CANDIDATE PMEF NARRATIVE SHEET Department/Agency: [insert name] Priority Mission Essential Function (PMEF): #[insert PMEF #] [insert name and brief description of PMEF] Descriptive Narrative: [insert descriptive narrative explaining the PMEF and relationship to the NEF] Implications if Not Conducted: [briefly explain the effect if the PMEF is not conducted] Associated National Essential Function(s) (NEF): [list NEFs that the PMEF supports] Other Comments: [insert any additional comments] Timing: [indicated the timing it can be delayed] Partners: [indicate all Departments and Agencies or other Federal or Private partners that reliant upon the PMEF] Point of Contact: Name: [insert name] Email: [insert e-mail] Phone: [insert phone number] NEF Number National Essential Functions 1. "Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate branches of government." 2. Providing leadership visible to the Nation and the world and maintaining the trust and confidence of the American people. 3. "Defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and preventing or interdicting attacks against the United States or its people, property, or interests." 4. Maintaining and fostering effective relationships with foreign nations. 5. "Protecting against threats to the homeland and bringing to justice perpetrators of crimes or attacks against the United States or its people, property, or interests. " 6. Providing rapid and effective response to and recovery from the domestic consequences of an attack or other incident. 7. Protecting and stabilizing the Nation’s economy and ensuring public confidence in its financial systems. 8. "Providing for critical Federal Government services that address the national health, safety, and welfare needs of the United States." ESF Number Emergency Support Functions 1. Transportation 2. Communications 3. Public Works and Engineering 4. Firefighting 5. Emergency Management 6. "Mass Care, Housing, and Human Services" 7. Resource Support 8. Public Health and Medical Services 9. Urban Search and Rescue 10. Oil and Hazardous Materials Response 11. Agriculture and Natural Resources 12. Energy 13. Public Safety and Security 14. Long-Term Community Recovery and Mitigation 15. External Affairs IMPACT VALUES AND HAZARD LIST Impact Values: 10 Critically High Exceptionally grave impact preventing mission performance and the ability to implement corrective actions 9 Extremely High Grave impact requiring corrective action and negative effect results in delays to mission for an extended period of time 8 Very High Serious impact requiring corrective action and negative effect results in delays to mission for a limited period of time 7 High "Serious impact requiring corrective action, where the negative effect will result in minor mission delays" 6 Medium High "Moderate to serious impact requiring corrective action, where the negative effect will result in slight mission delays" 5 Medium "Moderate impact requiring corrective action, where the negative effect will not impact mission completion" 4 Medium Low "Minimal impact requiring corrective action, where negative effect will not impact mission completion" 3 Low Minimal impact or consequence without long term negative effects 2 Very Low Negligible consequences or impact with minimal long term negative effect 1 Extremely Low Negligible consequences or impact with no long term negative effect Impact Analysis: Red High (21-30) "Based on the risk, vulnerability and impact assessment on the NEF for PMEF failure is high." Yellow Moderate (11-20) "Based on the risk, vulnerability and impact assessment on the NEF for PMEF failure is moderate." Green Low (1-10) "Based on the risk, vulnerability and impact assessment on the NEF for PMEF failure is low." Hazard Values: Biological Attack "Biological Attack – including Toxins, Viruses and Bacteria (i.e. Anthrax, Ricin, Hemorrhagic Fevers, or Plague)" Bombing including IED Bombing Attack - Bombing using IEDs Chemical Attack "Chemical Attack - includes Blister Agent, Toxic Industrial Chemicals, Nerve Agent, Chlorine Tank Explosion" Cyber Attack "Cyber Attack - worm, virus, or denial of service" Disease Outbreak Biological Disease Outbreak – Pandemic Influenza Fire Event Fire - intentional arson or accidental Food Contamination Biological Attack - Food Contamination Foreign Animal Disease Biological Attack - Foreign Animal Disease (i.e. Foot and Mouth Disease) Major Earthquake Natural Disaster - Major Earthquake Major Flooding "Major Flooding - either natural or manmade sources (i.e. Broken Water Mains, Tsunamis, Flooding from Rivers, etc.)" Major Wind Event "Natural Disaster - Hurricane, Cyclone or Tornados" Nuclear Detonation Improvised Nuclear Device Radiological Agent "Radiological Dispersal Devices, Spent Fuel Storage, Nuclear Plant" Volcanoes Volcanic eruption with impact from lava or ash Winter Storms "Severe winter weather including freezing rain, snowfall, freezing rain, or ice" Other Hazard "Other Hazard (can include theft, human error, sabotage, labor disputes)" Test Values Y YES - Positive decision point entry N NO - Negative decision point entry Department or Agency MEF/PMEF Submission Remarks (if needed) Remarks: