000-30R-MGRO-00500-000-001 000-30R-MGRO-00500-000-001 February 2005 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to document the safety classification of the Yucca Mountain repository structures, systems, and components (SSCs) that are important to safety and to document the identification of natural and engineered barriers and other SSCs important to waste isolation, as described in Safety Classz~cation of SSCs and Barriers (BSC 2005, Attachment A). This report supports the design and licensing activities for the Yucca Mountain Project. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE This report is subject to the quality assurance program requirements for classifying items important to radiological safety and waste isolation, as determined in QuaIityAssurance Requirements and Description (DOE 2004, Section 2.2.3). This report is developed in accordance with AP-2.22Q, Classzfication Analyses and Maintenance of the Q-List, AP-3.13Q, Design Control, and LP-3.11Q-BSC, Technical Reports. Input status of references is identified and tracked in accordance with LP-3.15Q-BSC, Managing Technical Product Inputs. The text of this analysis uses Microsoft Word and is exempt from the requirements of LP-SI.l 1Q-BSC, Software Management, per Section 2.1.1 of the procedure. 3. CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY The methodology and process for classifying SSCs and natural and engineered barriers is provided in AP-2.22Q. 4. ITEMS IMPORTANT TO SAFETY AND WASTE ISOLATION 4.1 STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS, AND COMPONENTS Information summarized in Appendix A for SSCs and natural or engineered barriers is from Safety Classzfication of SSCs and Barriers (BSC 2005). 4.2 NATURAL AND ENGINEERED BARRIER SYSTEMS Information summarized in Appendix A, for postclosure natural and engineered barrier systems, is from BSC (2005). Natural and engineered barriers are grouped into the following three categories (Cereghino 2004, Enclosure): Engineered Barrier System (i.e., drip shield, waste package, waste form, cladding, and drifi invert) Lower Natural Barrier (i.e., rock and alluvial material below and downgradient from the repository Upper Natural Barrier (i-e., soils and rock above the repository). 4.3 EXPLORATORY STUDIES FACILITY ENGINEERED ITEMS This report does not include SSCs of the Exploratory Studies Facility identified in Classzfication of Exploratory Studies Facility Engineered Items (BSC 2004). The Exploratory Studies Facility SSCs are existing conditions that the repository design must evaluate at the time of Construction Authorization. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to treat the Exploratory Studies Facility SSCs as part of the repository. 5. SAFETY CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA The following safety category screening criteria used in the classification of repository SSCs are summarized from AP-2.22Q: Safetv Category (SC) Criteria Safety Category (SC)-SSCs that are credited for prevention or mitigation in a Category 1 or Category 2 event sequence, to meet the performance objectives in 10 CFR 63.1 1 1, are identified as ITS and classified as SC. Natural or engineered barriers that are important to meeting the performance objectives in 10 CFR 63.1 13 are identified as ITWI and are classified as SC. Non-Safety Categorv (Non-SC) Criteria SSCs and natural or engineered bamers that are not credited for compliance to the performance objectives in 10 CFR 63.1 11, or SSCs and natural or engineered barriers that are not important to meet the performance objectives in 10 CFR 63.11 3, are classified as Non-SC. 6. RESULTS The safety classifications of SSCs and natural and engineered barriers are listed in Appendix A. As the design of the repository evolves, and further event sequence analyses and consequence analyses are performed, the supporting classification analyses for this report will be reviewed and revised as necessary. 7. REFERENCES 7.1 DOCUMENTS CITED AP-2.22Q7 Rev. 1, ICN 1. Classzjication Analyses and Maintenance of the Q-List. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040714.0002. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company) 2004. Classzfication ofExploratory Studies Facility Engineered Items. 000-PSA-MGRO-00100-000-000. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.20040607.0004. 000-30R-MGRO-00500-000-001 2 February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. BSC 2005. Safety CIassiJication of SSCs and Barriers. 000-00C-MGRO-01000-000-000. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. ACC: ENG.200502 15 .OOO7. Cereghino, S.J. 2004. "BSC Licensing Position, Selection of Barriers Important to Waste Isolation." Interoffice memorandum from S.J. Cereghino (BSC) to Distribution, March 30, 2004, 0330040960, with enclosure. ACC: MOL.20040522.0205. DOE (U.S. Department of Energy) 2004. Quality Assurance Requirements and Description. DOERW-0333P, Rev. 16. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. ACC: DOC.20040907.0002. 7.2 STANDARDS, CODES, AND REGULATIONS 10 CFR 63. Energy: Disposal of High-level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Readily available. 7.3 PROCEDURES AP-2.22Q, Rev. 1, ICN 1. CIassiJication Analyses and Maintenance of the Q-List. ACC: DOC.20040714.0002. AP-3.13Q, Rev. 3, ICN 3. Design Control. ACC: MOL.20040202.0006. LP-3.11 Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 1. Technical Reports. ACC: DOC.20040915.0003. LP-3.15Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 0. Managing Technical Product Inputs. ACC: DOC.20050113.0002. LP-SI. 1 1Q-BSC, Rev. 0, ICN 1. Software Management. ACC: DOC.20041005.0008. February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. APPENDIX A THE Q-LIST February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Table A-I . The Q-List Important to I Component Important Waste Safety Administration, Security, Structure Utility, Emergency Response, Offsite, Materials and Consumables, Fire Water, Maintenance and Repair, Generator, Switchgear, Construction Support, Central Control Center, and Transportat~on Facilities I . .-. 'V 5-:' '"canister Handling Facility "@&,f9--q I I Canister Handling Yes Facility Structure I I Rails for: Trolleys, Waste Package Permanent Shielding (including shield doors, shield view ports, and viewing Cask Preparation Cask Handling Crane (CHF, DTF) Yes 200 ton Naval Cask Handling Crane (DTF) Yes 200 ton February 2005 This is the background image for an unknown creator of an OCR page with image plus hidden text. Table A-1 . The Q-List (Continued) Important to Important Waste Safety I Svstem or:Subsvstem I or ~hction 1 to'safetv / Isolation I cateaorv Waste Package Waste Package Pit Pedestal No No Non-SC Preparation Waste Package Pit Protective Cover Yes No SC (Continued) Site Specific Cask Pit Pedestal No No Non-SC Site Specific Cask Pit Protective Cover Yes No SC SRTC Buffer 1 SRTC Yes No SC SRTC Rails 1 No No I Non-SC SRTC Positioner No No Non-SC SRTC Positioner Turntable No No Non-SC SRTC Tractor No No Non-SC Cask Receipt and Return Cask Handling Crane (TCRRF) 250 ton Yes No SC Crane Lifting Yokes Yes No SC I Crush Pad Yes No SC Communications System ..-