O ~B E R , 1920. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 60 1 Alexander G. Supan, 1847-1920.’ eographer, whose death was recently announced, was E 01-11 in Innichen, Tyrol, March 3, 1847. He com leted his education at the universities of Graz, Vienna, %talle a. S., and Leipsic. In lSS4 hc became editor of Dr. A. Petermmm’s Mitteihmgcn ams Just.us Perthes’ Geogmphischer A m t d and served in t.hatt capacity for 25 years. From lSS4 to 1909 he held the professorship of. geography at the University of Czerno- witz, and the same position at the lhiversity of Breslau from 1909 on. Probably his best-known work is his Gmndzuge der physischen Erdkuncle, which reached its sixth edition in 1916. Of his works that particularly interest nieteorologists niay he mentioned : The. C’hudimw OJ the Earth, an estensive discussion st,arterl by Belini and Wagner, whkh he completed; DisMrufion. qf Rain- fa,U over t h Land-SurfacP of t7w Emfh., publishecl in 1898; and Statistics of th,c Lower Wi.nds.-H. L. Prof. Supan, famous Dr. Max Margules. repared an chituaq- ahich appears in Nature for Octo f er 28, 1920, which discloses the sad circunistances of Dr. Margules’ tleat,h, on Octo- Lieut. Col. E. Gold has ~~~ ~~~ 1 A n extensla, ohltuary by H. Wagner appears in Pctffmanr’a MiItrilungcn, July- August, 1920. IW-l4B. ber 4. I t is saki that “his death was due to starvation. He hnd heen living on a pension of 400 crowns a month (which is oquiva.leiit to Ss.1 [%1.40], and he was too proud to beg for assistance.” Dr. Mar ules became secretary of the Met.corologica1 Institute at, $ienna in 1890, having entercd t.he Austrian Meteorological Service in 1880 after st,udying ats Vienna and Berlin. He was 64 years of age. His wtork concerned itself chiefly with mathematical discussions of the niechanics of the atmosphere. Ampng the especially notmeworthy works is mentioned the com- put,nt.ioii of the pressure oscillittions of the atmosphere on :I rot.atiiig lobe, in which he found that the period wc)ultl hr cstwt, P y 12 hours if the temperature were - 5’ C. In tho Tear Bock of the Meteorological Institute of Vienna for 1(10:3 he gave a comprehensive discussion of thc encrgy of storms, arriving at the conclusion that “the snurce of storms is to be soughkonly in the potential energy of position. ’ ’ To quote from Lieut. Col. Gold: Margules retired from act,ive participation in the work of the Aus- t.rian Meteornlogical Service during the directorship of the late Prof. Pernt,er and applied himself to the stud of chemistry. He fitted up a small laboratory in his own house, wiere he lived in comparative retirement. The present writer waa saddened to see him there in 190ro‘J entirelv divorced from the subject of which he had made himself a master. ifet.eorology lost him some 1.5 years ago and is forever the poorer for a loss which one feels might and ought to have been pre- Yented. -e. L . M. BIBLIOGRAPHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY C. FITZHUGH TALYAN, Professor in Charge of Library. The following have been selected from among the titles of books recently received as representing those most likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in the meteorological work and studies. Bates, D. C. Berget, Alphonze. Bexgstrgsser, Gotthelf. Climate of New Zealand. Wellington. 1330. 16 p. 214 cm. Oh en eat la mCt6orologie. Paris. 