discussing few days ago (that tabulated data should be sent to publisher together with paper submission so that compilation centers could access them easily). This idea is not new in the compilation network, and I will propose it again at our next meeting (in September). If you have any questions about the retrieval interface, you can call me...


Dimitri:- I am not too swift with the new SCISRS formats so I wonder if you could check several matters for me? I am interested in Pb-208 neutron inelastic scattering data, differential by excitation energy, angle-differential and angle integrated. Could you provide me a list of the respective accession numbers so I can check my results. There will not be many-- unfortunately. I am particularly interested in values from "R. Finlay et. al., Phys. Rev. C30 796 (1984)". Fig. 9 of that paper clearly shows the data but I can not find the numerical values in the Center files. I wonder if they were never submitted? The respective laboratory is good but they have been sloppy about submitting numerical data to the Center in other cases.
I am very appreciative of any help you can give.
Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith, Argonne National Lab., on 07/11/2006

Response Hello again,

Here are the accession numbers that I find if I use Pb-208 and n,inl (25 accession numbers):
40278, 20164, 41331, 41156, 10692, 41045, 12865, 10699, 10412, 40700, 21128, 21304, 10485, 13001, 11341, 41045, 12859, 13525, 13942, 20788, 31492, 13626, 41245, 31450, 13644.


Dear Sir
I would like to find data on the fission yield of particular nuclides produced in U-235 thermal fission and Pu-239 thermal fission. Is this data available? If so, how do I get it?
Example: Find the yield of Te-131 from thermal fission of U-235.
Herb Cato

-- Submitted by: Herbert Cato, on 06/30/2006

Response Dear Herbert,

Sorry about my late answer, I was not in my office for two weeks. You can ge this information either from CINDA ( or from CSISRS ( In CSISRS you need to enter the proper quantity, which is "FY" for fission yields. Same thing with CINDA. Please try and tell me if you need help...
Best Regards


Dear Sirs,
I have compared the EXFOR data (accession C1269011) with those of the corresponding paper. It clearly seems that the EXFOR data are in disagreement with the published ones.
Sincerely yours,
Luiz C. Chamon.

-- Submitted by: Luiz C. Chamon., Brazil, on 06/03/2006

Response Dear Luiz,

I corrected this entry, please see in attachment. It will be included in the database shortly, but you can use the attached file in the mean time. Thank you for your work
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,
Please look on SUBENT C1012002.
There is evident misprint in file at the energy 14.20 MeV.
Have a nice day!

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 06/02/2006

Response Dear Alexander,

I corrected the entry. I will appear quite soon in the database.
Thank you for your help


Dear Dimitri,
Thanks for your prompt response! I'm trying to find production cross sections for Ni on protons producing Co. The key here is that I don't care about the details of the channels that produced Co -- I simply want the total of all possible channels to produce an isotope of Co as an example. Ultimately, I'm using a parametrization of partial cross sections to determine the production of Co from primary Ni cosmic rays in the atmosphere. I would like to check my parametrization, at least for Ni+p->Co if not Ni+"air". The confusion I'm having with the Exfor website is whether the Ni(p,x)Co reactions are complete partial cross sections (including all possible channels). From one of the references (Michel, R. et al) it appears so. If this isn't the case, do I need to sum all reactions together to get the partial cross sections of interest, ie Ni(p,p)Co + Ni(p,x)Co etc. ? Or is there a better way to extract this information?

-- Submitted by: Georgia de Nolfo , NASA , USA, on 05/25/2006

Response Hi Georgia,

To retrieve what you need, I would do as follow:
Go to and use the following keywords:
Target: Ni-*
Reaction: p,*
Product: Co-*
Quantity: cs
I guess that's what you did. You will retrieve the complete cross section (all possible channels to produce Co). Then you will find total cross section for Co or some partial cross sections to produce Co-60, or Co-60 ground state and so on... You don't need to sum up all (p,2p)...
Tell me if it is enough for you or if you need something else.


This is probably obvious to those who use this site more often, but I would like to understand what "A" or "G" or "X" mean in the reaction network (such as in the table that pops up under the reaction tab. Presumably "p" is proton, "d" is deuteron and "n" is neutron. Does "x" correspond to anything/everything?
Georgia de Nolfo

-- Submitted by: Georgia de Nolfo , NASA , USA, on 05/23/2006

Response Dear Georgia,

"A" means alpha particles, and "X" means other particles than n,p,alpha or gamma. If you have a specific question (or reaction), I can be more precise and help you more...


Hi Dimitri,
I’m looking for an energy distribution (mean energy will be also fine) of tritons following 7Li(n,n\alpha) reaction. Do you know any papers (or databases) where this may be available? Cheers,

-- Submitted by: Filip G. Kondev , Argonne National Laboratory , USA, on 04/19/2006

Response Dear Filip,

I found one reference in Exfor for this: try the accession number in Exfor: 30280
Tell me if it works or not...


Dear Dimitri,
Please, pay attention that files C0484003 and D0020003 are identical. Both files contain the single and equal REFERENCE. For my opinion, the simple indication of this fact in COREL field is not enough, one set should be deleted from EXFOR. If you have time, check other sections of C0484 and D0020, for the glance, some of them seem to be equal too.
Best regards,

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 03/31/2006

Response Dear Alexander,

The entry D0020 will be deleted, since it presents the same compilation than C0484. Thank you for this remark !


