PRO FXBREADM, UNIT, COL, $ D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, $ D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, $ D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25, D26, D27, D28, D29, $ D30, D31, D32, D33, D34, D35, D36, D37, D38, D39, $ D40, D41, D42, D43, D44, D45, D46, D47, D48, D49, $ ROW=ROW, VIRTUAL=VIR, DIMENSIONS=DIM, $ NOSCALE=NOSCALE, NOIEEE=NOIEEE, $ NANVALUE=NANVALUE, BUFFERSIZE=BUFFERSIZE, $ ERRMSG=ERRMSG, WARNMSG=WARNMSG, STATUS=OUTSTATUS ;+ ; Project : RXTE/PCA ; ; Name : ; FXBREADM ; Purpose : ; Read multiple columns/rows from a disk FITS binary table file. ; Explanation : ; A call to FXBREADM will read data from multiple rows and ; multiple columns in a single procedure call. Up to fifty ; columns may be read in a single pass; the number of rows is ; limited essentially by available memory. The file should have ; already been opened with FXBOPEN. FXBREADM optimizes reading ; multiple columns by first reading a large chunk of data from ; the FITS file directly, and then slicing the data into columns ; within memory. FXBREADM cannot read variable-length arrays; ; use FXBREAD instead. ; Use : ; FXBREADM, UNIT, COL, DATA1, DATA2, ... [, ROW=ROW ] ; Inputs : ; UNIT = Logical unit number corresponding to the file containing the ; binary table. ; COL = An array of columns in the binary table to read data ; from, either as character strings containing column ; labels (TTYPE), or as numerical column indices ; starting from column one. ; Opt. Inputs : ; None. ; Outputs : ; D0, ... = A named variable to accept the data values, one for ; each column. The columns are stored in order of the ; list in COL. If the read operation fails for a ; particular column, then the corresponding output Dn ; variable is not altered. See the STATUS keyword. ; ; Opt. Outputs: ; None. ; Keywords : ; ROW = Either row number in the binary table to read data from, ; starting from row one, or a two element array containing a ; range of row numbers to read. If not passed, then the entire ; column is read in. ; NOSCALE = If set, then the ouput data will not be scaled using the ; optional TSCAL and TZERO keywords in the FITS header. ; Default is to scale. ; VIRTUAL = If set, and COL is passed as a name rather than a number, ; then if the program can't find a column with that name, it ; will then look for a keyword with that name in the header. ; Such a keyword would then act as a "virtual column", with the ; same value for every row. ; DIMENSIONS = FXBREADM ignores this keyword. It is here for ; compatibility only. ; NANVALUE= Value signalling data dropout. All points corresponding to ; IEEE NaN (not-a-number) are converted to this number. ; Ignored unless DATA is of type float, double-precision or ; complex. ; ERRMSG = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be ; returned to the user in this parameter rather than ; depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are ; encountered, then a null string is returned. In order to ; use this feature, ERRMSG must be defined first, e.g. ; ; ERRMSG = '' ; FXBREAD, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, ... ; IF ERRMSG NE '' THEN ... ; WARNMSG = Messages which are considered to be non-fatal ; "warnings" are returned in this output string. ; BUFFERSIZE = Raw data are transferred from the file in chunks ; to conserve memory. This is the size in bytes of ; each chunk. If a value of zero is given, then all ; of the data are transferred in one pass. Default is ; 32768 (32 kB). ; STATUS = An output array containing the status for each ; column read, 1 meaning success and 0 meaning failure. ; ; Calls : ; IEEE_TO_HOST, FXPAR, WHERENAN ; Common : ; Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "" for more ; information. ; Restrictions: ; The binary table file must have been opened with FXBOPEN. ; ; The data must be consistent with the column definition in the binary ; table header. ; ; The row number must be consistent with the number of rows stored in the ; binary table header. ; ; No variable-length columns may be read with FXBREADM. ; ; Generaly speaking, FXBREADM will be faster than iterative ; calls to FXBREAD when (a) a large number of columns is to be ; read or (b) the size in bytes of each cell is small, so that ; the overhead of the FOR loop in FXBREAD becomes significant. ; ; Side effects: ; If there are no elements to read in (the number of elements is zero), ; then the program sets !ERR to -1, and DATA is unmodified. ; ; Category : ; Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic. ; Prev. Hist. : ; W. Thompson, Jan 1992. ; W. Thompson, Feb 1992, modified to support variable length arrays. ; W. Thompson, Jun 1992, modified way that row ranges are read in. No ; longer works reiteratively. ; W. Thompson, Jun 1992, fixed bug where NANVALUE would be modified by ; TSCAL and TZERO keywords. ; W. Thompson, Jun 1992, fixed bug when reading character strings. ; Treats dimensions better when reading multiple ; rows. ; C. Markwardt, based in concept on FXBREAD version 12 from ; IDLASTRO, but with significant and ; major changes to accomodate the ; multiple row/column technique. Mostly ; the parameter checking and general data ; flow remain. ; ; Written : ; Craig Markwardt, GSFC, January 1999. ; Modified : ; Version 1, Craig Markwardt, GSFC 18 January 1999. ; Documented this routine, 18 January 1999. ; Version : ; Version 1, 18 January 1999. ;- ; @fxbintable ON_ERROR, 2 ; ; Check the number of parameters. ; IF N_PARAMS() LT 2 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Syntax: FXBREADM, UNIT, COL, D0, D1, ... [, ROW= ]' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF IF N_ELEMENTS(BUFFERSIZE) EQ 0 THEN BUFFERSIZE = 32768L ; ; COL may be one of several descriptors: ; * a list of column numbers, beginning with 1 ; * a list of column names ; MYCOL = [ COL ] ; Make sure it is an array SC = SIZE(MYCOL) NUMCOLS = N_ELEMENTS(MYCOL) OUTSTATUS = LONARR(NUMCOLS) ; ; Find the logical unit number in the FXBINTABLE common block. ; ILUN = WHERE(LUN EQ UNIT,NLUN) ILUN = ILUN(0) IF NLUN EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Unit ' + STRTRIM(UNIT,2) + $ ' not opened properly' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; Check the number of columns. It should be fewer than 50 ; IF NUMCOLS GT 50 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'Maximum of 50 columns exceeded' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF IF NUMCOLS LT N_PARAMS()-2 AND N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE, 'WARNING: number of data parameters less than columns', $ /INFO ENDIF ICOL = LONARR(NUMCOLS) VIRTUAL = BYTARR(NUMCOLS) VIRTYPE = LONARR(NUMCOLS) FOUND = BYTARR(NUMCOLS) NOTFOUND = '' NNOTFOUND = 0L IF N_ELEMENTS(WARNMSG) NE 0 THEN WARNMSG = '' ; ; If COL is of type string, then search for a column with that label. ; IF SC(SC(0)+1) EQ 7 THEN BEGIN MYCOL = STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(MYCOL,2)) FOR I = 0, NUMCOLS-1 DO BEGIN XCOL = WHERE(TTYPE(*,ILUN) EQ MYCOL(I), NCOL) ICOL(I) = XCOL(0) ; ; If the column was not found, and VIRTUAL was set, then search for a keyword ; by that name. ; IF NCOL GT 0 THEN FOUND(I) = 1 IF NOT FOUND(I) AND KEYWORD_SET(VIR) THEN BEGIN HEADER = HEAD(*,ILUN) VALUE = FXPAR(HEADER,MYCOL(I)) IF !ERR GE 0 THEN BEGIN RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+$ ' = VALUE') SV = SIZE(VALUE) VIRTYPE(I) = SV(SV(0)+1) VIRTUAL(I) = 1 FOUND(I) = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF NOT FOUND(I) THEN BEGIN IF NOTFOUND EQ '' THEN NOTFOUND = MYCOL(I) $ ELSE NOTFOUND = NOTFOUND +', ' + MYCOL(I) NNOTFOUND = NNOTFOUND + 1 ENDIF ENDFOR IF NNOTFOUND EQ NUMCOLS THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ERROR: None of the requested columns were found' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ELSE IF NNOTFOUND GT 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'WARNING: Columns ' + NOTFOUND + ' were not found' IF N_ELEMENTS(WARNMSG) NE 0 THEN WARNMSG = MESSAGE $ ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE, /INFO ENDIF ; ; Otherwise, a numerical column was passed. Check its value. ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ICOL(*) = LONG(MYCOL) - 1 ENDELSE ; Step through each column index MESSAGE = '' FOR I = 0, NUMCOLS-1 DO BEGIN IF NOT FOUND(I) THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_COLCHECK IF VIRTUAL(I) THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_COLCHECK IF (ICOL(I) LT 0) OR (ICOL(I) GE TFIELDS(ILUN)) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = MESSAGE + '; COL "'+STRTRIM(MYCOL(I),2)+$ '" must be between 1 and ' + $ STRTRIM(TFIELDS(ILUN),2) FOUND(I) = 0 ; IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; ERRMSG = MESSAGE ; RETURN ; END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; If there are no elements in the array, then set !ERR to -1. ; IF FOUND(I) AND N_ELEM(ICOL(I),ILUN) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN FOUND(I) = 0 MESSAGE = MESSAGE + '; Number of elements to read in "'+$ STRTRIM(MYCOL(I),2)+'" is zero' ; !ERR = -1 ; RETURN ENDIF ; ; Do not permit variable-length columns ; IF MAXVAL(ICOL(I),ILUN) GT 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = MESSAGE + '; FXBREADM cannot read ' + $ 'variable-length column "'+STRTRIM(MYCOL(I),2)+'"' FOUND(I) = 0 ; IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ; ERRMSG = MESSAGE ; RETURN ; END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF LOOP_END_COLCHECK: ENDFOR ; ; Check to be sure that there are columns to be read ; W = WHERE(FOUND EQ 1, COUNT) IF COUNT EQ 0 THEN BEGIN STRPUT, MESSAGE, ':', 0 MESSAGE = 'ERROR: No requested columns could be read'+MESSAGE IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ELSE IF MESSAGE NE '' THEN BEGIN STRPUT, MESSAGE, ':', 0 MESSAGE = 'WARNING: Some columns could not be read'+MESSAGE IF N_ELEMENTS(WARNMSG) NE 0 THEN WARNMSG = MESSAGE $ ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE, /INFO ENDIF ; ; If ROW was not passed, then set it equal to the entire range. Otherwise, ; extract the range. ; IF N_ELEMENTS(ROW) EQ 0 THEN ROW = [1L, NAXIS2(ILUN)] CASE N_ELEMENTS(ROW) OF 1: ROW2 = LONG(ROW(0)) 2: ROW2 = LONG(ROW(1)) ELSE: BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ROW must have one or two elements' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE END ENDCASE ROW1 = LONG(ROW(0)) ; ; If ROW represents a range, then make sure that the row range is legal, and ; that reading row ranges is allowed (i.e., the column is not variable length. ; IF ROW1 NE ROW2 THEN BEGIN MAXROW = NAXIS2(ILUN) IF (ROW1 LT 1) OR (ROW1 GT MAXROW) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ROW(0) must be between 1 and ' + $ STRTRIM(MAXROW,2) IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE END ELSE IF (ROW2 LT ROW1) OR (ROW2 GT MAXROW) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ROW(1) must be between ' + $ STRTRIM(ROW1,2) + ' and ' + STRTRIM(MAXROW,2) IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ; ; Otherwise, if