MONTRLY WEATHER BEVIEW. FLUCTUATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND P R E W R E AT THE BASE AND SUMMIT O F MOUNTSHINGTON. [By Prof. H. A. HAZEN, Wenther Bureau.] ~ __-.--& . At the end of the maps in this Review will be found a continuation of the curves previously published in July and August. There have been added thiz month the fluctuations in pressure at the mnniit as well as at the Lase. It will be noted that these pressure changes present almost exactly the same Frequently the suninlit curve lags a little Eehind that at the base, as has alreadybeen noted. See Annnal Report of the Chief Signal Officer, 1882, pp. 897-926. Attention is called to the remarkable abruptness of the flnctnations of temperature at Mount Washington, especially when the temperature falls atler hase at the summit a3 at the base. SEPTEMBER, 1891. a htorni has passed and a high mea :q'proaches. E\amples of this may be nvtad a< f i i l l i >w : J:LIIU:W~ r I , IS79, fall of ?Coin 8 hours: January 25. 1x79, :3 2 O in 16 hours ; Februar) 1 , 18H0, 38' in 11, huurs ; Febinary 9, 1880, 30O in 8 hours; March 7. lh80, '36' i n 8 honrr ; .Jauiiary 32, 1S82, 41' in 16 hourb ; February 17, ISV?, allo i n 6 Lours ; ani1 hlnrcli 24, 16P", 2 4 O in 8 hours. These vrrv railid fall5 in temperature m:ky IJe doe to the downward action of a cold wale as a Gtorni pas'es OK. I t invariably occurs 011 the east side of a high area and many huut\ befure its center reaches the summit. Jt should ~I S I J be noted that the close agreement hetaeen the fluctuations of temperature at the Lase and summit seems to indicate some general and far- reaching effect prnducrd Iiy estended waves of heat and cold, rather than a more or less local effect produced by the \rind or by more intense radiation to the sky at some times rather than uthers. The month opened warm an 9 closed OREGON* with clear, cool weather and general 1 Alrrhniirn--Cont'd 0 ' 0 0 ~ 1 ~. ~ rllabnnia-Cont'd 0 Ins. Livingston(a)t ..... 92 52 74.2 1.01 I 70.6 2 .s ~ Lyiint ............................... 1.32 Tnlladegat 75.0 3.81 Opeliksi ........... yo 50 70.3 0.94 Thoninrvillet ...... 0.57 Orrvillrf 93 52 ! 75.0 1.96 ' T U W ~O O S ~ t ....... ..... 3.59 Pine .\pplet ........ g j 53 73.2 3.25 TusCUI~llJia(2)t 77.0 1.70 ~e ~i i i a (1 ) t .......................... 1.03 74,3 0.77 hlt. Vernon B'ks..I 93 56 ~ 76.4 3.S5 Tallassee Fnlls t . ..... .......... yo 52 ~ 72.3 2.31 Tuscuinbis(1)t .... 73.5 4.80 Posliinntah~t ...... 91 1 57 I75.7 0.62 Uiiion Sprin s t ... ~i i i o n t o w n f . .. :... 75.1 6.90 Osnnnxt ........... .... light frosts. Lakeview. 2d : minimum. 22. at Weston and Beulah. 30th. - Temperature.-The mean was 0.7 above the normal ; maximum, 100, at 0 0 ................... ............ go 54 g j 53 g j 54 54 51 91 61 yz 55 A.ecipitation.-The &,rage was 0.70 above the normal ; greatest monthly, 6.14, at Astoria ; least monthly, 0.00, at New Bridge. Wind.-Prevailing direction, southnest.--Hoth H. E. Hayes, %aster Stale Grange, Portland, director; B. S. Pague, Observer, Ireather Bureau, asst. PENNSYLVANIA. Temperature.-The mea was 5.4 above the n o r i d ; maximum, 94, at Coats- ville, 26th, and at Somerset, 17th ; tuiniuiutu, 32, at Well~bi)ruugh and Columbus. 30th ; greatest monthly range, 111, at Somerset ; least monthlj range, 37, at Erie. A.ccipitatioti.--The average was 1.18 below the normal; greatest monthly, 6.00, at Kennett Square ; least monthly, 1.05, at Carlisle. rPind.-Prevailing direction, southwest.- Uiider direction of the fiaiiklin Institute, Philadelphia; L. N. D y, ODseruer, Ilbat?ier Bitreail, assistuni. Q SOUTH CAROLINA. Temperai~re.-Mnsimum, 92, itt Batesbnrgh, Greenville, and Spartanburgh, A.ecipitation.-Greatest monthly, 6.06, at Charleston; least monthly, 0.40, Wind.-Prevailin direction, northeaqt.-A. P. Butler, Observer, Weather 19th, and at Columbia, 33d ; minimum, 50, a t SIiartanburgh, 38th. at Greenville. Bureau, Columbia, %rector. SOUTH DAKOTA. Temperature.-The m&n was about 8.0 above the normal; maximum, 107, at Forest City, 16th; minimum, 24, at Brookings, 29th ; greatest monthly range, 76, at Webster ; least monthly range, 53, a t Spearfish. A.ecipitation.-The average was 0.67 below the normal; greatest monthly, 4.11, at Webster ; least monthly, 0.18, at Kimball. Wind.--Prevailing direction, south.-S. W. Glenn, Observer, Tl'eatiicr Bureau, Htiron, director. TENNESSEE. The most marked features of the month were the deficiency in rainfall and the abnormally high temperature. These conditious rendered the niuntli rather disastrous to farmers. Temperature.-The mean was 2.0 above the normal; tuaAinium, 100, at Arlin ton, 22d ; miniminu, 44, at Arlington, 4th; greatest niunthly range, 56, at Arfngton , least monthly range, 18, at Lewisburgh. A.ecipitation.-The average was '3.30 below the nurmal : greatest monthly, 3.08, at Bethel Springs ; least monthly, 0.00, at Waynesborongh. 69.9 2.73 Selma (2 ) t ........., 94 ~ 54 1 76.5 I 1.90 Vallev Headt ...... 92 ..... ............... .! 3.19 , Warrior t ......... .I.. Wind.-Prevailing directions, north a d east:--J. D. Runkct, M. D., TEXAS. Z'emperature.-The mean w&ahout normal in the eastern part of the state, and above the normal in all other part<, escept along the immediate coast, where there was a slight deficiency, amounting in some localities to 3.0 ; masimum, 100, at Graham, 12th ; minimum, 40, at Orange, ith, aud at Hans- ford. :hl ; greatest niunthly range, 55, at H~tisford ; least monthly range, 20, at (;nlvest4ln. A,ecilr,ittatio,i.-The aveiage was about normal over the central and sonth- western Iwts of the state, and the rainfall was deficient in the extreme easterji an11 ntirthwrbtern parts, and over the coast region it was unevenly distributed; gTente,t monthly, 11.49, at Brazoria ; least iuonthly, 0.23. at El Paso.-D. 11. Riyan, Gnlrestoii, director; I. M. Clitie, Observer, Teatker Bureau, ass istn 11 t. UTAH. Tmp,erafure.