ࡱ> PRO` Cbjbj rEq """""""6   8R ,~ 6"p ( >J^    +7GW"$F$h&{""@{""" "" "  R7""> 01m |L"0" 'Z'<>'">jvT4Dx7jjj{"{"UXjjj"666 666 666"""""" May 2, 2006 Contact: Betsy Steele (202) 501-1231 GSA # 10233 Betsy.Steele@gsa.gov Contact Center Services Procurement Tool Kit, Unveiled WASHINGTON, D.C. The U.S. General Services Administrations (GSA) USA Services today unveiled the Emergency Procurement Tool Kit, a comprehensive user friendly guide on FirstContact, an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle allowing federal agencies to obtain immediate vendor support to respond to citizen inquiries during disasters and emergencies. GSAs USA Services, a Presidential E-Gov initiative, manages FirstContact. The Tool Kit provides value by delivering all necessary documents customized to FirstContact in a centralized facility. With FirstContact, agencies can quickly establish contact center(s) to provide citizens with information on a variety of issues, including where to locate relief in emergency situations. For example, during the Katrina response and recovery period in the Fall of 2005, FEMA used FirstContact to respond to 1.5 million calls and emails from hurricane victims. President Bushs Management Agenda calls for a more efficient, citizen-centric Federal government, said M.J. Pizzella, Associate Administrator of GSAs Office of Citizen Services and Communications. The FirstContact Emergency Procurement Took Kit reflects GSAs commitment to offering services that make government agencies more responsive and accessible to citizens. The Tool Kit includes, among other documents, examples of an Interagency Agreement, Statement of Work, Source Selection Plan and two FirstContact case studies. It can be viewed online at  HYPERLINK "http://www.usaservices.gov/emergency.htm" www.usaservices.gov/emergency.htm. The Tool Kit and recently released Cost Calculator ( HYPERLINK "http://www.usaservices.gov/calculator.htm" www.usaservices.gov/calculator.htm) fulfill USA Services mandate to provide government-wide leadership to improve agency response to public inquiries. #### GSA is a centralized, federal procurement, property management, policy development and information provision agency, created by Congress to improve government efficiency and help federal agencies better serve the public. In this role, GSA acquires products and services on behalf of federal agencies; plays a key role in developing and implementing governmentwide policies; provides services and solutions for the office operations of more than one million federal workers; and encourages a citizen-centric relationship with government by providing a single "point of entry" to the information and services citizens need in a timeframe they can appreciate. This allows citizens to receive accurate, timely and consistent answers and information, and helps federal agencies better respond to citizen inquiries.      Media Advisory U.S. General Services Administration  ___________________________________________________________________________ 1800 F Street, NW Washington DC 20405 www.gsa.gov  *:@E 1 ƻƱucQ?