Minutes of the Jan 31, 2003 Tevatron Dept Meeting 1. Roger Dixon was welcomed by the Tev audience at the mtg as new BD Head. He answered number of questions. 2. Jim Volk reported for the last time as the Tev Coordinator - all shutdown projects are complete. Tev is cold. Since Thursday Jan 30, Jerry Annala is the Tev coordinator. Jim will collect jobs/requsets for the next shutdown. Once again, we thank Jim for job well done. 3. Other tunnel news: a) Bruce said that C0 vacuum is OK but a bit worse than before shutdown at the downstream (MI) end (1e-8), F0 vacuum is worse (2e-8) even with A1/P1 line valves closed but Lamberstons are still cooling off, B0-OK, B48-OK, E17-OK; b) all right with new Schottky's and Jim S expect some emittance info from them mid-Feb; c) Vladimir explained minor troubles with TEL - new gun was supposed to give less current than the old one, but achieved 0.45A peak was not enough for cleaning and TEL guys decided to replace high-power resistor in the HV modulator that should guarantee peak current above 0.5A for cleaning - to be installed Saturday; d) Fritz on BPM PSD boxes: boxes disconnected as planned, there were some troubles with termination of pbar ends of the pick-up but everything is fixed now, pbar ends of A15 BPMs cabled for Andreas e) Bruce found excessive quad vibrations due to turbopump operation at B37 and F43 - mechanical connections "quad-pump" removed, 90Hz amplitudes significantly reduced; f) Jim Volk has shown results of ring wide roll measurements - which now can be done a fast as in few days with Jostlein fixture - most magnets rolled in the same direction (inward), some rolls are large and may require actions. 4. Temir (TD) presented Rf noise measurement results : Rf phase noise goes up +30dB when cooling water turned on, Rf phase oscillations correlate with and occure at the same frequency as machanical vibrations of the RF cavities. Disconnection of the water heaters did help at the test cavity (-8dB at 32 Hz). 5. Sasha Drozhdin and Mike Church suggested to install a vert collimator at A48 to eliminate (>100 fold suppression of energy deposition) CDF detector damage due to p- or pbar-kicker prefire. In general the proposal looks OK, but Dean mentioned other effects/circumstances that should be considered as well: halo background at the CDF, rad-noise on Roman pots, pbar background, pbar/p removal, etc. Investigation of all that is going to be done by Ron and people from Mike Albrow's topic group. Alvin mentioned that projects like that should not be stopped completely at the level of groups/departments due to resources consideration and must "leak" to upper management. (Alvin was referring to a modification of the abort kickers to use a resonant-charging system.) 6. Valery has demonstrated that though the Tev bunch profile in time looks bell-like, in the longitudinal action plane it is almost rectangular (i.e. RF bucket filled fully and uniformly). Andreas mentioned bunch tomography at CERN and Mike Syphers responded that Leo Michelotti already has tool for doing similar analysis. Years ago Tan published a paper on phase space recosntruction from profile by reverse matrix approach. Independently of data processing we need a better diagnostics of the tails of longitudinal bunch distribution. Alvin might have some results on the "SBD-without-long-cables" by next week. (Recorded by V. Shiltsev, edited by R. Moore)