lmiiiiiiiii SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of regional medical programs February 1969 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of regional medical programs First Revision February 1969 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Health Services and Mental Health Administration Division of Regional Medical Programs PREFACE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS first revision of the S@ed BibUography of BegionaZ Medical Progranw has been made by the Office of Communica- tions and Public Information of the Division of Regional Medical Programs. The need for such a revision only six months afUr the @ publication was made n by the over- whelming number of new articles and publications dealing with Regional Medical Program activities. This Rib@graphy is bamd upon maUrials collected since the Division was established in February of 1966, as well as materials published as early as April 1965, which are important references to the history of the Programs. As indicated by the term Selected in the title, the choice of the references represents a continuing effort aimed at the development of a representa- tive resource which will be of value to all Regional Medical Progmms and those organizations, institutions, and individuals working with them. Page The following is a hsting of the contents of this SMECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of ... INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS - Published by Program Themselves . . . . . . . 1 9 Published Nationally and Locally . . . . . . . . 15 - Published by Division of Regional Medical Pro- grams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL * Published Nationally and Locally . . . . . . . . 38 * Published by Division of Regional Medical Pro- grams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 * Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 @RVEDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubUshed by Programs Themselves AI;ABAMA "Core Staff Directory" (4-page booklet). Listing of Core Staff and Committee Chairmen of the Alajbama Regional -Medi- cal Program. ALBANY "Albany Regional Medical Program In- formation" (newsletter-relmm). Pub- lished when needed. "Albany Regional Medical Program Re- port" (newsletter). Published bimonthly; first issue: September-October 1968. "Al-bany Regional Medical Prograan 1968- 1969 Two-Way Radio Confwmom for Medical Tedhnologists" (1-fold leaflet). Lists of the Consulting Group for Medical Technology and the subject, faculty, origin and schedule of the pro 6'The -Mbmy Regional Medi@ Program7' (5-fold leaflet). The purpose of the Albany Regional Medical Program and descrip- tions of five of its ongoing projects. "ARMP: WhaVs It All About?" (2-fold leaflet). Basic information on the Al;bany Regional Medical Program, and brief de- scrilptions of severaJ projects. ARIZONA "New&-Arizona Regional Medical Pro- o,ram" (newsletter). First issue: January t, 1969. ARKANSAS "ARMP News" (newsletter). Published bimonthly; first issue: October 1967. "Arkansas Regional Medical Program" (2-fold leaflet). Basic information on the origin and objectives of the Ar Regional M@al Program, as well as a listing of staff and Regional Advisory Group members. BI-,STATE "Bi-State Beat" (newsletter) - Published bimonthly; first issue: February 15, 1969. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued CALIFORNIA '@ifornis Area IV Regional Medi@ Programs NewsleaWl (n@etter). Pub- lished monthly. "California Area IV Regional Medical P UCLA" (15-page booklet,). In- formation on tho o on and pur- posm of the Califomia Area IV progmnL "News: California Committee on Regional Meffice Progmms" (n@atter-releass). Published on a news rele@ schedule. "RMP Nows-Regional MediW Pro- California Area I" (nwgetter). First issue: October 1968. "To b@ to every persm tomorrow's medicine ... Today" (12-pap booklet). ne purpose of Regional Medical Pro- grams and background on the Califomis Reeonal Medical CENTRAL "Central Now York Regional Medical NEW YORK Progmm Bulletin" (n@etter). Pub- lished monthly; @ issue: Feb@ 1968. "Central Now York Regional Mediad Program Continuing Education Pro- grams in Coronary Nursing" (2-fold leaflet). Desenption of four-week residen- tial programs designed to prepare nursm to function in beginning positions in coro- nary care units; includes registration blank. "Contml Now York Regional Medical Pro- gra,m Continuing Education Programs in Rehabilitation N ' (2-fold leaflet). Deseription'of a 13-day program designed to help the nurse develop into an eff@ve member of the rehabilitataon @ and make rehabilitation an objwdve in all nursing ministrations; includes registm- tion blank. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued CENTRAL "Central New York Regional Me&@ NEW YORK Program Continuing Education Pro- (Continued) gram in @ial Cam Unit N (2- fold leaflet). Description of fall and spring three-part program designed to prepare the RN and LPN to function eif- fectively in the special (intensive) care unit; includes registration blank. "Continuing Education Programs in Respiratory Di Nursing, Central New York Regional Medical Program" (2-fold leaflet). Description of a 52-hour residential program designed to increase the RN and LPWs sldll and knowledge in the care and management of patients with respiratory disease; includes registration bl@ "Regional Medical of Central New York" (3-fold leaflet). Background on Regional Mecheal and on the Central New York Program; li@ of staff and Regional Advisory Group membem COLORADO- "Colorado-Wy-oming Regional Medical W'YOMING Program Newsletter" (newsier). Pub- lished month-ly; first issue: November 1967. FLORIDA "Florida Regional Medical Programs News, Information and Data" (nwget, ter) Published as needed; first issue: Sep- tember 10, 1968. GEORGIA "GRMP-Gram" (offioial publication of the Georgia Regional Medical Program, used for news releases and other informa- tion) - First dated issue: July 196& GREATER "A Concept... A Region ... A Program" DELAWARE (12-page booklet) - bes the concept VALLEY of Regional Medical Programs, the Re- gion and the organization of the Greater Delaware Valley m, project devel- opment, and other information. "Action" (newsletter). First issue: Win- ter 1969. INDIVIDIUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued HAWAII "Regional Medical Program of Hawaii" (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: August 1968. ]ILLINOIS "Illinois Regional Medical P 11(15- page booklet). Covers the purpose, obj@ tives, operation, grant procedu@ and meaning of the Program. "Illinois Regional Medical Program (31- page booklet). A directory -of the Commit- tees and Task Forces of the Illinois Re- gional Medical Program. INDIANA "Indiana Regional Medima Program LINK-Proffnoting Cooperative Effort in the Fight Against Heart Di@ Cancer and Stroke" (newsletter). First issue: Januaxy 1968. "Promoting Cooperative Effort in the Fight Against Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases (7-page news release). Issued February 17, 1969. An- nouncement of the first operational grant award to the Indiana Region, with descrip- tions of the various operational activities to be carried on; includes information on Project Directors and the Regional Ad- visory Group. INTERMOUNTAIEN "Intermountain Regional Mediml Pro- gram" (24-page booklet). Describes the needs to which the Program is addressing i@; gives a profile of the Region; de- scribes projects the Program has under- taken; lists staff and Advisory Group membem "Intermountain Regional Medical Pro. 9mm" (2-fold leaflet). Describes the Re- gion, health probl@ resou@ the pro- gram planning and operational activities Reporter" (newsletter). Pnb- lished monthly; first issue: June 1967. "Visiting Stroke Clinic" (1-fold leaflet). Description of the Intermountain "Visit- ing Tewhing and Consultant Clinic" pilot project. 4 INDI'VIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued IOWA "IRMP Impact" (newsletter). First is- sue: June 1967. "Iowa RMP-Guidelines for Submitting Applications" (6-page booklet). Guide- lines designed to assist communities in developing proposals for projects to meet community health needs through the Iowa Regional Medical Program. "IRMP-Iowa Regional Medical Pro- graan, How It Started ... Where It's Going" (16-page booklet). Purposeof Re- gional Medical Programs; the Iowa orga- nization; information on the operational phase and projects of the Program; list- iiig of the Regional Advisory Group and the chief staff of the Iowa Regional Modi- e,al Progman. KANSAS "PROFILE-Kansas Regiona-J Medical Program" (newsletter). Published quar- terly; first issue: September 1967. MAINE "Annual Report to Corpomtors of Modi- cal Care Development, Inc., Progress During the Current Year" (12-page book- let; 9 pages of exhibits), August 1, 1967 through April 20, 1968. Ba@ound on Regional Medical Programs in general; narrative report of progress during the current year for the Maine Regional Medi- cal Program, including a run-down of the feasibility studies, problems encountered in them; operational objectives and pro- gram objectives; planning activities pro- posed for the coming year. "Maine's Regional Medical Program" (newsletter). Published bimonthly; first issue: October 1967. "Maine's Regional Medical Program- Research, Omtinuing Medical Education, and Professional Training" (2-fold leaflet). P of the Maine Regional Medical Program; history of Public Law 89-239 and of the Maine Program; &&I- longe and objective of the Program; pos- sible projected activities. 5 2 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued MISSOURI "How to Cope with Smoking-A New (Continued) Scientific Approach to an old Problem" (8-page booklet). Prepared by the Com- munication Research Unit for experimen- tal purposes. "Missouri Regional Medical Program" (24-page booldet). Background on Re- gional Medical Programs; what Mis- souri is doing in Smithville, Springfield, and Kansas City; information on the Missouri Program's Communications Research Unit, Program Evaluation Center; on its Population Study Group Surveys, Multiphasic Testing, Mass Screening Radiology, Automated EKG and Patient History projects, and others; listings of administrative staff and proj- ect directors. "Your Breast Cancer Examination Guide" (8-page booldet). Produced by the Com- munication Research Unit for experimen- tal purposes. MOUNTAIN 9TATFS "Initial Analysis of Health Professional Survey: Mountain States Regional Medi- cal Program" (82-page booklet). Regional overview of the survey conducted by the Mountain States Regional Medical Pro- gram, published September 16, 1968. "Mountain States Regional Medical Pro- gram Catalyst" (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue, February 1968. NEBRASKA- "Nebraska-South Dakota Regional Med- SOUTH DAKOTA ical Program Bulletin" (newsletter). First issue: April 1968. NEW JERSEY "Medical Tapes By Phone For New Jersey Physicians" (2-fold leaflet). List- ing of subjects of tapes available to all New Jersey physicians by collect call. "New Jersey Regional Medical Program News, ]Information and Data" (newslet- ter). Published as needed; first issue, Sep- tember 4,1968. