Table of contents for A new chronology of Venetian opera and related genres, 1660-1760 / Eleanor Selfridge-Field.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Table of Contents 
Illustrations Figures Tables Abbreviations /cons Preface 
Introduction 1. Interpreting the Calendar of Venetian Opera 1.1. 
Principles of Venetian Tirnekeeping 1.2. Theatrical Time 1.3. 
Seasonal Components and Interpretations 1.4. News Sources for 
Theatrical Time 
5 5 6 7 12 13 15 21 22 23 34 38 45 46 47 47 49 
49 51 55 60 60 61 61 65 69 6970 70 72 74 75 78 
2. Perspectives on the Repertory 2.1. Composers 2.2. Librettists 
2.3. Dramatic Genres 2.4. Theaters 2.5. Incidental Items 
(Entr'actes) 2.6. Dedicatees 2.7. Subject Matter 2.8. Staging 
and Scenery 2.9. Musical Performance 2.10. Reception of Works 
2.11. Musical Sources 2.12. Interplay of Work Attributes 
3. User Guide 3.1. Organization 3.2. Statistical Bases 3.3. 
Factual Information 3.4. Background Information and 
Documentation 3.5. Source Material 3.6. Editorial Issues 3.7. 
Selective Views of the Material 
Opera Productions: A Chronology 1660-69 1670-79 1680-89 1690-99 
1700-09 1710-19 1720-29 1730-39 1740-49 1750-59 
79 81 109 136 191 240 294 350 413 465 524 
Opera's Margins: A Series of Supplements Introduction I. 
Unproduced and Undatable Works 2. Operas and Comedies in 
Marginal Years of the Century 2a. Opera Productions, 1660-1665 
2b. Datable Opera Openings, 1753-1760 2c. Datable Comedy 
Openings, 1749-1760 2d. Undatable Opera Productions, 1753-1760 
3. Dramas associated with Music 3a. Comedies, Tragedies, and 
Musical Satires 3b. Satires and Tracts on Music-Dramas 4. 
Intermezzi 4a. Intermezzi given with Operas 4b. Intermezzi given 
with Comedies and Tragedies 5. Private and/or Special 
Entertainments 5a. Serenatas 5b. Works for the Last Night of 
Carnival 5c. Operas Performed with Puppets 5d. Benefit Recitals 
5e. Equestrian ballets 6. Works for Ducal Entertainments 7. 
Works for Academies and Societies 8. Moral and Sacred Dramas 9. 
Music-Dramas given in the OspedaU 
543 545 549 
553 556 558 561 
563 577 
580 595 
601 617 622 626 627 629 632 640 644 
Appendices 1. Doges, Popes, and Patriarchs 2. Civic, Liturgical, 
and Theatrical Markers by Year (1600-1797) 3. Currency Values 
and Exchange Rates 4. Dated Opera Openings by Theater 5. Dated 
Opera Openings by Theatrical Period 
647649 658 660 667 
Concordances and Statistical References Sources Consulted: 
Printed Works Sources Consulted: Archival Sources General Index 
Index of Musical, Dramatic, and Literary Works Index of Stage 
Names, Locales, and Peoples 
675 692 704 709 752 766 
I. Injunction prohibiting theaters from opening before 24:00 
[O.V.] (1659) 2. Proclamation prohibiting masking before Vespers 
on religious feasts 3. A leaf from the holograph (1767) 
ofGroppo's Catalogo 4. Three descriptions of the same serenata 
in different avvisi (1720) 5. The full avviso of PerabO and 
Conti for 28 Maggio 1745 6. The frontispiece ofP. A. Ziani's 
Allila (1672/1) 7. The frontispiece ofCesti Artaserse (1668/2) 
8. Representation of the performance of the intermedio II Te/lo 
with Berenice vendicativa (1680/6) 9. Processional scene from 
Berenice vendicativa 10. Berenice receives a messenger in 
Berenice vendicativa 11. Depiction of a boar hunt in Berenice 
vendicativa 12. Leaf of the aria "Venticelli che tacete" from 
Maurizio (1686/9) 13. The frontispiece ofLegrenzi's II Pausania 
(1681/10) 14. The frontispiece ofPollarolo's Ercole in cielo 
(169717) 15. The dance of nymphs and shepherds from Pollarolo's 
II deliria comune (170017) 16. Excerpts from the first ba/lo in 
Orlandini's Antigona (1718/6) 17. Portraits of Francesco 
Bernardi ("Senesino") and Faustina Bordoni 18. A ticket to the 
opera at San Giovanni Grisostomo (undated) 19. A ticket to the 
comedy at San Samuele (1758) 20. Crystal decor at San Samuele 
I. Graphical view of the festive and religious segments of the 
year 2. Distribution of operas by theatrical period and by month 
3. Segments of the theatrical year corresponding to the winter 
and summer Senate sessions 4. Snapshots of the autumn season and 
its changing components 5. Snapshots of the winter season and 
its changing components 6. Allocation of openings by period at 
each theater 7. Proportional contribution of each theater to the 
total number of opera productions 8. Beginning (or end) of the 
theatrical year as judged by different factors 9. Relationship 
of the dramma per musica to other theatrical works (1710-59) 10. 
