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The authors would like to thank the ASTM Task Group C01.25.01 that provided the data from the round-robin test. We would like to thank all the participants (listed below in alphabetical order) of the round-robin for their comments that allowed us to better understand the industry's perspective.

Also, we would like to thank Robin Haupt and the staff of Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) who were instrumental in providing the samples to the round-robin participants.

Participants to the Round-Robin:

Ray Braun, Southdown Cement

Gregory Buchanan, Roan Industries, Inc.

Paul Bussee, Southdown

Mario Cesar Cabrera - Cabrera, CENAM

Bob Collins, Blue Circle

Mike Coole, Blue Circle Industries PLC

Fraser Deas, Blue Circle Cement

Jim Kaminski, Malvern

Jennifer Kimball, Dragon

Larry Necessary, Roanoke

Doug Ostrander, Lehigh Cement Co.

Greg Pokrajac, Particle Sizing Systems

Sadananda Sahu, RJ Lee Group, Inc.

Brian Sears, Horiba Instruments Inc.

Nile R. Strohman, W. R. Grace & Co.

Craig Szabo, Lafarge

R.L. Tuttle, Holnam, Inc.

Jesse Uribe, TXI

Ren Xu Coulter

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