1920. 302 p. 194cm. Neue meteorologische Fragmente des Theophrmt. Arabisch und deutsch. Herausgegeben von G. BergAtrWer, mit Zusatzen vorgelegt von Frana Boll. Heidelberg. 1915. 30 . 244. cm. fitzungsb. der Heidelberger Akacl. der Wissenscg. Phi1os.- istorische Klasse. 1916. Abh. 9.) Bllsche, Wilhelm. Brockmann-Jerosch, H. Eiaseit und Klimawechsel. Stuttgart. 1919. 77 p. 21 cm. Baumgrenae und Klimacharakter. Zurich. 1919. 355 p. 34 cm. (Pflanzengey%hische Kommission der Schweiq. natur- fmchenden Gese lsc aft. Beitme zur geobotanischen Lan- deaaufnahme 6. Den Berichten der Schweiz. bot. Gesellschaft, Heft, 36, fiir die Mitglieder und den Tauschverkehr beigelegt.) Relation of weather and business in regard to ten1 erature. Wash- ington. 1919. 12 p. 27) cm. [See Mo. $EATHER REV., Dec. 1919, 472367.1 Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Bredia, Filippo. Clima di Zauia (Tripolitania). Roma. 1920. 13 p. 234 cm. (Estratto dal. Bol. lnformazioni, anno E, no. 1-6.) Cllms di Bum. Roma. 1919. J!9 p. 334 cm. (Estratto dal Bol. d’informazioni, Ott. 1919.) Precipitazioni ac uee in Palestina. Roma. 1930. 14 p. 334 cm. (Estratto j a l Bol. della R. SOC. geografica italiana. Fasc. 7-9, 1920.) Fraps, G. S. Moisture relations of some Texas soils. Austin, Tex. 1915. 36 p. 23 cm. (Texas agric. exper. station. Bull. 183.) Gautier, Raoul. RPsuniG mGt6orologique de l’ann6e 1918 pour Genhvget le Grand Saint-Bernard. Gentwe. 1919. 104 p. 23 cm. (Tir6 des Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles. Vol. 1. Nov. 1919.) Gautier, Raoul, & Rod, Ernest. Ubservations mCthrologiquea faites aux fortifications de Saint- Maurice pendant I’annCe 1918. GenBve. 1919. 30 p. 22) cm. (Extrait des Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 1919.) Great Britain. Meteorological office. Meteorologicrl charts of the Southern ocean between the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand. 3d edition. London. 1917. 13 p. 36 charta. 24 x 32 cm. Haeuser, Josef. Der \Volkenbruch in Augsburg und Umgebung am 13. Juni. ‘ 1912. Municli. 1914. 16 p. 3i cm. (Abh. des K. Bayer. Hvdrotechn. Bureaus.) Der’Wolkenbruch in Niirnberg und Umgebung am 3. Juli 1914, und die gleicbeiten Gewittererscheinungen in andern G enden Bayerns. Munich. 1917. 33 p. 34 cm. (Abh. Zges K. Bnyer. Hydrotechn. Btiros.) Hennig, Richard. Unser Wetter. Eine Einfuhrung in die Klimatologie Deutsch- lands an der Hand von Wetterkunde. 2nd edition. Lei ai . 1919. 11s p. lS+ cm. [Title of 1st ed.: Gut and schLcEt Wetter.] Hubert, Henry. Sur l’eniploi des avions en Afrique occidentale pour le8 recherche8 d’ordre Rcientifique. Dakar. 1919. 15 p. 24 cm. (Extrait du Bull. du Comit6 d’6tudes historiques et scientifiques de l’dfrique occidentale francaise. 1919.) Huber, Anton. Teniperaturunterschiede zwischen Partenkirchen und dem Flhn- orte Mittenwald. Munich. 1920. 12 33 cm. (Sonder- abdruck QUE dem Deutschen meteorol. h r b u c h ftir Bayern. 1920.) Karrer, Enoch, & Tyndall, E. P. T. Relative spectral transmiwion of the atmosphere. Washington. 19%. p. 377408. 35 cm. ([U. S.] Bureau of Standards. Scientific papers, no. 389.) Knorz, Emst. Studien iiber die Regenverhaltniwe IUliens. Wetaler. 1919. 65 p. 224 cm. (1naug.-Dis. Gieeaen.) 