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ED333749 - ESCOL '90: Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (7th, Columbus, Ohio, September 21-23, 1990).

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ERIC #:ED333749
Title:ESCOL '90: Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics (7th, Columbus, Ohio, September 21-23, 1990).
Authors:No, Yongkyoon, Ed.; Libucha, Mark, Ed.
Descriptors:American Sign Language; Case Studies; Chinese; Evaluation Methods; French; German; Greek; Intonation; Italian; Javanese; Korean; Language Research; Morphology (Languages); Negative Forms (Language); Phonology; Spanish; Structural Analysis (Linguistics); Syntax; Tone Languages; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Verbs; Vowels
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Publisher:ESCOL Publications Committee, Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 204 Cunz Hall, Columbus, OH 43210-1229 ($10.00).
Publication Date:1991-00-00
Pub Types:Collected Works - Proceedings
Abstract:Papers include: "Length and Structure Effects in Syntactic Processing"; Nantong Tone Sandhi and Tonal Feature Geometry"; "Event Reference and Property Theory"; "Function-Argument Structure, Category Raising and Bracketing Paradoxes"; "At the Phonetics-Phonology Interface: (Re)Syllabification and English Stop Allophony"; "Interpreting Reflexives in Coordinate NPs"; "Resultative 'de' as an Inflectional Morpheme in Chinese"; "Against an Ergative Analysis of Eastern Javanese"; "What Determines Anatipassive in Dyirbal?"; "In Defense of [plus or minus FOC]"; "The Bermuda Triangle of Syntax, Rhythm and Tone"; "Complement Structure of 'Tough' Constructions"; "Frequency, Markedness, and Morphological Change: On Predicting the Spread of Noun-Plural '-S' in Modern High German--and West Germanic"; "Discourse-Linking and the Wh-Island Extraction Asymmetry"; "One Word's Strength is Another Word's Weakness"; "Two Analyses of Korean Verb Inflections"; "Is INFL Universal? A Case Study of Korean"; "Vowel Underspecification in Jiyuan Chinese"; "Italian Psych Verbs in a Theory of Predication"; "Thematic Roles and French Dative Clitics: 'Lui' vs. 'Y'"; "Focus and the Discourse Dimension in Autolexical Theory"; "Aspectual Content of Compound Verbs"; "Thematic Structure and Verb Preferences"; "A-bar Movement in Spanish: Wh-questions, Focalizations, and Relative Clauses"; "Role of Plasticity in the Association of Focus and Prominence"; "A Unified Explanation of Deponent Verbs in Ancient Greek"; "Intonation and Focus in American Sign Language"; "'Any': Its Context Sensitivity and Meaning"; and "Negation and Aspect." (MSE)
Reference Count:0

Identifiers:Discourse; Dyirbal; Markedness; Wh Questions
Record Type:Non-Journal
Level:1 - Available on microfiche
Institutions:Ohio State Univ., Columbus.
Education Level:N/A