#hwB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hc(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hSB*CJOJQJ^JaJph&hS>*B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph&h{Q>*B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ ph&hw>*B*CJ OJQJ^JaJ phh.CJOJQJhr\z5CJOJQJh.5CJOJQJhk5CJOJQJhShS5CJOJQJhr\zh.h-f&hS *hk: <=>CDEopqst$a$gdz d7$8$H$gdS d7$8$H$gdgdzgd$d7$8$H$a$gdSqB1 3 9 F V z F O s   7  ɴ{fTBTBTBTB#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hAB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhAB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hzB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hFB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhbqB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hbqB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hwB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h{QB*CJOJQJ^JaJph$'  012Aghi|ƯkX؝;8j h?hWIB*CJOJQJU^JaJph$h?hWI0JCJOJQJ^JaJ8jh?hWIB*CJOJQJU^JaJph)hWIhWIB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hWIB*CJOJQJ^JaJph,jhWIB*CJOJQJU^JaJph#hAB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph:;<=CEnqIJvaO:%)hbqh.B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhc(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hc(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhzB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hSB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hbqhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hzhB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hWIB*CJOJQJ^JaJph$h?hWI0JCJOJQJ^JaJ,jhWIB*CJOJQJU^JaJph qrtuwxz{}~@ABCԿߞ)hbqh.B*CJOJQJ^JaJphhmUOJQJjhmUUmHnHuhmU5CJ$OJQJ)jhmU5CJ$OJQJUmHnHuhmUCJ$mHnHuhmUhmU5B*CJOJQJphhe^jhe^Utvwyz|}~@ABC$a$ $ `'^a$ $ `'^a$2 002P/ =!8"8#8$8% n6-Μ&.{^sPNG  IHDRddsRGB pHYsEC\IDATx^y]e֐ !d2Cd@A \6N@c f*vb+(-'HhEG $$$ $L!ESF w?]ER:>~_9 z KjhX6XmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZYmZ@KۑZY?*"T) e"/UhJ)_Z,KǔV֨TvJk.MpWk"kVJc>,2V7\?ZyH_Dž ;<7t͋%xؼ驌fCFg8st${YԬ}|Q)R0K\#uHeK/IMkY%aP$Z0Ry |Y)7*0nQF}i w?X7ti][A Nhgpmx*܇7dt֧scz=iP۫CFuO8 x:ϝMhu5%c^;t3<:dOŗv#A1W%WPēr e)"/{Y4'O=Sꤟ$6g͙KLn:ɳMl\/`%ᝆәڊG77lwuBo~E:$[e {u6{qzܩHyxP% rcw8kH.촯__#ޠ, d1HK/5(# `i(̪p,V 0ޣO<ϛi4‰c:/ۃOYյ. q-CpnkTQ[$I6סnHfoZ$5Y<N-?㒈d?(JCQk4FP5Ν79( Wzxuw>)>8#;i>'qЌ m}懮/8.ZETZՏ/,*DdRgGk/}uev|r7Y0l 8<.9K!>VaĽ`7a,e\oEf&$Vw =wPy26GRf Vv1'_B5*w&ѫ{E(KxJ{+R[b9O0Ѝ$Kuj@+\o%Ezerq+7o7w2Nк A}H@BEigZ'E~_m- JRFABei֫ye|q - Hr}q(c&I~>c~˾Qeڨ/KkI&y`чfQwr($u'Ҕvt^TZvwEfQyIib# JO1FZuAD=E%XAfl>cFOohVm*&LdWУʩH70^[CU4MO?+`y<{u%yFwIw* AJ܌j:c~BE'rT;?ckgUar|Nx?-]viHJ<5$` wA6¯VM+3>=e,1 O|՘>t|qZ)2wyɳ:g㦌~ӬIGO9~Ƅ;s GO JMkS~8q:>֥;187ji}=yӦ dPը&NvH %/x6~}̓f/]MWsfPGF 6ՊG6d?h(B"riw(tEu_Ե3+&bG]v:uAL` 0i0Ҽy^&7~Tp֜ 7#žo]*w+_h{"ΝPNS 0rhtܩQ2ITKW>SÙ J{2(%No[[yOBmG_uL;kެN;vܞ:³CIDM§Vݿiǻ/ HP4,],~vh:N>|W<#xwmE0lڤZgﺓ5ntϯyXdЪ&**|Ծܢ! x=ŗ1Xk~miPifI[_|N-v { z+*RD'M7:rXK?<}/'e!a+Da+.Cbz&e}zXR,]}lVXGKCnٲarv5E}#Y.Żz{IÚbeRKm7ITiJ|g8?燞{3w=kh`0IӢ5F{ɦf"j榴i<9k-OPl⤈IN`aҺ([HH_A]sg7Yqnju='ln/Be  2}gٯ;j1U%s[KHU!fpB~YdoՁF@ C7iy4bp\c>{xߝ3X.,E& OpΞx'θ?/%TY<_ʒ64^FK)n`En31ifLްGa=n{uxHȪKs"vI]I rIS-N#GEaJfԯCNBLUP2mf9R;" ~Df<(H[L|zFlΤc (ٴĞ;"9p6:Y{zGKyT3zySc0ΰ-mMB m"ц6‹;Q?h<9iĈxԱUTj([- W)[.:1:!|#Xg%2'N 0 Č3XE&.^ vGZ#Z-[DJcw1҂Y:a5QRC*ŷ)C' yI=fS#CgЀ2m"5Eغx"s5d1ua"eã%eec&)CCwif#Q.uS)`xkHr~޷swo+uG&ю|lm?I(l8DS`~[uFN/U3Q95S{ju\1s,A&6ރ5@2ev)N3Tg_:6a,%Xunb"Ys(n?dd])V\a; ^tG 3棔yB.ig+iS/be|̷j)O$[kt1w^<,bo_HRV=8Y|“0}V5ӡWDT˯Z8g>[U+IiZau᪣K s۔9?O S:gj X3uBHSFU|u׼kiiF+E)+|bjw}?+ӊ7 !b}a@:wIB޸zټ/&#B^b1#\)Do]8kl 醠Q!IW+ ubſ]rkjLEۿ)Q1"Kg?+n{T6@E}gC Ӎ8ݹ9gj~Tӛ]` \^7+%[ t9FqS%\5d)Z.(zQt?S$,q#!S}蒊hmfeX"EcG.]lv'A?ˁRL8F2 ʔޭugmbqn=b ,|9g0pof dW#3{,{Eg[o]?j⥸Q!Vmqg}W9O":+d N4# /Q*PW'A+`(t lDilNt 'N'[Snv.懨 XV"nOM?˗,ݪ-ʫc:x8ɂMWE1Dp V3 O>pNrK_C9@n-8jR=^:6vsyc;)d H;HM[zxO?G70a7Şࢄ9A{v⑇Ν2B *ãJe߹gLv;O"oC ;'r%u,SQMdFk 'rx\9^az~ȹ+mّ#D6Z`u|qe5yBbؘD,;|I2ޫ{ԨQ6<ջnoF{a'b ى+E8󝴓 ߠ Ioz==ܷvcj;\S8u& @IId j~r6e(\|@*;`&V?l'$j2!$i$]/o7ax`' e_I > jTxLvqt ɭ66'o V>%IBOTYi)1V†!tNMKCPƠQX"aՓ"3 тEKL:^ztu Z3Ryt@ğ 6'2Ip.e0 ֯Y@&{Ra%@7:kR ^Fp8"(h NaF{V99'YxxyTfIPDVǨ^z dibH N*?Bɠ&VHqq PdK`arSB$yr1npBuS@81stC4xghEN`7Tzyl! 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