U.S. Geological Survey General Earthquake Observation System National Strong Motion Program

Parkfield GEOS Data Station List

This file is available via anonymous FTP from smftp.wr.usgs.gov/GEOS/PRK/parkfield.stn.

Stn   Lat(°N)  Long(°E) Elv(m) Location Description

CFU   35.7387 -120.3383   611  Chalome Hills / White Canyon - FBA
CVU   35.7387 -120.3383   611  Chalome Hills / White Canyon - velocity
DDD   35.9392 -120.4245   341  Donna Lee - dilatometer
DFU   35.9392 -120.4245   517  Donna Lee - FBA
DTD   35.9392 -120.4245   343  Donna Lee - tensor strain
DVU   35.9392 -120.4245   517  Donna Lee - velocity
EFU   35.8942 -120.4212   498  Eades - FBA
EVU   35.8942 -120.4212   498  Eades - velocity
FDD   35.9111 -120.4855   223  Froelich - dilatometer
FFU   35.9111 -120.4855   546  Froelich - FBA
FVU   35.9111 -120.4855   546  Froelich - velocity
GFU   35.8331 -120.3464   424  Gold Hill - FBA
GVD   35.8331 -120.3464   224  Gold Hill - velocity downhole
GVU   35.8331 -120.3464   424  Gold Hill - velocity
HDD   35.8345 -120.3438   243  Gold Hill 2 - dilatometer
HVU   35.8345 -120.3438   421  Gold Hill 2 - velocity
IDD   35.8326 -120.3448   302  Gold Hill 1 - dilatometer
IVU   35.8326 -120.3448   420  Gold Hill 1 - velocity
JFU   35.9397 -120.4319   546  Joaquin Canyon - FBA
JVD   35.9397 -120.4319   346  Joaquin Canyon - velocity downhole
JVU   35.9397 -120.4319   546  Joaquin Canyon - velocity
KDD   35.7125 -120.2025   308  Jack Canyon - dilatometer
KFU   35.7125 -120.2025   477  Jack Canyon - FBA
KVU   35.7125 -120.2025   477  Jack Canyon - velocity
MFU   35.9576 -120.4956   719  Middle Mountain - FBA
MVU   35.9576 -120.4956   719  Middle Mountain - velocity
PFU   36.00507-120.49065 1143  Reason Peak - FBA
PVU   36.00507-120.49065 1143  Reason Peak - velocity
RDD   35.6244 -120.2535   349  Red Hills - dilatometer
RFU   35.6244 -120.2535   578  Red Hills - FBA
RVU   35.6244 -120.2535   578  Red Hills - velocity
SFU   35.97302-120.57857  728  Stockdale Mountain - FBA
SVU   35.97302-120.57857  728  Stockdale Mountain - velocity
VDD   35.9225 -120.5342   582  Vineyard Canyon - dilatometer
VFU   35.9225 -120.5342   786  Vineyard Canyon - FBA
VVD   35.9225 -120.5342   586  Vineyard Canyon - velocity downhole
VVU   35.9225 -120.5342   786  Vineyard Canyon - velocity
WFU   35.8145 -120.5111   503  Work Ranch - FBA
WVU   35.8145 -120.5111   503  Work Ranch - velocity
LA2                            Liquifaction array

U.S. Department of the Interior
The USGS Home Page is at http://www.usgs.gov
The USGS Geologic Division Home Page is at http://geology.usgs.gov
The USGS National Strong Motion Program Home Page is at http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov

The GEOS Home Page is at http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov/GEOS/geos.html
The URL of this page is http://nsmp.wr.usgs.gov/GEOS/PRK/parkfield_station.html
e-mail: glassmoyer@usgs.gov
or address:
Gary Glassmoyer
345 Middlefield Road M/S 977
Menlo Park, California 94025