Overall distribution of musico-dramatic genres (1660-1760) 11. 
Overall distribution of incidental items including balli (1660-
1760) 12. Overall distribution of incidental items excluding 
balli (1660-1760) 13. Resetting of texts in relation to reuse of 
music (1660-1759) 14. Venetian, other Italian, and non-Italian 
dedicatees of libretti (1660-1759) 15. Non-Venetian Italian 
dedicatees by region (1660-1759) 16. European dedicatees by 
country (1660-1759) 17. Survival of scores in relation to 
libretti (1640-1759) 18. Survival of musical sources by theater 
(1660-1759) 19. Distribution of dramatic genres by theater 
(1680-1750) 20. Productions by theater, 1 660s vs. 1670s 21. 
Productions by theater, 1670s vs. 1680s 22. Productions by 
theater, 1680s vs. 1690s 
35 35 35 39 40 95 95 141 141 142 142 179 219 219 246 341 375 537 
537 537 
27 28 29 30 30 32 33 36 48 48 48 48 52 52 54 54 62 62 63 100 137 
23. Productions by theater, 1690s vs. 1700s 24. Productions by 
theater, 1700s vs. 1710s 25. Productions by theater, 171Os vs. 
1720s 26. Productions by theater, 1720s vs. 1730s 27. 
Productions by theater, 1730s vs. 1740s 28. Productions by 
theater, 1740s vs. 1750s 29. Productions by genre in the 1750s 
30. Proportional relationship between operas and meta-operas by 
decade 31. Proportional relationship of serenatas to other meta-
operas 32. Distribution of meta-operas by theatrical period 
241 295 351 414 466 525 525 547 547 548 
C 1. Concordances: Alrn, Catalog of Venetian Librellos C2. 
Concordances: Bonlini, Le glorie de/la poesia e de/la musica C3. 
Concordances: Galvani, I teatri musicali di Venezia nel secolo 
XVll C4. Concordances: Groppo, Catalogo di tutti i drommi per 
musica C5. Concordances: Wiel, Iteatri musicali di Venezian del 
Sellecento C6. Concordances: Baselt, Hiindel Handbuch (HWV) C7. 
Concordances: Ryom, Verzeichnis der Werke Antonio Vivaldis (RV) 
C8. Concordances: Talbot, "The Serenata in Eighteenth-Century 
Venice" (T) C9. Summary ofBibliographical Relationships C 1 O. 
Reference Statistics 
26 37 38 42 46 47 50 61 67 70 76 546 647 647 648 
649 653 657 658 658 659 659659 659 675 680 682 684 
687 689 689 690 690 691 
I. Segments of the year during which theaters were open and 
operas performed 2. Principal bibliographies of Venetian opera 
by period of coverage 3. Bibliographical year- and sequence-
error rates 4. Principal series of weekly news-sheets 5. Most 
prolific composers by decade 6. Most prolific librettists by 
decade 7. Most popular types of incidental items by decade 8. 
