The Biometric Research Branch (BRB) is the statistical and biomathematical component of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD). Its members provide statistical leadership for the national research programs of the division in developmental therapeutics, developmental diagnostics, diagnostic imaging and clinical trials. The members of the branch also conduct research in biostatistics, biomathematics, and computational biology, on topics ranging from methodology to facilitate understanding at the molecular level of the pathogenesis of cancer to methodology to enhance the conduct of clinical trials of new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches. 



Investigators and contact information

BRB ArrayTools BRB ArrayTools
Download the most advanced tools for microarray data analysis


Clinical trials, Drug Discovery, Molecular Cancer Diagnosis, Biomedical Imaging, Computational and Systems Biology, and Biostatistical Research

Predictive Biomarkers in Phase II/III Clinical Trials Predictive Biomarkers in Phase II/III Clinical Trials
Technical Reports and Talks

Technical Reports and Talks

Download the PDF version of our most recent research papers and PowerPoint version of the talk slides

Optimal Two-Stage Designs Optimal Two-Stage Designs


Sample Size for Developing Predictive Classifiers SAmple Size for Developing Predictive Classifiers
Positions Positions
Investigator position available
Post-doctoral fellow positions available
Integrate Phase II/III Clinical Trials Integrate Phase II/III Clinical Trials
Software Software
  • Accelerated Titration Design Software
  • Optimal Two-Stage Phase II Design Software
  • Please send comments and suggestions to

    Updated on December 10, 2008