Answer from an Exfor compiler to a request of correction from A. Konobeyev on 02/07: (answers are in red, question in black)
Dear Alexander,
You wrote: 1. In COMMENT one should read Rb-87 instead of Rb-37.
Must be Rb-83! The Comment will be corrected. Rb-87 is not correct.
2. Data are given for Bi-198m, but the original publication shows the same data for Bi-198.
Data tables, which we received from authors contain Bi-198m (T1/2=11.6 min). According to "Tables of Isotopes" (p.2470) the activity (693 sec) is activity of Bi-198-m.
What original publication has been used by Alexander?
3. COMMENT does not show that the yield of Ta-172 is "supracumulative" The COMMENT will be corrected.
4. File o1019003 (Titarenko). COMMENT contains the indication
that the yield of Tm-161 is "supracumulative". Original publication shows that Tm-161 is supracumulative only for the proton energy 0.8 GeV.
At the energy 1.6 GeV the yield of Tm-161 is cumulative in usual sense (p.57). The same is for Tb-153 and Dy-155.
The yield of Ta-173 is supracumulative for 0.2 GeV and cumulative for 0.8 and 1.6 GeV.
Unfortunately, the analogous errors are in other files with Titarenko et al data (see e.g. o1018003).
We received from authors additional tables, where corrections included in INDC(CCP)-434 were shown.We used the tables at O1018 - O1020 corrections. As we see the tables are different from revised version of INDC report. We will ask authors, what is correct.
5. File o102003 (Titarenko).
Ta-182g is shown instead of Ta-182, i.e. instead of sum m+g.
The authors did not obtain decay of isomer states of Ta-182 (T1/2=283 millisec and 15.84 min). Line REACTION contains "CUM".
Consequently total cross section of Ta-182 production has been measured. Some time ago I have remark from you, that "M+G" is not needed. Xe- 127 is similar to Ta-182-g.

6. File o102003 (Titarenko).
Ce-133m is shown instead of Ce-133g.
According to WALLET cards (2005 year) 4.9 hours is activity of Ce-133-m. Half-life of Ce-133-g is 97 minutes.

-- Submitted by: F.E.Chukreev, CAJAD, Kurchatov's Institute, Moscow,123182, Russian Federation on 03/24/2006

Response Dear Alexander,

Following your remarks on 02/07 (see below on this page) to correct some entries in Exfor, I received the answers from the compiler of these entries, please see below. Some compilations will be corrected, but there is a question about your source of information. Could you give us more details ?
Thank you !


Dimitri, Peter Simpson here; I emailed you some time ago about the Silver Cross Sections for (p,n) reaction and was interested in the high energy end.
Anyway, will get back to you regarding this information, but I've also had a problem with another XS in the database - the Fe-56 (p,2n) Co-55.
The results that are described when this is requested from the input page also produce the Fe-56(p,n)Co-56 and the data comes out including both XS results. Maybe this can be fixed/changed around somehow to avoid further confusion?


-- Submitted by: Pete Simpson, on 03/13/2006

Response Dear Pete,

I just tried in the EXFOR database with the following fields:
-Target: Fe-56
-Reaction: p,2n
-Quantity: cs
I found results only for Fe-56(p,2n), except in the compilation number A0271 when both reactions (p,2n) and (p,n) are compiled together.
Your point is nevertheless right, and we will try to change our retrieval program.
In the mean time, I think the right way to extract compilations from EXFOR in your case is to use the Target, Reaction and Quantity fields...
Hope this helps !
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

I would like to pay your attention on the EXFOR data 20523 (S.Qaim, J,JIN,36,239,7402).,
The data have been compiled as they shown in Table 3 of original publication. Table shows mbarn units for the measured cross-section. It is a mistake. The proper units are microbarn. One can understand it looking on Fig.2, comparing the data in Table 1 (e.g. for Cs-133) and referring to other publication of Qaim (Reference N10 of the original paper). See also the analysis of the data performed by R.Forrest (AERE-R 12419, 1986).


-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 03/09/2006

Response Dear Alexander,

I have corrected this compilation and it will appear in the database before lunch time (East time, US)... Thank you for your help !
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

I send you the list of misprints found in EXFOR files. File o0987003 (Titarenko). Data are given for Bi-198m, but the original publication shows the same data for Bi-198.,
File o1018003 (Titarenko). COMMENT does not show that the yield of Ta-172 is "supracumulative" ,
File o1019003 (Titarenko). COMMENT contains the indication that the yield of Tm-161 is "supracumulative". Original publication shows that Tm-161 is supracumulative only for the proton energy 0.8 GeV. At the energy 1.6 GeV the yield of Tm-161 is cumulative in usual sense (p.57). The same is for Tb-153 and Dy-155. The yield of Ta-173 is supracumulative for 0.2 GeV and cumulative for 0.8 and 1.6 GeV.,
Unfortunately, the analogous errors are in other files with Titarenko et al data (see e.g. o1018003).,
I would like to note that the error in the presentation of cumulative and "supracumulative" cross-sections can be important for the comparison of model calculations with measured data.,
Other misprints: File o102003 (Titarenko). Ta-182g is shown instead of Ta-182, i.e. instead of sum m+g. Xe-127,
File o102003 (Titarenko). Ce-133m is shown instead of Ce-133g.,
With best regards,,


-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 02/07/2006

Response Dear Alexander,

Dear Alexander, I am sorry for the late answer; with the new interface, things take time to be properly set up.
I looked in the compilations that you mention and unfortunately I don't have the original publication with me. I have seen that the compilations were checked by the author, but the mistakes that you mention could be easily missed. I am forwarding your message to the responsable compiler and I will follow what happens..
Thank you again for your remarks Best Regards


I have an interest in inelastic neutron scattering from Pb-208, specifically the excitation functions for such processes. In CSISRS I find the following acquisition numbers:-
Less than half of these are true inelastic neutron scattering. The rest are gamma-production cross sections via the neutron inelastic scattering process. As such they do not give simple inelastic cross sections. I am surprised that there are no more files as Pb-208 is a unique heavy target that is doubly magic (Z=82, N=126). Did I miss something or is the above all that is available after all these years? I should be very interested in your comments.

Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith, Argonne National Lab., USA on 02/11/2006

Response Dear Alan,

I am sorry for the delay in my answer, but I just come back from vacation. The best way to look for your request is to use "Pb-208" as target and "n,inl" as reaction. I found a little bit more results than those you mention, but you might not be interested in all of them (like for instance Legendre polynomials). Please try with these two keywords and tell me if it works...
Best Regards


Dear sir,
I am looking for the absolute cross sections (mbarns) for these secondary T,D reactions (3H being the target):
----> T(d,2n)3He
-----> T(d,np)3H
-----> T(d,2n+p)2H
-----> T(d,3n)2p
vs. deuterium energy, ranging from ca. 5MeV up to ca. 50 MeV.
Can You help me, please ?
I thank You in advance,

-- Submitted by: Dr. Lattanzi, ENEA - FUS - TEC, Frascati Research Centre, Italy on 01/30/2006

Response Dear Dr. Lattanzi,

I looked into the EXFOR database and I found cross sections for the T(d,g) and T(d,n) reactions only. Nothing has been compiled for the four reactions that you mention. If you are aware of publications on this subject, I can compile it and if data are presented in plots, I can digitize it and send you numerical values.
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,,br>
A very long time ago, Vicky McLane asked for our 36Cl(n,p) data. I've finally gotten around to digging it up. I hope you still can enter it into the system.
Best wishes,


-- Submitted by: Paul Koehler, ORNL, USA, on 01/26/2006

Response Dear Paul,

I will look into it and include your data in CSISRS. Thank you for the data !
Best Regards



I just found that the volume should be Vol. 333, not Vol. 33 for the following reference.
This is just for correcting the database.
Thanks #AUTHORS M.Merkel, M.Munzel
#REFERENCE Nuclear Physics, Section A Vol.33, p.173
#YEAR 1980
#TITLE Formation of Tritium in Nuclear Reactions Induced
#+ By Deuterons and Alpha-Particles.
#REACTION 79-AU-197(A,X)1-H-3,IND,PY,,TT
#QUANTITY Indep. product yield for a thick target


-- Submitted by: Shamsuzzoha Basunia, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, on 01/19/2006

Response Dear Shamsuzzoha,

This mistake will be corrected. I contact the compiler for this paper. Thank you for your help and don't hesitate to give some comments about Exfor !
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

I would like to pay your attention on the data with accession number 13989 by G.P.Millburn et al (1954). Data are written as for the (N,INL) reaction (line "REACTION "), which means "inelastic scattering" or the (n,n') reaction. The data translated in C4 format as for MT=4.
It is an error, because the original work of Millburn et al. shows total nonelastic cross-section. The results of measurements should be written as the (N,NON) data, which correspond to MT=3 number. The Table 2 of the original work, which contains the data inserted in EXFOR, shows the "inelastic cross-section for 80-MeV neutrons". Probably, this fact brought about the mistake in the EXFOR file compilation. The word "inelastic" instead of "nonelastic" has been often used earlier for the identification of such nuclear processes. Also, I believe that the comments to this EXFOR file or the REACTION line has to point out the measurements have been performed for neutrons resulting from the 190 MeV deutron stripping (SPA key) .
Probably, the same error is for deuteron data, obtained by the same author (EXFOR C1218).
Best wishes in New Year !


-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 01/10/2006, 9:40am

Response, on 01/10/2006, 9:48am: Dear Alexander,

Thank you for these corrections. I will modify it mostly today and include it in the database. We are still working on our new interface, but I hope that I can send you a link quite soon so that you can see the corrections.


Dear Sir/Madam, I am wondering if you could atempt to find out the cross-section (for nuclear activation) of reaction for the following:
Ag-107 VIA (p,n) reaction to give product of Cd-107, Between incident proton energies of 1 and 70 MeV.
Many thanks,

PT Simpson.

-- Submitted by: PT Simpson, Queen's University Belfast,Belfast, on 01/10/2006, 8:57am

Response, on 01/10/2006, 9:03am: Dear Peter,

Please find in attachment the cross section from the EXFOR database for the (p,n) reaction on Ag-107. It is in a tabulated format (called T4). If you do a search in the EXFOR database, you can find more information on the experiments by looking at the EXFOR format. Tell me if you need something else !


Good morning Dimitri,

Yes, please, I'd like the angular distribution


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd , Chalk River Labs, Canada, on 01/10/2006, 8:49am

Response, on 01/10/2006, 8:55am: Dear Josane,

Here there are, in the attachment. I can have it only in the Exfor format. I hope it is fine for you. If you have some question about this format, please ask me !


Dear Dimitri,

I'd like the tabulated data and the reference library from which they were obtained.


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd , Chalk River Labs, Canada, on 01/09/2006, 12:23pm

Response, on 01/09/2006, 12:28pm: Dear Josane,

Please find in attachment the tabulated cross sections for 3H(t,2n). Tell me if you need the angular distribution...


Dear Dimitri,
,br> I'm looking for cross-section data for the 3H(t,2n)4He reaction, as well as the neutron energy produced. Would you have these data or know of a suitable reference?


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd , Chalk River Labs, Canada, on 01/09/2006, 10:36am

Response, on 01/09/2006, 10:42am: Dear Josane,

I found in Exfor few compilations about this cross section, but nothing about the neutron energy production. There is also quite few angular distributions for the alpha and neutrons. I can send you the Exfor files, or the compilation numbers or just the tabulated data. Tell me what you need...


Dear Dimitri,
,br> Attached are the data used to generate the left side of Fig. 1 in Nucl. Phys. A688, 86c (2001).
I have finished analyzing our 192,194,195,196Pt neutron capture and transmission data. Because there are so many resonances (1250), I would like to avoid publishing a table in Phys. Rev. C as has been our usual practice. Instead, I thought it might be better to submit them to NNDC. Can I send these data to you? If so, would there be a number (e.g. EXFOR) which I could use when referencing them?


