---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Berger, J. and M.D. Kock. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Overwinter survival of Carfentinil-imobilized male bison. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Dis. 24:555-556. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Bertwistle, J. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Plains and Wood bison handling report. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Elk Island National Park, Alberta. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Fancy, S.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1982 TITLE: Reaction of bison to aerial surveys in Interior Alaska. SOURCE: Can. Field-Nat. 96:91. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Fuller, W.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1950 TITLE: Aerial census of the northern bison in Wood Buffalo Park and vicinity. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 14:445-451. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Gainer, B. PUBL. YEAR: 1988 TITLE: Aerial surveys of bison in the Peace-Athabaca delta. SOURCE: Alberta Nat. 18:105-106. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Halveson, T.G. and J.A. Teare. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Carfentanil and overwinter survival in bison: the alternative hypothesis. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Dis. 25:448-450. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Haugen, A.0. and F.W. Fitch. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Immobilization of adult bull bison with etorphine. SOURCE: Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 83:67-70. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hudson, R.J. and T. Tennessen. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Observations on the behaviour and injuries incurred by bison during capture and handling. SOURCE: Ani. Regulation Studies. 1:345-353. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Hudson, R.J., T. Tennessen, and A. Sturko. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Behavioural and physiological reactions of bison to handling during an anthrax vaccination program in Wood Buffalo National Park. SOURCE: IN: Wood Buffalo National Park bison research 1972-1976 (J.G. Stelfox, compiler). Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kania, B.F. and J.K. Teuchmann. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: The use of etorphine hydrochloride (M99) as an immobilizing agent in the European bison (Bison bonasus L.). SOURCE: Zool. Pol. 25: 85-98. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kania, B.F., E. Suminski, and J. Kossakowski. PUBL. YEAR: 1985 TITLE: An effective immobilizing agent for hybrids of European bison and domestic cattle. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 30:435-444. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Kock, M.D. and J. Berger. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Chemical immobiliation of free ranging North American bison (Bison bison) in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Dis. 23:625-633. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Krasinski, Z.A., K. Cabon-Raczynyska, and M. Krasinska. PUBL. YEAR: 1982 TITLE: Immobilizing and marking of the European bison. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 27:181-190. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Mageau, R.P., Cutrufelli, M.E., Schwab, B., and R.W. Johnston. PUBL. YEAR: 1984 TITLE: Development of an overnight rapid bovine identification test (ORBIT) for field use. SOURCE: J. Assoc. Official Anal. Chemists. 67: 949-954. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Mitat, J. and L Ezcurra. PUBL. YEAR: 1971 TITLE: Haemoglobins of Bison bonasus and Bos indicus hybrid. SOURCE: pp. 627-628. IN: Immunology of Reproduction Proceedings of the International Symposium. Pub. 1973. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: An evaluation of winter aerial survey methods for determining bison populations and distributions in Wood Buffalo National Park, 18-20 Feburary 1975. SOURCE: Unpublished report. Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Freeze-branding bison for aerial identification, Wood Buffalo National Park, June 13, 1975. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. and I. Tempany. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Aerial oblique photography at 600, 1200, 1800, and 2400 feet, Wood Buffalo National Park, 27 August, 1975. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. and I. Tempany. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Aerial oblique photography for age: sex structure identification of bison in Wood Buffalo National Park, 10-13 June, 1975. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. and M.C.S. Kingsley. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Statistical reliability of total bison counts. SOURCE: Section E: pp. 36-46. IN: Wood Buffalo National Park bison research 1972-1976 (J.G. Stelfox, compiler). Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G. and I. Tempany. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Aerial oblique photography for determining calf and yearling components of bison herds in Wood Buffalo National Park, 26 August, 1975. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Stelfox, J.G., R.J. Hudson, and F.W. Onderka. PUBL. YEAR: 1977 TITLE: Techniques for marking, tagging and radio-collaring bison. SOURCE: Section G: pp. 15. IN: Wood Buffalo National Park bison research 1972-1976 (J.G. Stelfox, compiler). Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Tempany, I. and S. Cooper. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Bison census and survey technique, Wood Buffalo National Park. SOURCE: Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Tempany, I., J.G. Stelfox, and G.G. Lyster. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Reactions of bison to aircraft herding and surveys. SOURCE: IN: Wood Buffalo National Park bison research 1972- 1976 (J.G. Stelfox, compiler). Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wentges, H. PUBL. YEAR: 1975 TITLE: Medicine administration by blowpipe. SOURCE: Vet. Rec. 97:281 CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Wolfe, M.L. and J.F. Kimball. PUBL. YEAR: 1989 TITLE: Comparison of bison population estimates with a total count. SOURCE: J. Wildl. Manage. 53:593-596. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Yazan, Y., T.P. Sipko, S.N. Kashtanov, and A.S. Nemtzew. PUBL. YEAR: 1987 TITLE: Analysis of Bison bonasus populations according to markers. SOURCE: Trans. Congr. Int. Union Game Biol. 18:217-218. CATEGORY: Census and Capture Techniques ----------------------------------------------------------------------------