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued NORTH CAROLINA "Innovation" The Association for the North Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram (newsletter). Published monthly; issue: April 1968. "North Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram Operational Proffiell (4-page book- let). Information on the Region, its major needs and resources, organization of the Program, funding, objectives and decision- making, including a listing of the Advis- ory Council, the administrative staff, and projects. NORTHEAST OHIO "How Do You Vote Regarding the North- east Ohio Regional Medical Programl" (12-page booklet). A nine-minute quiz for physicians in which they can check pref- erences to help the Northeast Ohio Re- gional Medical Program better tailor the Regional Medical Program to fit the Re- gion's need& "Introducing Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Program, An Opportunity for the Medical-Health Team in Our 12-Coun- ty Region to Improve the Health Care of 4,200,000 People" (2-fold leaflet). Ex- planation of the purposes of Regional Medical Programs and general informa- tion on the Northeast Ohio Regional Med- ical Program. "Northeast Ohio News, Information and Data" (newsletter). Published when need. ed; first issue: November 13,1968. "The Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Program, Part I. Description of the Pro- gram, Section 1. Origin@als,---Strat- egy" (25-page booklet). Description of the Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Pro- gram, including its goals, strategy and methodology. 9 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Progmms Themselves, Continued OMO STATE "Guidelines for the Preparation of Opera- (Conitinued) tional Proposals" (unpublished mimeo- graph). "Ohio StW Regional Medical Progra&l (newsier). First issue: January 1968. Ringe, Robert C., "Cable Television (CATV) : Potential Medium For Continu- ing Medical Education" (unpublished paper). "The Development of Local Planning Committees" (unpubfisW mimeograph). 'The Ohio State Regional Medical Pro- gram" (3-fold leaflet). General informa- tion on the Ohio State Regional Medical Program, including a listing of admins- trative staff. "The RMP Story" (unpublished mimeo- graph). An outline of the general develop- ment of Regional Medical Programs and the beginning of the Ohio State Regional Medical Program. "Twenty Questions" (unpublished mimeo- graph). Questions and answers on the Ohio State Regional Modieal Program. White, Charles H., Rin@ @rt C., and Tewart, Braxton, E., "Potential Medical Uses for 3Ecro-Wave Television" (unpub- lished paper). OREGON "Oregon Regional Medical Program" (newsletter). First issue @ September 1967. ROCHESTER "Newsletter-Rochester Regional Medical Program for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases" (newslet- ter) . First issue: Fall 1968. "Newsletter on Cancer-A Pilot Project of the Ro(-,hester Region" (newsletter). First issue: Winter 1968-1969. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Progmms Themselves, Continued SOUTH CAROIAINA "Progress Repo nth Carolina Re- gional Medical Program" (2-fold leaflet). Bac@und on the Law; and the South Carolina Regional Medical Program, list- ing operational projects. "South Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram" (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: Fall 1967. SUSQUEHANNA "SVRMP Newsletter" (newsletter). Pub- VALLEY lished bimonthly; first issue: June 1968. TENNESSEE "An experimental Model for Providing MID-SOUTH Patient Care" (8-pagebooklet). Informa- tion on a project of the Tennessee Mid- South Regional Medical Program. "Translating Plans into Reality for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Dis- eases" (12-page booklet). An introduction to the Tennessee Mid-South Program; run-down of planning and operational project review; listing of the Regional Advisory Group and Study Group mem- bers. "Tennessee Mid-South Regional Medical Program" (1-fold leaflet). General in- formation on RegionalMedical Programs and some information on the Tennessee Mid-South Program. "Tennessee Mid-South Regional Medical Program Directory of Regional Advisory Group, Study Groups, Staff, and Project Directors'' (40-page booklet). Published March 1969. "Study of Nursing Education in Ten- n " (38-page booklet). Statistics on Regional nursing resources: number of nurses, nursing schools; needs, 1968. TEXAS "Regional Medical Program of Texas" (newsletter). Published periodically; first issue: June 28, 1967. 12 Pr INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued VIRGINIA "New Dimensions" (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; @ issue: March 1968. "Virginia Regional Medical Program" (3-fold leaflet). Background on the de- velopment of the Virginia Regional Medical Program, and basic information on Regional Medical Programs in general; listing of the Governor9s Advisory Com- mittee on Regional Medical Programs. "Virginia Regional Medical Program Guidelines, February 1969 (20-page book- let). History, goals, of Regional Medical Programs; the process of regionalization; background on the Virginia Program; project planning and proposal prepara- tion. WASHINGTON- "Results" (newsletter). Published periodi- ALASKA cally; firEt issue: November 1967. "Washington and Alaska Coronary Care Capability Survey" (15-page booklet). Directed by Stephen R. Yarnall, M.D.; report prepared by Jack P. Komfeld. A survey of the extent of coronary care unit development in the hospitals of Washing- ton and Alaska, Summer 1967. "Where Washington Cancer Patients Died, 1966" (41-page booklet). Pre- pared by Jack P. Komfeld in cooperation with Jess Spielholz, M.D., Washington State Department of Health, Health Service Division, March 1968. WEST "Newsletter of the West Virginia Regional 'VIRGINIA Medical Program-FOCUS" (newslet- ter). Published monthly; @ issue: March 1968. "West Virginia Regional Medical Pro- gram" (2-fold leaflet). Describes back- ground, the need, the Region, objectives, activities, and the review process for proj@ 18 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by'Programs Themselves, Continued WESTERN "Annual Report 67/6811 (92-pap book). NEW YORK Basic information on the Western New York Program; and description of its activities. Includes listings of staff, Re- gional Advisory Group, aaid Program committees. "Regional Medical Program of Western New York" (newsletter). Published per- iodically; first issue: September 1967. "The Regional Medical Program for Western New York-" (2-fold leaflet). Back- ground on the objectives of Regional Medical Progrms and development of the Western New York Regional Medical Program. WESTERN "News Notes, W@rn Pennsylvania Re- PENNSYLVANIA gional Medical Program" (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. 'Primary Nee&' Outlined in Battle Against Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke" (press release, October 22, 1967). Fun text of a press release issued by the W@ ern Pennsylvania Regional Medical Pro- gram Advisory Committee following its regular meeting of October 19, 1967. WISCONSIN "The Wisconsin Regional Medical Pro- gmm-How it Began ... and Why 17 (15-page booklet). Background informa- tion on Regional Medical Programs in general; policy statement of the Regional Advisory Committee on cooperative ar- mngements within the Wisconsin Region; listing of the Board of Directors and the Regional Advisory Committee for the Wisconsin Regional M@al Program. "Wisconsin Regional Medical Program VIEWPOINT" (newsletter.) Published bimonthly; first issue: July 1967. 14 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Publlshed Nationany and y ALABAMA "Regional Medical Program-Hmft Dis- ease, Cancer and Stroke," the Medical Association of the State of Alabama Handbook fo-r Ommel@8 and Delegate8, Called Meeting 1968, pages 21-24. ALBANY "Albany Regional Medical Program Links Three States," MedioaZ T7ibune. February 12,,1968. "Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming-Albany, New York," Heart and ToreA (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 12-13. Fall 1967. McMahon, James, "Two-Way Radio Keeps M.D.Is Abreast," Health NeW8 (New York State Department of Health), pages 2-7. November 1968. "Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.'s," Hogpital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. Schmec,k, I-larold M., Jr., "National Cam- paign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs," I'he New York Ti@, April 15,1967. (Reprinted in Nmmi Infomwtion and Data [Division of Re- gional Medical Programs), Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21,1967.) Woolsey, Frank M., Jr., M.D., "Al- bany Prograin Emphasizes Community Strengt@ Relationships," HogpitaZ8, Vol. 42. Tuly 1, 1968. Ibid., "Initial Operational Activities of the Albany Regional Medical Program," The Jou@ of Medical Education, Vol. 43, No. 10, pages 1041-1048. October 1968. CALIFORNIA "A Survey of Continuing Medical Educa- tion for Physicians, Selected Findings Based on 2,600 Responses to Question- naires," CaZifornia Medici?w, pages 245- 251. September 1968. 15 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Loeally, Continued CALIFORNIA Brayton, Donald F., M.D., 'IT-he UCLA (Oontinued) Regional Medical Pr 11 UCLA Me@, Report of the UCLA School of Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2. Fall 1967. "Continuing His Education," Calif@ Medicine, pages 241-242. September 1968. "Information@ronaryCare Unit Per- sonnel Training," Calif@ Medici", pages 267-268. September 1968. "Program Initiated- for Heart DrW Trade Netv8. S"mber 9,1968. Ward, Paul D., "A Progress Report on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," The Bulleti,n (Los Angeles County Medical Association). November 2,1967. "What about Regions within Sta@ California," Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 13-14. Fall 1967. CENTRAL Lyons, Richard H., M.D., "Central New NEW YORK York Regional Medical Program," 0 a County Medical So@ty Bulk- tin. April 1967. "USPHS Funds'Stroke Bus," Anw@an Jou@ of Nur8ing. September 1968. CONNECTICUT Clark, Henry T., Jr., M.D., Morrissey, Edward F., and -Seipp, Conrad, Ph. D., "Tbe Connecticut Regional Medical Pro- gram and the Family Physician," Con- ma@t Medi6m, pages 672-674. Sep- tember 1968. Ebbert, Arthur, Jr., M.D., "A Look at Public Law 89-239: The Heart Di Cancer, and Stroke Program," Connee@ out Med@, Vol. 30, No. 9, page 664. September 1966. 