-- Submitted by: Paul Koehler, ORNL, USA, on 01/05/2006

Response: Dear Paul,

Thank you for the attached data, I will work on it. For your question, you can send me your data, I will give it the number 14089. If you could also send me a draft of your PRC paper so that I could take some information from it (like the authors, title, reactions...), it would be helpful. But I can also wait for the publication in PRC.


Hi Dimitri,

Happy New Year!!! I hope things are going well for you.
However, I would like some help.
I am attaching the screens that I routinely use to find data in the nndc database. By trial and error I discovered this was the most reliable way to get all the reactions and cross sections that I want. I am a little puzzled as to why my LANSCE average cross sections and those from Cu measured at unique energies don't appear in the list. The data set belonging to Kim does, to which I compared my Cu data...........Any help would be appreciated. I am a little scared that my data does not get included when I make my query in this form because this is how I find out what other values are out there. I nearly always ask for cross sections in a natural target and then in each individual nuclide to cover all the bases. I don't want to find out that I have missed someones results. I do indeed have another paper accepted by NIM on reactions in Ti, Fe and Ni but I haven't seen the proofs yet so it has not yet become and article in press.


-- Submitted by: Jante Sisterson, Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, USA, on 12/30/2005

Response: Dear Janet,

Thank you an happy new year for your too !
I looked in Exfor and I found your data on Cu but it seems that it was coded under CU-CMP (at least your publication from Santa Fe in 2002). If you try CU-CMP instead of CU-0, it will work. If you are not happy with this coding, I can change it. Just tell me !!


Dear Dimitri,

Thank you for your reply.
Usually, I use format C4 for the comparison of experimental data and code calculations. The format seems rather handy and flexible.
I would like to share my doubts about SUBENT 31464012, 31464013 and 31464014. All of them concern reaction 27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG at 14.7 MeV. The file 31464014 shows the small error for cross-section (0.08 mb), comparing with the files 31464012 and 31464013 (1 mb for both cases). Such small error in the file 31464014 (0.08 mb = 0.25 %) is in the contradiction with two other measurements and with the error of the monitor reaction (0.6 %). I suppose, that 0.08 mb can be the misprint of compiler.
With best regards,

Alexander Konobeyev

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 12/13/2005

Response: Dear Alexander,

I asked the responsible compiler to check it. In a close future, I will be able to do the changes myself in a day. So starting January, if you find some mistakes in Exfor, please continue to direct your email to me and I will implement the modifications.


Dear Pavel,

It seems that there is so much confusion about compiling neutron data in the EXFOR system. So much so that the energies reported by authors are mishandled and misinterpreted by the compilers, such as introducing a multiplicative factor of 3/2 (See below). This created some amazement and frustration to a user of EXFOR such as myself.
In neutron physics, a neutron at room temperature (22C) has an energy of 0.0253 eV !
This comes from E = kT= (272+22)*(Boltzman constant)=294*8.617342*10**-5 eV/K= 0.0253 eV, and not from E=3/2*kT !!!
On another matter, some of the data, averaged simply (i.e. not over a Maxwellian spectrum) by the authors, are treated in EXFOR differently. When retrieved in tabular format in X Windows for plotting purposes, these data sets are placed in a different section than the rest of the retrieved data.
I hope that at the next EXFOR meeting or perhaps sooner via email that these points could be resolved.


-- Submitted by: Said Mughabghab, NNDC, USA, on 12/08/2005

Response: Dear Said, I already initiated discussion on kT issue with the Exfor network. Unfortunately, it seems that it may be difficult to reach consensus on this. I strongly believe that you are right, therefore in compilations done at NNDC we will follow your recommendation.


Dear Dimitri,

I found a mistake in EXFOR SUBENT 22347006 (Nakano et al). Definitely, unit "MB" for cross-section measured is incorrect (reaction cross-section (n,2n) is too low), which can be checked by comparison with SUBENT 22347002 and 22347004 of the same authors.
With best regards,

Alexander Konobeyev

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, on 12/07/2005

Response: Dear Alexander,

I'll take care of the mistake you point you in subentry 22347006. It will be corrected shortly... We appreciate your help !


Dear Dimitri,

I received a remark from A.Kohama about US data which are not included in EXFOR:
H.Courant et al., Phys.Rev.C19(1979)104 TABLE IV
",DT" and ",POL/DA,,ANA"
Author's terminlogy in Table IV "Polarization" is probably "Analyzing power" in our EXFOR definition.
Best regards,


-- Submitted by: Naohiko Otsuka, from Nuclear Theory Group, Hokkaido University, Japan on 11/30/2005

Response: Dear Naohiko,

I work on it right now !


Dear Dimitri and Marina,

I put your attention on SUBENT 41440006. Probably, the incident neutron energy should be 14.7E+7 EV, not MEV.
Have a nice day !
,br> Alexander Konobeyev

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany . on 11/28/2005

Response: Dear Marina,

Thank you for taking care of this !


Dear Dr Dimitri,

Thanks for helping me about EXFOR, but I could not succeed. The message I received after submitting is:
Request #4472
EXFOR Data Search... SQL... Reading...

