From: Jiangang Luo [] Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 6:45 PM To: Subject: suggestions for dealing with the current market crisis To whom it may concern, As we all have seen, the current stock markets are in serious troubles and there is a good chance for it to get worse, much worse. You don't need me to tell you the serious consequences if the current situations in the market get worse. As an investor, I am deeply concerned. Unusual times require unusual responses and measures. There is little time to act or all of us will have to face a disaster of unprecedented scales. Among the many measures I have thought about, I suggest only what I think will be the most efficient one, that is, to put a temporary and indefinite ban on all short-sellings because it is no longer an investment vehicle. It is one of the major contributing factors to market disorder, market manipulation and unhealthy volatility. Investment should be supportive to the economy in general. Short-selling is unworthy of the name investment. It is taking advantage of good-intentioned investors, making a bad situation worse. If you own stocks yourself, you are already a victim of short-selling even if you use it yourself occasionally. Please act before it is too late. Sincerely, Jiangang Luo (