16 lilt, INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationafly and LocaUy, Continued GEORGIA., "Innovative Plans for the Georgia Re- (Continued) gional Medical Pro 11 J of the, Georgia Medical Ao8@ion, pVw 149- 151 (excerpted from the Gwrgia Regional Medical Program Application for Grant Awarded January 1, 1967). April 1967: "What 11-inpact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education! Special Issue: Public Law 89- 239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases". "Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in the P rgia," Heart and Totvh (American Heart Ammiation), Vol. 15, No. 3, p" 74. Fall 1967. Williams, W. Loren, Ph. D., "Evaluation and the Gwrgis Regional Medical Pro- gram-," Joumd of the Ggorgia MediwZ A88o , pages l@153. April 1967: "What ]Impact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Educationl Special Issue: Public @w 89-239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases". ILLINOIS Adams, Wright, M.D., "Illinois Nursw and the Regional Medical Program," Chart (Illinois NursW Association), Vol. 66, No. 3, pages 75-79. March 1969. [bid., "The Illinois Regional Medical Pro- gram for Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," Illinoi,8 Medical Jou@, Vol. 135, No. 2, pages 166-169. February 1969. INDIANA Mclonan, Jack W., 3LD., Ston6M, Pob- ort B., M.D., Brown, Charles, R., M.S., and Lukemeyer, George T., M.D., "A Survey of Continuing Medical Education in Indi- ana,,, The, i (Indiana State Medical Ammistion). January 1969. Stonshill, Robert B., M.D., "Continuing Education in Indiana RMP," The M@ Quarterly of the Indmw Umv@ Sch,ool of Medicine. Fall 1968. 18 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and @lly, Continued "Indiana's RMP," pages 5-7. Fall INDIANA lbid.7 (,Continued) 1967. Ibid. and Murray, Raymond H., M.D., "The Evaluation of the Cardiopulmonary Patient for Air Travel," T7w J (Indiana @te Medical Association). November IM8. INTERMOUNTAIN Castle, C. Hilmon, M.D., I'@rmountain Program Focuses on Community Hospi- tajs," H08pitale, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. Ibid., "Regional Medical Progrms: Lu- plications for the Intermountain Area," Bo@ Mountain MedicaZ J Jan- uary 1967. lbid.7 "The Program Is Regional, The Feedback Is Imal," Government Lnpact on Hospital Practicz, HogpitaZ Prwtice, Vol. 3, No. 9, pages 16-17, 19-20, 24-25. September 1968. (Reprinted in NeW8, In- f and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 40. Octo- ber 15,1968.) "Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Progr -Intermountain," Heart and Tomh (American Heart As- smiation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 10-12. Fall 1967. Josephine, S@r Ann, CS.C., Ph.D., "How the Intermountain Area is Develop- ing Its Regional Medical Program-A Report by an Administrator Actively In- volved in the Planning," Hospital Prog- m88. November 1967. "M@ng SmwWy: Regional Programs, Local M.D.'s," HospitaZ Prwtim, pages 16-17. August 1967. Schmeek, Harold M., Jr., "National Campaign Against D@ to Begin with Four Regional Programs," The New York Tinw8. April 15, 1967. (Reprinted in Newg, Inf&mWion and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) 19 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued IOWA "See Closer Dental Alliance with Iowa Medical Program," J of the Anw@ oan Dentd Agso January 1969. "Some of the Heart Ammiations That Have Been Adive in the PI Stages-lowa," Heart and Tomh (Amerr- can Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 8, pages 8-9. Fall 1967. "Th,a State of Health Care in Iowa." De8 Moineg Sm&y Register Picture, pages 13-14.,November 24,1968. KANSAS Lewis, Charles E., M.D., "Local Actior Groups Involve Communities in Kanaw Program," Ho8@, Vol. 42, July 1, 1968 "Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.'s," Ho@ P@ice, pages 16-17. August 1967. "Regional Medical Planning and the State of Kansas," Ge@rks, Geriscope: Medi- cal Report from Washington, the Nation, and the World. October 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., "National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs," The New York Tiww8. April 15,1967. (Reprinted in Newg, Inf ion and Data [Division of Re- gional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June2l,1967.) Walker, Jack D., M.D., "Regional Medical Programs-For Heart D@ Cancer, -Stroke, and Related D@ for Kansu," Jouma of the KamaB M@al S@, Vol. LXVII[I, No. IV, pages 162-165. April 1967. LOUISIANA "Some of the Heart A@istions That Have Been Active in Planning St @uisiana," Heart and Torch (Amerimn Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 6. Fall 1967. 20 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published NationaUy and lAcaRy, Continued METROPOLITAN Mattingly, Thomas W., M.D., 'The Re- WASHINGTON,D.C. gional Medical Program of Metropolitan Washington," Medical A@ of the Di8- trW of Co@ia, Vol. 36, No. 3, p@ 186-188. March 1967. MICHIGAN Sibery, D. Eugene, "See Cmtive As@ of Planning," Hospital Topio8. June 1967. MISSOURI Bank, Gail, M.S., and Mayer, William D., M.D., "Continuing Education for the Health Pro@ons," Mig8ouri Medioine (Journal of the Missouri StaU Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 730- 733. September 1968. Clayton, F.W., "The Missouri Regional Medical Program," School of Vete@,py Medicim F@ty New8letter (University of Missouri, Columbia), No. 15, page 2. October 1968. Files, James B., M.D., Van Peenon, Hubert J., M.D., and Lindberg, Donald A. B., M.D., "Use of 'Norinal Range' in Multi- ph@ Testing," J of the Anw@ M@al A88MW@ Vol. 205, No. 10. September 2,1968. Hardwicke, Henry M., M.D., "The Smith- villeProj@"Mi&souriMedicim (Journal of the Missouri State Medical A@ia- tion), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 750453. Sep- tember 1968. lbi,d.1 "Total Local Health Planning-The Smithville Project," no Secretaxyls Re- gional Conference on Health Caxe C@ September 1968. Unpublished. "Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming-Missouri," Heart and Tomh (American Heart Am- ciation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pa@ 9-10. Fall 1967. @gsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., "How Computers Can Aid the Physician," The Phy 8 Pwwa@ pages 26-28. De- cember 1967. 21 INDIVIBUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS@ PubIMed Natioitally and Locally, Continued MISSOURI Kingsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., 4'T'he (Oontinued) Computer FoA Bank," Mis8ouri Med@ (journal of the @uri State Medical @iation), Vol. 65, No. 9, p@ 7@ 735, 737. September 1968. Ibid., Cla@n, F. W., and Lindberg, D. A. B., "Biomedical Microfilm Informa- tion Oollection and Depth Index ?" Ab- 8trwt8, The Sixth Annual Svmposium on Blomathematies and Computer Science in the Life Sciences, Houston, Tex@ March 14-16,1968. Unpubli@. Kingsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., Row- land, @ R., -Schroeder, J. J., Buck, C. R., Jr., and Lindberg, D. A. B., "Experiencw with a Hospital Computer System and Plans for a Medical Fact Bank," Pro- 9 Ch@ Dig@e Lab&m" 8 A S of the 1967 Multi- regional Sominar8, Washington, D.C. Un: published. Lee, Teu-Tsa, M.D., "MRMP and Can- cler," The Mi88ouri FmOy Doo@, pages 14-15. July 1968. Lindberg, Donald A .B., M.D., and Am linger, P. Rudolph, M.D., "Automated Analysis of the Electrocardiogram," Ibid., pages 742-745. Lysen, John C., Ph. D., and Purdy, Allen, M.D., "Bi@eering in MRMP," Ibid., pages 741,745. "Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.18,11 Hogpitd Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. O'Connell, D., and Spangler, M. R., "MEDI[AN: A Medical ]Information Ac- mm Network," Ab8tract8, The Sixth Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life Sel- en@ Houston, Tex@ March 14-16,1968. Unpublished. 22 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubHshed Nationally and Locally, Continued NASSOURI "Regional Program Brings ch Re- (Continued) sults to Bedside," Medical 'World Newg, Vol. 8, No. 3,6. September 8, 1967. (,Re- printed in New8, In/ ion artd Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. i, No. 36. O@ber 12, 1967.) Reichertz, Peter L., M.D., "Mass Sereen- ing Radiology," Mi8souri Medioine (Jour- nal of the Missouri State Medical Amois- tion) , Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 7@740. September 1968. Rikli, Arthur E., M.D., "Operational Program for )Essouri Regional Medical Program," Ibid., pages 728-729, 733. Ibid., "Operational Program for the Mis- souri Regional Medical Program," The Missouti F@ Do@. September 1968. Schmeek, Harold M., Jr., "National Cam- paign Agaulst D to Begin with Four lt*onal Pro 19 The New York Time8. April 15,1967. (Reprinted in Now8, Inf tion aid Data [Division of Re- gional Medieal Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) Sights, Warren P., XD., "Stroke and @P$" The Mi88ou@ F@ Doctor, pages 6-7. August 1968. Sfi=ons, Earl M., MD., 'Me Fa-mily Physician and His Relationship to Au- tomated Patient es," Ibid., p@ 6-7. Nov@ 1968. Starr, Chester G., "Manual of Medical and ParainediW Servicw in M288OU?i Med@ (Joumal of the His- souri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 757-758. September 1968. St,ephmwn, William, Ph.D., "Comniuni- cation R@mh," Mi88ouri Med@ (Joumal of the Mmuri State ModiW @iation), Vol. 65, No. 9, pWm 754- 756. September 1968. 