Operas survived by the largest number of musical sources (1660-
1760) 9. Interrelationship between theaters, theatrical periods, 
dramaturgical types, and entr'acte types 10. Schematic view of 
entries in the Chronology (1675-1750) 11. Transliteration of 
Greek and Middle Eastern names 12. Statistical overview of the 
A I. Doges of Venice (1659-1772) A2. Patriarchs of Venice (1644-
1775) A3. Popes (1655-1778) A4. Useful autumn dates (1660-1752) 
A5. Useful winter and spring dates (1660-1752) A6. 
Reconciliation of the liturgical calendar (1600-59; 1753-1797) 
A7. Changing weights of one gold ducat (zecchino) (1621-1728) 
A8. Values in lire and soldi for the ducate/lo (1666-1797) A9. 
Values for multiples of the zecchino AIO. Bank values for 
Venetian currency (1772) A II. Keysler's values for Venetian, 
British, German, and other currencies (1730) A 12. Exchange 
rates from the Gazella veneto (1761) 
Abbreviations and Citations 
Text abbreviations in primary sources (e.g. in "") are 
expanded with italicized letters (e.g., iIlustrissimo). In work 
titles, missing letters are tacitly added, superfluous ones 
tacitly eliminated. 
Document quotations retain their original spelling. Archaic 
capital letters have been changed to lower case. Punctuation is 
usually unchanged apart from the occasional addition of a period 
(.). Most documents cited are not quoted in the original, since 
eventual publication of all documentation is intended. 
Catalogue citations for bibliographical references (see Ch. 9 
and Concordances): Allacci Alphabetical listing oflibretti for 
Italian operas and related dramatic works Aim Numbered listing 
of libretti for Venetian opera (Catolog) UCLA to 1769 Arnold 
Numbered listing of Venetian oratorios in The Oratorio in Venice 
Bonlini Numbered listing of Venetian operas in Le glorie de/lo 
poesio to 1730 Bonlini MS Numbered listing in MS of Venetian 
operas (supplementing Le glorie de/lo poesia); continues to 1742 
Numbered listings of Venetian operas (Iteatri musicali di 
Venezio) to 1700 Numbered listing of Venetian operas in the 
Cotologo di tulli i drommi per musico to 1745 Numbered listing 
of Venetian operas in a two-volume holograph expansion of the 
printed Catalogo; continues to 1767 TUlle Ie opere di Carlo 
Goldoni, full texts with introductions and critical notes 
Numbered listing of libretti for Italian operas and other 
musico-dramatic works (Librelli) to 1800 Alphabetical listings 
of European musico-dramatic works (Opernlexikon) survived by 
printed libretti through 1920 Numbered listing of Venetian 
serenatas ("Serenate") Numbered listing of Venetian operas 
(Iteatri musicoli venezioni) 1701-1800 
Time and culture: M.V. 
N.D. N.N. N.s. N.V. 
1..5 i-xc 
Galvani Groppo Groppo MS 
Ortolani, TO Sartori 
Talbot Wiel 
more veneto: the Venetian calendar date, in which January and 
February were considered part of the preceding year Nobil Donna 
(Venetian noblewoman) Nomen nescio [name unknown] new style 
dates, in which January and February dates follow modern 
practice Nobile Veneto (designated for a Venetian nobleman used 
in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries); NN.VV. is 
the plural. are venete: time as computed by the Venetian method, 
whereby the new day began at a variable time which was nominally 
30 minutes after sunset. Time was recorded in the 24hour style. 
Patrizio Veneto (same meaning as Nobile Veneto; used with 
increasing frequency in the eighteenth century) act numbers in 
operas volume numbers in series [secondary sources] 
Abbreviations specific to Galvani's theater-by-theater listing: 
App Appendix SAng Sant' Angelo SCas San Cassiano 
San Fantin San Giovanni Grisostomo San Moise San Salvatore SS. 
Apostoli SS. Giovanni e Paolo 
Bibliographical-dictionary citations: GO The New Grove 
Dictionary of Opero. 4 vols., London, 1994. MGG Die Musik in 
Geschichte und Gegenwort. 16 vols. to date. Kassel and Basel, 
1994-. NGDMM New Grove Dictionory of Music and Musicions. 20 
vols., London, 1980. NGDMM/2 New Grove Dictionory of Music and 
Musicions, rev. edn. 29 vols., London, 2000. 
Musical facsimiles in series: DDT Denkmiiler deutscher Tonkunst. 