ROW is a single number, then just make sure it's valid. ; END ELSE BEGIN IF (ROW1 LT 1) OR (ROW1 GT NAXIS2(ILUN)) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ROW must be between 1 and ' + $ STRTRIM(NAXIS2(ILUN),2) IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN END ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF ENDELSE ; ; Compose information about the output ; COLNDIM = LONARR(NUMCOLS) COLDIM = LONARR(NUMCOLS, 20) ;; Maximum of 20 dimensions in output COLTYPE = LONARR(NUMCOLS) BOFF1 = LONARR(NUMCOLS) BOFF2 = LONARR(NUMCOLS) NROWS = ROW2-ROW1+1 DTYPENAMES = [ 'BAD TYPE', 'BYTE', 'FIX', 'LONG', $ 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE', 'COMPLEX', 'STRING', $ 'BAD TYPE', 'DCOMPLEX' ] FOR I = 0L, NUMCOLS-1 DO BEGIN IF NOT FOUND(I) THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_DIMS ;; Data type of the input. IF VIRTUAL(I) THEN BEGIN COLTYPE(I) = VIRTYPE(I) GOTO, LOOP_END_DIMS ENDIF ELSE $ COLTYPE(I) = IDLTYPE(ICOL(I),ILUN) DIMS = N_DIMS(*,ICOL(I),ILUN) NDIMS = DIMS(0) DIMS = DIMS(1:NDIMS) IF NDIMS EQ 1 AND DIMS(0) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ;; Case of only one output element, try to return a ;; scalar. Otherwise, it is a vector equal to the ;; number of rows to be read COLNDIM(I) = 1L COLDIM(I,0) = NROWS ENDIF ELSE BEGIN COLNDIM(I) = NDIMS COLDIM(I,0:(NDIMS-1)) = DIMS IF NROWS GT 1 THEN BEGIN COLDIM(I,NDIMS) = NROWS COLNDIM(I) = COLNDIM(I)+1 ENDIF ENDELSE ;; For strings, the number of characters is the first ;; dimension. This information is useless to us now, ;; since the STRING() type cast which will appear below ;; handles the array conversion automatically. IF COLTYPE(I) EQ 7 THEN BEGIN IF COLNDIM(I) GT 1 THEN BEGIN COLDIM(I,0:COLNDIM(I)-2) = COLDIM(I,1:COLNDIM(I)-1) COLDIM(I,COLNDIM(I)-1) = 0 COLNDIM(I) = COLNDIM(I) - 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; Case of a single row COLNDIM(I) = 1L COLDIM(I,0) = NROWS ENDELSE ENDIF ;; Byte offsets BOFF1(I) = BYTOFF(ICOL(I),ILUN) IF ICOL(I) EQ TFIELDS(ILUN)-1 THEN BOFF2(I) = NAXIS1(ILUN)-1 $ ELSE BOFF2(I) = BYTOFF(ICOL(I)+1,ILUN)-1 LOOP_END_DIMS: ENDFOR ; ; Construct any virtual columns first ; WC = WHERE(FOUND EQ 1 AND VIRTUAL EQ 1, WCCOUNT) IF WCCOUNT GT 0 THEN BEGIN FOR I = 0, WCCOUNT-1 DO BEGIN ;; If it's virtual, then the value only needs to be ;; replicated EXTCMD = 'D'+STRTRIM(WC(I),2)+$ ' = REPLICATE(D'+STRTRIM(WC(I),2)+',NROWS)' ;; Run the command that selects the data RESULT = EXECUTE(EXTCMD) IF RESULT EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ERROR: Could not extract data (column '+$ STRTRIM(MYCOL(WC(I)),2)+')' IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN ENDIF ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF OUTSTATUS(I) = 1 ENDFOR ENDIF ; Skip to the end if all columns are virtual IF WCCOUNT EQ NUMCOLS THEN GOTO, PROC_CLEANUP IF N_ELEMENTS(NANVALUE) GE NUMCOLS THEN BEGIN NANVALUES = NANVALUE(0:NUMCOLS-1) ENDIF ELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(NANVALUE) GT 0 THEN BEGIN NANVALUES = REPLICATE(NANVALUE(0), NUMCOLS) NANVALUES(0) = NANVALUE I = N_ELEMENTS(NANVALUE) IF I LT NUMCOLS THEN $ NANVALUES(I:*) = NANVALUE(0) ENDIF ; ; Find the position of the first byte of the data array in the file. ; OFFSET0 = NHEADER(ILUN) + NAXIS1(ILUN)*(ROW1-1) POS = 0L NROWS0 = NROWS J = 0L FIRST = 1 ;; Here, we constrain the buffer to be at least 16 rows long. ;; If we fill up 32 kB with fewer than 16 rows, then there ;; must be a lot of (big) columns in this table. It's ;; probably a candidate for using FXBREAD instead. BUFFROWS = LONG((BUFFERSIZE/NAXIS1(ILUN)) > 16L) IF BUFFERSIZE LE 0 THEN BUFFROWS = NROWS0 ; ; Loop