23 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubUshed Nationally and fAcally, Continued NASSOURI Turner, Glenn, O., M.D., IIIU Com- (Continued) munity Approwh to Reduction of C4rdio- v@ar Deaths," Mi88ouri Ned@ (Journal of the 3fissouri State Medical @iation), Vol. 65, No. 9, pWm 746-749, 753. September 1968. Van Peonen, Hubert J., M.D., and Files, Jaines B., M.D., "@mtory Multiphasic T@ Today," Ibid., pages 786-787. Ibid., and Wood, Mary Jean, M.D., "Bio- chemical Screening in @uri Psychi- atric Hospitals: Preliminary Remlts," Vol. 65, No. 5, page 367. May 1968. Wakerlin, George E., M.D., Ph.D., "Cxuidelines for the Development and Submission of Pilot Proj@ to The Mi88ouri Fa@ Doctor, pages 16-17. March 1968. Ibid., "Heart and MRMP," June 1968. Ibid., 96Missouri Regional Medical Pro- gmm;l Cooperatwn (@urt Aswas- tion of Osteopathic Physi@ and Sur- geons), Vol. 38, pages 4-8. Mare-h-April 1967. Ibid., 113fissouri Regional Meffical Pro- gr@ll Mi88ouri Med@ (Journal of the Missouri &Ate Medical @afion), @ 90-94. FebrauT 1967. Ibid., "Natural History of the H sive Patient,,, pages 92i-924. November 1967. ibid .1 "Objective end Goals of The Mi88OUri Family Doctor, p@ 4-5. January 1968. Ibid., "Organization of MMOI" P%w 14-15. F 1968. 24 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubUshed Nationally and Locally, Continued MISSOURI Ibid., "Planning for the Afiswuri RegionaJ (Continued) M@al P miggou@ Medici," (Journal of the StaU Medical @iation), Vol. 65, No. 9, p@ 722- 727. September 1968. Ibid., "Reducing the Risk Fwtors of Coronary Heait Di@'I The BuUeNa of the Mi88ou@ Dietetic A8soeWion, pages 4-5. November 1967. Wilson, Vernon E., M.D., "Academic and Public Agencies Work Tog@er in @ souri Program," Ho8pitaZ8, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. Ibid., "AEssouri Regional Medical @i" Mi88OUri Ma@M (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 719-721, 727. September 1968. Ibid., "The Role and Contribution of EpidwAology in Plaaining, Operation and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (H@ Cancer, and Stroke) III. Use of Total Population Data Sys- tem for Development and Evaluation of the Regional Medical P Report from Afissouri," Anwrkan Jou@ of Public Health, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages,10M- 1058. June 1968. Zimmerman, T. F., and Omic, Carol A., "M@r Facilities Inventory: A Study of Hmlth Manpower Training Reso ,Tadmn and Clay Cotmties, @uri, 1967," Institute for Community Studies publication No. 68-170, Kansas City, Missouri. @y 1968. MOLTNTAIN Grizzle, Claude O., M.D., "Regional STATES Medical Programming in Wyo a Subject of Vital Interest to All of Us in the I-lealth Fields," Rocky Mountain Med- ioal J July 1967. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued NORTH CAROLINA Jones, Frank W., M.D., "The Medical (Continued) Society and the Regional Medical Pro- gram in North Carolina," North CaroU= Medical J , Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. LyliN Carl B., Jr., M.D., -Education and Remarch in Community Medical Care: T%e University of North Carolina School of Medicine Approach," Ibid. Matth@ Hugh, M.D., "The State of Franklin and the Regional Medical Pro- gTaIni" Ibid., Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. Morgan, Ralph Siler, M.D., "Development of a Regional Medical Program in West- em North Carofim," Ibid., Vol. 28, No. 5 May 1967. Musser, Marc J., M.D., "The North Caro- lina Regional Medical Program," Ibid. Ibid., "The Regional Medical Program in North Carolina," Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. "NIH Grant Shifts North Carolina's Re- gional Medical Program to O@onal Status," Southern Ho8@, pages 17- 18,20. April 1968. @ Robert A., M.D., "The Regional Medical Program: An Opinion," North CaroU,na Medical J , Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program.'May 1967. Ibid., "The North Carolina State Society and the Regional Medical Program," Vol. 29, No. 6. J@e 1968. Smith, Harvey L., Ph.D., "D@-Gather- ing Operations of the Regional Medical Program," Ibid., Vol. 28, No. 5. May 1967. 27 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubHshed Nationally and Locally, Continued NORTH CAROLINA Tyroler, Herman A., M.D., and Smith, (Continued) Harvey L., Ph.D., "The Role and Contri- bution of Epidemiology in Planning, Operation, and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) IV. Epidemiology and Planning for the North Caxolma Regional Medical Program," Anw@an J of Public H@t%" Vol. 58, No. 6,.pages 10@1067. June 1968. Wilbanks, George D., Jr., M.D., "A Can- cer Information Service," Ibid., Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. Willi@ T. in, M.D., and Wat- Idns, Julia D., R.N., M.P.H., "Diabetic Consultation and Educational Services: A Feasibility Study," North Carolin4 MedicaZ Jou@, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. Woods, James W., M.D., "Intm6ve Cor- onary Care Units in Community Hospi- tals: A Pilot Project," Ibid., Vol. 28, No. 5. May 1967. OHIO STATE Andrews, Neil C., and White, Charles H., "Regional Medical Programs: A View from the Local @vel," The Ohio State Ned@ J pages 1239-1240. No- vember 1068. "Regional Medical Program Is Funded," ColMge of Medicine Joumd (The Ohio State University), Vol. 19, No. 1, page 18. Autumn 1968. Ringe, Robert C., "The Nurse, Patient Care, and Regional Medical Programs," Ohio Nur8eg Re@w, Vol. 43, No. 4, pages 17-21. May 1968. Ibid., and Andrews, Neil C., "Heart of Ohio: The Ohio State Regional Medical Program," Ohiols Health (Ohio Depart- ment of Health). In press, Spring 1969. 28 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Pub@hed Nationally and Locally, Continued WASHINGTON- Healey, Louis A., Jr., M.D., "The Wash- AT-ASKA @n Alaska Regional Medical Pro- (Co@ued) gram," B Phy@ @ 58--65. April 1968. Hogness, John R., M.D., "The Northwest Program Bulktin of the Now York Ac@ of Med@, Vol. 43, No. 6, pWw 494-508. June 1967. Remlt8, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1968 issue of the WuMngton-Al@ Regional Med- ical Program Newsletter, pub@ed in North4m8t Medicine, Vol. 67, No. 4, p@ 3974W. April 1968. R@ts, Vol. 1, No. 4, October 1968 issue of the W n-Alaske Rooonal Medi- cal Program Newsletter, published in Northwe-8t Medicine, Vol. 67, No. 10, pMw iOO4-1010. O@ber 1968. Rumll, Charles, "Keeping Up to Date Biggest Problem for Doctors," Smak Post-Inklligemer. Tu@y, February 25, 1969. lbid,, "Plan Builds Edu@ion in Modi6ls Daily P.@ic&" Monclay, February 24, 1969. "W@gton/Alasks Regional Medical P " B@in, Ispok@ C@y Mediod Sockty, pages 9, 11, 13. April 1968. "What About Regions Combmmg States-Wa n S@ and Al@," Heart and Tomh (American Heart Asso- ciation) , Vol. 15, No. 3, page 14. Fall 1967. WESTERN "Two-Way Telecommunication Network NEWYORK Tlw Bu@ MedioaZ Review, Vol. 2, NO. 2, pap 24. Summer 1968. WISCONSIN Hirachboeck John S., MD., "The Wis- consin Regional Medical Program OP- ERATIONAL PROJECTS," 'Wi8e@ ModioaZ J Vol. 67, pages 181-184. March 1968. 80 INDIVIDIUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS. Published Natiorially and Locally, Continued W]ISCOlq-SIN Ibid., "The Wisconsin Regional Medical (Continued) Program: Opportunity and Challenge," Vol. 66, pages 223-224. May 1967. Ibid., "Wisconsin Began Planning Before Law was Passed, HospitaZ Topic8. June 1967.. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs ALABAMA Finney, J. O., M.D., "Development of the Relationship Between the Medical Amo- ciation of the StaU of Alabama and the Alabama Regional Medica Program," P,Pocee,ding8: Conf -Work-8hop on Reg@ MedioaZ Progranw, Vol. II, pages 52-56 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Mason, Joseph J., Jr., "Council of Re- gional,Planning Di@rs and Adminis- trators," Ibid., p@ 5@. ALBANY Nelson, William P., III, M.D., "Communi- ty Cancer Coordinaton," Ibid., p@ l@ 177. Oliver, Ward L., M.D., "Community In- formation Coordinators," Ibid., pages 23- 25. PhMips, John B., M.D., "Assurance of Adequate Therapy following Detedion of Cervical Carcinoma," lbid.,.pages 179-180. Woohey, Frank M., M.D., "Community Hospital @ming @ters," Ibid., pages 103-106. ARY-ANSAS Bost, Roger B., M.D., "The Regional Medical Program as a Means of Increas- ing the Morale of the Fmfly Doctor," Ibid., pages 100-103. CALIFORNIA BrayWn, Donald J., M.D., "Watts-Wil- lowbrook Regional Medical Program," Ibid., pages 45-50. Ward, Paul D., "Tihe ]Impact of RMP on Hard Core Poverty Areu," Ibid., pages 28-29. CBNTRAL Lyons, Richard H., M.D., "Use of a Tele- NEW YORK phone Network for Continumg Educa- tion;' Ibid., pages 1-Ml. Sovie, Margaret, "Continuing Nursing Education Using UniversitY Hospital Nursing Service Training Facilities," Ibid., pages @126. 32 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS PubIMed by Division of Regional Medical Programs, Continued COLORADO- Cooper, William G., M.D., "The Use of a WYOMING Multimedia Approach to Enhance the Ieaming of Health Science Personnel, 99 Ibid., pages 17-19. CONNFCTI[CUT Cohart, Edward, M.D., "The Role of a School of Public Health in a Developing Regional Medical Program," Ibid., pages 42-44. Ives, John E., "Coordinating High En- ergy Radiation Therapy for 35 General Hospitals," Ibid., pages 180-181. Riedel, Donald, Ph.D., and Hess, Orvan W., M.D., "A Study of Physician Office Practice in the Connecticut Region," Ibid., pages 86-9-2. Seipp, Conrad, M.D., "The Delineation of Subregional Health Service Areas as a Basic @p in Regional Medical Plan- ning," Ibid., pages @- Seligson, David, M.D., "Provision of Optimum Clinical Laboratory Services for 3,000,000 People," Ibid., pages 44. Thompson, John D., "A Comprehensive Utilization and Patient Information Statistical @tem," Ibid., pages 9-12. Weinerman, E. Richard, M.D., and Mor- rissey, Edward F., "Continuum of Long- Term Care within a Local Heath Service Area," Ibid., pages 96--99. GEORGIA B w, J. Gordon, M.D., "Involvement of Local Hospitals in the Regional Medi- cal Program by the Appointment of Imal Hospital Advisory Groiips," Ibid., pages 99-100. GREATER Angelides, M.D., McGowan, Larry, M.D., DELAWARE and Stankovich, Arthur -S., "Systems Ap- VALLEY proaeh to PI Ibid., -pages 85-86. Brown,,Clement, M.D., "Continuing Ed- ucation Performance Deficits," Ibid., pages l@140. Spring, William C., Jr., M.D., and Bent- ley, Ward, "The Subregional Concept and Li@n:Staff," Ibid., pages 56-59. 38 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Progmms, Continued INDIANA Feigenbaum, Harvey, M.D., "Flanner House Multiphade, Se, Program," ProceedwWg: Confereme-Workghop &n Beg@ MedioaZ Pr , VOL H, pages 12-15 (pHs Publication No. 1774). INTERMOUNTAIIN Castle, C. Hilmon, KD., "Community- Centered Continuing Medical Education," Ibid., pages 74-75. Ibid., "HOSPITAL PRACTICE FEA- TURE: IT'he Program Is Regional, The Feedback Is LoW'," New8, Inf and Data (Division of Regional ModiW Progra,ms), Vol. 2, No. 40. )er 15, 1968. (Reprint) Ibid., "Sy@ for Collection and Analy- sis of Climcal Data on Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction," P - ing8: Conf"~e Workshop on R M@ P-rograim, Vol. II, pages 108-110 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Gilson, John S., INLD., "Development of Receptive Attitudes toward Now Id@" Ibid., pages 25-27. Elaglund, Ri@rd F., "An Ex@ental Model in Organization of a Regional Medical P " Ibid., pWffi 144-150. Smart, Cbarles R., M.D., "Canoor Train- ing and Continuing Education and Oom- puterized Tmor Registries;' lbid,, page 178. Warner, Homer, M.D., and Budlrin, A., M.D., "C@cal Data C*Hedion with a Purpowl" Ibid., pages 162-166. IOWA Bartlett, John C., M.A., LL.B., "Comple- mentary Rela;tlon@ between Iowa Re- gioral Medical Program, Comprehen- sive Health Planning and Voluntary Comprehensive Health PILnning: A Nemmry Ac-oomplishment," Ibid., pages 38-40. 