65 vols. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Hartel, 1892-1931, DMV 
Drammoturgio musicole veneta, ed. Giovanni Morelli, Reinhard 
Strohm, and Thomas Walker 19 vols. to date. Milan: Ricordi, 
1980-. Itolian Opero of the Boroque, ed. Howard M. Brown. 72 
vols. New York: Garland, 1982-84. 
Thematic indices (see Concordances): HWV Baselt, Bernd. Hondel 
Werk-Verzeichnis, Kassel, 1978-85. RV Ryom, Peter: Verzeichnis 
der Werke Antonio Vivaldis, Leipzig, 1974. 
Manuscript and early printed news-sheets and archival 
collections' A Avvisi: weekly MSS [see under diverse sigla 
below]; cited by date AG Archivio Gonzaga: a general division 
ofI-MAas; items cited by source and date AS Archivio Segreto: a 
general division ofI-Rvat containing some A and all NV AV 
Archivio Vendramin: a special collection in I-Vcg BG Bologno: 
printed gazettes (derived from ovvisi) in I-Bag; cited by date 
CO /I corriere ordinario: printed weekly gazettes (derived from 
ovvisi) in A- Wn; cited by date CX Capi, Consiglio dei Dieci [1- 
Vas] DO Diorio ordinaria: a printed series (derived from avvisl) 
in I-Rvat; cited by issue number GDC MSS Gradenigo Dolfin [I-
Vmc], Commemorioli (Colloc. 200); cited by vol. and date GDN MSS 
Gradenigo Dolfin [I-Vmc], Notatorio (Colloc. 67) ; cited by vol. 
and date GL Gozzi [Gaspare], Lellere: recent printed edition 
(see Bibliography) GM Goldoni [Carlo], Memoires: numerous 
printed editions (see Bibliography) GV Lo gazzel/a veneta: a 
biweekly printed in 1760-61 (see Bibliography) IS Inquisitori di 
Stato [1- Vas] M Mercuri: weekly MSS (in Italian) in I-Vnm; 
cited by date MG Le Mercure golont: monthly prints (in French) 
partly based on ovvisi; cited by date NV Nunziatura di Venezia: 
weekly MSS in I-Rvat AS; cited by date PS Basilica di San Marco, 
Procuratia de Supra: MS minutes in I-Vas RC Riferte de' 
Confidenti: miscellaneous MS surveillance reports in I-Vas, IS 
RSP Riformatori dello Studio di Padova: MS printing permission 
in I-Vas, IS PV "Pallade Veneta": weekly MSS in I-Vas, IS; Vmc; 
Vnm; cited by date (see Bibliography) SPV State Papers Venetian: 
MS weekly reports in MS in GB-Lpro (Kew); cited by date 
I In citations of manuscript materials, these abbreviations are 
concatenated with RISM library sigla, e.g.,I-MAas A = the awi..i 
from Venice in the Archiviodi Stato, Mantua: I-MAas AG, 
Carteggio = correspondence in the Archivio Gonzaga preserved in 
the Archiviodi Sta'o, Mantua. 
Published sources for weekly news-sheets: Griffin Musicol 
References in the GAllE7TA DI NAPOLI. Berkeley: Fallen Leaf 
Press, 1993. Selfridge-Field PALLADE VENETA: Writings on Music 
in Venetion Society, 1650-/750. Venice: Fondazione Levi, 1985 
[selected writings from the printed monthlies and manuscripts]. 
Citations for musical manuscripts: No shelf marks are given for 
musical manuscripts, since they are prone to change. The reader 
is referred to the online and/or CD-ROM compilations of the 
Repertoire International des Sources Musicoles (RISM), Series 
RISM employs the following sigla, which are arranged first by 
country, then by city, then by library. Here countries and 
cities are alphabetized by their abbreviations. 