through the data in chunks ; WHILE NROWS GT 0 DO BEGIN J = J + 1 NR = NROWS < BUFFROWS OFFSET1 = NAXIS1(ILUN)*POS ; ; Proceed by reading a byte array from the input data file ; FXBREADM reads all columns from the specified rows, and ; sorts out the details of which bytes belong to which columns ; in the next FOR loop. ; BB = BYTARR(NAXIS1(ILUN), NR) FXGSEEK, UNIT, OFFSET0+OFFSET1 FXGREAD, UNIT, BB ; ; Now select out the desired columns ; FOR I = 0, NUMCOLS-1 DO BEGIN ;; Extract the proper rows and columns IF NOT FOUND(I) THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_STORE IF VIRTUAL(I) THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_STORE ;; Extract the data from the byte array and convert it ;; The inner CALL_FUNCTION is to one of the coercion ;; functions, such as FIX(), DOUBLE(), STRING(), etc., ;; which is called with an offset to force a conversion ;; from bytes to the data type. ;; The outer CALL_FUNCTION is to REFORM(), which makes ;; sure that the data structure is correct. ;; DIMS = COLDIM(I,0:COLNDIM(I)-1) PERROW = ROUND(PRODUCT(DIMS)/NROWS0) IF COLTYPE(I) EQ 7 THEN BEGIN DD = STRING(BB(BOFF1(I):BOFF2(I), *)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN DD = CALL_FUNCTION(DTYPENAMES(COLTYPE(I)), $ BB(BOFF1(I):BOFF2(I),*),0, PERROW*NR) ENDELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(DD) EQ 1 THEN DD = [DD] DD = REFORM(DD, PERROW, NR, /OVERWRITE) ;; Now perform any type-specific conversions, etc. COUNT = 0L CT = COLTYPE(I) CASE 1 OF ;; Integer types (CT EQ 2 OR CT EQ 3): BEGIN IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOIEEE) THEN $ IEEE_TO_HOST, DD END ;; Floating and complex types (CT GE 4 OR CT LE 6 OR CT EQ 9): BEGIN IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOIEEE) THEN BEGIN IF N_ELEMENTS(NANVALUES) GT 0 THEN W=WHERENAN(DD,COUNT) IEEE_TO_HOST, DD ENDIF END ;; String types (CT EQ 7) have already been converted ;; in the above CALL_FUNCTION. No further conversion ;; is necessary here. ENDCASE ; ; If the parameters TZERO and TSCAL are non-trivial, then adjust the array by ; these values. ; IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOIEEE) AND NOT KEYWORD_SET(NOSCALE) THEN BEGIN BZERO = TZERO(ICOL(I),ILUN) BSCALE = TSCAL(ICOL(I),ILUN) IF (BSCALE NE 0) AND (BSCALE NE 1) THEN DD = BSCALE*DD IF BZERO NE 0 THEN DD = DD + BZERO ENDIF ; ; Store NANVALUE everywhere where the data corresponded to IEEE NaN. ; IF COUNT GT 0 THEN DD(W) = NANVALUES(I) ;; Initialize the output variable on the first chunk IF FIRST THEN BEGIN RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+' = 0') DA = MAKE_ARRAY(PERROW, NROWS0, TYPE=COLTYPE(I)) RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+' = '+$ 'REFORM(DA,PERROW, NROWS0,/OVERWRITE)') ENDIF ;; Finally, store this in the output variable RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+'(0,POS) = DD') DD = 0 IF RESULT EQ 0 THEN BEGIN MESSAGE = 'ERROR: Could not compose output data D'+$ STRTRIM(I,2) IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN BEGIN ERRMSG = MESSAGE RETURN ENDIF ELSE MESSAGE, MESSAGE ENDIF OUTSTATUS(I) = 1 LOOP_END_STORE: ENDFOR FIRST = 0 NROWS = NROWS - NR POS = POS + NR ENDWHILE FOR I = 0, NUMCOLS-1 DO BEGIN IF OUTSTATUS(I) NE 1 THEN GOTO, LOOP_END_FINAL DIMS = COLDIM(I,0:COLNDIM(I)-1) NEL = PRODUCT(DIMS) IF NEL GT 1 THEN $ RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+' = '+$ 'REFORM(D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+',DIMS,/OVERWRITE)') $ ELSE $ RESULT = EXECUTE('D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+' = D'+STRTRIM(I,2)+'(0)') LOOP_END_FINAL: ENDFOR PROC_CLEANUP: ; IF N_ELEMENTS(ERRMSG) NE 0 THEN ERRMSG = '' RETURN END