602 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. OCTOBER, 19u) Knowlton, F. E. Evolution of geolo ‘c climates. (Reprinted from Bull. of the Geo- logical society o?America, vol. 30, pp. 499-566. Published Dec. 31, 1919.) Studien Iiber die Nebelfrostablagerun en auf dem Phrtetjhkko. Stockholm. 1919. 35 p. 26 cm. (fiaturwissenschaftliche Un- tersuchungen des Sarek ebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland. Bd. 2, Aht. 1, Lief. 1. Sonlerabdruck.) KWer, Hading. Kohlschlitter, V. Leiva, Ellas. Nebel, Rauch und Sbub. Berlin. 1918. 36 p. 24 cm. Climatologh de CosbRica. Guatemala. 1919. p. 161-185. 35 cm. (Escer jted from “Centro-Am&ica,” Guatemala, vol. 13, no. 2. Abridunio, 1920.) Lempfert, R. I(. G. Marcillac, Paul. # Negro, Carlo. . Meteorology. London. 1920. 186 p. 19) cm. La lutte contre 13 gr6le et la fouclre. Pane. 1919. 79 p. IS) cm. Sul clima della Libia attmverso i tempi storici. Memoria 4. Roma. 1919. 51 p. 25 cm. (Estratto dalle Memorie della Pontificia academia dei Nuovi lincei. Ser. 2, vol. 5.) Sulla frequenza degli aloni. Nota %.-Ciroenlandia. Ronia. 1919. 7 p. 29) cm. (Estratto dagli Atti della Pontificia acca- demia roinana dei Nuovi lincei. Semione 7a, del 15 Giugno 1919.) Sullu frequenza degli aloni. Nota 7.-Penimla Scandinavia. Ronia. 1919. 16 p. 39) cm. (Estratt dagli Atti della Pon- tificia accaclemia roniana dei Nuon lincei. Sessione la, del 31 Uiciembre 1919.) Richan, F. Uber des Farbe des hlondes. Farl~eiiersehein~igeli an \Vasser- fdlen umd ani Wolken. Marburg. 1917. . 11-14. 33 em. pderabdrucli aus den Yitzungsl). der C;esc?lschaft zur Befiir- erung der gesammten Naturwissenwhaften zu Mmburg, Nr. 1.) Roget, FranFois Roget. Rosenkranz, Johanna. Altitude and health. London. 1919. 166 p. 22) cui. Beziehungen zwischen den Schwankungen des Hlinias uncl der Produktion in Australien. Hamburg. 1917. 50 1’. 24 mi. (1naug.-Dis.-Eel.) Schultz, Bruno. Die periodischen und unperiudischen Schwankungen des Mittel- wasserstandes an der flanderischen Kuste (Okt. 1915-Sept. 1915). Hamburg. 1920. 27 p. 39 cm. (Deutsche Seewarte. Aero1 ‘ache und hydrvgra hische Beobachtungen der deut- schenxarine-Stationen whErend Griegazeit 1914-1915. Heft 1. Hydrographische Untersuchungen.) Schwartz, E. H. L. The Halahari, or thirstland redemption. Cqle Tnwn. [II. d.] 163p. 23cm. Schweidler, E. v., & Kohlrausch, I(. W. L. Atmosph-he Elektrizitiit. Leipzig. 1915. p. 19g276. 36 (In Handburh der Elektmitat und des Magnetismus. cm. Band 3. Lieferung 2.) Sifontes, Ernesto. Notas breves sobre cliniatologla tro ical. Bolfvar. 1930. Ex- cerpts from El Luchador, June 5, l,, R 19, and 36, 1920.1 Skard, 0. M. Om frostskaden paa frugttrerne i Lier aarne 1915-1918. hris- tiania. 1918. 32 p. 33) mi. (Srertryk av “Norsk haveti- dende.” Nr. 17-1S, 1915.) Tenani, Mario. Calcolo della denma dell’ aria alle vane altezze fino n 10,OOO metri, in base alle osservazioni italiane. Vigna d i Valle. 1918. 1S.p. 31 cni. $attaglione dirigibilisti. R. Stazione aerologica pnn- cipale di igna di Valle.) Nuove tabelle er la determinazione delle altezze er mezzo del barometro. figna di Valle. 1919. 13 p. [manit%ded]. (R. Stazione aerologica principale.) Lo stat0 presente della nostra conckenza della temperatura dell’ alta atmosfera in Italia. Roma. 1918. 22 p. 31 cm. (Estratto dalle Memorie del R. Osservatorio astronomic0 a1 collegio romano. Sene 3, vol. 7, parte 1.) enani, Mario. Toepler, Max. Gewitter und Blitze. Dresden. 1917.. 