34 INDIVIIJUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs, Continued IOWA. Krobl, Willard A.,, KD., Ph.D., and (Oontinned) CaldweR, @rles W., M.P.A., "The Role of the Voluntary Health Agencies in the Regional @cal Program in Iow@' Ibid., P" 8@. KANSAS @wis, Charles E., M.D., "Regional Ad- ViSDry Group and @ow P Ibid., pages 62-65. Thurston, H@r, "Nursing in the Re- gional Medical Programs: Alhance for Better Care," Ibid., pages 121-123. @NE Robertson, George, M.D., "Guest Resi- dent Program," IbU., @ l@186. METROPOLITAN Mattingly, Thomas W., M.D., C WASHINGTON, D.C. Leonard, Jr., Se.D., and Xavier, Mal, "Survey of Continuing Edumfion of the PhysicAans m M@politan Washing- ton," lbid,, P" 7@. MISSISSIPPI Smith, Robert, M.D., "Experiences with a Stroke Care Demonstmdon Unit," Ibid., p" 106-108. MISSOURI "MEDICAL WORLD NEWS FEA- TURE: 'Regional Program Brings Re- @ ReWts to the Bedside," Now8, l,nf and Data (Division of Regional Medi@ Programs), Vol. 1, No. 36. October 12,1967. (Reprint) Packer, James B., KD., and Van P Hubert J., M.D., "Bioehemical Screening in Missouri"' Pmeeedings: Confemwe- 'WOrk8hOp on Beg@ MedieciZ Progmm, Vol. II, pages 7-9 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Stephenson, Wilham, Ph.D., '@mmuni- cation Resoaxch Unit," Ibid., pages 22- 23. Turner, Glenn O., M.D., @uner, Cecil R., M.D., and McKinsey, John J., M.D., "Oz@ Regional Comprehensive Car- diovawular Care Unit," Ibid., pages 113-116. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs, Continued MOLTNTAIN Larson, Laura G., M.A., "IMe Design and STATES Dissemination of Data Collecting Instru- many'' Piweedingg: Conforeme-Work- shop on BegionaZ MediwZ Prograrm, Vol. II, pages 167-168 (PHS Ptiblication No. 1774). NEBRASKA- Hermann, John B., and Carnazzo, An- SOUTH DAKOTA thony J., M.D., "Dataphone ECG Con- sultation: A Model for Extension of Medical Center Services to Community Hospitals," Ibid., pages 117-119. NEW YORK E&gelstyn, Caldwell B., M.D., "Al>- METROPOLITAN proaches to Evaluation of a Regional Medical Progrom," Ibid., @ 82-84. Larldn, Vincent dePaul, M.D., "Prob- lems in Developing the Role of Medical Schools in a Regional Medical Pro- gram," Ibid., pages 40-42. Robbins, Guy F., M.D., "A Coo@ive Project for the Care of Cancer Patients by Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Di 11 Ibid., pages 169-172. NORTHERN Wennberg, John B., M.D., "Cost-Benefit NEW ENGLAND Anely Limitations and Uses," Ibid., p@ 110-112. NORTHWESTERN Burns, Edwaxd L., M.D., "Coopemtive OHIO Community Health Progmms," Ibid., p@ 178-175. OHIO VALLEY MoB@ William H., )LD., "Skeleton Pr@m in Continuing Education and Clinical h," lbid.,;pages 140-144. OREGON Grover, 3L Ro@, M.D., "A Propowd Cirruit P uate in Heart Cancer, Stroke, and Related Di in the Oregon Region," INd., pages 6@. TENNESSEE Christman, L@er, Ph.D., R.N., "Experi- NM-SOUTH ment to Test and ]Implement a Model of Patient Care in Hospitals," Ibid., pages 15-17. 36 INDIEVID;UAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Div'ision of Regional Medical Programs, Continued TENNESSEE Elam, Lloyd C., M.D., "Health Evalua- @SOUTH tion Studies Utilizing a Multiphasic (Continued) Screening Center Operating in Coopera- tion with a Comprehensive Health Care Program for Persons in an Urban Pov- erty Area,," Ibid., pages 1-4. WASHINGTON- TAin, John N., M.D., "The Information ALASKA and Education Resource Support Unit," Ibid., pages 68-71. Robin@, Tasker K., "Small Community Planning," Ibid,, pages U46. Sharp, IAwrence J., Ph.D., "Consumer Health Care Survey," Ibid., pages 93-95. Thompson, William R., "Multiproject Planning," Ibid., pages l@152. Yarnall, Stephen, M.D., "Experience with the WARMP Mockup Coronaxy Care Unit," Ibid., pages 119-121. WEST Wilbar, C. L., Jr., M.D., "Unusual Pro- VIRGINIA gram for Continuing Education of Phy- sicians at Grassroots Level," Ibid., pages 72-74. WESTERN Sultz, Harry A., Fortune, John, Feldman, NEW YORK Joseph, and Moutsatsos, Spero, "Health Manpower Survey of Western New York," Ibid., pages 126-133. WESTERN Bell, @uise, "Development of a Regional PENNSYLVANIA Medical Program Data Source Book," Ibid., pages 160-162. Martz, E. Wayne, M.D., and Hough, Howard, "Coordination of Comprehensive Health Planning and Regional Medical Program Activities in Western Pennsyl- vanig,," Ibid., pages 36-38. WISCONSIN Gustafson, David H., Ph.D., Nutt, Paul C., and Nadler, Gerald, Ph.D., "A Sys- tems Approach to Regional Medical Pro- gram Planning," Ibid., pages 152-160. REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL PubUshed Nationany and LocaUy 'A National Program to Conquer Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," J of the A Medical A88o&iatiol4 Vol. 192, No. 4. April 26,1965. "A New Stage at Hand for U.S. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke Plans," MedioaZ TrZune, Vol. 8, Nov. 57. May 20-21,1967. "A Plan to Extend Region Progrms 5 Years Is Urged," Medi- cal News from Washington, MedioaZ T . April 15,1968. Ackerman, Stephen J., "Regional Medical Program@' Pub7;- H@h Repm*, Vol. 82, pMw 404-406. May 1967. "AMA Sug@ a 3-Year Limit on Regional Medical ," Washington News, J of the A Medioa A88ooWion, Vol. 204, No. 8, pages 4940. April 15,1968. Bennett, Robert L., M.D., "The Regional Medical Program," Contact (Newsletter of the Georgia Warm Springs Founda- tion), Vol. IV, No. 3. July 1967. Berland, Theodore, "Regional Medical Programq Mobilize Against Killer Di " Today'8 Hea7,th (American Medical Association), pages 3@, 83-87. January 1969. (Reprinted in New8,lnf tion and Data [Division of Regional Medi- cal Programs), Vol. 3, No. 8. March 3,1969.) "Blue Cross Pledges Fight Against Ri@ Co@ll A@an JoumW of NuiWng. January 1969. Breslow, Lester, M.D., "Quality and Availability of Health Care for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related Dis- eam in the Future as Related to-Regionalization of Health Services," Proceeding8: Conferenm-Work8hop on Regi&nal Medical Pro9mm, Vol. 1, pages 15-19 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Bucher, Robert, M.D., Galliher, Herbert P., Jr., Ph.D., Hall, Jack H., M.D., and Odoroff, Maurice E., "Division of Re- gional Medical Programs Reports on-Operations @rch and Sy@ms Analysis," Ibid., pages 41-49. Burgess, Alex M., Jr., Colton, Theodore, and Peterson, Osler L., "Categorical Progr=s for Heart , Cancer, and Stroke," The Now Eng@ J of Med@, VoL 273, No. 10. September 2,1966. Callahan, Barbara, "Regional Medical Programs Taldng Giant Steps,":ffo8@ Progreo8, Vol. 48, No. 3, pVffi 78-83. March 1967. Ibid., "Those Regional Medical Programs: Where the Action Will Be," Ho8pitaZ Prog?w8, Vol. 47, p@ 57@. December 1966. 36 REGIONAI; MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Nationally and @lly, Continued "Care-for-All Concept Exerting New Pressures," Medi&aZ T@une (Part XI in "Health Manpower: Factors of Crisis"), pap 1. April 29, 19M. Caselei, Donald J., M.D., "No Prospects for 'Listant' Regional Medical Programs," Pro@ing8: Conforetwe on Regional Mediml Prograrm, pages 62-64 (PI-IS Publication No. 1682). Chapman, Carleton, M.D., "Quality and Availability of Health Care for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related Dis- eases in the Future as Related ience and Service," Proceedings: C&nfemwe-Workshop on Reg@ Medical Progravw, Vol. I, pages 10-14 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Clark, Henry T.,, Jr., M.D., "Regional Medical P (Editorial), Ho8pitd Prwtice. March 1967. Ibid., "Shaping the Hospital for its Future Role," Ho@, Vol. 40, pages 49-53. February 1, 1966. Ibid., "The Clhallenge of the Regional Medical Progrum Legislation," The Joumd of MediwZ Educa@ Vol. 41. April 1966. Cobb, Carl M., "90,0/o Behind Nation in Regional Medicine," Th,e Bo8ton Gl&be. January 29,1967. Coggeshall, @well T., M.D., "Summary of Conference-Work- shop -on Regional Medical Pro . " Proceaing8: Confer- ewe-'W@hop on Reg@ MedioaZ Progra*m, VoL I, pages 2-7 (PHS Publication No. 1774). (Reprinted in New8, Infor- m,ation and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 5. January 80, 1968.) Cohen, Wilbur J., Ph. D., "A New Era in Medical Care," Pro- C6eding8: COnf6rMCe On Beg@ MediOaZ Progro=, p@ 7-11 (PHS Publication No. 1682). "Conference on Regional Medical Pro@ Fxmines Plaw for Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," The Modem Hospiftl, Vol. 108, No. 2, pages 79-80. February 1967. "Congress Pa@ Bills Extending Region Program," Medical New&-From Washmgton, NedwaZ Tnbutw September 12, 1968. Conley, Veronica L., Ph. D., and Olson, Stanley W., M.D., "Regional Medical Programs," Amerkan J of Nur8- ing, Vol. 68, No. 9, pages 1916-1926. September 1968. (Reprinted in New8, Inf ion and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 89. October 14, 1968.) "Continuing Medical Education-Does It M@rt" (Edi- torial), J of the A Nedioal As8@ionVol. 197, No. 6, pages 50@06. August 8,1966. 89 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Nationally and Locally, Continued Curran, William J., LL.M., Sm. Hyg., "Village Medicine vs. Regional Medical Programs: New Rules in Medical Mdprac- tice," Public Health and the Law, A of of PubUo He4Zth, Vol. 58, No. 9,.pages l@1754. September 1968. (Reprinted in News, Inf and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 8, No. 4- January 22, 1969.) Del Regato, Juan A., M.D., "Radiology, Therapeutic," Med@ 'World NeW8, page 99. January 17,1969. Dempsey, Edward W., Ph.D., "'Me Case for Regional Medical Complexes," NedioaZ Opinion and R@. October 1965. "Dentistry May Be Included in Area Ilealth Centers," Wash- ington Report, DentaZ Survey, pages 17, 19, 21. January 1968. D@, Harold T., "Regional Medical Program for - Heart, Cancer and Stroke," The J of the Medi&aZ A88 of t7w Btate of Alabama, Vol. 86, No. 7. January 1967. Ellwood, Paul M., M.D., "Interpretation and Administration of the Act," Proceaing8: Confemtwe on Regimd M@aZ P-rograna, page 67 (PHS PubHeation No. 1682). Endicott, Kenneth M., M.D. "A National View of Develop- ments in-Cancer," Proceediflg8: Confemw-Work8hOp on Regi&nal Nedied Prog Vol. I, p" 55-59 (PHS Pub- lication No. 1774). F,v@ Lester, M.D., "Can University Health Profession Edu. cation Meet the Challenge of Society's Future Health Needs NedioaZ Care, Vol. 5, No. 3. May 1967. "Hospitab and Regional Medical Pro- Evans, Robert L, M.D.9 grams: A Plea for Coordinated.Action," H08@, p@ 52-58,114. December 16,1967. Everist, Bruce W., M.D., "Practicing Physici@ll P-roo@ ing8'' Confemme on Regional Ve" Progmm, page 66 (PHS Publication No. 1682). "IF,volution or @volution @ American MediciniN" Vodem Med@, pages 8-16. June 21, 1965. Farber, Sidney, M.D., "The idea, the Intent, and the linple- mentation," P-rocceding8: 'Co-nferetwo on RegionaZ VedioaZ Prograim, pages 25-28 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Fishboin, Morris, M.D., "The Health Manpower Problem," (Editorial), P08tg Med@, p@ 2W252. Novem- ber 1968. 