Zafar Yasin

-- Submitted by: Zafar Yasin, Department of Nuclear Engineeting, Islamabad, Pakistan on 11/22/2005

Response: Dear Zafar,

Please try like I show you on the attached picture (screenshot from the Exfor page). Tell me if it works...
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

My note concerns the correct presentation of reactions (n,np) and (n,d) in EXFOR. The problem is that many EXFOR files presenting "(N,N+P)" reaction cross-sections contain cross-sections measured by activation method. See, for example, Ikeda et al measurements (SUBENT 22089010). Taking into account the experimental method, one should write the "(N,X)" reaction instead of "(N,N+P)" in "REACTION" line. In most cases the values of the (n,d) reaction cross-section and (n,np) reaction cross-sections are comparable at the neutron incident energy around 14 MeV. The entry "(N,N+P)" instead of "(N,X)" (i.e. instead of the sum of (n,d) and (n,np)) for activation experiments can result in misleading.
With best regards,

Alexander Konobeyev

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany . on 11/21/2005

Response: Dear Alexander,

I think you're right, this is kind of misleading and in fact this is an error in the compilation. We will try to change this...
Best Regards


I want to use EXFOR data base to know the experimental values of cross section induced by protons on targets gold, etc. Can you Please help me for this. I tried , but not succeed.
with kind regards,
Zafar Yasin

-- Submitted by: Zafar Yasin, on 11/21/2005

Response: Dear Zafar,

Concerning you question about EXFOR, you should do the following to find compilations for p+ Au (as an example):
-go to
-enter in Target: Au-197;Au-198
-enter in Reaction: p,*
-enter in Quantity: CS
and submit.
This will give you all the cross section data compiled in EXFOR about these targets and reaction. You can also try p,el or p,t or anything to obtain a specific reaction. Please ask me again if you have some difficulties...


Dear Dimitri,

I would like to pay your attention on an evident error in EXFOR file, SUBENT 40161010. Data are correlated with SUBENT 41186006.
The measured value of (n,n') reaction at 1.02 MeV is 1.01 b according to SUBENT 40161010. The value is inconsistent with other data starting from the next energy in this file (1.12 MeV) and data in SUBENT 41186006 for E=1.02 MeV.
The scale of inconsistence shows that it is not incorrect measurement, but the error in the compilation of EXFOR file.
With best regards,

Alexander Konobeyev

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany . on 11/10/2005

Response: Dear Alexander,

Thank you for your corrections. I'll contact the responsable compilation center and follow it to be sure that it is changed...
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

Thanks again for the cross-section data. I would like to know whether I can extract the data from the libraries into a format such as the one you provided.

Best regards,


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes,Chalk River Labs, Chalk River Ontario, Canada . on 10/04/2005

Response: Dear Josane,

The format from the evaluated library is not easy, usually it is 6 columns in the order of energy-cross section, energy-cross section, energy-cross section. There are software to "translate it". You can find one at, or If it is not enough for you, you can still ask me.


Thank-you Dimitri,

This is the information that I was after. And it's in a format that I easily understand.
Is it possible for a user of cross-section data such as myself to extract the data from the libraries ? I'd like to be able to do this.
Best regards,


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes,Chalk River Labs, Chalk River Ontario, Canada . on 9/30/2005

For the 115In(n,ninel)115mIn, this is the neutron inelastic scatter reaction that produces the metastable isotope of Indium, namely, 115m In. The 115m In decays with a 4.49h half-life, via two modes - isomeric transition (94.95%) to the ground state of In, with emission of a 336 keV gamma-ray; beta-ray decay (5.05%) to 115Sn. So, I think I'm after the inelastic cross-section to the 336 keV level...
For the 115In(n,2n)114mIn reaction, the reaction product is the metastable state of 114In, which decays with a half-life of 49.51 days; the isomeric transition mode of decay proceeds with a probability of 95.7%, and emission of a 190 keV gamma-ray. So, I'm after the cross-section to the 190 keV level.


-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes,Chalk River Labs, Chalk River Ontario, Canada . on 9/30/2005

Response: Please find in attachment 2 files:
- In115_inl.txt: this is the inelastic cross section to the metastable state, first column is energy in eV, second column is cross section in barns
- In115_2n.txt: this is the n,2n cross section to the metastable state, first column is energy in eV, second column is cross section in barns
These evaluations are from the library called JEFF-3.1/A
Hope this is what you want. Tell me if you need something else


Hello Dimitri,

I'm looking for up-to-date evaluated cross-section data for the following reactions: 115In(n,n')115mIn and 115In(n,2n)114mIn

-- Submitted by: Josane Nunes,Chalk River Labs, Chalk River Ontario, Canada . on 9/29/2005

Response: If you are looking for evaluations you should go to the ENDF web page ( You need to fill the following fields:
Target : In-115
Reaction: n,inl or n,2n
Quantity: sig
Then you click on submit.
On the next page are the evaluation for different libraries. If you submit again, you'll have the cross section in the ENDF format. This is not convenient and if you prefer I can send it to you in a tabular form ?
Tell me if you succeed !


Dear Dimitri,

I am sure you scan the journals but in case you don't I have two recent papers with data that should be included.
Measurements of energy integrated cross sections for reactions producing relatively short-lived radionuclides using neutron beams with an energy range of 0.1-750 MeV
JM Sisterson and J Ullmann Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 234 (2005) 419-430
Cross section measurements for neutron-induced reactions in copper at neutron energies of 70.7 and 110.8 MeV.
JM Sisterson, FD Brooks, A Buffler, MS Allie, DTL Jones and MB Chadwick Nucl. Intr. Meth. B (2005) in press. The paper is available on the web.
Hope things are going well for you,


-- Submitted by: Janet Sisterson, Northeast Proton Therapy Center Massachusetts General Hospital . on 9/14/2005

Response: Dear Janet,

Your first paper is already in Exfor, under the accession number 14010. I was not aware of the second one, I will look into it right now !
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

I would like to pay your attention on the compilation in EXFOR of J.P.Alard et al data (J,NC/A,30,320,75) with the following SUBENT numbers:
In the Alard et al work "the computation of the total cross-section has been performed under the hypothesis of an isotropic distribution.." (page 335 of original work). The measuremens were performed at 4 angles (30-105 degr) for the most nuclei and only at two angles (75, 105 degr) for gold.
The hypothesis about isotropic distribution of fragments is not correct (see e.g. experimental work of H.Dubost, B.Gatty, M.Lefort et al, J. de Physique 28 (1967) 257.) For gold the data obtained by Alard et al in case of He-4 (O0046005) are several times more than the data of other authors (e.g. S.L.Green et al.(1988), SUBENT O0103015 ).
I believe that comment to the data of Alard et al should indicate, that the data have been obtained using a questionable technique.
With best regards,

Alexander Konobeyev
P.S. By the way, the data of Dubost et al for charge fragment production mentioned above are absent in EXFOR

-- Submitted by: Alexander Konobeyev, Institut fuer Reaktorsicherheit Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany . on 9/12/2005

Response: Dear Alexander,

I have contacted the compilers for this paper and asked them to modify the comments in the compilations. This may take some times, but I will follow it. Thanks again for your remarks !
Best Regards


Dear Prof. Rochman,

I searched for the tritium production cross sections from oxygen by neutrons or protons. Some very useful data were found, however, a paper by Prof. Shibata seems to be not yet listed in.
#AUTHORS S. Shibata, T. Shibata, M. Imamura, T. Ohkubo, S. Satoh, Y. Uwamino, N. Morikawa and N. Nogawa
#REFERENCE Radiochimica Acta Vol.75, p.1-6
#YEAR 1996
#TITLE Measurements of the production cross sections of tritium from oxgen using p-Be and p-Li neutrons up to En=38 MeV
#REACTION 8-O-0(n,x)1-H-3,,SIG
#QUANTITY Cross section

-- Submitted by: Yoshitomo Uwamino from RIKEN, Japan. on 8/23/2005

Response: Dear Yoshitomo Uwamino,

This reference is compiled in Exfor under the accession number 22707, but it is not yet in Cinda. I hope this can help you. Please tell me if you need other information.
Best Regards


I am working on a lead problem. The data of Olsson et al. (Nucl. Phys. A385 (1983) p-285) might be very useful. Could you send the stuff to this e-mail address and to ''. That way I will get it in one or the other place. It must be on the tape from the NEA center if that is still alive. Try Nordborg at NEA if all else fails
Thank you,

Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argonne National Lab. on 8/22/2005

Response: Dear Alan,

This paper has been compiled in Exfor under the accession number 21825. The main reference is a Studsvik Science Res. Lab. Report where the numerical data might be. Tell me if this corresponds to the data that you need.
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

today my colleague found a mistake in 138001.002-005:
Unit of 3rd column (ERR-S) : NO-DIM -> PER-CENT
(c.f. TABLE III, p152 in reference)
Best regards,


-- Submitted by: Naohiko Otsuka from Nuclear Theory Group, Hokkaido University, Japan on 8/12/2005

Response: Hello Naohiko,

I just changed it and I will transmit it at my next TRANS file. Thank you for your help !
Best Regards


There is a paper by Olsson et al. in Nucl. Phys. A385 (1983) p-285 that contains scattering data. I can not find the data files in SCISRS under either elemental Pb or Pb-208. Did I miss something or is the data not there?
Alan B. Smith

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argonne National Laboratory on 8/08/2005

Response: Dear Alan,

These data are not in Exfor (yet). I will compile quite soon. If you need it urgently, I can send you the compilation before it appears in the database.
Best Regards


Hi Dimitri,

About the proton reactions, I looked at Be-0,Be-9,B-10,B-11, N-14, N-15 with (p,*) for data SIG, DA/DE, SIGG, and MULT and all the libraries and came up with not much. Does that mean that the proton evaluations have not been done? Also, the famous C-13 is not an option at all. As you might know, the 13C(p,gamma) reaction makes a gamma ray that is sensitive to nitrogen and therefore to explosives in luggage (also to sweaters, stockings, etc.).
Can you give me a further hint on getting data that might be evaluated somewhere on (p,gamma) reactions on light nuclides?


-- Submitted by: Robert Haight from Los Alamos National Laboratory on 8/02/2005

Response: Hello Bob,

I think you're right, there are not much about p,* in the usual evaluated libraries. But if you go to, you will find a lot more on the activation library with some explanations, specially:
- Be-9(p,g)
- Be-10(p,g)
- Be-11(p,g)
- N-14,15(p,g)
and also C-13(p,g)
Tell me if it is useful !
Hope to see you soon...


Hello Mr Dimitri,

I study the element 252Cf.
I need energy spectrum gamma of spontaneous fission 252Cf.
Please, could you help me?

Ramin Salamkar

-- Submitted by: Ramin Salamkar. on 8/01/2005

Response: Dear Ramin, You can find gamma spectrum for Cf252 with the following option on our web site (
Target: Cf-252
Reaction: 0,f
Quantity: SP
There are also compilation of gamma spectrum in accession numbers: 22461, 22476, 30968 for other quantities (like multiplicity) Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information in Exfor for your request. I will try to focus our next compilations on this.
Best Regards


Hi Dimitri,

How are the charged-particle libraries coming? I don't know how to access them -- compilations or evaluations. What I am interested in is proton capture reactions (cross sections) with protons of a few MeV on nuclides lighter than, say neon, and the gamma-ray spectra.


