50 November 30, 1920 No'bember 26. On this day I went to Ribeirao and found Dr. Gantois in the post making reports. In regard to the trouble between the guarda chefe and Dr. Gantois, all the nurses and employees, without exception, spoke in hi8 favor. In addition, Pedro received of Dr. Gmtois one hundred and seventy milreis. Dr. responsible for: propaganda exama do 8~gre prediccaos a guardas marking personally the amount of ahenopodium Requisitions for Alone0 feito Money for Alonto feito Officio for Alonzo feito The matter of returning Alonzo to Ribeirao. Beceder 2, 1920. Dr. Carlo8 Gantois came to office in responsi to pp telegram asking his presence in Recife. I told him I found it necemary to ank his withdrawal from the Commissao. Naturally he asked why. I told him I had found at least two case8 in which he had given injection8 of 914. He asked that I would write this in au officio. I gave him the opportunity of writing the request for his resigna- tion which I then copied and signed giving as a cau8e for the requeet that he had practiced in Ribeirao. He assured me he till take the matter to the daily paper8, that there i8 another chefe of the Cozmiasao above me in Brazil and that hi8 honor must come clear. He 8howed me hi8 new Smith dc Wesson 32 revolver (colt model) which he srys cost 25O$OO0 and insists he will kill in the rua any one who calls him a ladrone. He says he shall go to Ribeirao and get signature8 a8 to his service and conduct which he will take to the journals and that he will go to Ribeirao now to practice. He says that I have not beep just with him and that he finds the Conznissao a mess of intrigue& 51 December 2. In checking over expenses for Cabo month of November, I found the comidas and the trans- porteveryhigh. The transporte item showed 6 sacks of farelladuringthelaronth,oZhe last the 23rd of Nov. Alarico B. Lima, guarda chefe,uhen questioned, said he had had no farella for the animals for over a pBDnth. When supppnned to the office, Dr. Liciniano who had charge of the budget explained that hh&s ua8 farella uhichhadbeenboughtduringthe absence of Alarico with me on a trip to Campina Grande, but had been spread out over the month @@to appear better." When reminded thatAlaric0 had returned from this trip before the payment8 were made for the month of October, he explained that he had wanted the ex- penses of October to appear low and M) had left thi8 account over. However, on looking up the expense book for October I found that 2 sacks of forella are charged on the 22nd of the month (Ott) which waStrU~wht93 ~aricowaswithme incampina Grande. Decqber 6. lo:05 Dr. Gantois appeared just now in the office interrupting an+ examination I was making of Car&de de Queiros and said he wished to talk with me. He said he had been to Riberao and had some papers to 8howme. He proceeded to show papers drawn up and signed by the populace of Riberao 8nd some of the Usina8 snd gave me sn opportunity to read thun. After reading these he said he wa8 going to the journal8 and have them printed, 4f I did not reCOn8ider his dislrissal. when I did not reconsider immediate* he aaid he desired to have me think over the injustice I had done him and offered to give me four day8 to think it over* I toldhim I had already spd4days thinking the matter over and under no circumstances would I re- consider. He left 8aying that he was a Brasilian and not an American and that he would surprise me with the propaganda he made against the Coplsiasso Rockefeller. He left without shaking hands although he entered with a hand shake. 52 December 7. 