{CaptionsBy} InDyne, Inc. {LastEditor} Anita Barrett {ScannedBy} Seven/Still Photo Imaging {author} NASA or National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 03-May-2000 {description} The Atlas II/Centaur rocket carrying the NASA/NOAA weather satellite GOES-L is revealed after the tower was rolled back before launch. The primary objective of the GOES-L is to provide a full capability satellite in an on-orbit storage condition, in order to assure NOAA continuity in services from a two-satellite constellation. Launch services are being provided by the 45th Space Wing. Liftoff is targeted to occur at the opening of a launch window extending from 2:27 - 5:53 a.m. EDT, a duration of three hours and 27 minutes. Launch will occur from Pad A at Complex 36 on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. {highres} 1766 x 2670 {highsize} 507959 {hightype} JPEG {lowres} 159 x 240 {lowsize} 54786 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 508 x 768 {mediumsize} 48940 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-00PP-0617 {slideres} 110 x 156 {slidesize} 24880 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 66 x 100 {tinysize} 10072 {tinytype} GIF {title} Tower rollback before the GOES-L launch from CCAFS {type} Image {end}