40 '"D 'MOGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published N@Uonally and Locally, Continued Ibid., "The Regional Programs" (Editorial), Medical World N&w8, page 104. May 10, 1968. (Reprinted in Now8, Inf tion and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 31. July 22,1968.) "Four Applications For Region Plans To Be Considered," Medical Tribww, VoL 8, No. 13. February 16,1967. Fredrickson, Donald S., M.D.9 "A National View of Develol>- ments in-Heart Disease," Proceeding8: C&nfe -Work- 8hop on BegionaZ Medical Progmm, Vol. I, Pages @54 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Friedlander, Edward M., "Federal Health Programs and Pub- lic Relations," Paper presented at Public Relations Institute of the Florida Hospital Association, University of Miami, October 10, 1968. To be published. Friedrich, Rudolph H., D.D.S., "Dentistry's Role in New National Health Legislation: Regional Medical Programs," J of the Amerkan DentaZ A88o pages 864-869. October 1968. (Reprinted in New8, Informtion aa Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 3, No. 1. January 9, 1969.) Gehrig, Leo J., M.D., "Symposium on Health Services, 1. Comprehensive Planning for Health," Jou@ of Medical Education, pages 467-468. April 1968. "Get Together If You Want a Regional Grant," The Modern Ho8pital, Vol. 107, No. 2. August 1966. "Health Programs in Five Regions Given Appraisal," Medical News from Washington, MedioaZ Tiibwne. February 22,1968. Hfldebrand, Paul R., M.D.1 "'ne Regional Medical Program and the Community Hospital," Collected Paper8 from @ Ho8pital Medical Staff Conferetwe (University of Colorado School of Medicine), Meeting, September 3@October 4,1968. Hill, Li@r, "A Program to Combat I-leart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," The Enquirer, Boonville, Indiana. November 1965. Hogness, John R., M.D., "The Northwest Hospital," B@in of the New York Academy of Ned@, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 495-503. June 1967. Hudson, Charles L, M.D., "Remarks,' P-roceediV8: Confer- ence on Reg@ Medical Progranw, pages 6-7 (PHS Publi- cation No. 1682). Huston, Phillips, "Do We Need Those Regional Complexesl" Medical Ee&wmio8. June 28,1965. "Impressive Start Seen in Programs on Major Disease," Medi- cal News from Washington, MedkaZ TrZum. November 30, 1967. 41 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Nationally and L-ocally, Continined James, Gwrge, MD., "Implications of the Heart Diseme, Can- cer and Stroke Programs, an interp@on ModioaZ Opin- ion and R@,view. OeWber 1966. Ibid., "Silmmation," B@tin of the New York Ac@ of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 522-524. June 1967. Ibid., "The Role and Contribution of Epidemiology in Plan- ning, Operation, and Evaluation of Regional Medical Pro- grams (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) I. Epidemiology and Regional Medical Programs," Anwt*an J of Public H@h, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1047-1050. June 1968. Knapp, Richard M., Ph.D., "The Regional Medical Program: An Approach to Creative Federalimnt" HospitaZ Adng@t@ tion, pages W43. Fall 1968. rAird, Melvin R., "Remarkslt'Proceedings: Confemme-'Work- shop on RegimW Medical Prograim, Vol. 1, page 123 (PHS Ptiblication No. 1774). I,avin, John H., "What Regional Care Can Mean To You," Mediod Ee 8, pages 70-79. May 27,1968. (Reprinted in Newg, Inf ion and Data [Division of Regional Medi- cal Programs, Vol. 2, No. 32. July 23, 1M.) lAwis, Irving J., "A Nonprofessional Looks at Regional Medi- cal Programs," Proceedi-ng8: Conferowe-Work8hop on Be- gimd Medical Progravw, Vol. I, pages 118-122 (PHS Pub- lication No. 1774). (Reprinted in New8, Inf and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 6. January 31, 1968.) Marston, Robert Q., )LD., "An Assault Upon Heart Di@ Canc6i, and Stroke" (Guest Editorial), J&u@ of Behab@ t@ Vol. 33, No. 5. September-October 1967. Ibid., "Regional Medical Progrms, A New Health Program in a Changing Society," The A@an Ow@, Vol. LV, No. 1, pages 18-24. January 1968. Ibid., "Regional Medical Programs: A Review," BaMtin of the, N&w York Academy of M Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 490-494. June 1967. Ibid., "Regional Medical Programs Begin Second Year," U.S. Med@, Vol. 3, No. 25-27. January 1, 1067. Ibid., "Regional Medical Progrum: First Year in Review,' Pub@ Health Report8, Vol. 82, No. 3. March 1967. Ibid., "The Regional Medical Progrms for Heart Cancer, Stroke and Related Di Proceedings of the @po@ Catastrophic Illnew: Impact on Families, Challenge to the Professions, Cancer Care Inc. of the Na- tional Cancer Foundation, pages 37@. 42 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Naiionally and Locally, Continued Ibid., "With the Patient in Mind," PiweMing8: Coof on Beg@ MedioaZ Progratm, p@ 11-16 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Marston, Robeit Q., M.D., and Mayer, William D., M.D., "'Me ]Interdependence of Regional Medical Programs and Continu- ing Education," The J of Med@ Eduoat@ Vol. 42, No. 2, pages 119-125. February 1967. Marston, Robert Q,, M.D., and Schmidt, Alexander M., M.D., "Regional Medical Programs-A Progress Report," A@ can Joumd of Publio Health, Vol. 58, No. 4, p@ @730. April 1968. Marston, Robert Q., M.D., and Yordy, Karl, "A Nation Starts a Program: Regional Medical Programs, 1965-1966,11 The J of Medical Education, Vol. 42, No. 1, pages 17-27. January 1967. Ibid., "Di'vision of Regional Medical Programs Reports on- Pirogrem and Issues," Proce-edi-ng8: Conforence-W@hop on Regional MedioaZ Progmm, Vol. I, pages U48 (PHS Publication No. 1774). M@d, Richard IL, M.D., "A National View of Develop- ments h"troke," Piweeding8: Confer&we-'Work8hop on RegionaZ Mediml Progranw, Vol. 1, p@ 59-66 (PHS Pub- Heation No. 1774). Masur, Jack, M.D., "All Hospitals Are Not Equal," Ho8@, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. (Reprinted 'm New8,.[-nf ion and Data [Division of Regional Medical Pro Vol. 2, No. 25. July 8,1968.) Mayer, William D., M.D., "Regional Medical Progmnis-A Piro@ Report," vlou@ of the MedioaZ A88 of Georgia, Vol. 56, No. 4, pages 143-147. April 1967. MeBeath, William H., M-D., M.P.H., "P Progress Under Regional Medical Programs (P.L. 89-289) Pro@- i,ngg of 1968 SWe Of&cer8 Clonference (American Academy of General Practice), p@ 89-44. April 20-21, 1968. "M.D.s Discuss Medical Plans," AMA New8. January 30,1967. "Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local MD's," Ho8- pital Prac@e, pages 16-17. August 1967. "More Hospital Involvement Needed: Group Views ReOonal Medical Programs," Ho8pitais, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. "Multip@c Screening Procedures Stressed in Federal Health Programs," Geriscope, Ge@@8, page 30. January 1969. "National Goals for Regional Medicine," Poet Medi- August 1966. 43 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Nationally and Locally, Continued "NIH Will Earmark Funds to Combat Major Illnesses," Medi- cal News from Washington, M@aZ Tribune. February 1, .1968. Odoroff, Maurice E., "The Role and Contribution of Epidemi- ology in Planning, Operation, and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) III. Measur- ing Progress of Regional Medical Programs," A@an JounW of Pub@ Health, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1051-1054. June 1968. Olson, Stanley W., M.D., "Regional Programs Take Firm Shapes," U.S. Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 2, pages 83-84. Janu- ary 15,1969. Page, Irvine H., M.D., "The Gestation of Medical Complexes," Modern Medicine, pages 89-92. June 21,1965. Pellegrino, Edmund D., M.D., "Regional Medical Program Coordinators," Proceeding8.- Confer&nce on BegionaZ Medi- oaZ Pro , pages 64-65 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Peterson, Roland L., "The Regional Medical Program and the Community Hospital," Collected Paper8 from the Ho8pital Staff C&nfere?we (University of Colorado School of Medi- cine), Meeting, September 30-October 4, 1968. "Planning Programs Get AHA Support at November Council- Board Meeting," H&8pital8. January 16,1968. "President Hails Progress in Regional Medical Programs," PHS 'World, page 28. January 1968. Prindle, Richard R., M.D., "The Role and Contribution of Epidemiology in Planning, Operation, and Evaluation of R@gional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) VII. Epidemiological Considerations Concerning the Re- gional Medical Programs: From the Bureau of Disease Pre- vention and Environmental Control'" A@an J&u@ of Public Health, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1073-1076. June 1968. "PHS Asks Extension of I-Ieart-Cancer-Stroke Program," Medical News of the Week, Medical 'World Newg, Vol. 8, No. 48. December 1, 1967. "PHS Funds Spur First Four Regional Programs," Hospital News of the Week, Medical 'World New8. May 19, 1967. "Region Program Proving Helpful to M.D.s, Patients," Medi- cal News from Washington, Medical Tyibum, page 9. April 29, 1968. "Regional Complexes Gain Momentum," Medical'World News, February 3, 1967. "Regional Health Program Studied," Lab 'World. December 1967. 