Dr. Xinan Zhang

Office Address:
Room 8121B
6130 Executive Plaza
Rockville, MD 20852

Contact Information:
Tel: (301) 435-9016
Fax: (301) 402-0560

Research Interests
Biomathematics and computer simulation, mathematical modeling and simulation of tumor and mutation rate of carcinogenesis, mathematical modeling and simulation of viral and immunological dynamics, geometric theory of dynamical system.

Selected Publications 
As of May 15, 2003

Zhang X., Chen L., Liang Z., The bifurcation of the periodic solution of the polynomial vector fields. Acta Math. Sinica (New Series), 17(3), (2001), 471-480.

Zhang X., Chen L., Neumann A.U., The stage-structured predator-prey model and optimal harvesting policy, Mathematical Biosciences, 168(2),(2000), 201-210.

Zhang X., Chen L., Global dynamic behavior of competing model of three species. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 245(1), (2000), 124-141.

Liang Z., Zhang X., Yang C., The Existence of nonconstant periodic orbits of Komolgorov system in R3. (in Chinese) Acta Math. Sinica, 43(5), (2000), 807-812.

Zhang X., Chen L., The periodic solution of a class of epidemic models. Computer and Mathematics with Application, 38 (No.3/4), (1999), 61-71.

Zhang X., Chen L., Liang Z., The global topological properties of homogeneous vector fields in R3. Chin. Ann. Math., 20B(2), (1999), 185-194.

Zhang X., Zhao Y., Meng X., The global properties of a class of homogeneous vector fields of degree two in R3 (in Chinese). Chin. Ann. Math. 20A(4), (1999), 519-526.

Zhang X., Chen L., Liang Z., The dispersal properties of a class of predator-prey LV model (in Chinese). Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 19(4), (1999), 407-414.

Zhang X., Liang Z., The polynomial vector fields in Rn and RPn (in Chinese). Acta Math. Sinica, 41(5), (1998), 955-964.


Please send comments and suggestions to brb@linus.nci.nih.gov

last updated: May 15, 2003