- The niean w& above the normal during the first half of the month, and below during the latter half; masimum, 104, at Saint George, 3d; miniwutu, 28, at Scotieltl, 80th. Precipifntion.-The average was slightly above the normal ; greatest monthly, 3.60, at Losee ; least monthly, 0.62, at Deseret.-G. N. Salisbtwy, Obsert,er, TI'entRer Burenu, Salt Lake City, &rector. Naahaille, director ; J. R. Marbrrry, Observer, Weather Brireau, assistant. I) VIRGINIA. Ten~~erat~ire.-hIasitiiuni, l&, at Richnioncl, 19th : minimum, 42, at Dale Enterprise, 9th ; greatect monthly range, 53, at Nottoway, C'. H., and Rich- mund ; least monthly range, 3 1 . at Norfulk. E3.ecil,itatioii.-Createst monthly, 3.40, at Stanardsville; least monthly, 0.98, at Wytheville.-l~r. E. A. Craighili, Lynchbzwg?i, director ; J. hr. R$ker, Observer, Wentker Burenri, assistant. WASHINGTON. Tei,~~ercrfure.-hIsximom, 00, at Fort Simcoe, 311; minimum, 26, at Water- x ille, 20th ; greatest monthly range, 62, at Baker City, Oregon : least monthly range, '39, at East Sound. A e r i ~i f a f i o i i .-(~r e a t e ~t monthly, 11.06, at Tatoo4 Ialand; leakt monthly, 0.06, at Fort Simcoe. Wii,id.-Prevailing directilon, south.-E. B. Olwy, Clbswuer, it re at he^- Eli reu t i , Olynip iic, director. WISCONSIN. Teni~era~irre.-Masinlum, 98, at Whitehall, 18th ; minimum, 27, at Flor- Prrci~)itcrtiott.-Createst monthly. 2.<11. at Plover : least ntonthly, 0.02, a t ence. 4th. CaJiz.- If7. L. Moore, Obseriw, Weather Blirercu, Miliiwukee, director. 46 ........ CONTRIBUTIONS AND ORIGINAL ARTICLES. Alabama. Ala'Jnnrn--Cont'd. 0 Bermuda *t ........ 1 5 1 f 1 7:3 1 F:; 11 Double Springs t .. .I 49 Beasemer.. ........ 74.3 1.21 Eufn~ln (2 ) ...... ../ yo Brewtont .......... 05 50 76.0 2.00 Everereent ......... 02 0 55 2: METEOROLOGICAL TABLES. Heteorologieal record of Army post srcrgeona, eoluntary, and otiier co-oper- atfng obseruers, September, 1891. Neteorologicul record of voluntary observers, bc.-Continued. Te in pera t u re. (Pnhrenheit.) (Fahrenheit.) 1 Temperature. I I 2 ~ Temperature. C- (Fahrenheit.) .s St:ltlons. 5 I Stations. Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) 1 =$ 1 1 Carroltori t .. ....... 52.4 I 25 ~~o r 5.0 74.9 56 . 0 76.7 " . I 73.0 76.7 !5.7 '4.2 92.6 56.3 75.0 72.7 4 .S '9 . s 74.7 70.5 is . 2 2 .7 .... .... 1 0 . 0 77.2 I" . 0 I2 . 0 I? . 2 u . U" 0.27 0.3u U .b l 0.19 0.21 0 . OC 0 . 0 C 0 . 00 0 .IO 0.02 0.70 2 .os 1.32 0.50 o . l a 0.47 0 . 48 0 .tis 0 . $9 ..... 0 .2 0 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 0.29 0.00 0 . 23 0 . 'j 0.33 0.34 0 .1 5 0 . 11 .... v . b.5 Devall H l l l f l t ....... 99 45 72.2 El Dnrnrln t ........ gr 40 71.S Fnyettevillet ...... 95 I 42 70 . : PorreskCityt ....... gb qS , 7.1.' 00 44 5? 4? 40 50 S t 4bC 5s 37 54 37 j S 53 47 37 55 55 53 32 54 54 37 44 5m 50 50 52 @I .... .... ..... ..... 0 2 Fullon .... ......................... 2.15 H e l r n a l r l t .............. 1 ............ 10.38 Gnines Lnndiug t ........ 1 ...... !......I o . a, Harrisburgt ....... 93 1 02? 77.6 0.w 05.3 04.5 72.6 .... 67.2 ... 71.6 53.0 bq .5 5s .5 64.0 75.2 os . g 03.3 72.0 72.t 71.0 .... 5.1. 1 ;;: 1 04 . I 6S . 2 t.2.S 71.0 72.9 hS .0 i 5 .1 5y .0 t.4 . 6 .... 71.0 0.50 0. bg 0.30 0. IJ r.oQ 0.65 1.17 0.00 n . 70 1 . OS 0.27 0.17 3.35 0.08 0.77 0.25 0.95 2.50 0.50 0.35 0 .2 3 0. g i 0. e 8 1 . 1s 1.3s 0.21 0.02 0. ov 0.00 0.07 0.10 0.20 ..... U.UO 0. ou 0.00 0.04 0.50 0.q hloruinet ...... ... 79 25 53.2 1.45 Pagodnl n?ar)t ..... ss 28 56.8 2.46 P:rrndor .I 2.73 1'I:rtorojt .......... 1 71 zz 43.7 5.98 Red Clitf ....... ....I.. ............... 2 .q Par:tchute t ~ 90 43 64.6 2.50 ........ .......... ................. . ~~~ Lenloora* .......... '16 Linie Point I .. H ... I Liwrniore. ........ 1';;' Livingston' ....... 105 Imig Bench'. ...... , ~3 ~~ Helenx(2 jt ......... 96 I 4s .. 74.4 Hot 8 lings ........ 96 47 75.0 Leati k'iI1*; ........ io2 I 45 . 75.0 Lonoken ........... ' 9s , 52 75.b 0.31 0.82 0.33 0.12 0.37 2 . og I . 00 0.53 O.tO 0.65 0.54 0.7s 0.92 0.50 0 . 2.3 j . I2 0.70 0.03 5.80 0 .til 0.82 0.3s I . 13 0.75 1.00 0.1s 0 . oc, 0.12 0.00 1.01 0.00 0 .OH 0.49 0.9s .... . ~ .. .. Mndding ..................... , ..... 75.1 Monticellot ........ i 94 40 74.S Mount N e b t ...... SS ~ 51 71.S New Ciuscony ..... .I .... .. ........... Nevport(1)t ............ ' ........... Newport(z)t ....... 97 ~ 50 ~ 74.b C?sceolnt ........... 92 . 5: 71.0 Malvernt .......... 95 I 51 ueoiie T ............. 8 ~(g 48 Pnrwnuldt ............. .I ...... PineCBliirt .......... 94 i 4y Prescott t 93 1 50 Rogerst ............. 94 1 40 Ruaaelvillet ....... ... .'... . s t u t .t g a r t t ......... Texmrkann t ........ .4 4catr;rz I?lland ..... 70 j 37 AIInadrn* ........... qy 52 .......... .......... C'olifurnin . , 1 Analrrinl* ......... 100 00 Angrl lslsnd ....... ~ 67 ~ 47 Antioch' ........... ' ng ' 55 Athlone' ........... IOS ~ 53 Auburn ............. g~ , so Bakersfirld* ....... i q 57 Ballast Point L . H ./.....I.. ... Baratow t .......... 16 I 49 Belmont .......... 86 , 54 Benicia Barracks .. 1 92 . 45 ............. Aptosb 1 6 47 Beau niont+ ........ ~* i 50 ?. .. Mercrd *. .......... 107 , 52 M i l tun [n e a r )* 57 ..... nro~lreto* .......... 1 2 . hlohnve *. .......... 105 nionsoll 103 ?dont:igue ........ 95 Monterey ........ 84 Monterey [Hotel drl Monte)* ...... sz N:i pa (: i by [ L ) ..... s5 N:itionnl C i t y t ..... 95 h'rP~II+?i t .......... 114 N c a l ~s l l .......... IO$ Nrwnrnn * -. 103 N i l w * 90 Norrihotft .......... 100 Norwnllr .......... 100 (hiklnnd ! I I ........ Sti Uaklmnd (z )* ....... 73 Ogilby ............ I I U .......... ....... New Cnstlet 1 Of .... ..... ............. ............... Cllet s 90 72.0 75.4 71.0 58.6 0s . 9 75.5 "j.0 71.5 02.4 77 . 3 70 . I 77 .I 73.8 08 . b 67.9 ...... 73.3 ..... 1 ...... 3 926 MONTHLY WEATHER XNVlEW. SEPTEMBER, 1891. ~ ~ .. . ______ I . _~ Centmlin+ ......... 194 Chnrleston ......... 95 Chester$. .......... 1 Collinsvillet ....... 1'94 East Peoria* ....... gr . 1 43 ......... 1 46 52 Connecticui-Cont'd. Leh:inun ............... Mnnsneld .......... MiAlletown ..... 1. .New Hnrtford (I ) t . Newington ............. N. Groivenor Dale. North Woodstock.. 0 2 86 82 Archert ........... De h n d ( I ) t . ...... De Land ( z ) ........ E u s t i s t ............ Fort Barrancas ..... Fort Mende I ... .... Gninesville t ....... Honieland ......... Hypoluxo* i ........ 94 92 go 92 97 88 83 go gr ;~ Green~tmrgh t Hnrrodsburgh t.... Loaisxt ...................... Middl~sborouglit.. 1 ~e w p o r t ~:r r r a c k s . ............... go . 42 8s 49 94 i 45 Miami t ............ Orange City t.. ..... Passndena t ........ St. Frincis B'ks ... St. Petersburu t .... Eg 94 92 87 90 Connersvillet. ..... lJe Gonia Springs .. Delphi. ............ Evnnavillet ............ Farmlnnil ......... Franklin ........... Huntingburgh ..... 89 go 91 gr go gS Tarpon Yprl,ngs t.. . AlhRny t.. .......... Allapnhst .......... Qeorgaa. Americus t ........ A t h e n s (r ) ......... A t h e n s (z )t ........ Bainbrid et BI*kely*?..:::::::: 92 91 go 91 88 go ;: Marion ............ Mn11 zy Mtohig:in City ..... Mount V e r n o n (i )t . Mount Vernon (2 ). nfunciet ............ Point Isnbelt ...... Princeton b t . ...... Rockville .......... Sevnlourt.. Yh'elhvville *t . ..... 'Terre-Hautet.. \'aIpnrnisot.. ...... Vevny.. ............ Vincennes t. ........... \Vortliingtont ..... Indim Territory. Eufaulnt.. ............. Fort Supply Heal 11 ............ I 00 Sew E~igl'tl Knnoh t 102 ........ hlonniiient, 9s Mortlet.. 94 ILl:llilry ............ 9s 0-nIlal1 ............ 95 cKwe-o t... ........ 101 page Eity .......... 93 ........... (.)iJ?rllll t ............... . Milledgevillet. .... Millen t... ......... Monticellot.. .......... Newnan t .......... Point Peter ............ Poulant ............ Quibninn(1) ............ 85 94 SS 94 Tholn!isville (z )t .. Union Point t...... Washington t...... Way Crosst ........ Wnyiirsborough t.. West Point t ....... Alnho. m c o a t ............ 94 93 SS 88 92 go 90 ........ Bnncroft t.. Hrlle Plxine ....... Hl:ikey i I le +. ....... tluii:rpnrte *.. C':irroll ............. Cedar F d l s t.. Cedar Krpicla t ..... (:h:rrles C:ity 7. ..... CI:irindn t .......... Clinton IlolIegeSprings *... Cordn v n ................ (~:vrning I I ) ............ O ~r n i n g (2 ) t ....... Corvrlon t... ...... ..... ............ ....... 89 94 I 00 94 87 91 90 97 go 9? go 88 90 lhilJ~J~lr:llIx.. ........... West End \Vinn.sboronpli,. ... .Iffline. , ..... .................... gs ' 42 Fort Bherninn ..... Henrys Lnlcet.. .... Kootenait .......... MuIIan*t .......... Ruthberg *t ....... n .t i ~t o ~. % 95 96 ;, Cornish ............ Ennt hInchi;ra ,I.. ... Fnirfielal ........... , Farniingtont ....... Fort Pri-tde. !' Rennebrc l r s e n n l . . . I i e n t s Hill ......... I Lewiston .......... Magfielcl Orono t ............ P e t i t hlennn ....... 1 West Jonesport .... 1 .Warylni1d ' BarrenCreekSp'gst ....... ........... 43 43 7s 3y 85 9; % 90 43 86 40 64 41 66 40 79 41 36 40 69 43 74 44 S8 , 49 Xeteorologica2 record qf oo7unfary obsel.~~crs, &e.-Continued. Neteorological record qf volrcatary oburlrem. dc-Continued. - i e. Q 6 - IW. 0.50 3.49 2.26 1.00 3 75 0.97 0.59 3 '4 2.39 2.31 3.92 3.72 4.00 1.40 0.69 2.41 1.34 4.40 .... 1.00 3: : 3.30 1.23 1.44 1.41 2.34 1.74 2.54 2.30 1.45 1.67 1.52 2.71 0.49 3.03 1.65 0.43 2.96 0. bo o. 76 0.74 3 .9 0.05 2.85 0. 08 0.92 3. I2 3.03 2. I 2 2.12 .... 1.95 1.00 1 .0 0 5.00 0.40 0.17 0.75 1. 14 3.26 3.01 2.23 1.27 5.40 4.10 1.33 11.17 1.05 2. j o 2. '$4 0.59 0. ' 5 2.75 2.44 4.20 2.55 2.63 2.35 9.79 1.90 1'. 2.15 1.55 3.53 2.41 2.63 2: a 1.45 2.45 0.3s 1.58 3.08 2 .2 0 I . 10 ..... 1.00 ..... ..... 0.53 - r a .- U u a" - 616. 5.36 4. 0s 3.46 1.35 4.64 3. a; 3.70 5.47 1.68 4. IO I .6 b 1.41; 2.22 .... 3.84 1.00 .... 4.70 0.15 6. OS 1.45 4.20 6. ?i 5.02 S.51 s. 22 .... 2.97 3.91 7. I O 3.72 5.40 0.70 8. 86 s. 55 7.73 0.08 6. IS 0.95 0. w 3.66 1.44 0.64 0. $3 0.94 1.87 0.07 1.41; 2. os 3.27 1.09 0.98 1.82 1.35 0.57 1.00 1.11 I. 10 1.12 0.71 1.50 1 .2 4 2.52 0.97 0. gs 0.84 1.13 2.40 2.84 3. So 2.47 3.24 0.05 0. 3s 0. b2 2.21 1.01 2 . I2 I . IO 2.01 0.44 0. u5 0.70 0.71 1.55 2.t6 1.20 0. 21 Temperature. i (Fahrenheit.) ii Ytations. P - E: 2 z __ 0 .... 63.7 64.9 62.0 68.3 64.5 .... .... .... .... 64.6 64.3 66.0 .... ...., 68. ti 70.2 69. S 69.3 ..... 71.b 72.6 79.1 7Y.z 77.4 7s. 2 70.6 79.4 79.7 79.9 so. 0 ..... ;% ..... 78.9 77.4 77.8 78.7 76. I 79. I 76. s 75.b 76. 5 72.9 72.3 77.0 7s. 3 73.4 72.4 73.6 75.9 74.4 72. I 77.2 70.6 70.6 74.2 73.2 ..... 73.8 72.5 09.5 74.1 75.4 73.2 71.7 6s. 4 74.5 77.0 .... .... .... 77.6 71.0 74.0 73.4 75.3 74.9 76.2 56.4 62.7 54.6 58.6 4s. 8 s4. 7 53.6 66.4 Stationa. - 2 2 .... 43 44 42 .... 4s 43 .... .... .... 45 43 34 .... .... 50 .... 52 52 51 .... 49 59 60 61 54n .... 63 2 E 72 72 62 6q 66 71 61 67 Go 57 56 60 65 .... at 57 5' 59 5b 58 55 bo 51 52 61 54 .... ;: 2 56 51 56 57 60 .... .... .... .... 60 54 58 2: 6r 60 23 30 23 3' 1s 30 3' 50 .... 40 44 40 .... 2 - d E .- ~~~ 42 43 54 42 44 37 43 44 42 4s 4s 48 40 ... ... ... 50 51 43 44 50 46 39 44 44 39 40 44 43 3s 46 42 45 5s 44 50 43 3s ... .... $ .... 46 49 4s 47 42 41 39 40 .... ... 35 ,... ... 56 42 54 44 48 53 43 46 .... 45 .... .... 4 1 46' .... .... .... 37 3s 37 3s 29 33 34 47 52 35 35 41 37 40 4? 40 .... .... 35 39 30 39 30 35 33 43 32 49 ... ~ c d E ... __ 71.6 64.7 72. I 70. S 73.6 ts. I 72. I 06.5 72.2 63.0 72.2 08.0 ...., .... .... .... b8. 5 72. o 73. I .... .... 70.9 .... %.3 72.3 b7.8 69.1 .... .... .... 67.2 72.0 67.5 65.6 68. 8 67. 8, 70.4 73.2 67.8 .... .... .... $2 .... 7s. 2 7s. 2 75.2 77.3 7S.o 75.8 so. 2 76.4 72.6 77.2 75.4 77.4 75.4 76.6 76.0 73.2 77.0 73.4 78.0 76.6 76. o 71.2 76.2 74.2 70. 2 76.6 76.0 76.4 73.7 70.0 76.2 76.6 76. s .... .... .... .... .... 74.2 62.0 60.7 60. 2 .... 63.4 62.4 62.4 00.4 62. I bo. 8 a:: ; .... 5s. 4 57.8 56.3 69. 0 ~- ~ Ills. 1.4' 1.05 1 .4 2 0.92 1.52 I. 2s I .S 2 3.34 0. 13 0. go 1.23 2.33 0.55 I.XZ 1.27 1.74 1.33 2 .5 1 0.51 1.11 0.96 I .?7 0. 04 0.53 0. so 0.26 1.35 I .os 0.24 2.51 0.49 2.25 1.55 2.00 1.70 1.28 2.00 0.40 1.74 2.14 0.66 2.47 3.55 0. 37 5.45 3.75 5.3s 5.40 1.90 3.20 0.41 3.53 1.99 5. b7 1.70 0.70 0.79 3.72 4.73 1.07 0. $8 2. 30 1.50 5.45 1.64 2.95 4.20 1.40 3. 12 0. gs 1.77 0.97 2 . Sti 1.3' 0 .j 6 1.7h 1.22 ::E 2. c.0 2.12 0.15 4.00 1.15 2. I j 1.40 1.46 1.40 3.02 2.56 1.77 4.05 1.75 1.25 s. 00 2.60 ' I . 40 6.00 0. S7 2.25 1.21 2.00 2 . IC .... 0 60.5 OD. s 7;. 2 70.7 72,s 0;. b .... 71.8 y. 0 72.8, 73. 72.0 09. Y 71.5 tiS.6 65. 4 05. 7 67.2 71.8 70. z os. 4 67. s os. g 07.0 67.6 66.3 71.4 07.9 615.4 07.9 66.8 66.7 66.6 68. I 67.4 74.9 68. 8 00.0 .... .... .... 70.4 .... .... ?a. 2 69. s .... .... 69.7 65.2 b7.S bY.7 .... 0s. Y .... .... 71.6 70.4 09.7 70.3 70. i 71.3 .... 69.4 tB. 6 65. I .... ... 71.1 7-1.4 .... .... .... 66.0 07.8 Mi. I 67.7 05. '.I 65. s 68. 5 69.3 73.9 05. 9 6h. 0 67." 6b. 5 64.4 9:; ..... ..... 97.5 07.7 64.6 64. a 98". 7 65.8 68.4 65. 3 73.9 05.5 ..... P;ialine ............ ! y5 1 37 ~ ~~ii~iiyai,ur.~it .....I g~ 40 Ple;lsant. Uxlr... ..., 94 . 37 I. 5" 3.45 3.33 3.41 1.55 3. ys 2. by 1.55 I . $4 1.90 1.2s 3 .7 3 3.91 1.33 1.53 1.27 1.33 1.92 3.59 3 . 00 1. I ? 1 .2 1 1 .2 0 1.00 2.00 3. 2 0 3. s i 0.75 1.4s 0.61 1.62 0.37 0.01 2.02 3. '33 2.99 2 . :i 1.95 2. IJ 1.00 1.55 1.39 1.23 2.45 3.73 5.65 3. js 1.b7 1.70 1.31 I . IS 1.95 1 .I j 1.48 3.4Y 3. I1 1.85 1.71 2.79 1.92 1.46 0.34 1.64 1 .5 1 1.32 3.25 1.52 0.60 0.50 3. 0 5 1.61 0. 07 2 . al 2.04 1.05 1.9! 1.2s I.6C 0. gc 1.93 2.3s [.X I I. IC 0.2c 0.6' 0.4 I 1.06 0. 31 0.4r 0.1: 0. 9: 1 .3 1 3. 0 c 0.04 0.51 1.3: 1.1: I .I < 2.20 ?. ?h 1.01 Grisgsville t . ...... 100 H r n n r p i n t .......... 97 Irislitown.. ............ Jordnns (;rutre* ..... 96 L:ll.on * 7 .. 92 Lnnnrk. ............. 92 hI;irtiiiavillr* ...... yz h1:tscoutah .... .....' gS ......... olney ( 11.. ......... 9.5 .......... Ollley (2)* ~ 94 Orwryo * ..........., 92 1Jttnw:tt ............ 93 PIilestiiiet ........ ..! 93 Pnna *, .............. 94 Peoria ( I )t .. ....... I .. .. Peori;i [ 2 ) ......... j 93 Philo t ............. I97 P. S 73.4 71.0 09.0 65.0 71.0 69. 0 70. o 70.6 b j .0 70.5 69. I "9.4 9.3 .... .... .... .... bg. S .... .... .... .... 75.6 .... .... .... 74.4 .... 31 44 44 jh 41 39 .... .... 40 4 0 SS 3: 55 40 3 40 33 39 41 37 30 32 42 37 40 4? .... 35 .... .... 40 42 42 44 5Y 37 37 40 50 52 45 44 37 40 39 .... .... -43 3s 4s 47 .... 44 .... .... -If 30 42 40 45 3s 37 47 .... .... .... 41 3' 33 35 31 33 40 .... .... .... .... 3s .... 40 40 35 .... .... .... 41 Riley t ............. ' 93 Kucliford ......... .# 93 Hock Islaud Ars'l.. Hushville.. ........ Santlwich t ......... 91 l Edmoiner t. .......... .; 92 Hun n ):it 94 d:rckson Bwrncks.. 1 "3 ........... .......... 67.1 ' 0 .1 5 71.4 I O.02 71.0 1.00 .... SEPTEMBER. 1891 . MONTELY WEATHER REVIEW . 227 ~ - ~- ~~.______ ~~ .... ~- . ~ Jfeteorological record qf voluntary &servers. &c.-Continued. ,IleteoroIogical record of voluntary observers . tl.c.--Continued. _ ..... ~- . d a .. 0 a" - Ill8 . 1.33 1.30 0 .bo 0.21 1.36 1 . 18 0.49 1.24 1.52 0.56 3.33 1.37 1.70 1.13 2.01 0.46 1.00 0.65 2.30 1.90 2.25 4.95 0.75 1.30 0.81 2.07 0.75 1.22 4.33 1.73 0.79 0.89 0.30 0.80 a . 30 1.93 2.03 1.54 0.39 0.09 0.93 4.24 1 . 18 1 . 16 1.45 1.49 1.05 0.90 4.20 0.67 0 . s5 1.06 1.59 0.63 0 . s7 1.05 0.30 0 . sg 0.45 0.61 2.03 1.08 0.80 1.05 0.80 0. S7 0.89 0.70 1.34 0.30 1.09 0.50 0 . .w 1.51 1.70 1.6s 1.48 0.43 0.00 2.00 0.87 1.68 0.20 0.00 .... 0.00 0. co 1 .... 2.s3 1.85 2.09 7.53 3.47 7.54 0.82 1 . 58 2 .6 ~ 1.76 1.74 1.58 1.0s 0.86 1.35 -~ Ternpernture . (Fnhrenheit.) Stations . ... Temperature . 1 F.ilrrenhrit . ) - . .. ci .. 2 a 11lS . D . 25 1.54 I.@O .- 0.81 1.00 y . S9 r . D . no 0.0" 3 .So 0 . .'j 0.37 0 . "5 0 . 40 0 . 15 0.39 3.27 2.1:: 0.32 0.51 1.72 0.50 0.75 0.35 1.02 1.s5 0.25 1.1s 0.10 0.55 0 . s z 0.0s 0 . Di) . C L c( .z . 0 76 . 5 75.0 77.6 70 .I 74.0 73.2 70.5 7 4 .2 73.2 7" . 0 75.5 75 . I 70.9 73 . s 73." 75.2 74 . n 79.5 73.2 77.0 72.9 74.0 75.4 65.6 70 . o 74.8 _I I .. , .. .... 73.6 , .... 70.7 70.3 70 . o 72 . s bo . 2 09.7 ..... Stations . E l 5 0 68.5 t.7.9 67.8 bb .7 .... 67.7 63.0 70.4 67.6 64.6 66.3 68.5 07.0 65.5 71.3 66.0 61.4 68.4 65. fi 66.7 63.0 65.4 69.7 6S . 0 65.9 65.3 66: 4 6 .4 .... .... .... .... 6e .2 .... .... 66 .a 73.9 e€ b 2 .... .... 70.4' b7.3 65 .I 71.7 $1: 69.4 65.1 07.0 65.7 68.7 .... .... 57.4 65.4 53.9 60.3 64 . S tlS.8 t.2. a 57.' 58.4 63.9 .... 55.0 50.2 04.3 57.9 $4.9 ;;: 5 00 .4 t o .0 c 1 .5 64.2 55.7 64.7 57.4 61.5 59 . I 55.6 01.8 00.4 62.5 64.7 64.4 GO . 2 .... .... 59.6 b3.5 63.4 59.3 b1.J 62.6 .... 55.9 64.7 03.9 .... 63.6 61.4 .... ~ ' I ~orvinti& . ~ 0 ' 0 ~ 0 1 Ins . ' ' .11ictiiynil--Cont.d . 0 Cuin'berlan.l(I)t ... i 65 . 40 ~ 67.1 ,.2.46 BerrienSprings(2) ..... Fort McHeiiry ..... So 51 ti9.3 . 4.68 1 Birch Run ......... 8s Frederick .......... go 49 70.0 , 2.17 , Biiminghaln ....... SS (inithersburgh* .... Sg ..... 71.1 I ..... Bronvorr ........... SY Leonnrc1town.t .... Tanej. t o w ~l t ..... ;. Woo qtoch ........ Maanchusctls . : Grent F.iIIs'. ...... 65 New hlnrket ....... ! !; 0 37 4s 39 36 30 3s 35 35 39 3s 35 48 ... .... 41 42 .... :: 33 34 41 45 30 48 39 58 40 46 37 36 31 42 .... .... 45 50 35 4s 34 30 43 44 32 45 40 35 45 .... .... .... .... .... 27 3 34 25 40 30 24 2b 33 9 19 5 3" 34 34 30 30 30 34 37 19 27 29 45 3' . 16 30 2.5 42 30 48 .... Z:! .... .... 30 39 $ 38 36 .... 33 40 37 42 .... 36 .... ,;rc-Cunt'd. 0 De YIltO ........... Duniiiiig* ............ Z2 Ericrnii* t 91 E \v i w *t ........... y5 FxirGiry 92 F:tirticltl* .......... FtIit Kiulir.ira ..... $ 97 F o r t lil1I.ih.L Kurt K o h l e o n ..... Fvrt Siclney ....... ! Tz Frmklinb .......... 9.1 Frrliiont* .......... 90 G;eno:r t c.erii1g.t ............ 1;r:int ................. I1:irtington T ....... Haatiiigst .......... 1 % Helrun ........... ., 90 Hulslrrgr .......... .I .... ......... .......... ....... I:rnev:i ................. Gr., 11.1 Isl>ln.l91~ ..... 93 HAY +r i n g s t ...... / 94 ............ ~ 2 ...... ti3 . 6 64 . S t.O . 9 r.5 . 2 bu . 1 t.5 . 0 t,5.4 c.4.0 61.7 03.7 6n . 3 5 j . ; "3.7 tu . . 1 01 .I 1r2.2 . 2 00 . u 1.75 I . 1 .i 2.7s 2.27 2.35 3.00 I . 27 1 .4 2 I . 39 1.117 1.51 1.42 1.55 1 .Y I 1.55 1.90 1.39 0 . sp 0.73 1.27 0 .go n . 5. o 0.73 j . 20 2.36 1.34 2 . 17 1.55 2 . y1 j . 12 1.47 2.02 1.69 I . I.., 2.63 .... 3.01 1.40 1.37 1.33 1 .~7 I . t 7 0 . . g 1.42 3.1" 0.55 2.u2 1.50 2 . '3 2 . S; I .c i C l I . tl0 1.22 I .b 2 I .h O .... 0 .i t . . U . q'J 1.92 s.y> 1 . "5 1.55 2.41 2.4a.J 1.7:) 2 .2 5 2.34 ........... 52 i 0.0; C::ilumet ! sn ........... I I O I ......... ........... ......... .............. Adanis ............. i 85 hniherst ............ 80 ArnherstExSLn(l)./ 89 ArnherstExSta(2).~ 92 Andover ........... 58 h4.S I ... ' ConL~urd ............ ss C:urunn;r ........... 9" 37 03.6 . 2.21 . Crystal Falls ...... 90 65.3 ~ 2.00 i tJgerfiel4 ........... go l d9 Ashlnn rl ............ ' ................. 2.44 Ev:rrt .............. S9 $ . 6 j .d ('i.25 iF 5 2 .8 1.80 Edr.11 ............... BlueHill(sunr.t) .. Blue Hill (base 1 ... ........ bg BlueHill[valley) .. Boston Cnmbridge ( I I ..... Cnrnbridge(2) ...... ....... Chestnut . Hill ...... .......... Chicopee Clinton 92 Coucordt Cotuit ............. Dewfield ..... .... ..... .......... ........... ......... .............. ...... .......... ...... ............. ........ ............ ......... ....... Frnnringlinm ...... Gilbertville ....... (iroton ( I ) .......... Bench* ............. ........... Hoosac 'L'unnel ..... ........... K ~I I ~~I I (;reen ..... ........... LRkeCochituate ... ..... ................ .......... .......... ..... 1.0b Noble .............. So ............ .............. 96 N :l t .' ~l r t %t . ........... 94 P;tIaI .\It<. t ......... 03 Pwrt 4;ilNsont ....... 1 u7 rnzi b............ I 94 ip Irlnnol t ........ 90 i i I I en7 ............ I 03 ..... j oti I l l IltOt.Wt ......... 144 2s 39 35 30 . 32 59.Y 37 , 59.5 QO I bo.0 ~i i i j w r i h ........... 1 p5 1iiiirli;ill t .......... 95 Lrxiiigton' t ....... 97 Liim, lii ............ 91 Long Pilip ......... 110 NehraslinC:ity .... 91 ........ hl:rrr u r t t e * 92 b ~l l l ~/r l l * ........... 92 NurfOlkt ........... 89 Norch L o u p t ...... sg .......... 4 J . 05.s 33 00.9 35 . 61.2 hdrinn t ............ I 9s Anvlvton (:i t r t .... ! 0 2 0j.h 65.2 60 . 4 64.7 5y . 11 01.9 t'3.7 b7.n "5.4 62.0 bS . 5 "5.1 05.4 4; . 3 b< . 3 t.4 . 2 t.l . 0 r3.0 b3.3 02 . b 00 .I 50 .... 4s' 3s 50 44 37 45 40 42 4? 30 45 42 42 .... .... ................... I r* Lawrenre .......... hY Leicester .......... 1 so ~e o m inster ....... .I ..... Long Plain .......... SO Lowell [ I ) ......... Lowell(z) ......... I si 1.owe11 I 3 j ......... / 92 Ludlon.(i) ......... l bS 2 n i i ................ I So so anshrld .......... 39 ~ 70.1 40 I 70.8 4 o d 06.1 0 . tmj 0.57 O.b, u . -, n 00.7 b2.S '15.2 t.7. 9 63 . j 55.4 6 r .r , 0u . 2 55 52 37 43 42 5" 51 30 42 37 34 43 44 42 37 4.5 42 50 50 .... .... .... .... .... .... 25 30 24 30 3s .-, 4 2; 2b 3: 23 30 34 35 30 4 2 40 32 30 40 ti .... .... .... 42 ..... 10.54 r.y.5 1 0 . j E 72.9 0.55 ...... 1.15 7" . n .... I. ilwrt y ............ 52 I . ..iii.i..n.i Hiinlye ..... 3l.,rsl,:dl (2 1 t ...... 9' h l l l l ' . 1, ...... 42 43 05.3 42 . t.7 . j . 0.3" 0 . c. 5 I . IO " 20 Y.01 I. . '. 7 ... 53 " . 3 : I . I . ('4 u . sa 1.25 0 . su 0 . r>s 0.00 I .0 h 0.04 0 . t;u 1.00 0.71 0.56 0 . ss 0 .I S 0.67 I . 30 0.70 1.55 u . "7 I . Sj ... 70 . 0 71.3 7u . . > "2.4 70.7 7r.S r l l .2 7b . x ...... G9 . 0 7u.0 t.9 . 0 70.9 71.0 ...... ...... ...... ...... 52.7 00 . J 5s . n1 5s . 4 "3.4 5s . 4 r+ z 54.9 53.4 66.0 lis . 8 73.7 0S.g 71 .I 03 . 2 ...... ............. 'son ('ity ........ Illt'B H:rllc~ll ..... .... Elkol?) 50 96 Eurr1i.r F-118. l u l l * ........... 102 Grnu.1 b5 (;cnlt-jlid:i 94 H ~~l l w k * 93 Hot Springs'. 95 . Llh\rlleyYIllC ....... j go E l y I 90 ............. ................ ............. .............. ......... ........... H:iwtliornr( 1 1 % .... 93 Hawthorne (2 ) ..... 95 Hulirlmlilt f ........ SS 97 Rlill City Monitors Ranch .... s5 ...... ........... .......... Pnlinn$le 9s .......... I SO 42 0s.j jo 01.0 35 1 "5.3 32 I 59.9 4" . 1.7 . I ........... .....I ...... 2.47 1.13 4 . UY 0.31 2.79 j . y2 I . h.4 1.51 4.54 5.43 0 . 9' 1.92 0.73 j . c q 1.41 1.34 2 . s5 1.23 0.4 I 1.3s 1 .2 0 0 . c. s 0.7" I ' . 44 7 !'O 1.9' 0.29 0.22 1.50 0.77 I ' 33 0.99 0 . r. 0 I .2 D I . In ..... I ...... 36 f'ti.4 ?D ! tms.5 .; i t12.S .. q; I 00.5 34 c10.0 j s r i . 67.5, .......... 4 1 6I.b ..... tm3.0 44 70.1 50 71.5 4s 70.4 52 7S.5 52 7ii.4 49 7f.0 49 7".9 50 73 . Y I .......... 3% 41 3q 30 44 39 43 33 35 .... 3 45 39 3s Adrim ......... ............ Allrgnn 93 Almn .............. Ann Arbor ......... ' SS Arbeln .................. Atlsntic ........... 77 Ball Mountnin ..... Ss Bangor ............. 92 Benr Lnke ......... SS Brllnire ........... 91 Bell Branch ........ 82 B.nton Hnrbor ..... gr Benzonia .......... 8g Berlin ............. 94 ...... ~-esnY::::l r;rren River t ...... GronaeCreekt .... .i .... Iielton* ............ 94 1, nke Park .......... 90 Levan .................. Fort Hancock ..... 1102 Or:ln,yt P a l l t r r ............ . %in Antonio ~ 96 ~ 97 \ve:rtlierfortit ..... 1;; ............... .............. ........ ............ ............ ............ .......... . ........... 51 6S.6 57 73.2 48 0S.r ........... 65 80.8 5s ' 77.4 54 ! 79.0 4s 75.1 60 , 76 . 1 56 ~ 75.6 51 7?.4 ........... 03 . 7h.2 ;: ~ ;;;; ............ 45?1~' 6g.on 61 179.2 ........... 58 176. S 52 76.2 5b 1 79.2 ........... ~- ...... 65 . S 56 . S 57.4 62.7 60.7 55.8 57.2 57.5 65.9 bo 8 55.3 b3 . S 60 50 60 42 64 50 52 51 47 52 40 45 S4 01 ..... ;$ 50 50 54 53 51 47 53 s2 679 40 ..... ..... s1.5 77.9 75.7 so . u 72.0 80.4 74.7 7b.o 76.7 76 . o 70.4 h7.4 63.3 76.4 76.7 77.0 Yo . 0 76.8 79.2 74.5 7b . s 75.6 77.8 77.4 81.5' .... .... 74.0 7s . I ..... 57.4 9 .4 00 . d b1.i O.h7 06.7 1.17 66.5 0.50 66.4 0.1% 63.1 0.7s 60.9 1.95 63.5 I 2.32 b2.5 1.20 67 . I 66 . S b6.0 63 . 4 6% 4 0.3s 0; 2 5 r .. 0.71 0.26 4 .1 1 0.23 0.35 0.90 0 . R7 0.62 I . I 2 3 .OS 1.24 2.92 2 . og 0.61 0.91 o . 90 0.686 0.32 0.65 0 . 3s 2 .2 2 0.25 1.0.; 0.72 0.25 1.71 1.01 1.00 0.10 0.70 52 52 . 76.6 50 ' 7Y.S 57 75.4 5' 74.8 44 74.8 50 73.8 47 77.6 52 77.3 54 7b.4 30 60.9 30 64.1 3s 65.3 39 t,6.4 37 60.9 52 i 6 .0 ........... ............ ;; 2;;; 32 61.1 40 70.6 Kowlenhurgh ( I )...I... ............... Westnnt ......... 1 ................. W h e e l i n g (r )t ....................... \Vheeling(2, +t ..... 91 . 51 72.0 White Hulp'rSp'gst .................. n n l l e r y .......... sa . 42 ~ 6ti.4 I l ' i .~c u i ~i n . . 70 . o 47.6 66.6 75.2 71.5 70.2 71.5 GS . 4 72.8 73.2 ...... ...... 71.3 ...... ...... 72.0 73.6 72.7 71.0 71.6 69.2 72.4 75.7 72.4 70.4 69 . o '1 111 hers t ............ 0 I 31 153.2 1.37 39 . 66.0 10.71 34 65.8 , 0.53 40 . 04.7 , 2.8t jo 60.2 0.29 js 67.0 ~ 1.05 29 59.5 1.46 2s ....... I . 73 22 th.s ' 1.71 A p p l .t o n (l )t ...... 15s n;trnbon t I94 ntrrrot1 t ............ I 90 ........... Bnytieltl ............ I 91 Hrnver Dnin ........ ! G I Berlin ............. 195 RlnckRivrrFaIIs .. 95 ntlttrrt1ut.t ........ 1 o~ ~ ~ ._ 64.3 . 0 .0 2 ' 8 " I ':idiz ......................... -~ ...... .... _. Ket.eicet1 too late io be irsztl i i h yeiiercrl tEi.wrcssi~~t~ jbr September. 1891 . ~ .. - ........... 39 . 05.4 36 I h3.2 ..... 1 5 Y .S 33 63.6 31 57.9 43 "5.5 34 ' 60.7 ..... 53.6 34 ~ 64.9 1 1 Alilbrrmn . . ~'liiIut ........ 25.70 Pnrt St.;rnley,Ont.. ..... .: 29.50 Saugeen Ont ............ 29.41 Psrry So'und,Ont ......... 29.4: Port Arthur,Ont ......... 29.20 Winnipeg, Jlnu 29.9 nfinne0ios.t nlan ........ ./ 2s.11 Qu' Appeli:, Assiniboin.. ~ 27.68 Medicine Hat, Assinihoia 27.57 Swift Current, Assiiiiboia ....... (.dgnry, Alberta.. ...... .( 26.3s ~~~~~~~~~~~~k .~t .~' ~:~~..~~:~~ Port R.l(~olly, B.C ............... St. Albnns, Man .......... .... 26.72 Ed nion ton A I bel ta.. Battleford kaskatchewnn, 28. IO Grindston:. Gulf Yt. L..' 2g.q Hamilton, Bermuda.. .. .I 29.68 .......... I stony >fountain, n h .......... 27.54 --__ 5.95 I Mexico ........... Received too late .for piibliccclio,i i,n Aug(ist, 1891. I ~atcl.fronr Cullailitrn stutivlla.fiir the moirth of September. 1891. Pressure. l'emperature. Precipitation. E .- - 0 2 . 5; tC'S E =- Z O a > .- & ~ W. 0w. W. 0w. nw. SW. SW. W. W. W. SW. 0. W. 0. Be. ....- s w . nu. nw. ne. n. e. 8 . ' s w. W. a. ..... se. n. W. nw. nw. ..... sw. ne. - Stations. '- I = i d - 9 a .. 0 .... 71.2 71.6 66. I 80. I .... 66.7 ..... 71.8 83. I 63.5 - Stations. 7-11 -- -- - d E .- - 0 50 .... .... 69 65 64 41 54 57 60 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 74 d E .- -~ 5 Q_: t!? S E t o e a B c __ Inches. ........ + 0.48 ........ - 0.50 $ ::;2 + 0.05 2.23 1.47 + O.9b - 1.15 - 2.20 - 1.64 - 1.65 - 1.06 - 0.62 - 0.79 - 1.97 - 0.23 + 0.20 - 0.14 - 0.31 - 0.15 ....... ....... ....... ....... 2 :..: + 5.25 - 0.27 ....... ....... ....... ....... 5 E I I o ...... Alaska. Coal Harbor.. 70 drizonn. Chiricahua M t s ........ Lochiel ................ Peoria ............. 108 Willcox ........... 102 0 ... 94 9 9 1 93 97 ... 104 .... 103 2 1738. j 5.40 i Georgia. Quitman( I ). ...... 0 .... 50 44s 40 61 .... 25 .... 45 76 50 c c: f -- 0 53. €3 57. 8 59. 8 59.0 57.5 57.8 59.4 57.2 52.8 57.0 55.6 91.4 53.4 61.0 bo. 3 59. I 55.7 54.4 51.6 51.2 56.4 50.8 49.3 51. I 56.4 49.6 56.4 76.8 ...... 01.2 01.2 ...... 2: ; 53.2 Bidiintia. Richniond ........ Inches. ............. 1 30.w 29.91 ...... 30.01 30. al .. , 30.03 30.01 2.47 1 ' Saint Johns, N. F... .... ., ?g.S7 ....... ............. 1.93 ~hnl'~Ottt.toJWll, P. E.1 ...~ Chnthnni, N.B.. ......... ~0 .0 2 Fntller Point, Que ..... ..i 20.97 birhea. hChe8. 30.01 ....... 30.06 + .04 30.10 + .os 30.~0 ....... 30.12 + .os 30. aq 30.05 30.04 .............. h i l t l s f l S . Tribune.. ......... Ninnexota. Rolllng i:rren .... - 1.6 2.90 + 1.8 3.72 + 2.0 5.55 ........ l 5 .q ............... + 3.3 ~ 3.05 ........ 2.15 ........ 2.07 + 4 .2 ~ 4.19 2.52 ........ ........ ~ 2.03 + 3.6 ~ 2.73 + 3.: , 2.30 + 5. , 3.24 + 1.9 : 1.14 f 1.3 ' 0.77 - 0.4 4.27 + 5.6 1.69 + 0.1 1 8.59 + 5.3 1.23 ........ ~ 0.43 ........ 1 5.71 ........ 1 8 .9 1 I .............. ........ i 0.56 ........ 1 1 .2 6 ..... 89.4 s4.1 78.3 60.2 74.9 66.7 81.5 .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 82. o ...... ...... $ ::: $2 - .OI + .07 + .04 + .oS + .& ...... . 01 .OI - - .03 - .04 - ...... . 01 - jo.00 30. co 30. Og 30.05 30.11 30.12 30.03 30.13 30. 1 1 30. Og 29.95 29.91 29.89 zq.91 29.64 29.w 29.98 29.84 29.86 29.61 30. M ....... 29.91 29.87 ...... ...... - .os - .06 .oo + .OI ...... ...... ...... ...... SEPTEMBER, 1891. XONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 231 Table of miecellancous meteorological data for September, 1891- Weather Bureau okematim. -~ Pressure, in 1 Temperature of the uir, in degrees inches. Fahrenheit. 2i ," Districts and uta- $$ ,* tions. -0 .- u- 3; .G - 8m England. Eaotport .......... 53 15 Green Mountain.. .......... Portland .......... gg Munchester zf ....... 147 . I t . Killington ............. I t . Wnshington ... 6,279 21 Nurthtield.. ....... Boston ............ Nantucket ........ 14 5 Wood3 Hall....... 22 14 Vineyard Kaven.. ....... 5 Block lslund ...... 27 .. Nnrragnnsett Pier., 22 IC New Kuven ........ rq rg New London ...... 47 21 wd. Allaniu Slnlcs. 185 21 Barrishurg ......... 377 4 Philudelphia ....... 