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Slicing Considerations

     With more than 350+ licenses in use by research, academic, and the industrial groups in 25 countries, establishing consistency in the final  images and data regardless of the VH data set is the key. By visually demonstrating these disparities, a greater understanding becomes evident as to how to use each data set to its fullest potential (See Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4).

Some of these inconsistencies in the slices are due to:

  1. Kerf loss from  the saw in between blocks.

  3. The elimination of partial images from processed   images due to their having little anatomic content or because tissue was permeated with blue gel.

  5. Actual loss of tissue during cutting of the last few slices of a block.

  7. Other losses due to conversion, compression, and other preparation of the data sets for future developers.

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