-- Submitted by: Robert Haight from Los Alamos National Laboratory. on 7/27/2005

Response: Dear Bob,

You can find the charge particle compilations with the following criteria:
- Go on Exfor web page
-In Target, use for instance "C-12"
- In reaction, you can try p,* and then submit.
The compilation of charge particle reactions started after the compilation of neutron induced reactions, so less articles are compiled up to now. Please tell me if you want an article compiled...
Best Regards


One of the largest sets of U and Th neutron scattering data was published in ANL/NDM-135 and Ann. Nucl. Energy 23 459 (1996). I can not find it in the NNDC EXFOR files. The data and report were sent to the NNDC ten years ago. Maybe I am stupid-- but what happened? Have you got it and, if so, where? I think I can reconstruct it but it will take a lot of work. You can find the ANL/NDM report on

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argone National Laboratory. on 7/13/2005

Response: Dear Alan,

I just looked in Exfor and you're right, this report is not compiled. I will do it by today. If you need to have the compilation file before it appears in Exfor, please let me know. I will also check for the other ANL/NDM reports...
Best Regards


I am looking at EXFOR-10010, some elderly ANL bismuth scattering data. It is given as legendre expansions. This means angle integrated cross sections and polynomial coefficients. The angle integrated cross sections seem reasonable but the polynomial coefficients are not reasonable. No way shoulf omega-1, for example, be over 400 at around 350 keV. But that seems to be what the file says. I think it is off by three orders of magnitude and should be something like 0.4 not 400.0 No reasonable polynomial coefficient will much exceed unity. Let me know what is going on if you or someone up there can figure out what is up. Let me know at

-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argone National Laboratory. on 7/07/2005

Response: Dear Alan,

I just looked in the original reference and it seems that a factor 1000 was not reported in the compilation. I will corrected it today, it might take time to propagate to the database. I can send you the corrected Exfor file before it appears in the database if you want. Just let me know.
Best Regards


Dear Dr. Timitri,

Thank you for your prompt response. I followed your instructions in Exfor database, it works.
My problem was:
(1) I tried to find the (d+t) fusion data in the ENDF database. It failed with "NO DATA FOUND"
(2) When I went back to Exfor database, I used "SIG" instead of "CS"; then, it failed again with "NO DATA FOUND".
Would you please so kind to tell me how to obtain the ENDF for d+t fusion cross section ?
Best regards,

-- Submitted by: Li, Xing Zhong from Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA. on 6/27/2005

Response: Dear Xing Zhong Li,

You're welcome. Concerning your second request, I just tried in the ENDF web page with the following parameters : TARGET: H-3;H-2
REACTION: d,*; t,*
Please try it like this and you will find three evaluations. If you don't succeed, I will send you the ENDF files...
Best Regards


Dear Sr/Madam,

I felt easy with previous system to find T(d,n)He cross-section data, but now it always says:No data found. What is the problem ?
Best regards,

-- Submitted by: Li, Xing Zhong from Tsinghua University, Beijing, CHINA. on 6/27/2005

Response: Dear Li Xing Zhong,

I just did a search in the Exfor database with the following criteria:
Target: H-3
Reaction: d,n
Quantity: CS
and I found the following 33 compilations. You can try with the same criteria. I attach to this email the results of the search. Please tell me if you encounter other difficulties
Best Regards


Dear Administrator,

When ever I try to use to find documentation on reaction cross sections I encounter big problems: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request." This formula is the last I got, but today, all the time I got the message that there is no such data, which cannot be true.
Can you help me to be able to use this site?


-- Submitted by: Cristina Bordeanu from University of Washington, Seattle, USA. on 6/22/2005

Response: Dear Christina,

I am the Exfor manager at NNDC. About the problem that you encountered when retrieving data from Exfor, I guess we had a server problem at this moment. If you still encounter difficulties, please email me your request and I will look into it.
Best Regards


Please tell me where to find the specific activity of various nuclides.

Gary Tyger

-- Submitted by: Gary Tyger from Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, USA. on 6/15/2005

Response: Dear Gary,

This is not included in Exfor, bu you can find it the ENSDF (, or at where you can use the software Nudat 2.1 to extract information from ENSDF. There are different ways to see decay activities from Nudat. One is to enter (or to click on) the nucleus that you want, and at the bottom of the page, you can have the "decay radiation" information. Tell me if you need more details or if you have a need for a specific nucleus.
Best Regards


Dear Dimitri,

my colleague, Dr.Nakagawa (JAERI), found out one mistake in 12922.002 (= Table.I, p.2043 of in B.Fogelberg et al., Phys.Rev.C31(1985) 2041).
Data shown in 4-th column of Table.I and compiled under pointer 2 of this subentry are neutron width multiplied by statistical factor (g), therefore quantity code should be ",WID,,G".
You may compile the 5-th column (reduced width multiplied by statistical factor) using quantity code ",WID/RED,,G".
I found your "Recent Comments" in NNDC EXFOR page. It's very interesting.
Best regards,


-- Submitted by: Naohiko Otsuka from Nucl. Sci at Hokudai, Japan. on 6/08/2005

Response: Dear Naohiko, I will correct it right now. About the "recent comments", we try here to show to users that they can interact with compilers and that we are responding. Thank you also for your corrections for the preliminary files. It is good that you spent some time on it ! Best Regards


Dear Dimitri --

The cross sections in Table I of our paper were taken from the NuDat web site at NNDC. However, we believe that some of the "accepted" values for these cross sections are in error.
We usually use a combination of primary flux monitors (Co and Au) and secondary flux monitors (Fe, Zr, Zn) to determine our neutron fluxes. If we use the NuDay values for the thermal cross section and resonance integral for Fe-58, our results systematically diasagree with the fluxes determined from AU and Co. We would prefer a value closer to 1.2 b. The disagreement with the epithermal flux is more severe. The NNDC recommended value of the Fe-58 resonance integral is 1.7 b, but our data favor values in the range of 1.2 - 1.3 b. The reported measurements of Heft and of Steinnes are also in this range.
We also get poor agreement for the epithermal fluxes when we use the recommended resonance integral of 0.23 b for Zr-94. The published values range from 0.23 b to 0.38 b. Our results are consistent with values of about 0.35 b.
We currently have in progress many additional neutron capture cross section measurements. I will forward you preprints as we complete them.

Best regards

--Ken Krane

-- Submitted by: Ken Krane from Oregon State University. on 6/01/2005

Response: Dear Ken, People from Nudat explained me that the evaluation for the data you asked was done more than 20 years ago. There will be a new evaluation, by Said Mughabghab, before the end of 2005, taking into account new measurements. I hope that this helps.