2 of the artiales appeared in the Diario today. I mnderstand through Sbtte that he has made much propaganda against us there that Cardosr snd Manoel Scares da Silva, Rufina Senta Anna 6 Maria&&o8 were ar@ng at the rstation. December 6. Wsntto Cabo tith Hr. AtkinsonandMr. Bat-man of the Societie Cotoxmiere Bslge Brasiliero emMorenos today and showsd the working of our post. ti t&king of putting in work for Morenos we some to the following tentative arrangement: To install a doctor with two guardas of the c0EBlliS8aO. Thehourre to be furnishedbythe company and all possible help to be given by the company, The extra guardas two or three in number to be furnished by the factory and trained in a post of the Comnissao are to be paid by the factory. The Comissao pay8 themedicines. The faabory pays one half of the salary of our personneli and one half of the sxpsnse of coaddas. This mmk could probably be started in April. December 7. Received MO~Y from Dr. Liciniano asking guaranty and 8ome other thingswhich cannot give. DeeemberS. Received telegram from Dr. Liceniano a-g-ply* December 9. Csme to Csraanp. Was met at the station by Dr. Liceniano d,Almeida and Dr. Henrique Pinto. It seBaps that Dr. Liceniano has had sick ahildren and i8 after all glad to leave Csruaru on the fol- lowing terms: Nmicipio to furnish House or houses Luz Lugar para animales 4 conto de reis per anno em ou aytes 2 de 53 We examined two houses which when cleaned should serve very nicely. I am to write contracts and sign send- ing both here for his signature after uhiah he Shall returnone tome, hX'UW'U i8 a 3Ar4$8 WUSliCipiO Of 51,000 POOple. we may be entering on a long contract. December 10. Returned to Recife. Decamber ll. Recife December 12. Sunday Deaamber U. Reaife - Dr. Alonro in Recife. 1 bU'llthd~.hdQi8 h8d #JiVCUl "fOl&l" to smployees at Ribeirao ater he was disllpissed. December l.4. Wht to Waaeip by train. Dr. Par&b was on the train. Stop at hotel Nora Ei8tIYb There I meet a mn who ha8 Imown Varga8 ami report8 vargas a8 recently in Maceio. Dr.Rdi8on Cavalcantimoetsme. Dr.!Chadenarrives 8t 4 p.m. he. 16 in time to prevent my going on the Itapura. Secure map snd make a tentative list of places to be visited on inspection. cmragi; ia -mmeofGovernor sao Luis Porte Calvo )Iarc;oeY Pened with 2 or % other pl8ces on margin of Rio Sao Frsnai8co SurtAxma hhUlW do8 I&OS Victoria Viaoss Atalaiaouuniao. F&L b to meet Governor Dr. hr~mde8 Limb bh88& 8onnmeWaldom8r. Learned Dr. Vargas had aailed f$ Rio, Dec. 2. December 17. Returned from Haceio - engine off the track. Arrived late. Deaebber 18. Reaife. TUted with prefeito of Olinda. Deader 19. +dw - Olinda. &wsmber 20. For Cabo. Read regulament8 to all of personnel of post. December 21. wt Roberto &rauhao. the day on horseback in zone of I have d&stied to require that all treatments be indicated by the doctor in the zone after the first of the year. Also find it very bad for any guarda to o saept money from any person in the zone. December 22. Returned to Recife. Deaember 23. Wmnt to Ribeirao. Disai88ed Ascaldino December 24. Returned Recife December 25. Xmarr - visited Dr. Gouveia. December 26. !fo Paulista with Dr. Igmacio and the prefeito of Olinda to speak with Dr. Arthur Lun en in regard to our work. T Gave him a chance to con ri- bute some money but do not know that he will. In the afternoon talked with Dr. Gouveia in his home. #e says the Federal contract respects OUTI. He says that Vargas is said to have stolen 2,500 franc&at Bo# Viagem as well as having borrowed ten contos of friends for gambling. 35 December 27. Payday in Cabo. Maranhao Roberto Fined 3 times 3o$ooo 1 for chauging dates 1 for discourtesy to guarda chefe 1 for not giving treatments indicated. Grangeiro S$ for using another animal than one indicated. Josue A. Oliveira lOO$ for marking treatmmts not given August0 M. de Bocha lOO$OOO mema Ednnmdo Dopsa fined $$ for disrespect to guarda chefe. Reciived some thing interesting from Rio in regard to Vargas which I do not believe. December 28. Pay day in Bibeirao. Marauhao fined 30$000 for other month Arcendina Jose Bufino talks toomuch Explanations of Well Map A -P=P B- Iron construction c - Suction pipe D.- Earth level E - iiigh water level F-River sand G - Excavation H- Low water level I - Sand and pebble K-W January l4, 1921. Arrival Dr. Strode Saturday Victoria. Saturday Cabo - 3 blowouts Sunday Bibeirao conference with Governor PIzzcSpon TueQday------. ln-