4A4 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published Natio nally and Locally, Continued "Regional Medical Plan: Boon or Boondoggle!" AMA New8, pages 1, 6, 7, 8 (series of articles). March 4, 1968. "Regional Medical Plans Under Way in 24 Areas," AMA New8, December 2,1968. "Regional Medical Programs," PHS 'World, pages 33-34. Maxch 1967. "Regional Medical Programs Asked to Focus on Service, Individual," PHS 'World, Vol. 3, No. 3, page 24. March 1968. "RMP Evaluation Urged by A3U," AMA New8, pap 11. April 8,1968. "Regional Medical Programs Extended," GP. November 1968. "Regional Medical Programs in Implementation Stage' 11 Ho8- pital Topics, pages @53 (excerpts from papers by Robert 0, Marston, M.D., James A. Shannon, M.D., Vernon E. Wilson, M.D., Sidney Farber, M.D., Charles L. Hudson, M.D., Michael E. DeBakey, M.D., James T. Howell, M.D., Paul N. Ylvis- aker, Ph. D., and Ray E. Trussell, M.D.). March 1967. "R30, Migrant Health Care Bills Pass Congress," Anwrican Joumd of Nur8?'ng. September 1968. "Regional Medical Programs: New Hope for Remote Areas," U.S. NeW8 and -WorZd Report. February 26, 1968. "Regional Medical Programs: Progress, Promise, Problems," Pub@ Health Reports, Vol. 83, No. 3, pages 180-182. March 1968. "Regional Medical Programs Report," GP. January 1969. "Regional Medical Programs Set To Go Operational," Hos- pital Practice, pages 14-17. March 1967. "Regional Medical Programs Setting Pattern For Delivering Care: Conference Consensus," Hospitals. February 16, 1968. "RMP Shifting Rapidly from Planning to Operational Stages, Conference Reveals," Modem Hospital, page 30. February 1968. "Regional Medical Programs: The View from the Hospital," Hospitals, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. "Regional Medical Programs Told To Be 'Results Oriented', Ho8pitaZ Progress, pages 14-15. March 1968. "Regional Planning Experts Report on Programs," A@an Jou@ of Nur@, pages 450, 452, 456. March 1968. "Regional Program Brings Research Results to Bedside," Medical TVorld NeW8, Vol. 8, No. 36. September 8, 1967. (Reprinted in NeW8, Info@im and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 36. October 12, 1967.) 46 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENEML Published Nationally and Locally, Continued 'Regional Programs Reviewed," W@gton Wire, The Mod- em HoVkaZ. February 1967. "Report of the President's Oommission," The N&w Eng@ Jou@ of Med@, Vol. 272, No. 18. May 6,1965. Russell, John M., M.D., 'New Federal Regional Medical Pro- grams," New Eng@ Joumd of Medicine, Vol. 275, pages 309412. August 11, 1966. Sanazaro, Paul J., M.D., "Evaluation of Medical Care under Public Law 89-239," Proceeding8: C'onferewe &n RegionaZ Medical Progra?m, pages 49-53 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Schechter, Mal, "Planners Work Today on Medicine of Tomor- row "Modem Medicine, pages @. February 18, 1967. 1 Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., "Health Experts Hail Progress in Drive on 3 Major ]Illnesses," T7te New Yo?* T@. January 18,1967. Ibid., "National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs," The New York Time8. April 15,1967. (Reprinted in New8, Infomation and Data (Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) Ibid., "U.S. Health Agency Reorganized to Broaden Medical Education," The New York T@. April 1, 1968. Schmidt, Alexander M., M.D., and Manegold, Richard F., M.D., "Division of Regional Medical Programs Reports on- A New Emphasis," Proceeding8: Confe -Work8hop on Regional Medical Prograna, Vol. I, pages 38-41 (PHS Pub- lication No. 1774). Schmidt, Alexander M., M.D., and Marston, Robert O,, M.D., "Regional Medical Programs: A View from the Federal iieveii" The J of MedioaZ Edw@ Vol. 43, No. 7. July 1968. "Services Affecting Patient Is Theme of Conference on Re- gional Medical Programs," Bout7tern Ho8pitaZ8, Vol. 36, No. 3, pages 15-16. March 1968. Shannon, James A., M.D., "Science and Service," Promedings: Conferewe on Regional MedioaZ Prog pages 18-20 (PRS Publication 1682). Ibid., "The Advancement of Medical Research: A Twenty-Year View of the NIH Role," The of MedicaZ Educ@ Vol. 42, No. 2. February 1967. Sloan, Margaret H., M.D., "Relationship of Regional Medical Programs to Children's Cancer Clinics," Supplement to Pediat@8, Vol. 40, No. 3, Part ][I, pages 62@31. September 1967. 46 'JOMJ'OUGIONAL MEDICAL PWGR"S IN GENE@ Published Natioitallv and Locally, Continued Snoke, Albert W., M.D., "Symposium on Health Services, n. Local, Regional, and National Compre@ve Plannino,: The Role of the Teaching Hospita4l' f of Ned@aZ Educat@ pages 473475. April 1968. Snyder, James D., and Enright, Michael J., "Regional Medical Programs: A Progress Report," Ho8pital A(=Ve t, pages 3"8. April 1967. "Special Supplement" to the Blw @ld, Vol. 4, No. 11, page 5. November 1968. Spiro, Howard, M.D., and DeLuca, Vincent A., Jr., M.D., "The Trainee as a Teacher iii the Community Hospital," New England J of Ned@t Vol. 276, pages 903-905. April 20,1967. "Statement of Policy on the Report of the President's Com- mission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke," Bulletin, Anwrkan Colkge of Surgeon8, Vol. 51, No. 2. March-April 1966. Stewart, William H., M.D., 'How We're Conquering the Three Greatest Killer Diseases," FamiZy Weekly, pages 6-7. Sep- tember 10, 1967. (Reprinted in New8, Inf ion and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs), Vol. 1, No. 35. October 5,,1967.) Ibid., "Regional Medical Programs," MedicaZ Tribme. July 6,1966. Stickle, Gabriel, "The Role end Contribution of Epidemiology in Planning, Operation, and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) V. Second Thoughts on the Regional Medical Programs," Amerkan Jou@ of Publk Hedth, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1047-1050. June 1968. "Surgeon General Urges Expansion of the Regional Medical Programs," The Wa8hington Po8t, page M3. November 9, 1967. "The Health Care System, The Cry: Change Is Needed," Amer- ican J of Nursing. January 1969. "The 1967 Annual Meeting in Review," Ho8pitaZ8, pages 72-74. September 1, 1967. "The Regional Medical Programs-Planners Work Today on Medicine of Tomorrow," Newsfront, Modern Medicim, pages @49 40,44,46,51-52,61. February 13, 1967. "Tri-State Breaks Attendance Record," Ho8pitaZ Topic8. June 1967. 47 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENEML PubUshed Natii)nally and Locally, Continued Wilbur, Dwight L., RD., "Quality and Availability of Health Care for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related D in the Future as Related to-Development of Personal Health 'Service," Proceedings: Confe -Work8hop on BegionciZ Medical Program, Vol. I, pages 19-24 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Williams, Greer, "Needed: A New Strategy for Health Promo- tion," New England Jou@ of Med@, pages 1031-1085. November 7, 1968. Wilson, Vernon E., M.D., "Program Evaluation," Proomd- ing8: C&nfere.?we on Reg@ MedioaZ Program-8, pages 21- 24 (PHS Publication No. 1682). Yordy, Karl D., "Group Practice in the Heart, Cancer and Stroke Program," Gr&up P@ice, Journal of the American Association of Medical Clinics, Vol. 16, No. 7, pages 492-501. July 1967. Ibid., "Regional Medical Programs to Combat Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke," J of Pmetical Nur8ing, pages 28-31. January 1968. 48 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs DIRECTORY OF REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Revised October 1968 To Include Operational PrOj@ NOW8, Inf&mwion and Data, Vol. 2, No. 43. November 1, 1968. Excerpt8 Of Te8tim-ony and Mate@ Piw@ on Ma#vh 26 md 27,1968 Re: Se-etiom of H.B. 1,57,68 Rektive to Reg@ Medical Pro before the Sube tm on PubUo Hedth and 'Welfare, of the C@tt6e On Int6r8tate. md Fomign Comnwme, HOU8e of Repre8@ative,8, Nimtieth C&Agr688, Second Se8@ (we page 50 for fu7,1 text reference). Li4t?.ng of C watwm @ public Info@ion Staff of Beg@ Mediad Pro Oa Ot@ Pub@ Be, C 8 in the Regiom. February 1969. Guideli"8-Regioftal MedW Progmw (Revised May 1968). Ne'w8, Inf aa Data (Dividon of Regional Medical Programs communications device). Publi@ as needed; first issue: May 11, 1967. (Pa@8 Pre8eaed-Confereme of CoordinaO'r8 of Re@ Medical P'rOg-ranw, September 30-0c@r 1, 1968. Procee,ding8: Confemme on RegimW Makal p?.Ogmm, Janu&rY 15-Il, 1967 (PHS Pu.blication No. 1682). Proceai,ng8: Conftrence-Wo48hop on RegionaZ M@al Pro- g,rwm, in two volumes, January 17-19,1968 (PHS Publica- tion No. 1774): Volume I: Plenary Sessions 0 Panel and Discumion Groups o Related Background Information on Conference-Workshop (Appendices) Volume II: 15-Minute Papers on Regional Activities and Ideas Progre88 Report-Reg@ Medical Prog April 1969. Reg@ Me-dwaZ Program,8 and Thnr RoW@7up8 to the U,rban C y and the Poor, November 1968. Report on Beg@ Medical Progmm to the Pre@ and the COngre88, JUne 1967 (PHS Publication No. 1690). Stroke Regi8t@8, Report of the Task Force on Stroke Regis- tries of the Joint Subcommittee on Carebrovascular D@ of the National Advisory Heart Council and the National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council, National Institutes of Health, September 15, 1967. 40 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL Other U.S. Co House Committft on llnte@te and Fore* Comme@ H@ Di,#eme., 0 and Shvke A of 1965; Report No. 968, 89th C lot session, U.S. Government Prin@ Office, W n, D.C., September 8, 1965. U.S. House Committee on In and Foreign Commerce, Beg@ Afed@ CompWo for H@ Di#eme, Cancer, Stroke and Other Di8eme8; Hearings. 89th Con- @ Ist @on, on H.R. 8140, Ser. No. 89-20. U.S. Govem- ment Printing Office, W@gton, D.C., 1965. U.S. Congress, Sen@ Committee on Labor and Pubhe Welfare, Com-battng Heart Dueme, Cancer, Stro7m, and other Major Di8ea,8e8; Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Ilealth, 89th Congrem, Ist smion, S. 596. U.S. Government Printing Of- fice. W on, D.C., 1965. U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, He,a,rt Di4teme, C and St-roke A of 1965;. Report No. 368, 89th Congress, Ist @on, U.S. Govermnent Printing Office, Washington, D.C., June 24,1965. U.S. Congress, House Commmittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Grano for BegionaZ Medioai P H@h of A@urd M@t 'W@r8, and Akoho@ and Nar- cotic Addiot BehabiUtation F Report No. 1536, 90th Co 2nd @on, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., June 10, 1968. U.S. Congress, House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Beg@ MedwaZ Progranw; A7coholw8 and Nar- ootiog Addict8 Facgitie8; Hedth S@es for Dome8@ Ag@turd MigratM 'Worker8; Hes@- gfth Co 2nd session, on H.R. 15758, Ser. No. 90--86. U.S. Governiment Printing Office, Washington, D.C., March 26,27,28,1968. U.S. Congress, &rate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, HeaZth Se@e8 Anwndimnts; Hearing Before the Subcom- mittee on Health, 90th Congress, 2nd @on, S. 8094. U.S. Govemment Printing Office, W u, D.C., July 12, 1968. U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on IAbor and Public Welfare, Health S@e A@ment8 of 1968; Report No. 1454, 90th Co 2nd smion, U.S. Govemment Printing Office, Wash@n, D.C., July 24,1968. U.S. Co Committee of Coi4erence, H@h Se,@e.8 and Faca@ A@ ; Report No. 1924,90th Co 2nd @on, U.S. Government Printing Oflice, W n, D.C., September 25, 1968. 