Austria (A): A-Gk(h) A-KR A-Wgm A-Wn 
Belgium (B): B-Bc B-Br 
Graz: Hochschule fUr Musik KremsmUnster: Benediktinerstift 
Vienna: Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Vienna: 6sterreichische 
Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung 
Brussels: Conservatoire Royal de Musique Brussels: Bibliotheque 
Royale Albert Ier 
Switzerland (CH): CH-Zz Zurich: Zentralbibliothek 
Czech Republic (CS): CS-Pk Prague: Kreuzherrenarchiv 
Germany (D): D-AH D-B D-Bsa D-Dlb D-Dsa D-DS D-HAmi D-Hs D-HVI 
D-HVs D-HVsa D-LEm D-Mbs D-Mhof D-MOp D-MOs D-MOu D-RH D-ROu D-
Ansbach: Regierungsbibliothek Berlin: Staatsbibliothek 
Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung Berlin: Sing-Akademie 
Dresden: sachsische Landesbibliothek Dresden: Staatsarchiv 
Darmstadt: Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek Halle: 
Martin-Luther-UniversiUit Hamburg: Staats- und 
Universitatsbibliothek Hanover: Niedersachsische 
Landesbibliothek Hanover: Stadtbibliothek Musikabteilung 
Hanover: Niedersachsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Leipzig: 
Musikbibliothek der Stadt Leipzig Munich: Bayerische 
Staatsbibliothek Munich: Hoftheater MUnster: DiOzesanbibliothek, 
Bischilniches Priesterseminar MOnster: Santini-Bibliothek 
[housed in I-MOp] MOnster: Universitatsbibliothek Rheda: FOrst 
zu Bentheim- Tecklenburgische Bibliothek [housed in D-MOu] 
Rostock: Wilhelm-Pieck-UniversiUit, Universitatsbibliothek 
Regensburg: FUrst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek Sonderhausen: 
Stadt- und Kreisbibliothek Stuttgart: WOrttembergische 
Landesbibliothek SOnching: Schloss Schwerin: Wissenschaftliche 
D-W D-Wa D-WD D- WRgsa D-WRtl 
France (F): F-Pa F-Pc F-Po F-Pn 
WolfenbUttel: Herzog-August-Bibliothek WolfenbUttel: 
Niedersachsisches Staatsarchiv Wiesentheid: Musiksammlung des 
Grafen von Schonborn- Wiesentheid Weimar: Goethe-Schiller Archiv 
Weimar: ThUringische Landesbibliothek 
Paris: Bibliotheque de I' Arsenal Paris: Fonds du Conservatoire 
National de Musique [housed in F-Pn] Paris: Bibliotheque-Musc!e 
de l'Opc!ra Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale 
Great Britain (GB): GB-BC Berkeley Castle GB-Cfm Cambridge: 
Fitzwilliam Museum GB-Ckc Cambridge: King's College, Rowe Music 
Library GB-Cmc Cambridge: Magdalene College GB-En Edinburgh: 
National Library of Scotland GB-Lam London: Royal Academy of 
Music GB-Lbl London: British Library GB-Lcm London: Royal 
College of Music GB-L(pr) London: private collector GB-Lpro 
London: Public Record Office GB-Lram London: Royal Academy of 
Music GM-Mp Manchester: Central Public Library, Henry Watson 
Music Library GB-Ob Oxford: Bodleian Library GB-Och Oxford: 
Christ Church 
Italy (I): I-Bc I-Bca I-BGc I-BRc I-BRcas I-CATc I-CF I-FAN I-
Fas 1-FI I-Fm I-Fn I-lBbor I-MAas I-MAav I-Mb I-Mc I-MAC I-MC I-
MOas I-MOe I-Nc I-PAc I-PLc I-Rc 
Bologna: Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale Bologna: Biblioteca 
Comunale Archiginnasio Bergamo: Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai 
Brescia: Conservatorio di Musica Brescia: Civico Archivio 
Storico Catania: Biblioteche Reunite Civica e Antonio Ursino 
Recupero Cividale del Friuli: Archivio Capitol are Fano: 
Biblioteca Comunale Federiciana Florence: Archivio di Stato 
Florence: Biblioteca Laurenziana Florence: Biblioteca 
Marucelliana Florence: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Isola 
Bella: Palazzo Borromeo Mantua: Archivio di Stato Mantua: 
Accademia Virgiliana Milan: Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense 
Milan: Conservtorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi Macerata: 
Biblioteca Comunale Montecassino: Biblioteca dell'Abbazzia 
Modena: Archivio di Stato Modena: Biblioteca Estense Naples: 
Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella Parma: Conservatorio 
di Music Arrigo Boito Palermo: Biblioteca Comunale Rome: 
Biblioteca Casanatense 
1-Rli I-Rp I-Rps I-Rrost I-Rsc I-Rvat I-RVa [RVI] I-RVo I-Sc I-
Tf I-Tn I-Vas I-Vc I-Vcg I-Vgc I-Vire I-Vlevi I-Vmc I-Vnm I-Vqs 
Portugal (P): P-La 
Poland (PL): PL-Kj 
Russia (RU): RU-Mcm 
Slovakia (SK): SK-Br 
Slovenia (SL): SL-Ls 
Sweden (S): SoB S-Lu S-Sdt S-Sk S-Skma S-Sm S-Ou 
Ukraine (UA): UA-Kan 
Rome: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana Rome: 
Biblioteca Pasqualini [housed in I-Rsc] Rome: Archivio dei Padri 
Scolopi, Chiesa di S. Pantaleo Rome: private collection of 
Giancarlo Rostirolla Rome: Conervatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia 
Rome: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Rovigo: Accademia e 
Biblioteca dei Concordi Rovigo: Officina Minelliana Siena: 
Biblioteca Comunale degli Intronati Turin: Accademia Filarmonica 
Turin: Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria Venice: Archivio di 
Stato Venice: Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello Venice: 
Ca' Goldoni Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini Venice: Istituzioni 
di Ricovero e di Educazione [housed in the Ospedaletto] Venice: 
Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi Venice: Civico Museo Correr Venice: 
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venice: Fondazione Querini-
Stampalia Vicenza: Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana 
Lisbon: Palacio Nacional de Ajuda 
Krakow: Biblioteka Jagellonska 
Moscow: Conservatory of Music 
Bratislava: Siovenska Narodna Knitnica 
Ljubljana: Seminary Library 
BMsta: Skoklosters Slott Lund: Universitetsbiblioteket 
Stockholm: Drottningholms Teatermuseum Stockholm: Kungliga 
Biblioteket Stockholm: Statens Musiksamligar Stockholm: 
Musikmuseet, Archiv Uppsala: Universitetsbiblioteket 
Kiev: Tsentral'na Naukova Biblioteka, Akademii Nauk 
United States (US): US-AA Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan 
US-Aut Austin (TX): Harry S. Ransom Humanities Center, Univ. of 
Texas US-BEu Berkeley (CA): University of California, Music 
Library US-Bp Boston (MA): Public Library 
US-SFu US-Uu US-Wlc 
Cambridge (MA): Houghton Library, Harvard University Cambridge 
(MA): Isham Memorial Library, Harvard University Cambridge (MA): 
Harvard University, Music Library Chapel Hill (NC): University 
of North Carolina Connecticut (CT): University of Connecticut 
(Storrs) Farmington (CT): Lewis Walpole Library (property of 
Yale University) Independence (MO): Harry S. Truman Library Los 
Angeles (CA): University of California, Music Library New York 
(NY): J. Pierpont Morgan Library San Francisco (SF): California 
State University, Frank V. de Bellis Collection Urbana (IL): 
University of Illinois Music Library Washington (DC): Library of 
TITLES: . Year reported incorrectly in one or more 
bibliographical sources 
VENUES: n Proscenium representing the stage of theater in which 
a work was performed ,;, Country villa in which a work was 
performed 0 Private house in which singers gave private lessons 
or concerts 
DEDICATEES AND TEXTS: ih Individual dedicatee(s), if any, 
followed by a summary of the text's argomento (general 
background and context) or a reference to an earlier setting of 
the same text. Collective dedication to all women, or to the 
women of Venice 0 Collective dedication to the Venetian nobility 
.... Connections of the text (and the music, if relevant) to 
earlier or later uses of the same material. 
Dating information £ Notarial, legal, or financial circumstances 
R Health factors RS Staging and/or scenery " Bibliographical 
information and concordances 
WORK RECEPTION AND STAGING: @ Positive reception @ Mixed reviews 
@ Negative reception e Work taken to be a satire

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Opera -- Italy -- Venice -- Chronology.
Theater -- Italy -- Venice -- Chronology.