Dear Dimitri,
I have read the tables you scanned from PRD45 yesterday, and that data is already part of the paper I'm working on at this moment. I want to thank you very much for your help.
Best regards

-- Submitted by: Debbe Ramiro from Brookhaven National Lab. on 5/27/2005

Response: You're welcome, don't hesitate to contact me again if you need other compiled data... Dimitri

Request by telephone to obtain data from Figs. 6 to 9 from Phys. Rev. D (1992) 3906
-- Submitted by: Debbe Ramiro from Brookhaven National Lab. on 5/23/2005

Response: The scanning of the paper will be done today and data will be send by email.

I seem to have all kinds of trouble gettting data from CSISRS and or CINDA with all these new systems. Could you please send me simple instructions for getting neutron total, elastic and inelastic cross seections. I would like to go through CINDA and pick the selected references and then get the data sent on the wire to me. The old system worked like a champ. What am I doing wrong? I can not seem to find anyone at ANL who knows how to do it either! Thank you very much for your help. A simple few-line memo that works for certain would be find. I also asked Marion--maybe she can help. Vicki is, of course, gone.
-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argonne National Lab. on 5/12/2005

Response: The procedure is about the same if you are on CINDA or EXFOR. In REACTION, you can enter N,TOT In QUANTITY, you can enter CS (for cross section) Be careful to have the "box" checked just between "REACTION" and "N,TOT", sometimes, it is not checked with a mark and then it doesn't work. If you don't succeed, just call me (631 344 5096) and I will try to guide you...

Dear Dr. D. Rochman, Do you have a plan to compile: Phys. Rev. C 53, 347-357., Phys. Rev. C 56, 398-406. and Phys. Rev. C 41, 533-546.? If you are not going to compile the papers, we are ready to compile the results.
-- Submitted by: F.E.Chukreev from CAJAD, Kurchatov's Institute, Moscow. on 5/12/2005

Response: Dear Felix, I will do it as soon as possible (before the end of next week) and it will be included in my next trans file...

Dear Dimitri, I obtained via email an article from Phys.Rev., Vol.C68, 2003, page 015802 with Mo-95(N,A) reaction. But after short inspection I discovered that measurements were made on ORELA at Oak Ridge. So, if you still did'nt compile it, please include this article in your list.
-- Submitted by: Stanislas Maev from Obninsk, Russia. on 5/9/2005

Response: Dear Stanislav, Thank you for this reference. I am going to do it right now... Dimitri

Some time ago I sent you tantalum experimental data for your system together with the corresponding laboratory report, ANL/NDM-160. You said you had sent the material on to the proper people to put it into CINDA and SCISRS. I have not heard anything more, no author proofs or anything. Can you tell me the status of this data? I want to clean up my filing system. Thanks:- Alan B. Smith
-- Submitted by: Alan B. Smith from Argonne National Lab. on 5/2/2005

Response: Dear Alan, I compiled your report few weeks ago and you can find under the entry number 13965 in Exfor. I didn't send an author proof yet because I am working of a program which can do so. Please let me know if you see some mistakes

Dear organizor I am of nuclear physics and I working on my thesis. I need products and Spectrum gamma of spontaneous fission of 252 Californium,and I don't found. Please,I request you send for me. best regard. R.khabaz
-- Submitted by:  Rahim Khabaz from personnal email address. on 4/27/2005

Response: I am not in my office for this week, but I looked in Exfor and for gamma spectrum, there is only one compilation, number 13944 (you can access to it by entering this number to "accession" on the Exfor web page). For fission products, there are a lot of compilations/ To find it, please enter "Cf-252" in the target field, "0,F" in the reaction field and "FY" in the quantity field, on the Exfor web page. You will find them. Tell me if you have any difficulties... Best Regards Dimitri

Dear Dimitri, yesterday my friend, Dr. Kunieda, found one mistake in 12054.005:
SUBENT 12054005 830802
BIB 2 3
REACTION (59-PR-141(N,EL)59-PR-141,,DA)
DATA 3 19
25. 1.0988 +03 6.37 +01
30. 3.323 +02 1.93 +01
For the 1-st column of this data section, - Unit should be "ADEG". - Heading is possibly replaced by "ANG-CM" (I cannot find the original reference "68WASH" in my laboratory.)
Submitted by:  Naohiko Otsuka from Nucl. Sci at Hokudai, Japan on 4/22/2005

Response: Dear Naohiko, Thank you for your email. I will look into it and try to find the reference. All the best

Dear Dimitri, thank you for your corrections on TRANS.C072 according to my comments. Today Dr.T.Nakagawa (JAERI) found a format error in 13884.002: At SEQ=1388400200298, format of numeral in fifth field, "5.8E0+00", is wrong. This format error is commonly found at JCPRG, NNDC and NDC. So I think the retransmission of this subentry is necessary. Best regards, Naohiko
-- Submitted by:  Naohiko Otsuka from Nucl. Sci at Hokudai, Japan on 4/6/2005

Response: Dear Naohiko, I will do it right away and it will be included in my next trans file for neutron reactions. Thank you for your remark ! Best Regards

Hello, Thank you very much for your fast reply. I could not access this site:
I am looking for the data from BNL E802 for these reactions: p Be -> K+ X and p Be -> K- X where X is anything and Be is beryllium. The observable is invariant cross section in bins of transverse kinetic energy and rapidity, the incident proton momentum is 14.6 GeV/c, and the data was published in Phys. Rev. D by Abbott et al. in 1992.
If you are able to find the data and send it that would be terrific.
Thank you again,

-- Submitted by:  Jocelyn Monroe from Columbia University Physics Department on 4/5/2005

Response: Here is the compilation you're looking for.
Hope this help !


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Web: Boris Pritychenko, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory