;+ ; Project : HESSI ; ; Name : XYPLOT__DEFINE ; ; Purpose : Define a general X vs Y plot class ; ; Category : objects ; ; Syntax : IDL> new=obj_new('xyplot') ; ; Inputs: ; xdata - array of x data. Either 1-D or (2,n) for low/high edges ; ydata - array of y data. (nx,ny) ; ; Keywords: ; any IDL plot keyword ; (Note: here the term channels is used to refer to the second index ; in the ydata array) ; id - title of plot ; data_unit - units of y dimension (e.g. 'keV') ; dim1_ids - array of label id's for individual channels ; dim1_use - array of indices of channels to plot ; dim1_vals - array of values for channels (1 or 2-D) (for weighted sum) ; if dim1 dimension is time, dim1_vals should be ASCII times ; dim1_sum - if set, then sum channels ; dim1_unit - channel units (e.g. 'frequency') ; dim1_colors - array of colors to use for channel plots ; dim1_linestyles - array of linestyles to use for plots ; weighted_sum - if set, compute weighted sum instead of total ; legend_loc - 0/1/2/3/4/5/6 = ; no legend/ topleft/topright/ bottomleft/bottomright/outside left/ outside right ; if legend_loc is 5 or 6, plot will be smaller to make room for label ; label - additional info to put in legend ; addplot_name - string name of an additional plotting procedure to run after ; primary plot is drawn. Uses addplot_arg. Set to blank string for none (default). ; addplot_arg - Structure containing argument(s) to addplot_name procedure. Passed via ; _extra to addplot_name, so addplot_name should have keyword arguments. ; ; History : Written 3 April 2001 ; D. Zarro (EIT/GSFC) ; K. Tolbert (RITSS/GSFC) ; (Based on LTC__DEFINE) ; Modifications: ; 2-Apr-2001 - Kim Tolbert. ; Allow 2-D X array input (2,n) ; where x(0,*) are low edges, x(1,*) are high edges. ; 13-Apr-2001 - Kim Tolbert. Added weighted_sum option, get_y method, ; and dim1_vals property. Propagate status and err_msg through all calls. ; 1-May-2001 - Kim Tolbert. Changed label for summed data to use dim1_vals, ; added get_sum_label method. ; 1-Sept-2001 Zarro (EITI/GSFC) - sped up PLOT by extracting ; sub-region prior to plotting ; 5-Sep-2001, Kim Tolbert. Added yscale,yoffset ; 13-Dec-2001, Kim. Previously label size was .7*charsize, now 1*charsize ; 6-Jan-2002, Zarro - fixed YRANGE bug when /YLOG ; 14-Jan-2002, Kim. If y min equals y max, set yrange to small interval around that value ; 17-Jan-2002, Kim. Take care of NaN's in the data. ; 18-Feb-2002, Kim. In get_sum_label, use dim1_vals if only 2 elements ; 10-May-2002, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - added derivative plot property ; 27-May-2002, Kim. Add 'derivative' to y axis label. For 2-D ; y arrays, take deriv of each channel separately ; 08-Aug-2002, Kim. In set_colors method, check what background color is ; before replacing black with white. Also change white to black if necessary. ; 20-Aug-2002, Kim. Added options for placing legend to left or right of plot, ; and added get_margin method ; 9-Sep-2002, Zarro (LAC/GSFC) ; - added INTEGRAL property/method and centralized use of ; FINITE in SET method ; - restore initial plot settings when calling ->plot ; - added /positive property/keyword. ; 16-Sep-2002, Zarro (LAC/GSFC) ; - fixed anytim calls and allowed plotting even when ; no data in plot window. ; 17-Oct-2002, Paul Bilodeau, fixed bug -when x array is 2-D but don't ; want to plot histogram style, was using wrong x values on zoom ; 16-Nov-2002, Zarro (EER/GSFC) - added GETDATA, HEADER pointer ; 26-Jan-2003, Zarro (EER/GSFC) - removed redundant: ; add_method,'gen',self (since handled in CHAN__DEFINE) ; 13-Mar-2003, Kim, added getaxis method ; 5-May-2003, Zarro (EER/GSFC) - enhanced to allow channels ; with different XDATA axes. ; 23-Jun-2003, Zarro (EER/GSFC) ; - fixed bug with plotting over missing data ; - added /XLOG ; - added /HISTOGRAM ; - added ERROR bar plotting ; 17-Jul-2003, Kim. in where_xdata, return ind for finite(x) only ; 29-Jul-2003, Kim. In get_sum_label, call find_contig_ranges with epsilon ; 30-Jul-2003, Kim. Store dim1_vals as numbers. Set dim1_is_time flag if they ; were originally strings. Otherwise takes long time each time it gets converted ; which happens in multiple calls. ; 8-Sep-2003, Kim. Added overlay_obj property. If overlay_obj is set to an xyplot or utplot ; object, then after plotting current plot, self.overlay_obj->plot,/overlay will be called. ; 21-Oct-03, Zarro (GSI/GSFC) - fixed FILENAME/FILEID conflict ; 23-Jan-04, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - modified so that XDATA/YDATA ; could be entered separately ; 26-Feb-2004, Kim. Make sure psym=10 isn't set when plotting error bars. ; 07-Mar-2004, Kim. Fixed bug in check for 2-d error data, and previously didn't write legend if ; label defined, but dim1_ids not set ; 17-Apr-2004, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - replaced WHERE by ; WHERE2 ; 20-Apr-2004, Csillaghy added possibility of setting ; data without resetting the plot ; parameters.(NO_DEFAULTS kwd) ; Also added a keyword to prevent the ; timestamp on plots. ; 22-Apr-2004, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - modified ->EMPTY ; 1-April-2005, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - use _REF_EXTRA ; to pass keyword values back to caller. ; 11-April-2005, Kim. Added addplot_name and addplot_arg properties and call to ; run addplot_name routine after plotting. ; 24-May-2005, Sandhia. Modified set method to reset self.addplot_name when the ; incoming addplot_name keyword contains a string or a blank/null ; value. This is so that we can toggle overplotting. ; 24-Aug-05, Zarro (L-3Com/GSFC) - added XHOUR ; 21-Nov-2005, Kim. When calling addplot_name procedure, combine the xyplot ; property structure with the addplot_arg structure, so the called ; procedure can use the current selections for plotting if needed. ; 17-Jan-2006, Zarro. Made err and err_msg self consistent. ; 15-Sep-2006, Kim. Allow dim1_color = '' to signify b/w plot. ; If b/w, set color to ' ' in overlay_obj so linestyles used ; In use_colors, only check for blank string, not >1 unique color - ; needed in case of single trace, with overlay plot. ; In set_colors, added test for blank strings ; 27-Sep-2006, Kim. Add psym to set_plot args, and use ; to set self.histogram ; 30-Oct-2006, Zarro (ADNET/GSFC) ; - removed an EXECUTE call ; - removed XHOUR ; 4-Mar-2007, Zarro(ADNET) ; - removed ADD_METHOD ; 4-Apr-2007, Kim. Pass a few keywords from main plot to overlay plot ; 14-Nov-2007, Kim. In get_sum_label, include date in time label ; 5-Dec-2007, Kim. Pass charthick through to write_legend ; 24-Apr-2008, Kim. Uncommented call to valid_channels in set_channels and in ; valid_channels, print message if none of selected channels is valid ; 16-May-2008, Kim. in write_legend scale legend char size by .9 ; 05-Dec-2008, Kim. In integral, use temp array with NaNs set to 0., otherwise result is NaN ; 16-Dec-2008, Kim. In integral, use total with /nan instead of 5-Dec fix. ; 09-Jan-2008, Kim. In plot, call struct_subset with /quiet ; 03-Feb-2009, Kim. Added fill_gaps prop. If set, fill gaps by interpolating. ; 04-Feb-2009, Kim. In fill_xgaps and fill_ygaps, don't use non-finite points ; ; ; Contact : dzarro@solar.stanford.edu ;- function xyplot::init,xdata,ydata,edata,_ref_extra=extra tmp=self->chan::init() ;-- set defaults self.nx=1 self.ny=1 self->init_ptr self->set,xdata=xdata,ydata=ydata,edata=edata,_extra=extra,$ /stairs,/histogram,yscale=1,yoffset=0,plot_type='xyplot',legend_loc=1 dprint,'% XYPLOT::INIT' return,1 end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- pro xyplot::init_ptr self.header_ptr=ptr_new(/all) self.xdata_ptr=ptr_new(/all) self.ydata_ptr=ptr_new(/all) self.edata_ptr=ptr_new(/all) self.dim1_ids=ptr_new(/all) self.dim1_vals=ptr_new(/all) self.dim1_use=ptr_new(/all) self.dim1_colors=ptr_new(/all) self.dim1_linestyles=ptr_new(/all) self.label=ptr_new(/all) self.addplot_arg=ptr_new(/all) return & end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--destroy object pro xyplot::cleanup dprint,'% XYPLOT::CLEANUP' self->empty,/deallocate self->chan::cleanup return end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- empty object pointers of data pro xyplot::empty,deallocate=deallocate self->free_var,no_deallocate=1-keyword_set(deallocate) self.filename='' self.id='' return & end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- allow summing function xyplot::allow_sum sum=self->get(/dim1_sum) if not sum then return,0b xtype=self->get(/xtype) if (xtype eq 2) or (xtype eq 3) then begin message,'Y-DATA summing is disabled for XTYPE = '+strtrim(xtype,2),/cont self->set,dim1_enab_sum=0b self->set,dim1_sum=0b return,0b endif return,sum end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- general set method pro xyplot::set,xdata=xdata,ydata=ydata,edata=edata,overlay_obj=overlay_obj,_ref_extra=extra, $ no_set_plot=no_set_plot, addplot_name=addplot_name, addplot_arg=addplot_arg ;-- set data properties first self->set_data,xdata,ydata,edata,_extra=extra ;-- set plot properties if is_string(extra) and not keyword_set( no_set_plot ) then begin self->set_plot,_extra=extra self->chan::set,_extra=extra endif if is_class(overlay_obj, 'xyplot', /quiet) then self.overlay_obj=overlay_obj ;if is_string(addplot_name) then self.addplot_name = addplot_name if (exist(addplot_name)) then $ if is_string(addplot_name, /blank) then self.addplot_name = addplot_name if exist (addplot_arg) then *self.addplot_arg = addplot_arg return end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- function xyplot::check_data,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' if (not self->has_xdata()) or (not self->has_ydata()) then return,0b self->check_xdata,*self.xdata_ptr,x_nx,x_ny,type=xtype,err_msg=err_msg if is_string(err_msg) then return,0b self->check_ydata,*self.ydata_ptr,y_nx,y_ny,err_msg=err_msg if is_string(err_msg) then return,0b if (x_nx ne y_nx) or ((x_ny gt 1) and (x_ny ne y_ny)) then begin err_msg='# of X and Y data points do not match' message,err_msg,/cont return,0b endif return,1b end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- set data properties pro xyplot::set_data,xdata,ydata,edata,id=id,dim1_ids=dim1_ids,dim1_vals=dim1_vals,$ data_unit=data_unit,dim1_unit=dim1_unit,plot_type=plot_type,$ status=status,err_msg=err_msg,no_copy=no_copy,filename=filename,$ yscale=yscale,yoffset=yoffset,header=header,_extra=_extra, $ no_defaults = no_defaults status = 1 err_msg='' no_copy=keyword_set(no_copy) ;-- check & set X/Y data ;-- following XDATA inputs acceptable ;-- x=array(nx) xtype=0 ;-- x=array(2,nx) xtype=1 ;-- x=array(nx,ny) xtype=2 ;-- x=array(2,nx,ny) xtype=3 ;-- if NY > 1 then it must match NY for YDATA if exist(xdata) then begin self->check_xdata,xdata,x_nx,x_ny,type=xtype,err_msg=err_msg if is_string(err_msg) then begin status=0 return endif dprint,'% XTYPE ',xtype self.nx=x_nx self.xtype=xtype if no_copy then *self.xdata_ptr=temporary(xdata) else *self.xdata_ptr=xdata self->set_xrange endif if exist(ydata) then begin self->check_ydata,ydata,y_nx,y_ny,err_msg=err_msg if is_string(err_msg) then begin status=0 return endif ;-- convert from integer to float to avoid overflows self.ny=y_ny ytype=size(ydata,/type) if ytype eq 2 then begin if no_copy then *self.ydata_ptr=temporary(float(ydata)) else *self.ydata_ptr=float(ydata) endif else begin if no_copy then *self.ydata_ptr=temporary(ydata) else *self.ydata_ptr=ydata endelse ;-- plotting defaults if not keyword_set( no_defaults ) then begin self->set_channels self->set_linestyles self->set_colors self->set_chan_ids self->set_yrange endif endif ;-- data errors if exist(edata) then begin if no_copy then *self.edata_ptr=temporary(edata) else *self.edata_ptr=edata endif ;-- channel values if exist(dim1_vals) then self->set_dim1_vals, dim1_vals, status=status,err_msg=err_msg,no_copy=no_copy ;-- channel ID's if exist(dim1_ids) then self->set_chan_ids,dim1_ids ;-- plot type if is_string(plot_type) then self.plot_type=plot_type ;-- plot labels if is_string(id,/blank) then self.id=id if is_string(dim1_unit,/blank) then self.dim1_unit=dim1_unit if is_string(data_unit,/blank) then self.data_unit=data_unit if exist(yscale) then self.yscale=yscale if exist(yoffset) then self.yoffset=yoffset ;-- source filename if is_string(filename) then self.filename=strtrim(filename,2) ;-- file header if is_string(header) then *self.header_ptr=header return end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- set dim1 vals pro xyplot::set_dim1_vals, dim1_vals, status=status,err_msg=err_msg,no_copy=no_copy if size(dim1_vals, /n_dimen) eq 2 then begin if data_chk(dim1_vals, /nx) ne 2 then begin err_msg = 'X array must be dimensioned n or (2,n)' message, err_msg, /cont status=0 return endif ndim1= data_chk(dim1_vals,/ny) endif else begin if self.ny eq 1 and n_elements(dim1_vals) eq 2 then ndim1=1 else $ ndim1=data_chk(dim1_vals,/nx) endelse ; if ndim1 ne self.ny then begin ; msg = 'Warning - number of dim1 vals not equal to number of Y channels.' ; message,msg, /cont ; endif ; store dim1_vals as numbers. If they came in as strings, must be times, so set flag. ;kim 7/30/03 self.dim1_is_time = size(dim1_vals, /tname) eq 'STRING' if self.dim1_is_time then begin if no_copy then *self.dim1_vals=temporary(anytim(dim1_vals)) else *self.dim1_vals=anytim(dim1_vals) endif else begin if no_copy then *self.dim1_vals=temporary(dim1_vals) else *self.dim1_vals=dim1_vals endelse end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- set channel ids pro xyplot::set_chan_ids,dim1_ids ny=self->get(/ny) if not exist(dim1_ids) then dim1_ids=strarr(ny) *self.dim1_ids=dim1_ids return & end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- set plot properties pro xyplot::set_plot,ylog=ylog,all=all,dim1_enab_sum=dim1_enab_sum,$ weighted_sum=weighted_sum, derivative=derivative,$ integral=integral,positive=positive,$ dim1_sum=dim1_sum,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ nsum=nsum,legend_loc=legend_loc, label=label,stairs=stairs,$ dim1_colors=dim1_colors, dim1_linestyles=dim1_linestyles,$ charsize=charsize,dim1_use=dim1_use,xlog=xlog,histogram=histogram, $ fill_gaps=fill_gaps, psym=psym if is_number(all) then self.all= 0 > all < 1 else begin if exist(dim1_use) then if n_elements(dim1_use) ne self->get(/ny) then self.all=0 endelse if is_number(derivative) then begin self.derivative= 0b > derivative < 1b if self.derivative then self.integral=0b endif if is_number(integral) then begin self.integral= 0b > integral < 1b if self.integral then self.derivative=0b endif if is_number(psym) then self.histogram = psym eq 10 if is_number(histogram) then self.histogram =0b > histogram < 1b if is_number(stairs) then self.stairs =0b > stairs < 1b if is_number(ylog) then self.ylog= 0b > ylog < 1b if is_number(xlog) then self.xlog= 0b > xlog < 1b if is_number(positive) then self.positive= 0b > positive < 1b if is_number(dim1_enab_sum) then self.dim1_enab_sum= 0b > dim1_enab_sum < 1b if is_number(weighted_sum) then self.weighted_sum= 0b > weighted_sum < 1b if is_number(dim1_sum) then self.dim1_sum= 0b > dim1_sum < 1b if is_number(nsum) then self.nsum=nsum > 0 if is_number(legend_loc) then self.legend_loc = 0 > legend_loc < 6 if datatype(label) eq 'STR' then *self.label =trim(label) if exist(dim1_colors) then self->set_colors,dim1_colors if exist(dim1_linestyles) then self->set_linestyles,dim1_linestyles if exist(dim1_use) then self->set_channels,dim1_use if exist(xrange) then self->set_xrange,xrange if exist(yrange) then self->set_yrange,yrange if is_number(fill_gaps) then self.fill_gaps = 0b > fill_gaps < 1b return & end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro xyplot::set_yrange,yrange if not exist(yrange) then self.yrange=[0.,0.] else $ if valid_range(yrange,/allow_zeros) then self.yrange=float(yrange) return & end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro xyplot::set_xrange,xrange if not exist(xrange) then self.xrange=[0.d,0.d] else $ if valid_range(xrange,/allow_zeros) then self.xrange=double(xrange) return & end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- get default XDATA range function xyplot::get_def_xrange,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' if not self->has_xdata() then begin err_msg='Warning - no X-DATA to plot' message,err_msg,/cont return,[0.,0] endif xlog=self->get(/xlog) if xlog then begin good=where(*self.xdata_ptr gt 0,count) if count gt 0 then xmax=max((*self.xdata_ptr)[good],min=xmin,/nan) else $ xmax=max(*self.xdata_ptr,min=xmin,/nan) endif else xmax=max(*self.xdata_ptr,min=xmin,/nan) return,[xmin,xmax] end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- get default YDATA range function xyplot::get_def_yrange,err_msg=err_msg dprint,'% calling GET_DEF_YRANGE...' err_msg='' dmin=1. & dmax=1. if not self->has_ydata() then begin err_msg='Warning - no Y-data to plot' message,err_msg,/cont goto,done endif channels=self->get_channels() nchans=n_elements(channels) sum=self->allow_sum() nx=self->get(/nx) ylog=self->get(/ylog) nan=!values.f_nan ymin=replicate(nan,nchans) ymax=ymin ydata=replicate(nan,nx) for i=0,nchans-1 do begin k=channels[i] & ncount=0 xindex=self->where_xdata(k,count=count,complement=complement,$ ncomplement=ncount) if count gt 0 then begin ydata=self->get_ydata(k,err_msg=err_msg) if is_string(err_msg) then continue if sum then begin if ncount gt 0 then ydata[complement]=nan break endif else begin if count eq nx then ymax[i]=max(ydata,min=temp,/nan) else $ ymax[i]=max(ydata[xindex],min=temp,/nan) ymin[i]=temp endelse endif endfor ;-- filter out plot-worthy data if sum then begin dmax=max(ydata,/nan,min=dmin) endif else begin dmax=max(ymax,/nan) dmin=min(ymin,/nan) endelse if finite(dmin,/nan) or finite(dmax,/nan) then begin dmin=1. & dmax=1. endif done: if dmin eq dmax then begin if ylog then begin dmin = dmin / 10. dmax = dmax * 10. endif else begin dmin = dmin - 1. dmax = dmax + 1. endelse endif return,[dmin,dmax] end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- general GETDATA function xyplot::getdata,_ref_extra=extra return,self->get(/data_array,/all_chans,_extra=extra) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- get data properties function xyplot::get,xdata=xdata,data_array=data_array,$ _ref_extra=extra,all_chans=all_chans, $ ; title added by acs 2004-07-21 for use w/ spectrograms title = title if keyword_set(xdata) and self->has_xdata() then return,*self.xdata_ptr if keyword_set(data_array) and self->has_ydata() then begin if keyword_set(all_chans) then return,reform(*self.ydata_ptr) else begin channels=self->get_channels() return,reform((*self.ydata_ptr)[*,channels]) endelse endif if is_string(extra) then return,self->getprop(_extra=extra) ; acs if keyword_set( title ) then return, self->getprop( /id ) return,'' end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- return axis info function xyplot::getaxis, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, _extra=_extra if keyword_set(xaxis) then return,get_edge_products(self->get(/xdata), _extra=_extra) if keyword_set(yaxis) then return,get_edge_products(self->get(/ydata), _extra=_extra) return, -1 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- plot command pro xyplot::plot_cmd,x,y,overlay=overlay,_extra=extra overlay=keyword_set(overlay) if overlay then begin plot_cmd='oplot' if abs(!p.psym) eq 10 then begin psym_save=!p.psym !p.psym=0 endif endif else plot_cmd='plot' call_procedure,plot_cmd,x,y,_extra=extra if exist(psym_save) then !p.psym=psym_save return & end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- histogram plot command pro xyplot::plot_hist_cmd,x,y,overlay=overlay,_extra=extra ; If x array is 2-D and we want a histogram style plot, use datplot ; command to handle unequally sized x bins. ;-- can't have psym=10 when calling DATPLOT if have_tag(extra,'psy',/start,index) then begin if abs(extra.(index)) eq 10 then extra=rem_tag(extra,index) endif if abs(!p.psym) eq 10 then begin psym_save=!p.psym !p.psym=0 endif stairs=self->get(/stairs) datplot,d1,d2,y,xs=x,stairs=stairs,_extra=extra,noeras=overlay if exist(psym_save) then !p.psym=psym_save return & end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- plotter pro xyplot::plot,overlay=overlay,err_msg=err_msg,status=status,$ _extra=extra if not self->check_data(err_msg=err_msg) then return cancel=0b if not self->has_ydata() then self->options,cancel=cancel,title='Filename: '+self->get(/filename) if cancel then return ;-- sometimes you just have to protect users from themselves if !p.psym lt -8 then !p.psym=0 if have_tag(extra,'psy',/start,index) then begin if extra.(index) lt -8 then extra.(index)=0 endif ;-- temporary structure to save initial state ;xhour ;state='temp={'+obj_class(self)+'}' ;s=execute(state) temp=obj_struct(obj_class(self)) struct_assign,self,temp status = 1 err_msg = '' ;-- check if initial overlay ioverlay=keyword_set(overlay) if not self->has_ydata() then begin err_msg = 'Warning - no Y-data to plot' message, err_msg, /cont self->empty_plot status=0 return endif ;-- set command line parameters if is_struct(extra) then self->set,_extra=extra ;-- get working values histogram=self->get(/histogram) ylog=self->get(/ylog) xlog=self->get(/xlog) positive=self->get(/positive) nx=self->get(/nx) channels=self->get_channels() nchans=n_elements(channels) linestyles=self->get(/dim1_linestyles) colors=self->get(/dim1_colors) use_colors=self->use_colors() sum=self->allow_sum() data_unit=self->get(/data_unit) data_unit = self->get(/derivative) ? data_unit + ' derivative' : data_unit data_unit = self->get(/integral) ? data_unit + ' integral' : data_unit id=self->get(/id) ;-- check XRANGE xrange=self->get(/xrange) if valid_range(xrange) then begin if xlog then begin xmin=min(xrange,max=xmax) if (xmin le 0) or (xmax le 0) then begin drange=self->get_def_xrange() if xrange[0] le 0 then xrange[0]=drange[0] if xrange[1] le 0 then xrange[1]=drange[1] self->set,xrange=xrange endif endif endif if not valid_range(xrange) then begin xrange=self->get_def_xrange() self->set,xrange=xrange endif ;-- if YRANGE=[0,0], then YRANGE is based upon min/max of plotted channels yrange=self->get(/yrange) if valid_range(yrange) then begin if ylog or positive then begin ymin=min(yrange,max=ymax) if (ymin le 0) or (ymax le 0) then begin drange=self->get_def_yrange() if yrange[0] le 0 then yrange[0]=drange[0] if yrange[1] le 0 then yrange[1]=drange[1] self->set,yrange=yrange endif endif endif if (not valid_range(yrange)) then begin yrange=self->get_def_yrange() self->set,yrange=yrange endif dprint,'% XRANGE: ', xrange dprint,'% YRANGE: ', yrange ;-- construct plot keywords plot_keywords={xlog:xlog,ylog:ylog,ytitle:data_unit,title:id} plot_keywords=join_struct(extra,plot_keywords) ;-- override xmargin, xrange, yrange margins = self-> get_margin() if margins[0] ne -1 then $ plot_keywords = rep_tag_value(plot_keywords,margins,'xmargin') plot_keywords = rep_tag_value(plot_keywords,xrange,'xrange') plot_keywords = rep_tag_value(plot_keywords,yrange,'yrange') ;-- check if histogram plotting xtype=self->get(/xtype) dohist = ((xtype eq 1) or (xtype eq 3)) and histogram ; If X-DATA is 1-D, then use regular plot command ; If X-DATA is 2-D and we want a histogram style plot, create datplot command ; to handle unequally sized x bins. pcount=0 for i=0,nchans-1 do begin k=channels[i] textra=plot_keywords ;-- if sum then don't bother with internal colors and linestyles ;-- if different colors are set, then don't bother with different linestyles if (not sum) then begin lcolor=colors[k] lstyle=linestyles[k] ; if nchans eq 1 then begin ; lcolor=colors[0] ; lstyle=linestyles[0] ; endif if use_colors then $ textra=add_tag(textra,lcolor,'color',/quiet) else $ textra=add_tag(textra,lstyle,'linestyle',/quiet) endif xdata=self->get_xdata(k,midpoint=1-dohist) keep=self->where_xdata(k,count=count,/keep_log) ydata=self->get_ydata(k,edata=edata,err_msg=err_msg) if is_string(err_msg) then continue if count gt 0 then begin status=1b if count lt nx then begin ydata=ydata[keep] if exist(edata) then edata=edata[keep] if dohist then xdata=xdata[*,keep] else xdata=xdata[keep] endif pcount=pcount+1 ;-- plot axis first without data if (pcount eq 1) and (not ioverlay) then begin nextra=rem_tag(textra,'color') self->plot_cmd,xdata,ydata,_extra=nextra,/nodata endif if dohist then $ self->plot_hist_cmd,xdata,ydata,_extra=textra,/overlay else $ self->plot_cmd,xdata,ydata,_extra=textra,/overlay endif ;-- plot errors if available if exist(edata) then begin self->plot_err,xdata,ydata,edata,_extra=textra endif if sum then break endfor wshow2 if (pcount eq 0) and (not ioverlay) then $ self->plot_cmd,xdata,replicate(0,nx),_extra=textra self->write_legend,_extra=extra if obj_isa(self.overlay_obj, 'xyplot') then begin if not use_colors then begin save_colors = self.overlay_obj->get(/dim1_colors) temp_colors = ' ' endif ; share the following params with the overlay plot, kim 4-apr-07 o_extra = struct_subset(extra, ['charsize','thick', 'psym', 'nsum'], /quiet, status=status) if not status then o_extra={dummy:0} self.overlay_obj->plot,/overlay, /no_timestamp, dim1_colors=temp_colors, _extra=o_extra if not use_colors then self.overlay_obj -> set, dim1_colors=save_colors endif if is_string(self.addplot_name) then $ call_procedure, self.addplot_name, _extra=join_struct(*self.addplot_arg, self->get(/all_props)) ;-- restore initial state error=0 catch,error if error ne 0 then begin message,err_state(),/cont catch,/cancel endif struct_assign,temp,self,/nozero return & end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- oplot error bars pro xyplot::plot_err,xdata,ydata,edata,_extra=extra if not exist(edata) then return xlog=self->get(/xlog) xd2=size(xdata,/n_dim) eq 2 if xd2 then begin if xlog then xa=sqrt(xdata[0,*]*xdata[1,*]) else xa=total(xdata,1)/2 endif else xa=xdata if have_tag(extra,'col',index,/start) then errcolor=extra.(index[0]) oploterr,xa,ydata,edata,errcolor=errcolor,_extra=extra,/noconnect return & end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- plot an empty plot (for zero data case) pro xyplot::empty_plot,_extra=extra plot,[0,1],[0,1],_extra=extra,/nodata return & end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- if legend is outside plot, figure an appropriate margin to make room for legend function xyplot::get_margin loc = self->get(/legend_loc) if loc gt 4 then begin ; first create legend but don't write it, just to get size self->write_legend, /nowrite, legend_size=legend_size xchar_norm = !d.x_ch_size/float(!d.x_size) if loc eq 5 then return, [legend_size[0] / xchar_norm, !x.margin[1]] if loc eq 6 then return, [!x.margin[0], legend_size[0] / xchar_norm] endif else return, -1 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if colors are to be used function xyplot::use_colors colors=self->get(/dim1_colors) if is_blank(string(colors)) then return,0b return,1 ;ucolors=get_uniq(colors) ;ncolors=n_elements(ucolors) ;use_colors=(ncolors gt 1) ;if ncolors eq 1 then $ ; use_colors=(ucolors gt 0) and (ucolors lt (!d.table_size-1)) ;return,use_colors end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if object has X-Y-data function xyplot::has_data return, (self->has_xdata() and self->has_ydata()) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if object has Y-data function xyplot::has_ydata if not ptr_valid(self.ydata_ptr) then return,0b return,exist(*self.ydata_ptr) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if object has error data function xyplot::has_edata if not ptr_valid(self.edata_ptr) then return,0b return,exist(*self.edata_ptr) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if object has X-DATA function xyplot::has_xdata if not ptr_valid(self.xdata_ptr) then return,0b if exist(*self.xdata_ptr) then begin chk=where(*self.xdata_ptr ne 0,count) return,count gt 0 endif else return, 0b end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- show xyplot properties pro xyplot::show print,'' print,'xyplot properties:' print,'---------------' print,'% DATA ID: ',self->get(/id) print,'% # DATA POINTS: ',self->get(/nx) print,'% # CHANNELS: ',self->get(/ny) print,'% CHANNELS SELECTED: ',self->get_channels() print,'% PLOT_TYPE: ',self->get(/plot_type) print,'% XRANGE: ',self->get(/xrange) print,'% YRANGE: ',self->get(/yrange) print,'% YLOG: ',self->get(/ylog) print,'% XLOG: ',self->get(/xlog) print,'% ALL/SUM/ENAB_SUM/WEIGHTED SUM: ',self->get(/all),self->allow_sum(),$ self->get(/dim1_enab_sum), self->get(/weighted_sum) print,'% NSUM: ',self->get(/nsum) print,'% DERIVATIVE: ',self->get(/derivative) print,'% INTEGRAL: ',self->get(/integral) print,'% HISTOGRAM: ',self->get(/histogram) print,'% STAIRS: ',self->get(/stairs) print,'' return & end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- set channels to plot pro xyplot::set_channels, dim1_use ny=self->get(/ny) def_chans=indgen(ny) if not exist(dim1_use) then dim1_use=def_chans dim1_use=self->valid_channels(dim1_use) if self->get(/all) then dim1_use=def_chans *self.dim1_use=dim1_use return end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- get plotted channels function xyplot::get_channels ny=self->get(/ny) def_chans=indgen(ny) if self->get(/all) then return,def_chans return,self->get(/dim1_use) end ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- validate input channels function xyplot::valid_channels,channels if not exist(channels) then valid=0 else valid=channels ny=self->get(/ny) if ny gt 0 then begin ok=where( (valid lt ny) and (valid gt -1),count) if count gt 0 then valid=valid[ok] else begin valid=0 message,'Choice of channels to plot is invalid. Plotting channel 0.', /continue endelse if count eq 1 then valid=valid[0] endif return,get_uniq(valid) & end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- set colors. if user didn't set enough colors, then keep appending pro xyplot::set_colors,dim1_colors ny=self->get(/ny) if not exist(dim1_colors) or is_string(dim1_colors, /blank) then begin *self.dim1_colors=replicate('',ny) return endif white=!d.table_size-1 black=0 cc = black > dim1_colors < white while n_elements(cc) lt ny do cc = append_arr (cc, dim1_colors) cc = cc[0:ny-1] if !p.background eq black then begin iblack=where(cc eq black,count) if count gt 0 then cc[iblack]=white endif else begin iwhite=where(cc eq white,count) if count gt 0 then cc[iwhite]=white endelse if n_elements(cc) eq 1 then cc=cc[0] *self.dim1_colors=cc return end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- set linestyles. if user didn't set enough linestyles, then keep appending pro xyplot::set_linestyles, dim1_linestyles if not exist(dim1_linestyles) then dim1_linestyles=indgen(6) ny=self->get(/ny) ll = dim1_linestyles while n_elements(ll) lt ny do ll = append_arr (ll, dim1_linestyles) ll = ll[0:ny-1] *self.dim1_linestyles=ll return & end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro xyplot::write_legend,charsize=charsize, nowrite=nowrite, legend_size=legend_size, $ no_timestamp = no_timestamp, charthick=charthick ; write legend if requested: legend_loc = 0/1/2/3/4/5/6 = none, topleft, topright, ; bottomleft, bottomright, outside plot on left, outside plot on right ; scale character size for legend and xdatatamp to size of window or requested ; size of plot labels. label_size = ch_scale(.9, /xy) time_size = ch_scale(.6, /xy) if exist(charsize) then begin label_size = ch_scale(charsize*.9, /xy) time_size = ch_scale(charsize * .6, /xy) endif loc = self->get(/legend_loc) sum= self->allow_sum() channels=self->get_channels() ids=(self->get(/dim1_ids))[channels] ;nplots=n_elements(channels) ; only write legend for smaller of dim1_ids and channels in case don't want to label all lines ; e.g. can use same color for multiple lines, and only label it once. nplots=n_elements(self->get(/dim1_ids)) < n_elements(channels) ;kim 10-Feb-2004 if loc ne 0 then begin cmd = 'legend, text, box=0, charthick=charthick' if loc gt 4 then begin if loc eq 5 then loc_cmd = ',position=[0.,.98], /left, /norm' if loc eq 6 then loc_cmd = ',position=[1.,1.], /right, /norm' endif else begin top = loc lt 3 bottom = loc ge 3 right = (loc mod 2) eq 0 left = loc mod 2 loc_cmd = ',top_legend=top, bottom_legend=bottom, right_legend=right, left_legend=left' endelse text = '' nlabel = 0 ;-- label might contain additional lines to put in legend. If so, be sure to ; prepend colors and linestyles arrays with extra values for these lines. text=self->get(/label) if size(text, /tname) eq 'STRING' then nlabel=n_elements(text) if is_string(ids) then begin if sum then begin text2 = self -> get_sum_label(channels) text = [text, text2] endif else begin nlast = (nplots-1) < 9 colors=(self->get(/dim1_colors))[channels] linestyles=(self->get(/dim1_linestyles))[channels] if nlabel gt 0 then text = [text, ids[0:nlast]] else text=ids[0:nlast] ;-- linestyle -99 means don't draw line or indent more_cmd=',linestyle=linestyles' if self->use_colors() then begin linestyles=intarr(nplots) if nlabel gt 0 then begin colors =[replicate(0,nlabel), colors[0:nlast]] linestyles=[replicate(-99,nlabel), linestyles[0:nlast]] endif more_cmd=more_cmd+',color=colors, pspacing=1' endif else begin if nlabel gt 0 then linestyles = [replicate(-99, nlabel), linestyles[0:nlast]] endelse if nlast lt (nplots-1) then begin text = [text, 'More...'] linestyles = [linestyles, -99] colors = [colors, 0] endif cmd = cmd + more_cmd endelse endif if not (n_elements(text) eq 1 and text[0] eq '') then begin ; if nowrite, then write label outside plot so it won't show, just to get size of legend if keyword_set(nowrite) then begin ok = execute (cmd + ', charsize=label_size, pos=[1.,1.], /left, /norm, corners=corners' ) legend_size = [corners[2]-corners[0], corners[3]-corners[1]] endif else ok = execute (cmd + loc_cmd + ', charsize=label_size') endif endif ;-- write little time stamp on bottom