MMTX (2001) Control options: best_mappings_only plain_syntax stop_large_n mappings semantic_types candidates strict_model Using Database: DB_01_strict Processing 98015839.ti.0: Angiographic evaluation and management of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Phrase: "Angiographic evaluation" Meta Candidates (2) 861 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] 623 Angiogram, NOS (Angiography) [Diagnostic Procedure] Meta Mapping (853) 623 Angiogram, NOS (Angiography) [Diagnostic Procedure] 861 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] Phrase: "and" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "management" Meta Candidates (3) 1000 Management [Occupational Activity] 928 Manage [Health Care Activity] 900 manager (MANAGERS) [Professional or Occupational Group] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Management [Occupational Activity] Phrase: "of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding" Meta Candidates (6) 923 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome] 861 Gastrointestinal bleeding, NOS (Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 861 UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL [Body Location or Region] 812 Bleeding (Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 812 Gastrointestinal [Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component] 812 Upper [Spatial Concept] Meta Mapping (923) 923 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome] Processing 98015839.ab.0: Endoscopy is the primary diagnostic and therapeutic tool used in the evaluation and treatment of patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Phrase: "Endoscopy" Meta Candidates (3) 1000 Endoscopy [Diagnostic Procedure,Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 928 Endoscope, NOS (Endoscopes) [Medical Device] 928 Endoscopic (Endoscopic approach) [Spatial Concept] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Endoscopy [Diagnostic Procedure,Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] Phrase: "is" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "the primary diagnostic" Meta Candidates (4) 861 Diagnostic [Functional Concept] 789 Diagnosis [Diagnostic Procedure] 761 Diagnostician [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 694 Primary [Qualitative Concept] Meta Mapping (888) 694 Primary [Qualitative Concept] 861 Diagnostic [Functional Concept] Phrase: "and" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "therapeutic tool used" Meta Candidates (7) 877 therapeutic use [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 865 Tool Use [Finding] 755 use (utilization) [Quantitative Concept] 727 Usage [Functional Concept] 660 Therapeutic [Functional Concept] 660 Therapeutic <2> (The science and art of healing) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 660 Tool, NOS [Manufactured Object] Meta Mapping (877) 660 Therapeutic [Functional Concept] 865 Tool Use [Finding] Meta Mapping (877) 660 Therapeutic <2> (The science and art of healing) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 865 Tool Use [Finding] Meta Mapping (877) 877 therapeutic use [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 660 Tool, NOS [Manufactured Object] Phrase: "in the evaluation" Meta Candidates (1) 1000 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] Phrase: "and" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "treatment" Meta Candidates (2) 1000 Treatment <1> (Therapeutic procedure) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 1000 treatment <2> (therapeutic aspects) [Functional Concept] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Treatment <1> (Therapeutic procedure) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 treatment <2> (therapeutic aspects) [Functional Concept] Phrase: "of patients" Meta Candidates (1) 1000 Patients [Patient or Disabled Group] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Patients [Patient or Disabled Group] Phrase: "with upper gastrointestinal bleeding" Meta Candidates (6) 1000 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome] 901 Gastrointestinal bleeding, NOS (Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 901 UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL [Body Location or Region] 827 Bleeding (Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 827 Gastrointestinal [Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component] 827 Upper [Spatial Concept] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome] Processing 98015839.ab.1: When endoscopy is unsuccessful in identifying or controlling GI hemorrhage, however, arteriography is useful in both the evaluation and treatment of upper GI hemorrhage. Phrase: "When" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "endoscopy" Meta Candidates (3) 1000 Endoscopy [Diagnostic Procedure,Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 928 Endoscope, NOS (Endoscopes) [Medical Device] 928 Endoscopic (Endoscopic approach) [Spatial Concept] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Endoscopy [Diagnostic Procedure,Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] Phrase: "is" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "unsuccessful" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "in" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "identifying" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "or" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "controlling GI hemorrhage" Meta Candidates (5) 901 GI haemorrhage, NOS (Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 827 Haemorrhage (Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 755 Hemorrhagic [Functional Concept] 660 GI (Gastrointestinal) [Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component] 627 GIS (geographic information systems) [Intellectual Product] Meta Mapping (901) 901 GI haemorrhage, NOS (Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] Phrase: "however" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "arteriography" Meta Candidates (2) 1000 Arteriography [Diagnostic Procedure] 928 ARTERIOGRAM [Diagnostic Procedure] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Arteriography [Diagnostic Procedure] Phrase: "is" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "useful" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "in both" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "the evaluation" Meta Candidates (1) 1000 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Evaluation [Intellectual Product,Research Activity] Phrase: "and" Meta Candidates (0): Meta Mappings: Phrase: "treatment" Meta Candidates (2) 1000 Treatment <1> (Therapeutic procedure) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] 1000 treatment <2> (therapeutic aspects) [Functional Concept] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Treatment <1> (Therapeutic procedure) [Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 treatment <2> (therapeutic aspects) [Functional Concept] Phrase: "of upper GI hemorrhage" Meta Candidates (8) 1000 Upper GI haemorrhage (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome] 901 GI haemorrhage, NOS (Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 827 Haemorrhage (Hemorrhage) [Finding,Pathologic Function] 755 Hemorrhagic [Functional Concept] 706 UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL [Body Location or Region] 660 GI (Gastrointestinal) [Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component] 660 Upper [Spatial Concept] 627 GIS (geographic information systems) [Intellectual Product] Meta Mapping (1000) 1000 Upper GI haemorrhage (Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage) [Disease or Syndrome]