117 21 AtlnnticCity ....... 53 18 New Hrunswick ............ Baltimore ........ 179 21 Washin-ton. D. C . I I Z 11 Lynchburgh ...... 685 21 Norfolk ........... 43 21 E. Atlantic states. 1 Charlotte... ....... I Batteras .......... 1 7?: Kitty Huwk ....... g 16 Raleigh .... .......I 393 5 Bouthport ......... 1 34 16 Charleston ........ Columhiu Albnn ...... ......, 85 IS Newjork, N. Y ... Cape Hznrlry ............. 18 Wilinington ....... 78 21 ........... 209 20 87 11 ...... 43 20 Roridn PeniRx1da. Jupiter ...... Key West Micco ........... ........ l'nmpa ............ 36 ... Titusrille ......... 1 44 5 %tern ffdfAqtatm. ' Atlunta ........... 1 .. 131 13 Pensncolu ......... 50 12 Auhnrn IO Mobile.. .......... Montgomery ...... 217 20 Meridinn .......... 358 ... Vicksbnrg. ....... University 5 HewOrleans ...... Port Elids Shreveport ........ 2491 21 Fort Smith.. ...... 1 4921 IO Little Rock, ....... 1 309 13 CorpiisChristi .... 1 201 5 Gdveston ......... 1 441 21 Palestine .......... 511 IO Sun Antonio ....... , 705 13 Brownsrille ....... 57 16 Rio Grnnde City .../ 171 14 Uhattmnogu I3 Rnoxrille ......... 9'30 21 Meniphis .......... 1 330 21 Nushvi 11 e 553 21 1,exingtnn.. ...... .I .. .... 7 Louisville ......... 20 Indinnupolis ...... i 700 21 Cineinnuti ........ Pittshiirq ......... 847 21 Parker.shnr,gh ..... 1 638 4 Loiaer Lnke Reginn. ~ BofEilo ............ oyo 21 Osweno ............ ' 335 21 Rochester ......... 1 523 20 Erie. .............. Clevelund ......... Snndnsky 1 :st i? .... ....., bzg 15 Toledo ............ ~ 674 21 Detroit ............ 724 21 Upper. Lake Region. ~ Alpenn ............ 609 20 Escunnhu.. ...... ..I.. .... 21 Grnnd Haven. .... 1 628; Z I Mnnistee .......... 615 4 Murqiiette ......... I 734 21 Snult de Ste.Marie.1 642 4 Chicago ........... 824 ZI Milwirikee ........ 1 673 21 Qreen Bay ......... 617 6 Rin Qmnde Vnlley. Ohio Val. & Tenn. ....... ' 7'33 ......... ' 55! ......... ........ Port Eiiron 639 18 81 28 nw. ~ .;;. .;;.. 20 w. .... ~ ..... :; I ",. 99 ow. 48 ne. 41 1 n. s e . 22 ' sw. ......... .?.I ..... ~ ~~~ I 44 24 52; 23 ............. 20 30 391 17 54 15 60 17 54 * 60 16 5? 9 61 23 36 ' 5 49l 33 50 g bo! 20 5b 9 61 20 I 64.8+ 1.1) 58.44- 3.2 7f 62.8'+ 5.1 85 04.5 ...... 8F 44.0 ! ...... 51 bo.6 ..... 8: 66.714 4.6 gc 65.4 ...... 7; 05.8 ...... 8( 07.9 ...... 8( ............... ............... ...... ...... 51 I 8: .......... 56 i 8: 55 ' 7; ..... ...... ... ...... ...... 1 se. 4,008! nw. 3,012 8 . ...... ne. 1,948 se. 4,195 ne. ..... ...... ... ...... ...... 1 se. 4,008! nw. 3,012 8 . ...... ne. 1,948 se. 4,195 ne. ag.88 30.14 ...... 23.95 30.12 ...... 29.21 30.13 ...... 30.01 30.15f .& ................. 30.14 30. I5 ...... ................. ................. 30.13 30. I D + .Os 30.02 .....I ..... : ......I 30.13f :o+ 30.09 30.14 00; ..... .. ...'..... 39 ! 8: 3 :; 8. 5s I 7' 59 ~ 8: ....................... 8 17 6.9/4&6' 188135.2 Ib 7 5.4bo.6 199151.6 6 6 3.d66.7 189159.3 g 4 3.6165.4 is91 60.5 8 7 4.765.8 189160.0 4 9....'67.g 189161.1 I2 6 4.7~Ob.81 188160.8 10 141 ..... 1 ..... 59 ~ 8; b2 Sc 8 . se. n. n r . w. 11. 8W. ..... nw. e . nw. ne. n. ne. lie. s e . ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ne. ..... ..... W. 23 30 28 24 16 28 24 IS I4 18 42 44 24 29 24 36 ... I .. 21 ,.. 25 26 18 76 18 77 79 26 so 18 75 26 79 1s 79 I8 so 5 79 I9 92 191 61 59 7c 61 77 63 % .... 2 .... 62 62 68 65 65 65 70 b6 70 66 69 70 75 74 72 73 .... .... 51 69 .... 69 64 69 72 65 61 62 72 71 62 62 2 .... 72 07 62 60 63 58 $ 5 t 5Y 55 59 59 55 55 56 57 57 50 50 55 55 54 54 53 55 51 55 ... .... 81 R! sc 81 77 81 77 82 se 83 96 8a 86 8j 9s 77 86 .... .... .... 85 73 SO S3 71 74 74 82 so .... .... 7s 71 73 so 77 71 46 $7 72 79 75 74 io 68 63 C*4 74 66 ;: 72 75 74 74 07 70 72 54 7? 70 75 66 70 70 76 .... 51 ..I 91 13' SI ... ... I ..... I .... I ..... 5.46+ 1.0' 5 3.12 - 0.91 5 3.131- 1.71 c 1.69-2.2, g 3,3691 ne. 7 3 2 0 ~' n. 8,734; ne. 1,927; ne. 5,450' ne. 4,1271 ne. I ne. 4,3951 1 1 ~ S ,R ~S / ne. 6,9591 ne. 5,251' e. 5,810' ne. ...... I e. s,449! n. .,OSZ/ ne. 3, IPS: e . 3,909; 11. 5,6731 ne. I ....... 11. ... ..., ne. 29.35 30 I T + .06 30. 3c: .og 30.12 30.13 ...... 19.75 30.1b ...... 30.08 30.11 ...... 30.06 30.14 30.41 30.12f :z 19.94 30.161+ .& 3O.W 30 13I-k .07 30.051 3O.10(+ .q ................ 0.76'- 2.7i 5 4.04'- 2.11 10 I881 70.9 1881 70. o 1881 70. I 1881 7a.6 1891 71.6 1881/71.6 1881176. I I%I 73.0 I 6.06' 0.01 11 4.94' 6 ...... ..... 20 ...... 4.05:- 1 .1 ' I 2 u.3;! .....I 3 3.43' 1 .5 i r z 4.35~-0:0i 5 2.15'- 1.0 s 0.35'- 3.71 4 0.85' ...... 1 4 4.0Ily .... 1 6 3.04 1 2 0.87'- 2.3; 6 0.57- 2.61 I . 4.05 ...... 7.01- 0.11 12 1.53- 1.9' 6 5.251- 0.6 3 .h - 0 .6 ~ I1 IJ.59- 2.8 1 1.25'- 2.7' 4 1.261 ...... 4 1.99:-1.0 6 0.74'- 2 .2 , 4 2.651+ 0.3' 7 1.05'-1.81 6 1.90- 0.7 7 ,l:i+l.i:i 6 1.79-1.68 g 1.41- 1.0 s 2.s~- 1.3' 11 1.1'1- 2:o' 6 1.2s-1.61 7 2.01'- I 8' 5 .... 79.0 ...... ................. 30.04' 30.0~1+ .os 29.57 30. IO^+ .05 29.74 30.12 2 9 .~0 ' 30.05(+':0; 30.02 30.03 + . 30.06~. ..... ~. ..... 29.82 30 07'+ .o;, 29.75, 30. IO'+ .04 30.011 30.05'+ .os 29.52 SO.&'+ .01 29,321 30.0S1+ .u4 ................. 29.60! 30: IO1+ .os' 30.001 30.021.. .... ' I ....... 19.44 30.101+ .og ........... I ...... I 29.44 30.10)+ .07' zg. 22 30. ool+ .OI 19.47 30.1h1+ . 12 zg. 37 30.0&. ..... 29.25 30.111+ .q/ z9.36 30. IO + .& ag.421 30.09.. .... I 29.44 30 .Oq'...... 1 ........ e . e . ne. n. 98. ..... W. uw. s e . ne. ne. se. nw. e. ne. e . ne. .... nw. S. 11'2. s e . 0. I888 1882 1880 I880 I888 1878 I880 # # ..... ..... :% ::2 1889 1875 1879 72.3!+ 1.1 90 77,O'- 0.5 89 72.7 ...... 92 76.61- 0.3 gr 76.0f.o.5 94 73.61 ...... 93 70.6+ 0.9 94 74.7 ...... 97 79.1 ...... 88 76.0+ 0.6 77.9- 0.3 90 75.61- 0.8 91 73.5'+ 1.1 94 74.s1+ 1.1.93 7s.n 90 75."1+ 0.2 92 ..... 7 s .L 0.4 87 7S.b~+ 1.9 96 80.21- 0.6, 1854 70.5 188468.8 1887 75.9 188476.9 188471.9 1877173.6 18s4'69.8 25 ne. IO nw. 26 IIW. -- 23 I W. 2 1 1 SW. 26 ' w. 26 1 s . 