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T-7 Group Members

Technical Staff

Name Telephone Email Research
Berndt, Markus +1 505 665 4711 berndt@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing
Bettencourt, Luis +1 505 667 8453 lmbett@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Statistical Physics, Complex Systems
Chartrand, Rick +1 505 667 8093 rickc@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Inverse Problems, Image Analysis, High Dimensional Analysis
Dendy, Joel +1 505 667 5929 jed@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math
Gabitov, Ildar +1 505 667 2605 gabitov@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Nonlinear PDEs, Nonlinear Optics, Optical Communication
Garimella, Rao +1 505 665 2928 rao@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Mesh generation, Numerical methods, Geometric modeling
Hagberg, Aric +1 505 665 4958 hagberg@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Dynamical Systems
Hyman, James +1 505 667 6294 jh@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, PDEs, Biomathematics
Jiang, Yi +1 505 665 5745 jiang@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Soft Condensed Matter Physics, Biophysics
Kurien, Susan +1 505 665 0148 skurien@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Statistical hydrodynamics, Turbulence
Li, Shengtai +1 505 665 8407 sli@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Adaptive Numerical Methods, Sensitivity Analysis, Parallel Computation
Lipnikov, Konstantin +1 505 667 1719 lipnikov@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Numerical Analysis, PDEs
Luce, Benjamin luceb@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Nonlinear Optics
Moulton, David +1 505 665 4712 moulton@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, Multigrid, Clusters
Philip, Bobby +1 505 667 3844 bphilip@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Multigrid
Sandine, Gary +1 505 667 2918 gars@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov System Administrator
Shashkov, Mikhail +1 505 667 4400 shashkov@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, PDEs, Mesh Generation
Staley, Martin +1 505 665 4963 mstaley@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Computer Science
Swart, Pieter +1 505 665 9437 swart@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Computational Physics, Computer Science
Swartz, Blair +1 505 667 6497 bks@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory
Tartakovsky, Daniel +1 505 667 0968 dmt@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Geophysics, Stochastic PDEs
Vixie, Kevin +1 505 665 9887 vixie@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Inverse Problems, Image Analysis, High Dimensional Analysis
Wendroff, Burton +1 505 665 4968 bbw@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Numerical Analysis
Wohlberg, Brendt +1 505 667 6886 brendt@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Signal, Image Processing


Name Telephone Email Research
Ahn, Hyung Taek +1 505 665 9188 htahn@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Unstructured mesh applications, Multi-material flow simulations, Fluid/Structure Interactions.
Gulbahce, Natali +1 505 667 6625 gulbahce@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Statistical Physics, Stochastic PDE's, Inverse Modeling
Kucharik, Milan +1 505 667 2188 kucharik@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Numerical Methods, Conservative Interpolations, ALE, Multimaterial Simulations
Miller, Joel +1 505 606 2051 jomiller@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Non-Newtonian Fluids, Complex Networks, Infectious Disease
Schofield, Samuel +1 505 667 4400 sams@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Scientific computing, fluid dynamics, multi-material flows.
Svyatskiy, Daniil +1 505 606 2124 dasvyat@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Numerical PDEs, Discretization methods, Linear Solvers, Multigrid and Multilevel methods
Weronski, Pawel +1 505 667 9956 pawel@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Computer Simulations in Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Zhu, Jian-Zhou +1 505 667 6655 zhujz@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Turbulence theory: phenomenology and numerical simulations.

Support Staff

Name Telephone Email Role
Martinez, Crystal +1 505 667 9296 chrys@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Group Administrator
Romero, Nicole +1 505 667 1109 niromero@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Assistant Group Administrator


Name Telephone Email Research
Arriola, Leon +1 505 667 2604 Pure and Applied Mathematics
Beyer, William +1 505 667 2604 beyer@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Math Analysis
Camassa, Roberto +1 505 667 1109 roberto@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Dynamical Systems
Choi, Wooyoung +1 505 667 1109 wychoi@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Nonlinear Waves, Analysis of PDEs
Chowell-Puente, Gerardo +1 505 665 4976 gchowell@ cut.this.part. t7.lanl.gov Mathematical Modeling, Model Validation, Social Network Analysis, Statistical Applications to Epidemiology, Agent-based Modeling
Glowinski, Roland Nonlinear Least Squares Methods, Domain Decomposition Methods
Kolokolov, Igor +1 505 667 2605 kolokol@ cut.this.part. itp.ac.ru Statistical physics
Lebedev, Vladimir +1 505 667 2605 lwlebede@ cut.this.part. landau.ac.ru Statistical physics
Li, Jia +1 505 667 6497 jli@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Applied Math, Biomathematics
Li, Yi +1 505 665 7816 Applied Math, DEs, Numerical Computations
Louck, James +1 505 667 6035 jimlouck@ cut.this.part. aol.com Mathematical physics
Maclachlan, Scott +1 617 627 2356 scott.maclachlan@ cut.this.part. tufts.edu Applied Mathematics
Zheng, Li +1 505 606 2154 lzheng@ cut.this.part. lanl.gov Hydrological system analysis and modeling