50 APPENDIX RqdonaI Medical Programs and Locations ALABAMA REGIONAL MIDICAL CENTRAL NEW YORK REGIONAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM 1917 Fifth Avenue, South U@te Medical Center .Biriningham, Ala. MM State University of New York (TeYephone: 205 750 East Adams Street @on: State of Alabama Syracuse, N.Y. 1=0 ALBANY REGIONAL MMICAL (.Telephone: 815/47 PROGRAM Region: Syracuse, N.Y., and 15 sur- Albany Medical @ege Df Union rounding counties University OOL4)RADO-WYOMING 47 New @@d Avenue REGIONAL MIR)ICAL Albany, N.Y. @ PROGRAht (Telephone: 518/@7521) University of Colorado Medical Center Region: Northeastern New York and 4200 East Ninth Avenue portions of southern Vermont and Denver, Colo. 80220 'Western Manach@tri (Telephone: 7M) ARIZONA REGIONAL MEDICAL Region: States of Colorado and PROGRAM Wyoming University of A@na Coillege of CONNBCTICM REGIONAL Medi@e MEDI@ PROGRAM Tucson, Ariz. 85721 272 George Street (Telephone: 602/@1505 and &325) New Haven, Conn. 06510 Region: State of Arizona (Telephone: 209 Region; Stateof Oonnecticut ARKANS" REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM FLOREDA REGIONAL MEDICAL 5M University Tower Building PROGRAM lZh at University I Davis Boulevard, Suite 300 rAttle Pwk, Ark. 72204 Tampa, I'la@ &MM (Telephone: SM/ (Telephone: 818 1) Region: State of Arkansas Region: State of Florida GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL BI-STATE REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM Medical tion of Georgia 607 North Grand Boulevard 988 Peachtree S@, Northeast St. Louis, Mo. 68103 Atlanta, Ga. MM (Telephone: 314/535-9755) (Telephone: 404/87@01) Region: Southern Illinois and eaBt. Region: State of Georgia M@uri GREATER DELAWARE VALLEY era CALIFORNIIA REGIONAL REGIONAL MEDICAL -PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM 655 Butter Street, Room 000 Wynnewoo4 House San Francisco, Calif. M02 300 East Lan@r Avenue (Telephone: 415/77i@) Wynnewood, Pa. 19096 (Telephone: 215/649-4100) Region: State of California, plus Region: Pennsylvania, the Ren"parks and Clark County southern part of New Jersey, and (Las Veggto), Nev. the entire State of Delaware APPENDIX HAWAII REGIONAL MEDICAL MAIM REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM 1301 Punchbowl Street 295 Water Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Augusta, Maine 04830 (Telepjione: 808/581@25) (Telephone: 2OT/M-75M) Region: State of Hawaii, plus Amer- Region: State of Maine ican Samoa, Guam, and the Trust Territoryof the Pacific (Microne- MARYLAND REGIONAL sia) MEDICAL PROGRAM 550 North Broadway ILLINOIS REGIONAL MEDICAL Baltimore, Md. 21M PROGRAM (Telephone: 301@7445) 1122 South Michigan Avenue, Suite Region: State of Maryland, less en- 989 virons of Washington, D.C., In- Chicago, Ill. cludes lower southeastern counties (Telephone: 312/939-7307) of Delaware, Aecomae County Region: State of Illinois (Va.), and York County (Pa.) INDL4NA REGIONAL MEDICAL MEMPEIIS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM The University of Tennessee Medical Indiana University School of Medi- Units cine 62 South Dunlap Street 1300 West Michigan Street Memphis, Tenn. 38108 Indianapolis, Ind. 46= (Telephone: 317/ 92) (Telephone: 901/527@1) Region: Western Tennessee, north- Region: State of Indiana ern Mississippi, eastern Arkansas, and portions of Kentucky and INTERMOUNTAIN REGIONAL Missouri MEDICAL PROGRAM 50 North Medical Drive METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 D.C. REGIONAL MEDICAL (Telephone: 801/322--7901) PROGRAM Region: State of Utah, and portions Medical Society of the District of of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Columbia Nevada 2007 Eye Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20006 IOWA REGIONAL MEDICAL (Telephone: 202 90) PROGRAM Region: District of Columbia and 308 Melrose Avenue contiguous counties in Maryland Iowa City, Iowa 52240 (2) and Virginia (2), and the city (Telephone: 319 8) of Alexandria (Va.) Region: State of Iowa MICE[IGAN REGIONAL MEDICAL KANSAS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM Suite 200, Jill Michigan Avenue East Lansing, Mich. 48823 3909 Eaton Street (Telephone: 517/351@) Kansas City, Kans. 66108 of Michigan (.Telephone: 913/A Region: State Region: State of Kansas MISSISSIPPI REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM LOUISIANA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM University of Mississippi Medical Center Claiborne Towers Roof 2500 North State Street 119 South Claiborne Avenue Jackson, Miss. SM6 New Orleans, La. M12 (,Telephone: 601 11, Ext- (Telephone: 504/522-M8) 2627) Region: State of Louisiana Region: State of Mississippi 62 APPENDIX MISSOURI REGIONAL MEDICAL NORTH CAROLINA REGIONAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM 406 Turner Avenue-Lewis Han Teer House University of Missouri 4019 North Roxboro Road Columbia,.Mo. 6=01 Durham, N.C. 27704 (Telephone: 314/449-2711) (Telephone: 919/477@) Region: State of Missouri, exclusive Region: State of North Carolina of St. Louis NORTH DAKOTA R E G I 0 N A L MOUNTAIN STATES REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM University of North.Dakota 525 West Jefferson Street IGM University Avenue Boise, Idaho 83702 Grand ]Forks, N.D. 58201 (Tdlephone: 208 666) (Telephone: 701/772-5961) Region: States of Idaho, Montana, Region: State of North Dakota Nevada, and Wyoming NORTHEAST OMO REGIONAL NASSAU - SUFFOLK REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM 10205 Carnegie Avenue Suffolk Academy of Medicine Cleveland, Ohio 44106 &50 Veterans Memorial Highway (Telephone: 216 Hauppauge, N.Y. 11787 Region: 12 counties In northeast (Telephone: 516/724-7871) Ohio Region: Counties of Nassau and Suf- folk on Long Island, N.Y. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL MEDICAL NF,BRASKA-SOUTH DAKOTA PROGRAM REGIONAL MEDICAL University of Vermont College of PROGRAM Medicine 1408 Sharp Building 25 Colchester Avenue Lincoln, Nebr. 685N Burlington, Vt. 05401 (Telephone: 402/432-2825) (Telephone: 802/86"511) Region: States of Nebraska and Region: Vermont and three counties South Dakota in northeastern New York NEW JERSEY REGIONAL NORTHLANDS REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM 88 Ross Street FUth Floor-Farm Credit Banks East Orange, N.J. 07018 Building (Telephone: 201/674-7270) 375 Jackson Street Region: State of New Jersey St. Paul, Minn. 55101 N19W MEXICO REGIONAL (,Telephone: 612/221-4771) MEDICAL PROGRAM Region: State of Minnesota University of New Mexico Medical NORTHWESTERN OEIFO School REGIONAL MEDICAL 920 Stanford Drive, Northeast PROGRAM Building 3-A 2313 Madison Avenue Albuquerque, N. Mex. 87106 Toledo, Ohio @ (Telephone: 505/277@) (Telephone: 419/248-Ml) Region: State of New Mexico Region: 20 counties In northwestern NEW YORK METROPOLffAN Ohio REGIONAL MEDICAL OHIO STATE REGIONAL PROGRAM MEDICAL PROGRAM The Associated Medical Schools of 2320 Lincoln Tower Greater New York 1800 Cannon Drive 2 East 103rd Street Columbus, Ohio 43210 New York, N.Y. 10029 (Telephone: 614 176) (Telephone: 212/427-4100) Region: Central and southern two- Region: New York City and West- th"s of Ohio (61 counties, exclud- chester County, N.Y. ing Metropolitan Cincinnati area) APPENDEK OEIKO VALLEY REGIONAL TE DM-SOUTH MEDICAL PROGRAM REGIONAL WDICAL 1719 Alexandria Drive PROGRAM Post Office Box 4025 1100 Baker Building Le@n, Ky. 4WN 110 21st Avenue, South (Telephone: 6W/27 Nashville, Tenn. $7208 Region: Greater part of Kentucky (.Telephone: 615/244-2900) and contiguous parts of Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia Region: Tennessee and southwestern Kentucky OKLAHOMA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM TEXAS REGIONAL M E D I C A L University of Oklahoma Medical PROGRAM Center 800 Northeast 18th Street Office of the ChaneeUor Oklahoma City, Okla. 78104 The University of Texas System (Telephone: 405 Austin, Tex. 78712 Region: State of Oklahoma (Telephone: 512/GRI-1484) OREGON REGIONAL MEDICAL Region: State of Texas PROGRAM TRI-STATE REGIONAL MEDICAL University of Oregon Medical School 8181 Southwest Sam Tackson Park PROGRAM Road Medical Care and Education Foun- Portland, Oreg. 97201 dation, Inc. (Telephone: 508/228-9181, Ext. Mg) Two Center Plaza, Room 400 Region: State of Oregon Boston, Mass. 02108, PUERTO RICO REGIONAL (Telephone: 617/742-7280) MIM)ICAL PROGRAM Region: States of Masmehuwtts, University of Puerto Rico New Hampshire and Rhode Island San Tuan, P.R. 00905 (Telephone: 800/725-2386) VIRGINIA REGIONAL MEDICAL Region: Puerto Rico PROGRAM 700 Building-Suite 1025 ROCHESTER REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM 700 East Main Street Richmond, Va. 2=9 University of Rochester Medical Center (Telephone: 708/@1907) 280 Crittenden Boulevard Region: State of Virginia Rochester, New York 14620 (Telephone: 716/275-4540) WASE[INGTON-ALASKA Region: Roehester, N.Y. and 11 sur- REGIONAL MEDICAL rounding counties PROGRAM SOUTH CAROLINA REGIONAL 500 "Ull District Building MEDICAL PROGRAM 1107 Northeast 45th Street Medical College of South Carolina Seattle, Wash. 98105 80 Barre Street (Telephone: 206 Charleston, B.C. 20401 Region: States of WaoMngtx)n and (Telephone: 808/728-2771) Alaska Region: State of South Carolina SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY WEST VIRGINIA REGIONAL REGIONAL BMICAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM Room 2237, University Hospital 3806 Market Street Post Office Box 541 West Virginia University Medical Camp Hill, Pa. IM1 Center (Telephone: 717/761-=2) Morgantown, W. Va. Region: 24 counties in central (Telephone: Mg/298-2@K) Pennsylvania Region: State of West Virginia 54 APPENDIX WESTERN NEW YORK WESTERN PENNSYLVANU REGIONAL MEDICAL RBGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM PROGRAM State University of New York at 3530 Forbes Avenue Buffalo - Pittsburgh, Pa. 15M School of Medicine (Telephone: 412/621-1006) 2211 Main Street Region: Pittsburgh, Pa. and 28 isur- Buffalo, N.Y. 14214 rounding counties (Telephone: 716/8&3-2726) WISOONSIN REGIONAL Region: 7 western New York coun- MEDICAL PROGRAM ties and Brie County in Pennsyl- 110 East Wisconsin Avenue v,ania Milwaukee, Wis. 58= (Telephone: 414/27 Region: State of Wisconsin U.& @MM MMM OFM: IM 0-@ Public Health Service Publication No. 1861