38 I sw. 1 8 , w. 1883 1883' 1883 1879 1871 ;% # 8. w . nw. ow. 3W. SW. W. 8 . W. T.W. sw. W. S W . .... 27 19 3: 36 35 40 42 41 36 40 ;: 24 71 2 0 72 19 74 24 71 14 72 ' 5 75 24 69 14 76 16 76 77 * 59.2 ...... 87 66.0 ...... 45 41 531 35 55 401 51 55, 41 ' 53 !232 MONTELY WEATHER REVlEW. SEPTEXIBEB, 1891. _____ __ __ Table of ~~~iucellancoua meteorological datu for September. 1891- Wetcthcr Biweau ob~e~atiorts-Coiltilrued. 451 4 44 30 51 4 52 30 60 30 59 31 04 27 62 33 3s 41 56 44 41 60 40 291 01 42 29 27 __-__ .- Pressure, in 1 Temperature of t h e air, In degrees inches. , Falirenhei t. Iumidi ty mid precipitatior Wind. ~- :s i :L: -+.: i- 1 go: :z i .I :1' ir -7 -~ 51 45 4: 42 .... .... 53 53 5.2 55 55 5? 50 62 54 56 57 58 .... 56 .... 55 50 55 43 49 50 40 41 34 41 35 44 51 35 37 37 50 54 57 61 .... 62 59 44 44 41 51 43 39 28 37 44 37 35 34 40 55 51 49 52 51 49 52 47 50 53 .... .... .... 44 57 62 ~ -c - :. z a -in tL *C c ; ts'& :3 3.501+ I . I 1: 0.87;- 0.3 2 .4 3 1 - o.I 0.6bI- 0 .2 a 1.08- 2.6 - ...... 0.49- 3.2, 4 0.29- 2.3' I 1.38-2.1, 2 0.46 ...... 3 0.3b ...... 4 1.29 ...... 4 0.57 - 3.0 5 h :Y -1 .9 I - 1.8 1.w ...... 0.40- 1.0 0.70 ...... 1 6 0.91 ......I Districts and sta- tions. - m : a,( -5 s ; 35 54 41 40 36 ... 37 29 27 34 34 24 25 28 45 36 20 22 25 24 26 4s 03 48 .. .. $ 2 36 38 37 4s 3h 42 30 30 4.5 2s 35 38 46 36 30 3 35 49 42 33 3s 42 24 36 24 72 '9 49 ... 12 ... 22 21 35 32 33 29 26 24 ... 20 ~ ~ d .- - v u a .- W. s w He. se. n. .... nw ee. nw nw w. W. I1 w 11. U' . s w . 3. 8. 3. S. s. 8. n. .... .... nw se. se. ne. w . SW. n\v, nw. 3. s w . n. n. e . R. R. 8 . 11. 3. S\P. ne. ne. nu'. nw. sw. .... sw. s w . s w . s. IIW. S W . sw. se. .... sw. SW. e. .... 3. sw. 11. 11w. W. nw. .... nw. nw. 9. ~ Up.Lnke Rq.-con.l OuluLh ............ 6561 21 gztro~rs N~thur.%l. Moorhead ......... 935 11 Saiiit Vincent ..... 804 12 Bismarck ......... 1.698 17 F o r t Buford. ...... 1.899 13 Oppm Miss. Vnucy. Minnenpolis ............... Red Win ......... 758 ... La Crosse ......... 720 19 Daven o r t ......... 613 20 D e n d i n e s ....... 869 14 Dnbuque .......... 651 19 Keokuk ........... 613 21 1 Saint PA ......... 850 21 ........ 359 21 ....... 571 21 Columbia.. .................. Kansas City ....... I 563 4 Springfield, Mo.... 1,356 5 Leavenworth ..... 842 21 Topeka. ................. 5 Omaha ............ 1,113 21 Crete .................... 5 Valentine ......... 2,613 7 Sioux City ......... I, 158 ... P i e r r e .. .......... I, 470.. . Euron ............. 1,310 11 Yanktonc .......... 1,232 19 F o r t Assiniboine.. a,6go 12 Custer Stationt.. .. 2,733 ... Helena ............ 4,116 12 Rapidcity ........ 3,260 6 Cheyenne ......... 6 105 21 F o r t McKinneyt.. 5:m 4 North P l a t t e ...... 2,841 17 Lander ............ 5,377 ... Denver ............ 5,287 20 Pueblo ............ 4,734 4 Concordia ......... 1,410 7 Dod e City ........ 2,523 17 Wicfita ........... 1,366 4 Oklahoma City .... I, 139. .. W t h r r n Sloua. Missouri Valley. NMlhmn slopL% m a i s slope. 3,827 nw. 6,790 nw, 6.931 nw. 5,400 nw. 6,685 se. 4.870 SL. 3.s77 9. 4,912 SW. 5,766 11. 3,383 JW. 3,712 nw. $055 8. 0,107 sw. 3,816 sw. 5,812 *e. 4,233 se. 8,5701 8. ...... 9. 2,947 J. 4*2osl 3. ...... 3. 5,823 3. ...... 9. 8,405 3. 9 -d 3. 6,951, ye. 12, 127' se. 7,685 S. 7,856 sw. 4.376 e. +900 SW. 61212 nw. 6,649 11. 7,052 se. 3.577 9. 0.375 SW. 4,738; sw. t::q ;.w. ro,433 9. 6,221 s. 5,514 *e . ..... ..... 1873- 1873 1879 1863. '73 1- 1879 I879 ............ 29.46 30.11 29.77 30.15 + .IO 29.45 30.13-k e 0 7 29.54 30.14+ .Og ,.....I ............ 2 g .q 30.09 ...... 28.71 30.11 ...... 29.22 30.10,+ .06 28.91 30.081+ .05 .................. ............ j ...... 27.30 29.971 ...... 26. 80 JO. 021.. .... 28.37 29.901.. .... 28.50 29.94 .06 27.10 29.911.. .. ../ 25.61 29.96- .031 26.61 29.911 ...... 25.69 29.98- .oo 27.13 29.921- .04 ... .... ...... .iI 8 I2 10 10 IO I1 I2 I2 9 ...... 71.6 ...... 68.0 ...... 68.4 ...... IOI .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ...... 0.87'- 0.7 0.73- 0.11 12 ...... 5.43 ...... 0.2$-1.1' 7 - 0.21 0 +.69i+ 3.31 13 1.24+ 0.6. 0.88 ...... 1 4 O .I J + 0.2 4 0.62 0 ' 5 ' I ...... 1.45 ...... 6 0.10:- 0 .2 0.77!+ 0.6; 0.5,: ... ...' 2 0.07 0.0' 0.27 ...... o.oh 0.4 0.0s 0.0 2 .................. ' I ...... 24.06 29.97 ...... ...... 66 26.22 29.92!- .05 3.6' 96 29.71 29.85+ .q 83.4- 0.8110 26.27 29.53 ...... 23.41 30.oj'+ .Oj 2.1 82 ..... ...... 56.8 ...... ...... I104 3.3 100 F o r t Sill ........... Abilene ............ FortStanton ...... ,Youthern Plntsnu. F o r t Sill ........... A Fort Stanton 6,152 8 ,Youthern Plntsn;.'*l 1 El Pnso ........... Snntn FB ........... Yuma ............. 4,5$5 se. 5, 1c.o se. 4 ,z s w. 6,a;rS s. 6,504 s w . 2,0+s nw. &boo se. .......... 4,072 8 . ~~ Keeler.. .......... Mise Platenu. I 3 ~~' ~' Carson City ............. 1 4 Winnemucca ...... Montrose .......... .... ..... I 28 91 31 IS 6.760.0 28 61 4 20 7.0160.6 12 7; 5 18 6.6155.6 z 6 6 IS 7.156.4 18 61 12 IO 5.515h.o !91 81 14, 6 5.066.31 .. e8: me17 ...... .. 81 7 15 .... 65.4 ........ Fort Cnnby 179! 9 Nenh Bnv ..... I .... .... I... . 1883 55.3 ......... 1888.54.5 186851.0 188851.2 18d56.9 1686!55.7 16SSi3.7 Olymfi. .......... 36 15 Tatoosh Island .... 1 86 141 ,7 8 Port ngeles ...... 2,4361 S . 1,6701 s . 8,735 e. 2,zgs 11. ..... sw. 3,542 3. Astoria 7 Portland .......... 60 20 Roseburgh ........ Mi, &. Coast Reg. Eureka ........... 64 5 Red Bluff. ........ 342 14 Sacramento ....... 64 15 San Francisco ..... 19 2 1 Point Reyes Light, ...... S P ~~.W R -. 1 .' ' ' Fresno ............ 338 5 Lo8 Angeles ....... 330 15 San Diego ......... 031 20 I 3,3041 nw. 5,4011 IIW. 5,0201 RW. 0,8351 W. ..... nw. 4,704 nw. 2,532 w. 3.3y w. n c o i n p u t i n r r h n d 1 4 (r 1) tn be conuidrrrd in t Rvernyes dpartures. Letters of t h e alphabet deuote number,ofdays missing from therecord. .C.