16 p. 18) cm. (Son- deralxlruck aus den Verbunde-Mitteilungen der Vereinigung: Dresdner Rezirksverein deut. Ingenieure und Dresdner Elecktrotechn. Verein. Van Buskirk, J. D. Cliniate nf Korea and its probable effect on human efficiency. 59 p. 32) em. (Reprinted from Tranwtions of the Korea branch of the Royal Asiatic Bocjety, vol. 10, 1919.) Rewnkarten von Elsass-Lothringen mit erlauternden Text und qabellen. Strassburg. ,1916. p. 23-133. 33 cm. Excerpted wesen zu Strassburg i. E. fur das Jahr 1914. Heft 5.) Wagner, Edgar. from Mitteilungen der Gesellechaft fur Erdkunde un 6 Kolonial- Wall&, Axel. Nederbord avrinning och avdunstniug i Lagans vattenomrhde. 2. Vattenhuskiillningen under Breta lop Stockholm. 1920. 3 i p. 30) cm. (Ssrtryk ur Teknisk TidsEift, Vag- und Vatten- byggnadskonst, Eiift 3, 1920.) Westman, J. Stiirke der Sonnenstrahlung im Mittelschwediachen Ostseegebiet MSrz NlS-Mai 1919. Nykaping. 1920. 31 p. 31 cm. (Med- delanden frin Statens meteorolog.lsk-hydrografiska anstalt. Band 1, iir. 1.) RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY. C’. F. TALYAN, Professor in Charge of Library. ‘I’hc follnw-ing titlcs have heen selected from the con- tents of the periotlicnls and serials recently received in the Library of tlic Reiither Bureau. The titles selected are of mpers and other coniniuniccttions hearing on not B complete index of all the journals from which it has been conipiletl. It shows only the articles that q y n r to the compiler likely to be of articular inter- dstrnnotnie. Paris. 3.1. ami.?. 1.920. nieteoro 1 igy and cognate branches of science. This is est in connection with tlic work of the 8 eather Bureau. Raymond, G. Contiibution i 1’Qtude du mistral. p. 335-336. St-er, Carl. L’aurore bereale du 22-23 mars 1920 observk (jui1.j [Effect8 on growth of trees.] dams 1% NorvPge. p. -422424. (sept.) C‘al~ornia eitrouraph. Lo8 Anveles. I ,. 5. Feh., 1920. Woglum, R. S. Value of weather records in fumigation. p. Carpenter, Ford A. Is your thermometer correct? p. 7. Young, Floyd D. Smoke cover and direct radiation in €roost pro- tection. p. 6. 110-1 11. C‘alqornia citrograph. Los dngeles. ‘11. 6. Nov., 1920. C‘id et &we. Brzmelles. $8. anide. 1920. J., D. La foudre globulaire et lea travaux du Prof. I. Galli. p. 140-145. (mai-juin.) Rossignol, Jules. Lea feux follets mCritent-ils une place e t m e thkorie parmi lea m6ti.ores lumineux de l’atmosphtxe? p. 177-180. (juil.-mfit.) Rouch, J. Lea ?pylications de la m6t&rologie pendant la guerre. France. Scudhnic des sciences. C‘oinptcs rndiis. Park. Tonie 171. 1920. Besson, Louis. Relations entre lea Bl6menta m6tkorologiquea e t le nonibre de d&cPs par maladies inflammatoires des o w e s de la res iration, A Pans. p. 6SMSS. (11 oct.) [Abstract in Danjon, A., & Rougier, G. Le spectre et la t h k n e du rayon vert. Rouch, J. Sur la variation diurne de la temphture dans 1’Ant- arcticlue. p. 566468. (3 nov.) [Abstractin thisREvmw, p. 600.1 Brooks, Charles F. Notes on the climate of Panama. p. 268-289. (Opt. [Based on articles in Mo. WEATHER REV.] Ward, hobert DeC. New series of sunshine maps o€ the United States. p. 339341. (Nov.) [Refers to maps III Mo. WEATHER REV., 1919,17:631-633.1 p. 151-15;. (IuU.-aOflt.) Mo. dE.4THER REV., Sept., 1920,48:507.] p. 814-817. (36 Wt.) Geogruphirril rwitw. NQU~ York. 1 1 . 10. 1920. Henle1 en Danipkring. Den Hang. 18. Jaurg. Oct., 1920. Visser, S. W. Een halo in de tropen. p. 86-89.