Naturopathy By The Oregon State Association of Naturopaths The Naturopathic Physicians of Oregon were recognized by exemption from the provisions of the medical practice act passed in 1907, and are legally entitled to practice every branch of their profession. The Oregon State Association of Naturopaths was organized and chartered for the protection of its members and the upbuilding of Naturopathy to a standard of fuller recognition by the people in general, and to educate them to understand and appreciate the beneficial effects to be derived from the various means used by Naturopaths in eliminating disease from the human body. "The most successful methods used by the Profession to restore health are: Manipulation, Spinal Adjustments, Massage, Swedish Movements, Mechano-Therapy, Dietetics, Hydrotherapy (the water cure), Kneipp, Lahmann, Kuhne, Bilz and Schroth Cures; Phytotherapy, Phototherapy, Sun, Light, Heat, Electricity, Air, Physical Culture, etc. The name "Naturopathy" was selected to represent these all-including methods because no matter from what school, they are all products of Nature and with the natural means of application, natural results will follow, therefore recognizing all reputable graduates of chartered schools which are in harmony with all forms of drugless healing, opposed to egotism and oppression, the use of poisonous drugs and unnecessary surgery, and believing there is good in every cult and system— has continued to grow with increased favor among the thinking public as well as liberal medical practitioners. The founders of Naturopathy were subject to all the persecutions which come to men who dare to think and act without consulting self-constituted authorities. Sick and suffering humanity has placed the seal of approval upon their efforts and several states have given legal recognition. Naturopathy has come to stay. The number of converts in all parts of the civilized world is becoming "legion." One of the chief aims of the Oregon State Association is to unify the forces of co-operation of all strictly scientific methods used by all schools of Drugless Healing, and for medical freedom in the advancement of physical and moral improvement. The well-known fact that progressive graduates from medical colleges are adopting many of the methods used by Naturopaths and gradually lessening the use of poisonous drugs has been a factor in promoting and making popular natural methods of cure. This is as it should be, for progress in all lines of thought and action demands that we return to Nature whence comes all power. The Oregon State Association of Naturopaths are strongly in favor of measures of sanitation and prevention of disease. Each member of the State Association is affiliated with the Naturopathic Society of America, a national organization. 53