of plot if not keyword_set( no_timestamp ) then begin timestamp, /bottom, charsize=time_size endif return & end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Construct legend for summed data ; Construct strings with contiguous ranges of dim1 that are summed function xyplot::get_sum_label, channels text2 = '' dim1_vals = self->get(/dim1_vals) if n_elements(dim1_vals) eq 2 or size(dim1_vals, /n_dimen) eq 2 then begin epsilon = self.dim1_is_time ? .0015 : 0. ranges=find_contig_ranges(dim1_vals[*,channels], epsilon=epsilon) if ranges[0] ne -1 then begin if self.dim1_is_time then begin ; dim1 is times text2 = reform(anytim(ranges[0,*],/vms) + ' - ' $ + anytim(ranges[1,*],/vms,/time)) endif else begin sranges = strtrim (string (ranges, format='(f9.1)'), 2) sranges = reform(sranges, size(ranges, /dim)) r_string = sranges[0,*] + ' - ' + sranges[1,*] text2 = reform(r_string) + ' ' + self->get(/dim1_unit) endelse endif endif return, text2 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- get widths for dim1_vals function xyplot::dim1_widths dim1_vals = self -> get(/dim1_vals) if (size(dim1_vals, /n_dimen) ne 2) or (data_chk(dim1_vals,/nx) ne 2) then $ return, -1 else $ return, reform( dim1_vals[1,*] - dim1_vals[0,*]) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- useful utility for deriving sub-ranges in data function xyplot::where_data,data,range,count=count count=0 if not valid_range(range) then return,-1 if not exist(data) then return,-1 ok=where( (data le max(range)) and (data ge min(range)), count) return,ok & end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- general Y-DATA operation function (currently derivative & integral only) function xyplot::operation,xdata,ydata,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' if self->get(/derivative) then begin if n_elements(ydata) lt 4 then begin err_msg='Need at least 3 points for derivative' message,err_msg,/cont return,-1 endif xd2=size(xdata,/n_dim) eq 2 if xd2 then $ return,deriv(total(xdata,1)/2.,ydata) else $ return,deriv(xdata,ydata) endif if self->get(/integral) then begin dx=self->get_dx(xdata) return,self->integral(ydata,dx) endif return,ydata end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- derivative method function xyplot::derivative,x,y return,deriv(x,y) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- integral method function xyplot::integral,y,dx return,total(y*dx,/cum,/nan) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check XDATA dimensions pro xyplot::check_xdata,xdata,n1,n2,type=type,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' n1=0 & n2=0 type=-1 sz=size(xdata) ;-- XDATA = array(nx) if sz[0] eq 1 then begin n1=sz[1] & n2=1 type=0 endif ;-- XDATA = array(2,nx) or array(nx,ny) if sz[0] eq 2 then begin if sz[1] eq 2 then begin n1=sz[2] & n2=1 type=1 endif else begin n1=sz[1] & n2=sz[2] type=2 endelse endif ;-- XDATA = array(2,nx,ny) if sz[0] eq 3 then begin if sz[1] eq 2 then begin n1=sz[2] & n2=sz[3] type=3 endif endif if type eq -1 then begin err_msg='Unsupported XDATA input ' help,xdata message,err_msg,/cont endif return & end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- check YDATA dimensions pro xyplot::check_ydata,ydata,n1,n2,err_msg=err_msg n1=0 & n2=0 err_msg='' sz=size(ydata) if sz[0] eq 1 then begin n1=sz[1] & n2=1 endif if sz[0] eq 2 then begin n1=sz[1] & n2=sz[2] endif if (n1 eq 0) or (n2 eq 0) then begin err_msg='Unsupported YDATA input' message,err_msg,/cont endif return & end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- return X-DATA indicies for fast plotting function xyplot::where_xdata,chan,count=count,_ref_extra=extra,$ err_msg=err_msg,keep_log=keep_log count=0 err_msg='' xdata=self->get_xdata(chan,err_msg=err_msg,/midpoint) if is_string(err_msg) then return,-1 xrange=self->get(/xrange) ylog=self->get(/ylog) pos=self->get(/positive) ;-- flag points outside xrange nan=min(*self.xdata_ptr,/nan)-100. if valid_range(xrange) then begin bad=where( (xdata lt min(xrange)) or (xdata gt max(xrange)),bcount) if bcount gt 0 then xdata[bad]=nan endif ;-- flag non-positive data take_log=1-keyword_set(keep_log) ydata=self->get_ydata(chan) if (ylog and take_log) or pos then begin bad=where( (ydata le 0.),bcount) if bcount gt 0 then xdata[bad]=nan endif ;-- return indicies of plot-worthy data return,where2( xdata ne nan,count,_extra=extra) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- return summed Y-data function xyplot::get_sum_ydata chans=self->get_channels() nchans=n_elements(chans) ny=self->get(/ny) if nchans eq 1 then return,(*self.ydata_ptr)[*,chans] ;-- check if weighted sum weighted_sum=self->get(/weighted_sum) if weighted_sum then begin widths=self->dim1_widths() weighted_sum=widths[0] ne -1 endif ;-- if not weighted sum, then return regular sum if not weighted_sum then begin if ny eq nchans then return,total(*self.ydata_ptr,2) return,total( (*self.ydata_ptr)[*,chans],2) endif ;-- else do weighted sum return,(*self.ydata_ptr)[*,chans]#widths[chans]/total(widths[chans]) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if rescaling Y-data function xyplot::rescale return, (self->get(/yscale) ne 1.) or (self->get(/yoffset) ne 0.) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- fill in data gaps function xyplot::fill_ygaps, ydata, chan, edata=edata xdata = self->get_xdata(chan, /midpoint, yes_gap=yes_gap) if yes_gap then begin xdata_all = self -> get_xdata(chan, /midpoint, /nofill) q = where(finite(xdata_all), nq) if nq gt 0 then begin if exist(edata) then edata = interpol(edata[q], xdata_all[q], xdata) return, interpol(ydata[q], xdata_all[q], xdata) endif endif return, ydata end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- check if integrating/differentiating Y-DATA function xyplot::operate return,self->get(/derivative) or self->get(/integral) end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- rescale Y-DATA function xyplot::yscale,ydata return,temporary(ydata)*self->get(/yscale) + self->get(/yoffset) end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- return Y-DATA for given channel function xyplot::get_ydata,chan,edata=edata,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' delvarx,edata sum=self->allow_sum() if not sum then begin if not self->valid_chan(chan,err_msg=err_msg) then return,-1 endif if sum then ydata=self->get_sum_ydata() else $ ydata=reform((*self.ydata_ptr)[*,chan]) if (self->has_edata()) and (not sum) then begin e2d=size(*self.edata_ptr,/n_dim) eq 2 if e2d then edata=reform((*self.edata_ptr)[*,chan]) else edata=*self.edata_ptr endif if self->get(/fill_gaps) then ydata = self -> fill_ygaps(ydata, chan, edata=edata) ;-- rescaling Y-DATA? if self->rescale() then begin ydata=self->yscale(ydata) if exist(edata) then edata=self->yscale(edata) endif ;-- differentiating or integrating? if self->operate() then begin xdata=self->get_xdata(chan) ydata=self->operation(xdata,ydata,err_msg=err_msg) endif return,ydata end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- return X-data "width" for integration function xyplot::get_dx,xdata if size(xdata,/n_dimen) eq 2 then begin dx = xdata[1,*]-xdata[0,*] endif else begin mid=(xdata+xdata[1:*])/2. dx=mid[1:*]-mid np=n_elements(dx) dx=[dx[0],dx,dx[np-1]] endelse return,dx end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- return X-DATA for given channel function xyplot::get_xdata,chan,err_msg=err_msg,midpoint=midpoint, nofill=nofill, yes_gap=yes_gap yes_gap = 0 err_msg='' if not self->valid_chan(chan,err_msg=err_msg) then return,-1 midpoint=keyword_set(midpoint) fill_gaps = self -> get(/fill_gaps) and not keyword_set(nofill) xtype=self->get(/xtype) case xtype of 0: return,*self.xdata_ptr 1: begin if fill_gaps then begin xdata = self->fill_xgaps(0, yes_gap) if midpoint then return,total(xdata,1)/2. else return,xdata endif else if midpoint then return,total(*self.xdata_ptr,1)/2. else return,*self.xdata_ptr end 2: return,reform((*self.xdata_ptr)[*,chan]) 3: begin if fill_gaps then begin xdata = self->fill_xgaps(chan, yes_gap) if midpoint then return,reform(total(xdata,1)/2.) else return,reform( xdata ) endif else if midpoint then return,reform(total((*self.xdata_ptr)[*,*,chan],1)/2.) else $ return,reform( (*self.xdata_ptr)[*,*,chan] ) end else: begin err_msg='Unrecognized XDATA type - '+strtrim(type,2) message,err_msg,/cont end endcase return,-1 end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; fill in gaps in x data function xyplot::fill_xgaps, chan, yes_gap test = 1 q = where (finite((*self.xdata_ptr)[0,*,chan]), nq) if nq gt 0 then mk_contiguous, (*self.xdata_ptr)[*,q,chan], newx, epsilon=1.e-3, test=test yes_gap = test eq 0 return, yes_gap? newx : (*self.xdata_ptr)[*,*,chan] end ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--- validate channel function xyplot::valid_chan,chan,err_msg=err_msg err_msg='' if not is_number(chan) then chan=0 ny=self->get(/ny) if (chan lt 0) or (chan ge ny) then begin err_msg='Out of range channel - '+strtrim(chan,2) message,err_msg,/cont return,0b endif return,1b end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;-- xyplot properties definition pro xyplot__define temp={xyplot, $ ; id:'', $ ;-- data identifier filename:'', $ ;-- data source filename (optional) header_ptr:ptr_new(),$ ;-- file header (optional) xdata_ptr:ptr_new(),$ ;-- pointer for XAXIS array (1 or 2-D) ydata_ptr:ptr_new(),$ ;-- pointer for YAXIS array (NX x NY) edata_ptr:ptr_new(),$ ;-- pointer for YAXIS errors (NX x NY) dim1_ids:ptr_new(), $ ;-- label ID (individual channels, e.g. 300 GHz) dim1_vals:ptr_new(),$ ;-- values for channels (1 or 2-D) dim1_is_time: 0b, $ ;-- internal flag for whether dim1 dimension is time dim1_unit:'', $ ;-- channel unit (e.g. frequency) data_unit:'', $ ;-- data unit (e.g. SFU) nx:0l, $ ;-- # of X points ny:0l, $ ;-- # of Y channels plot_type:'', $ ;-- plot type yrange:[0.,0.], $ ;-- data yrange xrange:[0.d,0.d], $ ;-- data xrange ylog:0b, $ ;-- plot YAXIS as log xlog:0b, $ ;-- plot XAXIS as log histogram:0b, $ ;-- plot as histogram for XTYPE=1,3 positive:0b, $ ;-- only plot positive data derivative:0b, $ ;-- plot as derivative integral:0b, $ ;-- plot as integral stairs:0b, $ ;-- plot HISTOGRAM with STAIRS option all:0b, $ ;-- plot all channels dim1_enab_sum: 0b, $ ;-- allow sum channels option weighted_sum: 0b, $ ;-- 0/1 = total or weighted sum when summing nsum:0l, $ ;-- sum in X domain legend_loc: 0b, $ ;-- location for legend 0/1/2/3/4 = no legend/ topleft/topright/ bottomleft/bottomright label: ptr_new(), $ ;-- additional info to put in legend dim1_sum:0b, $ ;-- sum channels dim1_use:ptr_new(), $ ;-- array of channels to plot dim1_colors: ptr_new(), $ ;-- array of colors to use for plots dim1_linestyles: ptr_new(), $ ;-- array of linestyles to use for plots yscale: 0., $ ;-- scale factor for y data yoffset: 0., $ ;-- offset for y data xtype:0,$ ;-- 0: XDATA= array(NX), 1: array(2,NX), 2: array(NX,NY), 3: array(2, NX,NY) overlay_obj: obj_new(), $ ;-- an xy or ut plot object to plot on top of plot from this object addplot_name: '', $ ;-- name of an additional plot procedure to call addplot_arg: ptr_new(), $ ;-- structure containing arguments to addplot_name procedure fill_gaps: 0b, $ ;-- 0/1, 1 means fill in gaps by interpolating inherits chan, inherits free_var} return end